1) e Dalles VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY. MARCH 5, 1901. NO. 54 MCKINLEY AND ROOSEVELT Most Splendid Ceremony in the Nation's History Civic Pomp and Military Grandeur Never Equaled in a Former Inaugural in United States. VMM.voroN, March 4. William Mc Kiriley was inauKurated as president and Theodore Roosevelt as vice-president ot the United States here today, with ceremonies the most eplendid in the Nation's history. The programme pre pared for the event was carried out without a hitch. Ill the president's inaugural ad dress ho thus contrasts the conditions existing four years ago with the present: "When we assembled here on the 1th of .March, 1807, there was great anxiety with regard to our cur rency and credit; none exists now. Then our treasury receipts were in adequate to meet the current obliga tions of the government; now they are stillicicnl for all public needs, and we have a surplus instead of a deficit. Then 1 felt constrained to convene the congress in extraordi nary session to devise revenues to pay the ordinary expenses of the government; now I have the satis faction to announce that the congress just closed lias reduced taxation in the sum of 1,000,000. Then there was a deep solicitude because of the long depression in our manufactur ing, mining, agricultural and mer cantile industries, and the consequent distress of our laboring population; now every n venue of production is crowded with activity; labor is well employed and American products find good markets at Lome and abroad." rOI!KUOI)IN(iS WOUSK THAN" USKLKSH. The president pays his respects to the prophets of evil in these words : ".Magnifying the dilllculties wiil not ttke them off our bauds nor facilitate their adjustment. Distrust of the capacity, integrity and high j purpos's of the American people will r iwitirai3iiiiiit,iw'm''ii AVegclable Prcparalionror As similating ihcFoodandBegula liiig Hie Stoiwictts and Dowels of Promotes DigesliortCheerfur rtess and Rest.Contains neillcr 0)ium,Morpliine itorJliueraL OT HARC OTIC . tape afoua-SAHUUPtraun IKttKJtUt Stitl-lUfulUluUi- Aperfecl Remedy forCoMlipa Uon, Sour Slotnach.Diarrttoca norms .Convulsions .Feverish ness tmdLoBS or SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of JNBW YOHrC. exact copy or wrapper. Via CAST0R1A it it. t TTfr u.iaTtriittTnrtj'iMitttinMiT not be an inspiring theme for future political contests. Dark pictures and gloomy forebodings arc worso thun useless. These only becloud; they no not help to point the way of safety and honor. 'Hope raakcth not ashamed.' The prophets of evil were not the builders of the repub lic, nor in us crises since have they saved or served it. The faith of tho laiucrs was a mighty force in its creation, and the faith of their do -.i . i . auuuuaniB uas wrougnt its progress and furnished its defenders. They are oostructlonists who despair and who would destroy confidence in the ability of our people to solve wisely and ior civilization the m la htv problems resting upon them. The . . tf American people, intrenched in free Horn at home, take their love of liberty with them wherever they go, uim uiuy rejcci ns misiaKen and un worthy tho doctrine that wq lose our own liberties by securing the endur ing foundation of liberties to others. Our institutions will not deteriorate by evasion and our sense of justice will not abate under tropic suns and in distant seas. As heretofore so hereafter will the nation demonstrate its fitness to administer anv new estate which events devolve upon it, and in the fear of God will 'take occasion by the hand and make the bounds of freedom wider yet.' If there are those among us who would make our way ra.oie difficult, we must not be disheartened, but the more earnestly dedicate ourselves to the task upon which we have rightly entered. The patli of progress is 1 1 -. .i - ... seuiom smooin. iew tilings are often found hard to do. THK CUUAK QUESTION. Our future rotations with Cuba are thus treated : "We face at this moment a most im portant question that ol the future re lations of the United States and Cuba. With our near neighbors we must re main close friends. The declaration of the purposes of this government in the resolution of April 20, 1808, must be made good. Ever uitico the evacuation of the island by tho army of Spain, the 'xecutivo, with all practicable speed, nae ueun assisting us people by suc cessive bteps necessary to tho establish ment of a free and independent govern ment prepared to assume and perform the obligations of international law 'which now rests upon the Unjted States GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Sears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA AAV under tho treaty of Paris. Tho con vention elected by tho people to frame a constitution Is approaching tho com pietlon of Its labors. Tho transfer of American control to tho new Kovern ment is of such isrent importance, In volving an obligation resulting from our intervention and the treaty of peace, that I am glad to be advised by the recent act of congiess of the policy which tho legislative branch of the govern ment deems essential to the best inter ests of Cuba and the United States. The principles which led to our intervention require that tho fundamental law upon which the new government rests should he adapted to secure a government capable of performing the duties and discharging the functions of a separate nation, of observing its international obligations, of protecting life and property, insuring order, safety and lib erty, and conforming to the established and historical policy of the Unittd States in its relations to Cuba." NO WAlt AGAINST 1'IMl'IItO.S. Our Bellied purpose towa'rds the Philip pine islands is thuB presented : "The settled purpose, long ago pre vailed, to afford the Inhabitants of the islands self-government as fast as they are ready for it, will be pursued with earnestness and fidelity. Already some thing has been accomplished in this direction. The government's repre sentatives, civil and military, are doing faithful and noble work in their mission of emancipation, and merit the approval and support of their countrymen. The most liberal terms of amnesty have al ready been communicated to the in surgents, and the way is still open for those who have raised their arms against the government for honorable submission to its authority. Our countrymen should not be, deceived. We are not v. aging war against the inhabitants of the Philippine islands. A portion of them are making war against the United States. By far the greater part of the inhabitants recognize American sover eignty and welcome it as a guaranty of good order and security of life, property, liberty, freedom of conscience and the pursuit of happiness. To them full protection will bo given. They shall not be abandoned. We will not leave the destiny of the loyal millions in the islands to the disloyal thousands who are in rebellion against the United States. Order under civil institutions will come as soon as those who now break the peace shall keep it. Force will not be needed or used when those who make war against us shall make it no more. May it end without further bloodshed, and there be ushered in the reign of peace to be made permanent by a government of liberty under tho law." A Diiep Mystery. It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved that Electric Hitters will quickly cure such troubles. "I suffered for years with kidney trouble," writeB Mrs. Phobe Cherley, of Peterson, la,, "and a lame back pained mo so I could not dress my self, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and, although 73 years old, I now am aide to do all my housework." It overcomes Constipation, improves Ap petite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at G. O. Iilakeley'a drug store 3 Tin: Ciiito.Nici.K has uiadu arrange ments with the publishers of the New York Tribune whereby we are able to olfer the Weekly Tribune, which alono Is $1.50 a year, and the twicuaweek Ciiiioniclu both paporH for the price of one, namely $1.50 a year. By tho same arrangement we can givu tho Tri Weekly Tribune and tho twlco-a-week OiiisoNiur.K flvo papers a week for 2. All subscriptions under these offers pay able In advance, tf The lltmt rumor. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bound to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lamo buck or pains in the sldo orchest, give it trial and fyou are certain to bo more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Halm also cures rheumatism. One application mves re lief, For sale by Itlakoley, the druggist. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the beat. Ask your er x-er for them. Rooms to rent suitable for light house keeping. Apply at this office, 123. lw FIRST SHIPMENT of NEW SPRING HATS READY. New Collars... Arabian and Ecru Effects. 75c to $6. Regular value 25c yard. New Dress Goods and Waist Materials. An interesting display in fol lowing weaves: Embroidered Henrietta?, Poplins.Crepes, Venetians, Homespuns, Cheviots, Basket Cloths, Melrose. Prunellas, Vigeroux, AlbatroB, and Mohair. Extra good value at 2oc yard. Soft finish Excel lent value at 25c. New Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries. vith Chenille or Silk Streamers See them. April Fashion Sheets of McCall Patterns Ready. Tot Causes Nlglit Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and if 1.00. Trial bottles free at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. o The stomach controls the situation. Those who are hearty and strong are those who can eat and digest plenty of food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and allows you to eat all the good food yon want. If yon Buffer from indigestion, heartburn, belching or any other stomach trouble, this prepara tion can't help but do von good. The most soneative stomachs can take it. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Prof. Ivison, of Lonacomlng, Mil., suffered terribly from neuralgia of the stomach and indigestion for thirteen years and after the doctors (ailed to cure him they fed him on morphine. A friend advised the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and after taking a few bottles of it bo says, "It has cured me entirely. I can't say too much for Kodol Dyspepsia Cure." It digests what you eat. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Like Oliver Twist, children ask for inoro when given unu Minute trough Cure, Mothers endorse it highly for croup. It quickly cures all coughs and colds and every throat and luug trouble. It is a specific for grippe and asthma and has long been a well known remedy for whooping cough. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. The lingering cough following grippe calls for Oiih M'.nuto Cough Cure. For all throat and luug troubles this is the only harmless remedy that gives Im mediate results, Prevents consumption, Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Counterfeits of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve are liable to cause blood poisoning. Leave them alone, The original has the naiiio PeWitl's upon the box arid wrap per. It la a harmless and healing salvo for skin diseases, Unequalled for piles. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy, Subscribe for Tim Oiikonici.k, MANHATTAN Advance Shipment on display. WHITE GOODS SPECIALS. 150 yards 29-inch. HEAVY WELT PIQUES, fecial... 500 yards 30-inch SHEER INDIA LINEN, 17e Special 250 yards 29-inch CROSS-BARRED NAINSOOK, Special NEW Chiffon Ruffs, I New Fancy The very latest See them. A. M, WILLIAMS & Yellowstone Park Line. THE 1)1X1X0 OAK ROL'lE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW SI ONE PARK. 1111110111)91101, Firth and 1 sts No. Fast mall for Tacoma, Seattle, Olympia, Gray's No. iinrijoriuia soma iiena I points, Spokane, Ross-i .land, It. C, Pullman, 1 Moscow, Lewistnn, Huf 11:13 A. M. taloHump mining coun- 5;S0 P. M I try, Helena, MlnneniH 11s, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas Clly, St. Louis, I Chicago and all Kolnts No. 4. ' east anil southeast. , Ptiget Sound Express U;30 P.M. for Tacoma and Seattle , and Intermediate points No. 3. 00 A. M. Pullman tlrst-class and tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points without change. Vostlbuled trains. Uuion depot connections In all principal cities. Ilaggago checked to destination of tickets, For handsomely illusuatod descriptive mutter, tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call ou or wrlto , A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 255 MorriJ son Street, comer Third, Portland Oregon, 5 L. Lane, GENERAL 1 Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brother' Wagon. Third aud Mewii, Plioiic 159 Administrator's Notioe. Notice is hereby xlvcu that tho undersigned has been duly appointed bv tho County Court of Wasco County, Oregon, administrator of tho estate of P, T, Sharp, deceased. All persons having claims against the estalo are hereby to. qulied to present the same to me, duly verified, in italics city, oregou, wiliuu six moniiis irom tho date hereof, Dated January 12, 1U0O. JI5 W, 11, SHARP, Administrator, lira mm BiacKsmnn ANDees Horsesnoer SPECIAL Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. yard- yard; Pickwick Suits for Stout Men Special $10.00. Q yard. Worth from one- Silk Stocks. fourth to one-half as much again. ideas Watch for Window Display CO. NEW SPRING SUITS now being opened. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations at 4:2o a. in. and 3 p. m. Leave Portland S:30am " Albany 12:30 a in Arrive Ashland 12:33 a m " Sacramento 5:00 p m " San Francisco 7:15 pin. 7:00pm 10:50 p m 11:30 am. 4,35am S:15a m Arrive Ogdon " Denver " Kansas City. " Chicago ..... 5: 1.5 a m . 'J:00 a in 7:25 a m 7:15 a m 11:15 am 9:00am 7:25 a ni U:30am Arrive Los Angeles 1:20 p m " El Paso , 6:00 p m " Fort Worth 0:30 am . " City of Mexico y:5oam " Houston 1:00 a m " New Orleans , 6:25 am " Washington 6:12 am " New York 12: 13 p m 7:00 a m 6:00 p m 6;30am 9:55 a m 1:00 am 6:25 pm 6-12 a m 12:13 p m Pullman aud Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to Ogdeu and El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, st Louis, New Or leans aud Washington. Conuectlns; at San Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central aud South America. See agent at The Dalles station, or add. us C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or . S. SCHIMCK, President. M.vx A. VO0T. Cashier First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oa New York, San Francisco and Port land. niRBOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Sohimok Kd. M. Williams, Gko. A. Libbi. H. M. Bhall. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOE. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned has bieu duly appointed by the county court ot tho State of Oregon for Wasco county, itdmluls. tutrix of the estate ol John Dalr.viuple,deceased. All persons having claims against said estatu are hereby required to piesent tho same to mo, properly verltted, s by law required, at my rest ile i ice on tho t'loyd ranch, live miles from Dalles City, or at theolllce of lleu'iett .V Hlitnott, within six months from tho date hereof, Dated this 2Ut day of February, UHH A (INKS DAl.lt YMPl.K, Administratrix o! Ihe estate ot John Dulrym pie, deceased, ibiJL SHIRTS Souinern Pacific Co