A Mother's Plain Words " I suppose you will be astonished when I tell you that six years ago I wm in a most dangerous condttton with bronchitis and lung trouble, because you l nm now. 'rue nttacK ni inai nrac cunscu lurriim; n con hnffwflll nnn Rtrnntr pain in my chest and lungs I could hardly move, and tostoopcauscdintenscsuf- fenng. bomeone advised Ack er's English Remedy, and 1 thought I would try it, although I confess that down in mv heart 1 had little faith in it.' The first bottle gave great relief, and the second bottle made me the healthy woman I am toduv. J V W iU4? Myhusband-s lungs are weak .2-. J aiso, ana ue cureu iiuuseii wun the same grand old remedy. Our boy and girl have both been saved by it from death by croup. I know this is so, for when they were attacked iu the night I had a bottle in the closet, and by acting quickly that fatal malady was easily overcome. We always give it to the children when they have a cough or cold, and we would not be without it -for anything. My sister will tell you also, if you a-k her. that it is a medicine that can always be depended upon for all the troublesof the breathing organs. I tell all our neighbors about Acker's English Remedy whenever I get a chance, and there are plenty of peo ple around Mechanicsvifle, N. Y.. where I live, who would no more think of go ing to bed at night without a bottle of it in the house than they would of leaving their doors wide open. As I look at it, parents are criminally responsible when the' allow their children to die under their very eyes with croup, because here is a certain remedy that will conquer the terrible monster every time." (Signed) Mus. Floyd Fowler. Acker's English Remedy is sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee that your money will be refunded in case of failure. 35c, 50c., nnd Si a bottle in United States and Canada. In England, is. ad., ss. 3d., and 4s. ed. We authorize Ac abovt guarantee IF. S. HOOKER CO., Proprietors, Seta l'urk. For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Fa'.k have on sale a fall line of paint and artiet'e brushes. Yon will not have boila if yon t, Clarke & Falk's snre cure tot boila. For Bale Good hatntnerless ahot gan. Inquire at Robert Teague'a grocery store. ni-1 Ik A full line of ladies' black drees skirts juet arrived at The New York Cash Store. Floral lotion will enre wind chapping -and eunburn. Manufactured by C'arKe & Falk. Paint yonr houae with painte that are inlly guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. The CnnoKiCLK has made arrange mente with the publishers of the New York Tribune wherebv we are able to offer the Weekly Tribune, which alone ia $1.50 a year, and the twice-a-week CmtoxiCLE both papers for the price of one, namely $1,50 a year. By the aame arrangement we can give the Tri weekly Tribune and the twice-a-week Chronicle five papers a week for $2. All aubacriptious under these offers pay able in advance. tf Sheriff's Sale. Notice U hereby given that nursuant to an cx ecution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Orccou for Watco County, 011 the 'Jlst day of February, 1901, in a suit therein landing wuerem nuimm riou is nuiuiiiii anu u uiiKm I. Helm nnd Elizabeth if Helm and E. W. Helm are defendants, to me directed. I will, on iatur Girl wanted lo do general house work 5y, the 23d day of March, mil, at the hour of in family of three. No children. Ap ply at this office. mcho-Iw Ladies' black drees skirts $2.25, $2.46, -42.99, $3 98, $4 and $4.50 at The New York Cafch Store. A anite of rooms, with board, for rent. Inqnire of lira. Agnew, Fonrth and Union streets. inl-lwk Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Fatton strictly nnre liquid paints Found On one of the atreete of tine city, a lady's shawl. The owner can 'find it at this office by paying tor this notice. ml-4t Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable 'little liver pilla. Clarke & Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy. For sprains, hwel lings and lameness there ia nothing so good aa Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the drnggiat. Covoaunt Cream Hair Tonic will cure dandruff and all acalp diseases. Don't neglect ynnr hair. For sale at Frezer'g h her shop, sole agent. tf Wanted A woman to do house work for a email family with no children. Ap ply at the residence of Wm. S. Sylves ter, on Fourth street. 3t-m5 Don't yon know that Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic will save your and yonr children's hair? You can get it for 50 and 75 cents a bottle at Frazer'e barber flhop, eole agent. tf We offer for a limited period tte twice-a-week Cubokiclk, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions nnder this offer must be paid in ad vance, f We have just received a very band- timeline of all wool black drees tkirte. We shall offer tbie line at attractive prices. Be sure and give us a call be fore making your spring purchase as we will sav you money. The New York Cash Store. City. Oregon, sell at nubile fnle to the big.ie.st bl ider lor cash in hand, all of the following de scribed real property situated in said Was1 o County, to-wit: Loth 1 and '' and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 4, township 3 south, range 11 east, and the south east quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section K.townshlp'J south, range 14 east, W. 31., to satisfy u certain judg ment rendered in said court and cause on said 21st day of February, 1901, for the sum of $1?.:G.:S7 and interest at ten per cent per annum, and 100 attorney's fees, and tlb costs and disburse ments, and $70.15 and interest at six per cent per annum and J641.IH and interest at ten per cent per annum and accruing coats. Robert kelly, fb'J3-3t Sheriff of Wasco County. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lans Office at The Dalles Ohu., Jan. UU'JOI. i Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of her inten tion to make final proof iu support of her cliim, and tnat said proof will be mode be fore the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday, March 0, 1UU1, viz: Adallne C. Steel, one of the heirs und for the heirs of Ruth G'en- levia Steel, deceased, of The Dulles, Oregon, II. E. No. 4910, for "he Sec 3, Tp 1 X, it 12 E, Vt 31. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: W. Cates. John P.. Cook, M. H. Sillier, James Simouson.all of The Dalles, Oregon. JAY 1'. 1.UCA8, Register ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, admlulx tratrix of the estate of John Dalrrmtile.deceuseil. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pieseut the same to me properly verified, us by law required, at my resi lience on me rioyu rancn, live muc.4 irom Dalles City, or at theofliceof licii:ett A; elimott, wunin six montns irom meaaie nereoi. Dated this 21st day of February, Kfll- AONES DALRYSII'J.E, Administratrix of the estate ot John Dalrym pie, deceased. IU.':; Nasal CATARRH Taken Up, Came to my place on C-Mi!e, Dec. 24th, a sorrel horse, branded W Q on left neck and blotch brand on lett hip; age 5 years; uobrokon. M. S. Evanh, f61m The Dalles, Or. Battling young wan can make $60 per Koctb and expenses. Permanent, posi tioi. Experience unnecessary. Writ quick for particulars. Clark & Co., FMrth and Locust Streets, Pliiladel bpia, Pa, 8-tf 1OBt ttub It 111, Jnat wet tbe affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a rvotch remedy, mud tbe pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. ckaol Wauua. A teacher want a achool in Oregon or Washington. Address, J, A. Haylock, The Dalles, Or. f25-2tw In all It stages there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm clean KS.soothesandhcils the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a cold iu tbe bead quickly. Cream Balm Is placed Into tbe nostrils, spreads orer tbe membrane and la absorbed. Relief is Im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying does sot produce sneezing. Large Size, 00 cents at Drug gists jr by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. ELY IKWTUEItS, 50 Warrec Street, New York. r L. Lane, 1 GENERAL BiacKsmtin AND Hoe 1 Wagon and Oarrlag Wvrk. Fiah Brathara Wagan. T-irt anl Mcim Pltone 159 E E D The most complete stock of Garden, Grass, Field and Vegetable Heeds in K,.ILln .1... T..1.....1 l..n. kMllv iu bills luinuu iiiu IfjnB pire at the Feed, Seed and WZ t?, -f i vjrutory oiurc ui tup n&i i rrc rto SEED E E Spring Suitings Thu time will soon bo here when every stylish dressed man will waut an up-to date Spring Suit. Those are the kind n patrons 1 am tailoring for. Come in and look over my Spring line of Suitings All tbe latest noveltiee for 1U01. Suits to Order, $iO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor Jast What You txtant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be' fore graced a single stunk. Heal imita tion cretun effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house, paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St axT acetiTt no. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please remember that we carry a full line of LOWNEY'S, just opened, fresh from the factory. In plain and fancy boxes for Cbrtetiras trade, and at prices to suit. Don't forget that we are bead quarters for the best on earth. Name LOWXEY settles it. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. m Bestaurani L. Y. Hone, Prop'r. FiPst-CIass in Every Hespeet HKALN AT ALL HOVItB. Oysters Served in any Style. ST Second St., The Dalles. Or. J. C. Hchbnck, Freaident. Max A. Voot, Cashlei First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted IMpoalta received, subject to bigot Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remittee, on uav 01 collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oa new xorx, nan f ranciico anc "on land. IRKOTOMB. D. P. ThOHPBON. JlfO. 8. BCBMOae Ed. H. Williams, Gxo. A. Liaai. H. M. Biall. mmm. ems mm. OREGON Shoi(t Line and union Pacific VI'.OK TIIK ItAI.I.KS. IlBl'AKT for. I'orlhmd Hm-cliil. liiZ'i ji. m. via limit-ItiKton. Atliintle , , ,. , , ., . Kxnress lJ,a" l-"kc, Ilenver, It. l'Mlia in Worth, OniHlui, Kim via Hunt-' MiNCIty.Sl.liiils.Clil liiRtnn. enKo and thu Knst. Suit ljikc, Denver, Ft. . Worth, Omiihii, Kuu . nisCIty.St.Umls, Chi 1 CIIRO 1111(1 till! IjlKt. Ai'.mvi: KROM 1:K '. i". 8t. l'mil Frtst .Mull, l. m. via bHH ktinu. Wnlln Wnllh, Unvlstim, Mlniieiiiiolls, Ht. Ohiciifronnd I'.nsL 4: 15 n. m. OCEAN AND EIVEE SCHEDULE From l'ortluuil. S:00 ii. in. (All hulliiiR dates Mill j jeet to chiinpu ) For fun FranclM.'n, Suit every ,r days. Columbia lilvir. Daily StCO,.. in. AMoria aim ay- sauiruay, ll):U0 . in. Daily 1:01 i. in 1:00 p. m exeep Sunday Wlllaniftte Itlvnr. siiiuii, bnlcin, Iiuleiiciulenci', titUIII. 111. ,l u nv.ljiiirtliii-s except lay, I ;:a p. i exr( Hunday. 'lt Tuesday, Tlnti.-diiy, Saturday, 6;00a. m. Tuexlay, TlmrMlay, Saturday, uu a. in. Kiparla dully. :J:40 u. m. Corvallls nnd Wny-IjindliiRs M llluint'tln mill Vumlilll l(lvm. itriiii. m .Monday, Wednc.Mlky rruiay S::U)p. m jinnuay Oregon City, Dayton and 'Wednesday Way-liuidliiRh. Friday. Hnakti Itlrur. Kiparla to l.ewIhton. l.eiivc iAiuiKion dally h;OJ ii. ni. 1'nrties deslrinc to co to Ilcmmer or lHiinis on cuiumuia boutnern via niggs. niiouki take No. '2. lcavlnc The I)allri at 12:'.'." n. m. rnakiiiK direct connectinni at Heppner Junction and UIkks. ltetuniltiR niakiiiRdlri.'vtcoiiuei.'tlon iu rieppiiur 'uueiion una jiikks wun r.o. i ur riving ai ine uanes ur i:u.i i. ni. For lurther particular),, cull on or address JAS. 1IIKI.AND. A cent. The Dalles, Uregon, Complete Cioe Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in uregon ana Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. UCuOlnfliaPacKinguO., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDFACTCREBB OV Fine Lard and Sausages Carers of BRAND HAMS & BACON REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY Steamers ot tho Kcirulator Line will run in jr tlu-fol-ow.nc M'hnlule, tho Compmiy rcservliiR thu rii?ht to flmiigc schedule without notice. '3 $ Str. Regulator DOWN. I.v. Dulles nt 7 A. . Tuesday. . . . TliutMla' . . . Saturday . . Arr. Portland at -1:30 v. M. t'l'. I.v. Portland at 7 a. . Monday . Wednesday Friday Arr. Dalles a n r. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line I Str. Dallos City. i linu'K I.v. Dalles at 7 A, y. I Monday i Wrdlii'sday , ! Friday i Arr. Portland I at I I'M V. M. Ia . Portland at 7.00 a. sc. Tliesdny Thursday haturilay Arr. Dnllcs ut A r. ii. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel hy the .Steamers of the Kccutator Une. Tho Company will endeavor to rIvc Its pnt- ,5 1 roM, the lc.st servlcu iisslhle. For lurther information address '3 Portland Ofllrc, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. ALLAVAY, Oen. ARt. a)EIF,D beef, etc. y Purest Liquors for Family Use 9 J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietor Commepcial Sample Rooms. Delivered to any pari of the City. PliontiS: 51 Local, 85S J.onj; Dieianre. 173 Second Stredt. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, X'lfeed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- FlOlir 'onr 18 'nannfactnred expreRoly for family vJH X XVI4-L U(te. everv Back b guaranteed to give BatiBfuction. We sell onr poods luwor than any hanse in the trade, and if you don't think w call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S., Bay Stallion, 4 years old; height 15" hands, weight 1050 pounds. Sired by" Zombro, 2:11, tho best sou of-McKin-ney, 2:1H. First dam, Bridesmaid, bv Boxwood, son of Nutwood. Kecond dam, Lake land Queen, dutn of Ad Alene 2 2:26. by Lakeland's Abdallah, son of Hatnbleton ian 10. Third dum, Prunella, by Alhainbra, sou of Matnbrluo Chief 11. EDMUND B. will make the season of 11)01 at L. A. Porter's livery stable, The Dalles, Oregon. Terms for the Season, $20. For further particulars see jan30-dw4mo FRED FISHER. Proprietor. 7 f DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplied Crandallfi Barget UNDERTAKE, fp EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Hobes, Burial Shrouds Etc. PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. WEAK NERVES. There is not a case of nervous weakness In the 'prl( today (no matter what the online or of how long etanuiDK' that the uee of LINCOLN 8EXUAL PILLS according I" directions, which are simple and very easy to follow, will fail to permanently cure. Why do you remain weak when LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS will make you strong7 Price, $1.00 per box buy of your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LIH00LW PE0PWBTAET 00 Ft. Wiyae, Id. M. I. Donuell, Agent, The Dalles.