The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 06, 1901, Image 2

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t V
Owing to the fact that some people have expressed themselves as believing that the drawing on
the Piano will not be on the "square," we have decided to change the method of drawing. Instead of
drawing for the lucky letter we will have the drawing by number, the purchaser retaining the ticket.
A coupon with a corresponding number will be put in a box. On Saturday evening, July 27th next,
a little girl, after being blindfolded, will draw one coupon from the box containing the coupons, and
the party holding the corresponding number will be entitled to the beautiful Piano, valued at $300.
To prove to the public that the method of drawing by letters to form the name Gumbert was not a
fraud, we have opened the envelopes, containing the letters, in front of several witnesses and found
the lucky letter, which was T.
All persons holding letters will kindly call and exchange them for numbered tickets.
Call and see the Piano on ex
hibition at our Store.
Men's Leading Cigai and Ton House.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Mr. Moore can succeed himself as
state treasurer. E. E. Young, of
MARCH 6, 1901 ISumpter, wants to succeed Mr. Leeds
as state printer, and tbere are already
several candidates for secretary of
state and school superintendent.
The wretched apportionment that
gives us a representative district ex
tending from the Columbia river to
California is responsible for the fact
that we had some representatives in
the recent legislature that not one
in Gve hundred of us has ever seen.
Some of them, to be sure, we don't
care, so long as we have health and
eyesight, if we never see. Bat tbere
is at least one marked and honorable
exception, namely, Hon. A. Emmitt,
of Keno, Klamath county. We speak
of him now because we would have
him know that bis labor as joint rep
resentative of Wasco county is highly
appreciated and will not be forgotten
should it ever happen that we have chronicle
an opportunity to espiess our
If the River and Harbor bill has
failed to pas3 we have the consola
tion up this way that the unexpend
ed $2 10,000 appropriated for the
improvement of the dalles -of the
Columbia has not been covered into
the treasury, as it would have been
if the billl had become a law. It
will be of service as a starter when
congress decides on the character of
the improvements. Small favors are
thankfully received these days.
The Oregonian takes too seriously
the intimation of the La Grande
that coyote farming
nrtvnlp furmtnff ia
BP likelv to become an important in-
'riMnin t i rr ntr rw tn 1 1 rr a nit wt. m
mitt stood shoulder to shoulder with
Senator Williamson and Representa
tive McGreer in all that they asked
and did for the people of this district,
and especially in never casting a
ballot for the man who debauched
the legislature of 1897. For all this
and much more Mr. Emmitt bos the
unfeigned thanks of Tin: CmtoNicLi:
and an overwhelming majority of
the republicans of Wasco county.
dastry in Eastern Oregon under the
new scalp bounty law. There is
small likelihood of anything of the
kind as long as chuck steak is retail
ing at 15 cents a pound, and sow
belly at 18 cents and al) the fixtn's
in proportion.
Fur and above the roar of the
legislature could be heard roiling
along and gathering impetus as it
advanced the boom of Cutis. W.
Fulton for governor two years berrcejr
says the Statesman. There are
several things to indicate that there
will be some politics in Oregon two
year6 hence, when an unti-Simon
legislature will be to elect. Succes
sors to the present state officers are
also to he chosen at that time. Tbere
is no talk aaong republicans of Geer
succeeding himself as governor.
'Mr. Blackburn can be attorney
'genersl again if be wants it, -'and
The Albany Democrat, which has
taken marked interest in the affair of
the assistant janitor of the state
house, has at last made up a prima
facie case against him. It has found
that Gates recently subscribed for
a Eugene paper and paid his sub
scription in advance.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured.
with local applications, as they can net
reach the Beat of the dieeaae. Catarrh
ie a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to care it yoa must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ie
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure ie not a quack medicine.
It was waB prescribed by one of the beet
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is com posed
of the beet tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrneeiete, price 7ftc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
The Portland Telegram has a
notice of the marriage of "Dr. Myra
Brown and P. H. Tynan." Now in
the language of the showman, which
is Daniel and which Is the lion?
In their lengthy account of the
brilliant pageantry of the inaugura
tion the dispatches have failed to say
a word about the emperor's crown.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Tton't'fotget this. ' "
A Gentle Hint.
In our Btvle of climate, with its sud
den changes of temperature, rain, wind
and sunshine often intermingled in a
single day, it is no wonder that our
children, friends and relatives are bo
frequently taken from us by neglected
colde, half the deaths resulting directly
from this cause. A bottle uf Boschee'e
German Syrup kept about your home
for immediate use will prevent serious
sickness, a large doctor's bill, and per
haps death, by the use of three or four
doses. For curing'ConBumption, Hem
orrhages, Pneumonia, severe Coughs,
Croup, or any disease of the Throat or
Lungs, its success is simply wonderful,
as your druggist will tell yon. Get a
sample bottle free from Clarke & Falk.
Regular size, 75 cents, Get Green's
prize almanac. 2
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership formerly existing between
the undersigned, Frank H. WattB and
J. Insley Huston, as dealtrs in marble
and granite, at The Dalles, Oregon,
under the style or firm name of Watts'
Marble and Granite Works, is this day
dissolved by mutual consent, J. Insley
Huston disposing of his interests to
G. K. Baker, The said business will,
in the future, be carried on by Frank
H Watts and G. Ji. Baker, under the
style and firm name of Watts' Marble
and Granite Works, nnd will receive all
bills and pay all debts against said firm
of Watts & Huston.
Dated at The Dalles the '5th day of
March, 1901.
Fbank H. Waits,
lw J. Insmcy Huston,
Subscribe for Tiik Chhomulk, .
Vogt Opera House,
F. J. Clarke, Manager.
Wednesday, March 6
That Funny Farce Comedy,
The Star
Headed by Chae. H. Boyle
and a big company of
Clever Comedians.
New Songs and Medleys.
Pretty Dances.
A Host of Charming Girls.
' A Number of Bright
22 Clever Entertainers 22
Reserved Seats on sale at
Clarke & Falk's Pharmacy.
Pint rtva Itowa, 7Cc; Httluiictt of the
Uouir, COc.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It Is the latest dlBcovereddlgest
act and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
Sick Headache, OaatralgIa,Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
PrtoeMe.anait torge ilse conuuu IK times
Prif ay C O. DeWITT CO.. ctjicaf
Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Ularke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your ' cer for them.
inn Facflic
SOUTH and EAST via
Souinern Pacific Co
Yellowstone Park Line.
81 ONE 1'AHK,
No. 'I.
, Union Depot, Finti and I Sis
Fatit mail for Turoma, No.
heattle, Ulynipiii, Gray's i
Harbor und South Itond I
IKiintH, Spokane, Koss
land, II, (;., I'ulliimn,
.Moscow, Ielston, llul-'
11:15 A, M, falolluiup mining ooun- S;U 1'. M,
try, Helenu, Mlnueupo
lis, HI. 1'huI, Oiniitiii,
KmiNiiB City, Kt. Ixmlx,
.Chicago nil points I
No. 1. east Hiicl southeast. 1 No. 3.
., .. . ''t'fut Hound Express,
1130 1'. M. for Tucouia unci Keuttli" 7;00 A. M.
nnd Intermedium points
I'ullmun first-class nnd tourlit sleoj.ers to
Minneapolis, Ht. l'uul und Missouri river points
Without Change.
Vuatlbulud trains. Union depol connection
In all princlpul cities.
Iliiggnge checked to destination of tickets,
rorliaudsomcly lllustruted descriptive mutter.
tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call ou or
Assistant (ioiicrul rassengcr Agent. 25.1 Morrl
son btreet, corner Third, l'ortluud OrcBon.
Drying preparations simply dovel
oil dry caturrh j they dry up tho secretions,
which adhere to tho tuouibrauo and decom
pose, enuring a fur moro serious troublo than
the ordinary form of caturrh. Avoid all dry.
uig iuhulauU, fumes, smokes and suum
aud mo that which cleanses, booUiob and
heals. Ely's Cream Jiulta is Buck a remedy
aud will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily nnrl Tilnnuntiflv A .!..! t.. Ml t.
W -, win. ms.u will uu
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
50o. biho. ElylirotherH, fill Warren Bt., N.Y.
t jiio jjuiih cures wunout pain, does not
lrrituto or caUHe sneezing. It spreads itself
over an Irritated und ungry surfaco, roliov.
ing immediately tho jminful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Jlului you are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Foyer
uut of my wagon, between Mill creek
bridge and my stone yard, on Second
street, u stone cutter's hammer. I will
pay a reusonablu reward for its return.
m'dt 1-onn
Twenty well-broko mares and geldings,
weight from HiOU
...Vw wu MUB All"
'I"1" uf Pai:u Fihiieh.
"!Wiuw j The Dalles,
Rooms to rent aultahlnfnr lint,, i,, ......
keeping. Apply at this ofllce. f23.1w
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalle for Portland and wj
stutlous ut 4 Zi n. m, aud ;t p. m.
1-cave l'ortluud.. H:3Uum 7:00pm
" Albany 12:30 am lUi&Opm
Arrive Ashlnnd 12::i:tam ir:iOsro
" Hacriuuviitq &:OUpin l;S.rmm
" Sun Kranclsoo 7:45)iu b.liuta
Arrive Ogdon fi:45um 11 tl am
" Denver DiOOain i);(xiHm
" KunsasCity 7:'j5nra 7:'i'in
" Chicago 7:45um UiaOum
Arrive Los Angeles 1 :'J0 p m 7:00 a m
" EU'iiwi G;00pm GUWpm
" Kort Worth C:)ain i;;;Jum
" City of Mexico . ..... u m Mum
" Houstot 4:0O u m 1 .00 u in
" New Orluu l:lSi u in C m
" Wusbliicton . . ,.. C:l2um 0 12 in
" New York 12M3piu 1243 pm
l'ullimm nnd Tourist curs on both tralin
Chair curs Kacruinento to Oftden and Kl
aud tourist cam to Chicago, Kt l)uls, New Or
leans aud Washington.
Couuoctliii; t Ban Francisco with several
steamship lines for Honolulu, Jupuu, Chliiai
I'hlllppiuus, Central uud Boutli America.
8ee intent at The Dalles stutlon, or add.iss
Ccuerul 1'asscuger AKut, l'ortluud, Or
. --
A ti rone sending n akntrb and description nia
liilclily iiicurluln our opinion free wheiliiT a i
iivciitlon Ik proliahly iintnntubie. .Viiimiiiil
luunHinuiivriinniluilllui. iiwiuuiw.uii .
iirnt true. Oldest Keiiy roraucurliiKI'ai1'1"",
I'alni.U tukuil tCrouvh Munil A Cu. ri'e
ij'irldlnuflcr, wllliout cliarue, iu the
scientific mtnm.
Lnreciit fr-
M'i.riilH. Mi
reiiri limr niiiiitlis, tL Bold bjr uii newsdi-ulerj.
MUNNCo.o New York
Urancli oitliw. Zj V ?t Wushlustun. V-
A haiKlsoinely llhistratud wimklf.
iiiiuiioii oi any srmniiDO lournu .
All perioas Indebted to the late firm
of K. J. COIjLINB CO., and S. U
BUOQK6, are requeited to call
ettleujion or before March 1st n
without fail. 8. L. BH00K8.