NOTICE T T NOTICE Owing to the fact that some people have expressed themselves as believing that the drawing on the Piano will not be on the "square," we have decided to change the method of drawing. Instead of drawing for the lucky letter we will have the drawing by number, the purchaser retaining the ticket. A coupon with a corresponding number will be put in a box. On Saturday evening, July 27th next, a little girl, after being blindfolded, will draw one coupon from the box containing the coupons, and the party holding the corresponding number will be entitled to the beautiful Piano, valued at $300. To prove to the public that the method of drawing by letters to form the name Gumbert was not a fraud, we have opened the envelopes, containing the letters, in front of several witnesses and found the lucky letter, which was T. All persons holding letters will kindly call and exchange them for numbered tickets. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, Call and see the Piano on ex hibition at our Store. Gunp s Leading Cigar aim Tooacco House. KM m The Dalles Daily Chroniele. tants of the country is furnished us by j 124 years ago to Georpe Washington , the remains entombed In the strata of enr tiQ net. m, ,.,. V. fcUV MJW Ul IUU bUUUkl TUESDAY - - MARCH 5, 1901 THE JOIiy DA Y FOSSIL BEDS. successive periods at the time of tbeir accumulation. The mpjority of the fof-1 KinJersi.y school Kt-j.urt j ! 1 I 1 Hie uuuu are emK.e u0De6 BUU ,en, or . The followInR , a report of th E. and happy part- ui tieieiunK which apparently lay dprbv ..... mn mnn iinfl.. , ,.,B nn,i rn,.ta n,,,,.,,, v.. .;, the dru'ist. Sick Headache absolutely and pertna-' netitly cured by usinu Mold Tea. A rleaeant herb drink. Cures conntirmtion nnd indigestion, makes you eat, sleep Satisfaction guaranteed or ! Citation. "irtof till' .-tut' .f lini'i r mu Mi'j Cror The March number of Harper's inaga- for a long time upon the land before the farph l-t zine has an interesting and instructive scattered and decayed fragmente were No of d talJghti 1S) article, by Pr. J. C. Merman of tbe ' carrbd into the lakes a fesv at a time, f Xo. enrolled, 24. University of Caliiornia on tbe fo-sil' .u "V"? f ' Average number belonging, 24. Un.verslt of Calnorn.a, on the fo ,1 tn Blo y accumnlatl depomg. 0 ; A J" beds of the John Day region. The ; casionally entire skeletons discovered I Tu ,n t.,.. i . ' ,.,.v , article ia the resu t of the exnedition. ' are probably the iremains of amma a ......... t..... r , .... -o eta. ana ou cts. , , . ... , ec"1 uur iruy: jmib uavjuson, Carrie headed by Dr. Merriam, which started wh,ch were drowned or m the , DavidROni AlicH Endersbv Mabe Kn. t i, , . j i i lake, or perhaps were overtaken and J dersbv. Willie Endersbv i en I nmrpn from here last summer, accompanied by ' . . , tt, , A x , I v ' i -cnuersuj , j.ena, in U( jui n ( Vumo ( outttr Ji. tin- tnntter or the cstute wtil, 'lvci-asvl To Frederick M ( rmnwcl!. IMIth Mov'r..' Helen I roiuMull and Mi-nllt J- ( r j well, UrevtuiK i In the mtinttnf the State of OrcRon, you unl each o( yon are hereby cited and reiiuired to an Use lur In the I ounty Court of the Hate of Otvgun Acker's Engliet. Remedy in any case of (tSV u''UT. Experience is the best Teacher. coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to I i',1 K",ltl,;,.ullv. ", M""ir, the aih day oi . . ... ,.' , , , Mareh, 1101, at ocluefc In the afternoon of mill give .immediate relief money refunded I day. then und there to hnw came, if unvexikt wuy an oiuei oi aiemouni not no innde direct- Blakeley, the drug- L. S. Davis, as guide. Xo other section I rotu volcan5c eruptlone."" Dickson, Wilber Dicki-on, Miles Leabo. Maisei. Iuduem., Teacher. (i lie Didn't Wear u .Maak. But her beauty was completely hidden by sores, blotches and pimples till she used Bucklen'ti Arnica Salve. Then they vanished .as will all Eruptions, I Fever Sores, .Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles and Felons from its use. Infallible for "At least three-fourths of all the j UQtfi uorn8' "urns, beams and I'Hes. material collected consist of remaius of Cure guaranteed. 2.jcat G. C. Blakeley'e certain peculiar hoofed animals known I (rug E'ore hlhoill Wklltucl. A teacher wantc a school in Oregon or though they are related to the deer and "aBr',D.'f10"- Auarese, J A. Uaylocfc, The story which nature has written ' bo,e. The numerous species varied ' 1 ! . .1.. . I . . I . . .11 V in ei7 ituui mai ui u uug iu me uiutcij of thie continent, perhaps none in the We are told bv the scientist that coin- whole world, is richer in fossil remains ! pared with the existine fauna of this of prehistoric animals. Collections from continent, the mammalia from these theee beds have been gathered at much i beds are indeed a strange assemblage of expense by all the great colleges of this ! creatures. None of the species are country. j living now, and even the majority of the "In the erosion of their canyons," j subfamilies are extinct. Bays this article, "the John Day and its tributaries have uncovered about 10, 003 feet of strata, comprising eight or more geological formations, wtich rep- as oreodons, curious forms which do not resent bb many distinct periods in the j closely resemble anything now living,! history of the country gist. When you are bilious, ue those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Kieers to cleanse the liver bowele. They never gripe. Clarke k Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. I ni: F. Dayton, the administrator of the ,-i,iu of fcmiiut May iroinuell, Ueeeand, to hell tbe , leal iroj.erty den'ribiil as beloiiKlne; to said ' estate us follow p, to if t seven In the town I of llelmont. aseo County, Orci;on. Witness the Hon. (Jeorire. C lllatelev. tmim of . j I thV hH,tl rn'''J court, with the seal ol s.ald court ; iiiiijiwj, hid .MiiLaay ot i cnruury, jyil Slb'tlCtO with a great hand upon these rocky walls covers a period of millions of years. There was a day in the dim and distant past when the salt sea rolled slons of a small cow. i "Not ho common as the oredon bones I are those of a small horse, about as large as a sheep, which, from the absence of over the entire basin of the Columbia an' visible meane of defense, must have river. Then the ocean bed was lifted up and there followed a long period of great lakes and dry plains. Next came an ocean of molten stone, thrown over the land and water by volcanoes in the Cascade range and probably from other great vents farther to the eastward. Then came "a second series of alternat ing lakes and plains and finally the ex isting landscape, cut by persistent abrading of the streams out of the debris accumulated in preceding ogee." The life of man, when measured against the ages here recorded, is rel atively more fleeting than the brief existence of a winged Insect, born be neath the morning sun and doomed io death before the hueh of evening falls upon a sleeping world. "Toe history of the ancient Inhabl- trustfcd to his slender, three-toed limbi to keep him out of danger. "Ttie largest animals yet discovered in the John Day beds are the giant elotheres, relatives of the living hog, ranking among the largeet known mammals. "Hetnaine of near relatives of the rhinoceros, the camel, the tapir and the peccary, are well known from these lu posits. Wolves are represented by more than a dozen specie, and the cat tribe by eight forms belonging to the family of eabretooths. Elotheriutn remains are unknown In.'theee strata, hut in their place we find Another giant, the masto don, the old et representative of his race in this country." There is hope for t least the heirs and assigns of the Indian war vet erans. Congress has just passed a bill to pay a claim for money loaned Take them to day and you will be well tomor row. Baldwin's Allopathic Cold Cure Tablets, 25c See that you get the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for it. The genuine is a certain cure tor pilec, sores and skin diseases. Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. A. K. I.AKII, Clerk. in 1EAL NOT1CU FOK PUBLICATION. Land Oii'i' K at V'a,scci-veb. Vt'uth., ( Notice. Ih hereby irlvcn that the follow itnr named settler bus lilcl notice of his Intuition to i.nul-e jlnul j.roof In nui'jrfirt of his claim, and that MiM j.roof will be made before Vt. lb 1 ."-T..5 uiMi ''''e Commissioner for district of VwuhliiKton, at bis olhce in (ioldcndule. nob., on Saturday, Anrll Hi, UKJI, viz . William A. Itffx, H K. Vn. 1IW51, for loth .1. fi s'lami Ifi si..ti,... ration e sun prooi paints lor i.bu per - unu, rauw ij east, . .m. lift ,1,,, frtll,.,..,..,. ..!.... . . gallon, guaranteed for 0 years. Clark A bin continuous residence unou Tnd ciilthatlon Kfl'lr nocn tu of said land. Iz ra.K, agents. mj Andrew I.. J!;lm,ell,ricorKc. Ilunnell, Alby I M- Hunnell and A k MhIMmo. n m i-....,.. . Ullel O.. ttashinirton Iie'h'.' UUNIi.W:, IteKlMer. Sheriff's Sale. (Cold in Head) No.23-B. Saw Pkancisco. 15. I.. I! A LI) WIN CO. Your Cold Curelt the only rcu.edy that FOR SALE Twenty well-broke mares and geldings, i weight from 1300 to 1C50 pounds. In- j luire of Ki: Fihhkk. flS-ltnw The Dalles. .--iVlV "- ' Dyspepsia can bo cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immedi money refunded. Sold I ! boxes at 2-5 eta. iilukelev CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolatos please remember that He carry u full line of LOWNEY'S, jut opened, fresh from the factory. In plain and fancy boxes for Chrietiras trade, and at prices to suit. Don't forget that we are head quarters for the bost on earth. NHine LOWXEV settles it. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. U Restaurant It. V. Hone, Prop'r. really uoc cure in one day Jlarry Kwlgers Co. akkv KonOHks. Backauento, Cal. E. L. I1AI.DWIN CO, You Cold Cure Tablets No. iyl are u!endld for Cold ill Head. WM. DW1NKI.I.. With Adams, Uootbr & Co. Denvkk, Colo, K. I.. BALDWIN CO. I find your Cold Cure Tablets the safest nd tuost convenient remedy for cold in tu besd. Tbeycure.ln every losunce. U. V. CO0JUOB Clarke & Fttllc, The Dalles, Oregon. 1 mt of tbe Circuit (Jonrt of the' stateof ' "reKon, for Wasco county, In a suit In which . '' Mroim i plMlnllll- and V m, i i 3 ' Vtlr ans. Van' U' . i vi u .. .V, .diate -iief or rr,,r:;:i In Every Respect n handsome tin ' lcndants. to me directed and c..mniandiiiK me! J y the Mtuti!;:, MKAbs at a i.i. nurits. i nr,,V,'.: V.n '.'".H ' ,lt f 1,8 :ourt huuso .loor I w . 4.. tt,,.. 1 - ut nuiisi; iHHir J-.001E ere! , ,Vc'Sffi,, ullu 1' llZ V .'W.? OVBters Rcrwri in anv StvlO. v.. ii, I, . .u.t . . "l me " - ' j - " All the Groceries, Hardware and Tin- thosouthen wnre will h (Hatinawrl r.f l.v 11, u n ,,r north, raneu lUarter, and the northeast nuurter of -ast quarter of swtlon .v,, tounshlni; I(!U U etst, VV. M., to satlsfv a Mirt..,,.!.,T March, as the building wllfb occupied ' KTirllittftl",l(l ,'lefeudaut, by other parties. H. L. BKOOKfS. in&'A"0 "" ianlCmchl disbursements and accrulni- mlu ' 67 fe'econd bt , The Unlles, Or. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract Public Land Kale.) j U. 8. J.AKU OliUt, TlIK UALLKK. OB) i January l:, j'joi. t ' Notice Is hereby kIvcii that tu iiursu.iucu of Instructions from the Cmuiiiisniorwr ,.f ,.. i , i nn iniu innve, uuner auiuority ventea In biui , (by nutlon 'JIM, V. K. Uev. Ktat.. ut. amended ' ly the net , pf Congress Hjiiirovocl February. I lh'J5, wu will tiriH'eed to oiler Mt,. s,,n. , Monduy, thuWth day of February, next, at the hour of 11 o clock u. in,, at this odlte, the fol ' K 4 X Wi Sea .), T 'J N, It 15 E, W M. Any and all jiersons cUIuiIuk adversely the above-described lands are advised to file their cluluis in this oUlce on or bedro tbo day above deslirnated (or the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. ' , , Jay V. Lucah, Register. Jlfi-I Otih IVmeKsoN, Keceiver. i jan'.'fi IffllilMlT l.'l-T I V Kheilll'of usco Coiiuly, Or, 60 YEARS-EXPERIENCE General Mill Work. Hansen & Thomsen Manufnctur rs i4, lit.i,.r Sash and Doors, Rustic, Flooring, Pine Lumber, Mouldings, Etc. BEE HIVES AND FRUIT BOXES Of All Kinds . . Third Street. The Dalles, Oregon. - TRACE mnr. 'lrniGN6 Copyrights Ac. A scmllnr sUclr It and dencrli'1 1; w fiulmiir incirUilii our oimiton free whether a Invention Is probably imlentuuio. '"o'""lu.".,,', (loiisstrlctlvaouHdeutUI. JlsudUiokou I'ateuu leaMroo. Uldiist lutcncy for sucurlnK Pali''"'' Ifslvi.U tiSouJtProuSk Mann It Co. recelvw 'I'(fu noriv,'BBout chtrt; in tbe Scicnfinc Hmcrican. A anlortif lllnsirslnd wnoklf. Iwet "" tulallcm of any sclent irju iournul. J eram. Jff'Vyr mwujli., ft. Hold byullnewsdealcrj. ipiCliB New York