Manator Johnston to Elmer Green. Grand Opening of WHITE GOODS. Iho fir Thursday will be "White Goods Day." a day si showing of New Spring and Summer Styles will bo displayed. on which It's a yearly, event one which we are making great preparations for. will display the most marvelous collection of We Dainty Sheer White Goods, French Organdies, Silk Mulls and SwiSS RatlStP ever together In our wJVV13 UaLISLC White Goods Department. it's impossible to alter the dictates of fashion even though it catches some unprepared. We guessed right, and that's why we are headquarters for those fash ionable, 'filmy fabrics which make those stylish, smart, soft, clingy costumes. Grand Opening Thursday, March 7th. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures PEASE & MAYS it Duri'it, March 5, 1001. Editor Chhoniclk: My attention li called to a com muni cation in The Chronicle of March 2nd headed "Is This a Lie Too?" To any person familiar with the name attached to the communication, or rather with the man Elmer Green, and his rep utation for the past fifteen years would not be even necessary to read the lines to know it was a lie ; all that would be required was the signature to brand it as such. The article relates to the charges of The Chronicle that t pledged my word of honor not to vote for Mr. Corbett. Green tells ol such a pledge made it Johnston Bros, store and calls as wit neeeeB Eli Htntnan and S. H. Eduion son, both business men of Dutur. Each of the gentlemen mentioned say they have no knowledge of such a converse tion, nor never heard me make a pledge to Green nor any other person. Both gentlemen deny ever hearing the sena torial question discussed In my presence Their reputation as business men should certainly be sufficient to settle the charge. Green says you can imagine how cheap he feels. I can imagine how cheap he feels if he feels natural, for he ib a cheap raau ; a man who in every neighborhood where he has resided is notorious only for his inability to tell the truth. ureen may nave lnuuenceu votes in my ttivor, but il so It was among men who did not know him, and I feel as sured that when his neighbors become acquainted with his character any ordi nary lie will be considered a-.yirtue in him compared with his other acts. Youra Truly, T. II. Johnston imtrlct Clerk' Annual Kenort. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WKI)NI DAY MARCH 0. 1901 Oysters served in any style... At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wascu County warrant reglMered priori'. Hf-if rmttxr 1, 1KW7, will lie palil ou prrxriitallon at mjr oMce, lnterrt He after Niicriulwr :il, 11)00. JOHN V. IIAMI'SHIKK, County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Found A postofftcH key. Owner can And it at this office. Kirly Kose seed potatoes for sale at the Stadelmau Comm. Co. mS-lm The Fortnightly will meet with Mies Virginia Marden tomorrow afternoon at -:"(), when a new book will be read. The regular March term of the county coinmiBgiunert)' cpurt convened this morning with all the members in at tendance. A "crazy" social will be given by the Junior League at the M. K. church Fri day night, at 7:30 o'clock. The admis sion fee will be 15 cents. Tliey are the talk of the town those swell spring and summer Bhirts that -Vase and Mays have in their window. Do not fall to see them. The state insane asylum has ut pres ent 1203 patients, with u stall' of 141 officers and employes. They are sup ported at an averuge per capita monthly cosiofiflO.JO.oraper capita daily cost of .'17 cents. A special meeting of the city council will convene tonight to draw up specifi cations for lighting the city, for the guidance of the parties who are offering bring light and power from Hood to Hiver and the Deschutes. Mr. W. Markillie went to Portland tbia morning to complete the purchase a Hock of clothing and gente' furnish iB goods which he will open up, as soon as they arrive, in the new store building next door to AdcoxA Company's jewelry tore. -" At the entertainment 16 be givenN ni.iay niK,t, March Hi, at the resi deuce u( Mr K () JjfeCoy, by the Udiee' Aid Society ofttie Congregation "I church, the following program will be rendered : . Soprasb solos, Miss Myrtle I chell ui,j MraWoodworth; contralto olo. Mrs. hw. Taylor; recitation, jrs. Maud IMdon; instrumental duet, Mr. Wm. BJrgfeld and Miss Genevieve ' ' ! Harltone solo, Key I). V. i'ollngi ""truiion, mai quartet. Tl... ... b lonowing story is told of a Moo Justice of tli pmn named Heed, " administered justloe and other things in the town of Belknap in the early '70s. Judge Reed performed at Belknap in the winter of 1878 a marriage ceremony that is classic in Western annals. He made the bride swear that she would support the constitution of the United States and the organized acts of the territory of Montana; that she would be ever loving, faithful and true, and would be ever willing to defend with her life, if necessary the honor of her God, her country and her Hag. The bridegroom was compelled to swear that he would split the wood, carry the water, shovel the snow, build the fire, and under any and all circumstances try to be a perfect gentleman. Instead of returning her devotion with slurs and scowls he would repay it with kisees and kind words. If he ran shy of Usees he was to cull on the justice of the peace, who was long on kisses but short nn girls. Reed wound up this unique ceremony by making the couple recite the Lord'e prayer in unison. And the ceremony ended with a crack of a re volver and a pop of beer corks. More About the Ntate llotut) Janitor. J. II. Gates, the ex-janitor of the state house, whose sudden rise to fame und prosperity gave him at least state-wide notoriety, was in the city yesterday, in close and long consultation with his at torney, L. II. McMahan. It Is learned that Mr. Gates has been at Eugene and Cottage Grove, for several days, and his stay in these cities gave rise to divers speculations and local gossip. Gates dresses well, appears to have plenty of money and malntaitiH the serious aspect of one who is of importance to others. What an interesting story Galea might give the reporter. But Gates Bpuakcth not. Salem .Statesman. The Woodburn Independent, one of whose editors had J. II. Gates urreeted at this city on the charge of the larceny by bailee of $1500, fails to go Into partic ulars in reference to the mutter as fully as the Democrat would like to Bee, In tho meantime Mr. Gates is getting ex travagant and lias Btibscribi'd for u Eugene paper. Albany Democrat. I'KKNONAI. MKNTION, Miss Bessie Lang has returned from a two weeks' visit with friends in Port land. Miss Susie Gumbell, of Portland, ar rived here today and is the guest of Mrs. liela Huntington. Mis-(lUinbel comes here to organize a class foi itiHtriiclion In vocal inline. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Mallear und frinily, of Eight Mile, moved into town today and have tHken up their residence in Mr. Mohear's dwelling on the north- least corner ol Third and l.ttughliu, "THE WIFE," Cat of Character for the lieautful to he Olren by Home Talent. riayl cr ICS) CASTOR I A For Infant, and Children, 'Tki Kind You Havi Always Bought fllgiMiur of Jolm Kutherford, Senator from NciYorlt .. Wrcy II. Levin KobcrtGray (attorney at liuvj.... ..O. R. Kricr Mattnew Culver (In politico .., R. Grimes Major Howard O. i'ulman (compelled to take life easy) , j. jrw Silas Truman (of the l'roduce Kxcliiinee) II. K. Northurj Juck Dexter (Columbia () ., .. . .Will Crossed Kandolph (secretary to Rutherford). J. McCowen! Helen Trumnn (nn only dauKhter) .. . Mrs. Maude Kddon Lucille I'errantlfroui Now Orleans) Miss Gcorclu Sampson Mrs. Bellamy Ives (liu;fuirltiei).Mrs ('. Blakelty Kittle Ives (comlnt; out) Miss Rose Michell Mrs. Armour (Jr. member or Trumnn Co.). f .Miss Virginia Cooper Amies (Mrs. Rutherford's maid). .Bessie Kddon SV.NOI'SIH. MMMM.M Act I Newport. July. The proposal. Act II Mrs. Oliver Dexter'e in Wash ington. February. Tho Husband. Act III Rutherford's library. The same evening. The marriage tie. Act IV Rutherford's library. April. The wife. in oruer 10 inane tins production a popular BUccesB, it has been decided to place the price of admleBlon at fifty cents, with no extra charge for reserved seats. TicketB may bo had from mem bers of the football association and ex changed for reserved seats at Clarke & Falk's, or at the latter place on and after 9 a. in. Thursday, March 7th. Birgfeld's orchestra of eight pieces has been engaged for tho music, and the specialties that will he introduced be tween acts will be announced in a day or 83. Kate War May Noon Kml. With a view to end the long-continued rate war between the Astoria road und the 0. K. & X., President Moliler, of the O. R. A N., has submitted to President Hammond, of the Astoria road, the fol lowing schedule of passenger rates be tween Portland and Astoria: Single trip by rail $'. 50 Round trip 4 00 Single trip by boat 1 75 Round trip 3 00 Lower berth 75 Single berth 50 Section 1 50 Room 1 25 Meals ' 50 Clatsop beach by rail, round trip. . 'I 50 To North Beach -1 50 I'liiyiMi Out, Dull Headache, Ptiiiis in various parts of the hod v. Sinking at the pit of the stomach, J-oss of nppetito, r'everishness, Pimples or Sores are all positive ovidon cee of impure blood. No mutter how it became so it must be purilled in order to obtain good health. Acker'a Blood Elexir has never failed tocure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly u wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a poBitivo guarantee. Blnkeley, the drug gist. m Why pay if 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Pat ton's sun proof paints for $1.60 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & ra.K, ugeuts, ml The following is a summary of the an nual report of the schools in District No. 12 The Dalles) for the year ending the first Monday in March, 1901 : Number of persons between I and 20 1170 No. pupils on register nn No. teachers employed - No. holding state certificates or diplomas .. 14 No. holding llrst grade certificates No. legal voters in district (estimated) 700 Totol number books in library 152 Total nu?hbcr books purchased during year. 12G No. pupils enrolled in private schools (est.). ISO No teachers employed in private schools . o Following are the receipts and dis bursements from March 1, 1900 to March 1, 1901 : RECEIPTS. Cash. March 1, 1900 U22 7(1 Sjieclul tax 114 mills , 84-1 1 IS Dellmiucnt tax 181 &7 County school fund fc)97 2" State school fund ,. 228.1 10 Tuition iHi so Miscellaneous o 70 IISICG 23 niSIlUUSEMENTS. Teachers' salaries , ;i271 ''. Janitors' salaries 1122 00 Clerk's salary. ... uoa 11O Interest Bonds, $120.1.00; Notes, 2S1.2.ri; Warrants, 1198.75 ICS? 00 Thoncand water rent 7.1 00 Printing 1:1.') 2.1 :m ti.i 71 (m wi 10 120 00 10.1 so 21 00 .'114 7 m iru) 00 Court street closets and suwers Gen. repairs and improvements . Books, library and indigent pupils . KiH Insurance . ... , Light, two years, and meter Trees ami care. Kast Hill l' . Stationery and supplies Judges and clerks, election 1'ayment Wllnclm notu Net warrants redeemed 114 ) 00 Total Cash ou nand March 1, 1001 ?1S1M 22 GENERAL STATISTICS. Liabilities of district Bonded indebtedness $20000 00 Notes . . -1 too 00 Warrants 2010 00 Total U-sscash ou hand March 1, 1001 $17011 0D . .V.2 13 .0110 00 . .Vi2 l:t .$2M7 s.7 . 27H.W 21 n in Not indebtedness March 1, l'.Kll . . et iiiacuictiucss .Miircn 1, r.uu,., Reduction during year..., $ 17 Taxable property in district as shown by luoo roll $l,ll!l,B 00 Special tax levy 1 mills. Notice. All members of the Degree of Honor will please bear in mind that we have moved into the small K, of 1. hall, and will meet on the first and. third Thurs days of each month. Tomorrow evening ufter our biiBluess cession the iloorB will be opened to all members of the A. O. U. W. Refreshments will bo served, and a social time spent, to which all members are Invited. Oi.ivi: F. SncpiiKNs, Recorder. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Bicycles - Bicycles Our new stock received. Columbias Hartfords Videttes Ramblers Stormers Pennants Largest lot of wheels ever brought to this city. Call and see them. IHAVS A CROWE. ...Blacksmith, Horseshoe and Wagon-maker... -DEALER IX- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Agent for Russell i: Co.'s Engines, Threshers and Saw Mills. Oor. Second & Latfn Sis, THE DALLES, OR, Telephone 157. Long Distance 1073. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUjUBM BKEWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health ReportB for June 28, 1900, says: "A more eupeiior brew never entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with the cereainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 4 i O i i' 0 0 r c. J. STUBBING, WHOLESALE AND ItET.UL Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Nest door to First National Bank. Cnmlnii Timlin 'Z'&. l.onc nut. loin. THE DALLES, OREGON. nTTRMTTON T The Great Northern Furniture Company wish to announce that after the return of their buver. who has been contracting with the largest Eastern manu facturer, they will have succeeded in securing the greatest line of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, &c, which Iiiib ever been shown in the history of The Dalles. It has been the aim and desire of this most popular firm to introduce their immense stock at the iirst op portunity. The time has come. We are now ready to provn our assertions. Call and hu convinced. We wish to call particular attention to our great line of BUGGIES AND GO-CARTS. A glanco at this immense assortment will soon convince you that our buyer under tautla his business. Great Northern Furniture Co., , Second Street, opposite Obarr House. GlVEfJ AWAY. With every dollar's worth of goods purchased at my store for the next Sixty Days, I will vivo one chance ou the following prizes: Notico is hereby given t lint there will be a meeting of The Dalles, Portland it Astoria Navigation Coiuimnv, at the company's oHlco in The Dalles, ou Sat urduy, Apill 11, 11)01, at i! o'clock p. m., ior the puriiosie of (dealing bovuii di rector und transacting such other business as may nrontii v i-ome before 1 said meeting. IJy order -if the president. In addition to giving awuv these prizes 1 will sell goods as low as tho lowest, . i.u imiiius, wii-yuu, ,.iuii;ii 11, nrni, ;niui guarantee my gouus io oe iresn. uivu mu 11 mm. lm 1.. K. CmiwK, Seo'y. ROBERT TEAGUE. 1 First pilze I dent's tiald Watch and Chain Fecoud prize 1 1ulies Oold Watch and Chain Third prize I Smoking Set i Fourth prize 1 Silver nutter Dish and Hotter Knife 5 Filth prize , , 1 set Silver Knives and Forks Hlin IMiui'l Wmir u Muak. Hut her beauty w as completely hidden by sores, blotches und pimples till she used lluckleii's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will all Eruptions, Fever Sores, Halls, Ulcers, Carbuncles and Felons from its use. Infallible for Cuts Corns, Hums, Scalds and riles, Cure guaranteed. Meat O.O. Blakolev's drug atore. i Subscribe for Tiik Ciiuo.nici.k. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sta. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone -133, Local, 102, Notice No. 2 1 to all persons indebted to the late firm of II, J. Collins & Co. and S. h, Hrooks to i nll and settle their uccount or note, af i he case may Ik, bv the 1st of April j nllii"wlf the accounts will be put Into the hands of our collector. buoscribu for l'iu Oiikonu i.k.