The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 04, 1901, Image 3

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    Senator Mitchell' Election.
Grand Opening of
Thursday will be "White Goods Day." a day on wind.
(ho first showing of Now Spring and Summer Styles will he displayed.
It's a yearly event one which we are making great preparations for. Wo
will display the most marvelous collection of
Dainty Sheer White Goods,
French Organdies, Silk Mulls
and Swiss Batiste SXi?t:i,
It's impossihle to alter the dictates of fashion even though it catches some
unprepared. We guessed right, and that's why we are headquarters for those fash
ionable, filmy fabrics which make those stylish, smart, soft, clingy costumes.
Grand Opening Thursday, March 7th.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Pictures
"he Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MARCH 1. 1931
im o u I vuu
At Anflrnw Kftllor's
All IVaaro County wnrranl rfBUIfrwl
prior to m-iitcmlicr 1. I HOT. will l jiald
on irrti iitHllun at mjr olllcc, lliturt'xt
tfM afliT Niitriiihrr 'i'J, l!(t.
County Trenail rrr.
The regular inotitlily meeting of the
common council will be lield tonight.
Head A. M. WilliamB & Co.'s ad, if
you are a big mun and need a new euit.
A full line of ladies' black drees skirts
J'it arrived at The New York Cash
Ladies' black drees skirts $2.25, 2.4S,
2W, .f.'J 9a, l and 4.50 at The New
York Cash Store.
A mite of rooms, with board, for rent.
Inquire of Mrs. Agnew, Fourth and
I'niou streets. ml-1 wk
The first showing of spring styles In
ladies' tailor-made suits Is now on at
A. M. Williams & Co.'s.
There will be vervicee at the Calvary
1'aptist church every evening of thin
eek. All are cordially Invited.
Do not fail to eee Pease & Mays' shirt
window tomorrow. The, newest pat
terns and in regular Monarch colors.
Found On one of the streets of this
city, a lady's shawl. The owner can
find it at this olliee by paying lor this
notice. ml--It
I'eaee t Mays will display in their
furnishing goods' window tomorrow the
newest things in men's spring and Bum
mer thirls.
Wanted A woman to do house work
'or a small family with no children. Ap
I'ly t the residence-of Win. i. Sylves
fr, on Fourth street. .'H-in5
Professor Aaron Funnier, for many
fcars principal of .Hie Dufiir public
"cuools, took charge of the school at
Valle thl morning.
1 wo experts are paid to be tirbsitectini!
lor coal oil in t, Antelope oiuntry, and
the Republic in of that lowV says boriug
for oil will commence thbyrsprlng.
The lUUtV single eoillpox patient is
"covering rapidly, and at) every possible
precaution hae been taken no further
of the disease is apprehended.
There will xS regular communication
w Wasco lodge No. 16, A. F. & A. M.,
tU (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock.
ork In Hrst degree. A full attendance
I" uVslr,d.
Accord'n to the ceniui of 1900, Hood
wer valley U credited with a population
of 2 C0!l, as follows: Baldwin precinct, i llinuiil Over to thn fSraml .lury.
! 105; East Hood River, -107; Hood Kiverj
town, 760; South Hood Kiver, oSO;' W' m,u:h Rre,llt is dl,e to Sheriff
West Hood River, 030. 1 Kel!-V ani1 hia P'"'" for the excellent
,. .,, . . . detective work that resulted in the ur-
i There wi 1 be a meeting of the mem-, , . . .....
' rf.ot nml innriannmnnf nf tli tivn mun
hers of The Dalles Library Awocmtion , wh(J ,nsl Mon,av n hl etoIe thrcn bttIe8
,in the library room next Saturday of woo, from UlJ Wagc0 warehoug0i T,w
I evening at (:.M) o'clock, for the purpose , ,Mt Umt th(j mm s, ,n secl(i(ie(,
of electing ofheers for the ensuing year. jiMeg Jn ,he day t,mo aR(1
We have just received a very hand- traveling in the night time, made their
some line of a wool black dress skirts. , arren the more diflicMilt.
"jWe shall oiler this line at attractive Shortly after their arrest Friday night
; prices, lie pure and give us a call be- !al fjlierar's Undue, the men made a lull
fore making your spring purchase as we confession to Deputy Sheriff K. 13. Wood,
will tavi you money. The New York j They gave their names as John and
Cash .Store. " j Jialph Winkle and claimed to be broth-
Died, in this city Sunday, March .'rd, ! ere. They said their home was near
Charles W. Dealing, aged 7-1 years. The ' Eugene, and letters were found later in
deceased was a widower and has been their pockets addressed to these n nines
living with his only daughter, Mrs. and bearing th. postmarks of Monroe
Charles Keys, for many years. The1 and Albany. Thev said they had
planned the robbery while in the city a
year ago. They had gained entrance to
j funeral took place from the Kevs reti-
deuce, on the bluff, this afternoon.
j Several good coal prospects have been
, discovered near Antelope, aud there ap
j pears ecarcely to he a doubt but that wo
will have good coal mines opened up
j here this summer. Thus with gold, cop
per, silver and other minerals and also
coal in this immediate vicinity, the
prospects for the future of this little city
is very bright indeed, says the Repub
lican. Sheriff Kelly took to Salem yesterday
morning Mrs. Hattie E. Weidner, wife of
F. P. Weidner of Mosler, who was
examined Saturday before Judge Rrad
shaw and pronounced insane. The
alllicted woman is 45 years of ago. For
a month or more i-lie has manifested
homicidal tendencies toward? her chil
dren. It is hoped her abberation is
only temporary.
Siunott Ji
the warehouse by pressing on one of the
double doors that was fastened within
with a latch, so that they were able to
lift the latch by inserting between the
doors a thin piece of wood. They con
veyed the wool sacks to the neighbor
hood of the oil house, nearly half a mile
east, by means of a wheelbarrow they
found near the depot.
The men arrived in town in the cus
tody of Deputy Sheriff Wood Sunday
morning. They were arraigned before
Justice Brownhill this afternoon when
they pleaded guilty and were bound
over to the grand jury in the sum of
$500 each.
Hugh Chrisman was in town today
from lining.
Mies Ruffe, of Portland, will arrive
Fish lust week ordered a j hero ibis evening to accept a position
lresbed chicken" from the D. 1'. , with Miss Haven.
! Ketchtiui ranch on Five Mile. The! Miss Carrie Lord, of Chillicollio, Ohio,
chickens were delivered Saturdav and ; visiting the family of her uncle, Mr
weighed exactly SOfj pounds, or almost
0?.t pounds a piece. At 14 cents a pound
W. Lord, of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. II. W.
Wells aud chil-
., : ,' ,',., .. ii.., , dren have returned to town after spend
w,ry ,;, v Tl4 r ..iww.i.c, ina the winter months on their ranch at
l'rosser, Wash.
cents each. It will oci'ur to most people
that there ought to be money in chick-
Mrs. W. E. Svlvester Is with her
ensatflli.'iO a du.un. These chickens i daughter, Mrs. Emerv Oliver, of i'ort
were of Plymouth Rock variety. land, who has been dangerously ill with
! typhoid pneumonia, out was sotnownui
Chas. 11. Royle, who appears in the better at last accounts.
I (IH. mil rtf tliu rutlrublltt (rft .niill.lll' '
I now running at the Grand opera h uise,
George A. Young, of Rldgeway, the
sheep king of Wasco county, is in the
city. Mi. Young, in company with
Senator J. N. Williamsin, will leave for
presents a type of character c6medy
u' la nnl til nil Hrnlvllul ail,1 U'h(..l
... i ..i Pendlulnn tonight to intend the wool
nas nrovoKui, mmm ....rnn.e.u ... Br0werH. ,.0Ven lion thai meets there
every day life that I'f piiliiiiiies as a tomorrow.
stage (Miii'itiiii! may ne 'null understood.
j Another largn audience laughed aud ap
I pluuded for two and a half hours last
, night. Mr. IS yle is turroiinded by gay
comedians nud a bi-vy of charming
After a residence of sixteen years in
this city, Louis Heppuer resigned his
position us book-keeper in Moody's
waiehouse aud left yesterday for Port
laud, where he will go into business
with his brother. Mr. Heppner wM
Curd u r TliKiikN.
The family of the late I). Heroux desire
to sincerely thank the many friends of
their beloved father for the numerous
acts of kindness shown him from the
time of his fatal accident till ho was
laid away in his last resting place. And
in this connection they desire to make
Bpecial mention of Senfurt Brothers aud
the Forresters of America.
For infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Sitfuaturo of
Among the names of I bono who voted I
for John If. Mitchell on the ballot which
elected him to the U. S. senate, we note
the name "McGreer." Our representa
tive,, has made a splendid record as a
faithful and able servant of the people,
and not tho least vaiunble of the ser
vices he rendered, was the vote he gave
to Hon. John II. Mitchell. -Antelope
"The election of Senator Mitchell,"
remarka the Eagle, "was accomplished
by the votes of a number of democrats,
who, rather than see the state unrepre
sented for the next two years, voted for
Mr. Mitchell." The Eagle is able to
see that there is no aspect to a
fight for a eenitorship where one eide 1b
in a hopeless minority. In such a case
partisan preferences should be forgotten
in the duly of good citizenship. He ia a
narrow man who is a democrat or a re
publican first, and a citizen afterward.
The "lection of Mitchell was a source
of much pleasure to Canyon Cfty peo
ple, where he is universally the choice
of all the old-time residents. This is
largely the case in nearly every precinct
of the county, says the Blue Mountain
Eagle. Shortly after the receipt of the
news of Mitchell's election Sunday
morning, Judge Sels hoisted a streamer
at the top of his flag-pole, on which he
had painted "Our Senator, Hon. John
II. Mitchell." Monday evening the an
vile boomed for an hour, as a further
endorsement of the selection of Mr.
Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell is no stranger
to the people of Oregon, and while hia
election was opposed by the Corbett
faction of the republican party, all ad
mit that the legislature could not have
elected a man more able than the vet
eran senator.
The news of the election of J H.
Mitchell to the United States seriate was
received here with almost universal ap
proval. Mayor Robbing at once wired
his congratulations. To a Miner repre
sentative he stated that, as a democrat,
he heartily endorsed the action of the
ten democrats in the legislature who
voted for Mitchell. His reason for this
attitude, of course, is that he holds his
citizenship above narrow partisan fealty,
and recognizes in Senator Mitchell an
intellectual giant, splendidly equipped in
experience and the knowledge ot state
craft to creditable and ably represent
Oregon in the national legislature, and
also a man of unblemished public and
private character. Numerous other citi
zens sent messages to Mr. Mitchell ex
pressing their personal pleasure over his
election, and congratulating the state
on 'account of this fortunate outcome of
the senatorial deadlock. Sumpter
The election of John II. Mitchell is
the best selection that could have been
made, and it is indeed fortunate to the
state that the outcome of tho senatorial
deadlock has been the election of one
who is not only head and shoulders
above the so-called majority candidate,
but far better fitted for the position than
some dark horse candidate who might
have been jumped up at tho eleventh
hour as a compromise senator. Senator
Mitchell has well and faithfully served
his state for eighteen years in the senate,
and has always been found working for
the best interest of the people of his
stato, and while he has had the enmity
and opposition of Ulb political push of
Portland against him, tho people of the
state, irrespective of party, have ever
been his champions. Dufur Dispatch.
We do
Steam, hot water and furnace heating,
made and contracts taken for heating
old or new
Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, lo a ma
chine repair shop in connection with our hardware
and implement store, Repair work of all kinds done.
F- S. GUflNJflG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker,
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Accnt for Russell .V (.'o.' Engines, Threshers and Saw Mlllt.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1073
Cor. Second & Laiblin Sis,, THE DALLES, OR.
1 MC. UtLtdnA 1 CD
Oi the product of this well-know n brewery the United States Health
Roports for June 28, 1900, says: "A more supeiior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on tho other hand is composed of
the bet of malt and choicesttif hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with the greatest benetit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the cersaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly he found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
V N. s
Wines. Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
',i v. tv trrt-rt: t liar j.r t .taej.y hr.7 y brf r ixiv-htixhr driar. vrjscajS
Next door to First National Bank.
Condon I'Iiimih 11 1.
I.nnt: ltt. 1111)1.
How In Uura Croup.
Mr. II. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
Duchess county, N. V., says : "Chamber
lain's Couirh Remedy is the best medi
cino I have ever used. It is a fine
children's remedy for croup and never
Mis to cure." When tfiven as soon as
thu child becomes hoarse, or oven after
the cronpy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This Bhould be
bo-ne in mind and a bottle of tho Conth
ltemedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by Illakeley, the linguist.
Hermit cxpeiimeutB show that all
classes of foods may bo completely di
gested by a preparation called Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di
cests what you eat. As it is the only
combination of all the natural diuestants
ever devised the demand for it has be
came enormous. It has never failed to
cure the very worst cases of indigestion
and it always civca Instant relief. Clarke
Si Falk's l'. O. Pharmacy.
For the weakness and prostration fol
lowing riipe there is nothing so prompt I i,m.
ami eiid'.tive as uuo .Minute uouuii Uure. mh,,
This preparation is highly endorsed as .irth
an unfailing remedy for all throat arid ' ,niH
iiiiig iriiiinies aim us eaiiy uui prevents
consumption. It was iiihiIu to cure,
quickly. Clart e & FulkV 1'. O. Pharmacy. '
Hustling young man can make "f tiO per
mouth and expenses. Pormauoit'. posi-
Fixporluncu unnecessary. Writ'
for particulars. Clark A f. j.,
and IiciiHt Streets, Phihit'el
i. t-S-l
that CocoaiiiU Ciicim
your ami your
young Males who add not a little to tliecHrry with him to his new home the
I production. Cincinnatti Kn(Uirer. This warm regard of all who ever had any
'clover attraction comes t the Vogt dealings with him during his long resl.
ueiicu nun:.
opera house Wednesday, March Dili.
Keinembdr that you don't have to be
bald ; you can keep your hair by using
Cocoinut Cream Hair Tonic. To b
had at'Frazer' barber shop, tf
Why pay 11.76 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Pat ton's huh proof paints for f 1.60 per
gallon, guaranteed (or 6 year. Clark &
Falk, agents. ail
A powerful ent'iM-i cannot be run with
a weak boiler, ami a.i can't keep up the
strain of an active life with a weak
stomach ; neither c:tn we stop the human
machine to make repairs. If the stomach
cannot digest enough fooii to keep the
body strong, such a preparation as Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It di
gests what you eat and it simply ciii't
help hut do you good, Clarke A Falk's
V, O. Pharmacy.
lLiii't von know
Hair Tunic will save your and
children's hair? You can get it fot 50
mid 7G ceniH a bottle at l'rH.r's barber
shop, sole agent, tf
Htliiiiil Wauled.
A tencner wants a school in Oregon or
WaNhinu'liiii. Address, .1, A. Haylocl:,
The Dallcn, Or. fi!.VJtw
Paint your house with paints that ar
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Fulk
have them,
Subscribe fur Thk Oiikonioi.k.
A Genii Hint,
In our style of climate, with its sud
den changes of temperature, rain, wind
and sunshine often intermiugled in a
siutzle day, it is no wonder that our
children, friends and relatives are so
frequently taken from us by neglected
colds, hall the deaths resulting directly
from this cause. A bottle of Hoechue's
German Syrup kept about your home
for immediate use will prevent seiiousi
sickness, a large doctor's bill, and per
haps death, by tho nee of three or four
doseB. For curing.Consutnption, Hem
orrhages, Pneumonia, severe Coughs,
Croup, or any disease of the Throat or
Lungs, its success is simply wonderful,
iib your druggist will tell you. Get u
sample bottle free from Clarke & Falk.
Hegular size, 75 cents, Got Green's
prize almanac, 2
There is always danger in using;
counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hanoi
Salye. The original is a safe and certain
cure for piles. It is a soothing and heal
ing salve for sores and all skin diseased.
Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
itiiu't i(u it it in,
Just wet tho allecteil purl freely with
MysterimiB Pain Cure, a Scotch leniedy,
and the palu is gone. Sold by Clarke &
Persons who can not take ordinary
pills tlud It a pleasure to take DeWitt'a
Little ICirly itisors. They are the best
little liver nllls ever made. Clarke &
Falk's P. O, Pharmacv.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third ami Washington Sta,
.l irderH attended to promptly. Long
.lliiiincd pliunu -nil, Local, 102,