"ee; I FREE! FREE! m GUMBERTS Popular Cigar and Tobacco House has inaugurated a bright idea of showing their ap preciation to their kind patrons by giving away, absolutely FREE, fl GfAjMD $300.00 UPRIGHT PIANO 5000 tickets will be placed in envelopes bearing the name GUMBERT, each letter will be in separate envelopes. To the person drawing letters composing the name of GUMBERT they will receive this Grand $300.00 Piano absolutely FREE. With each 25c purchase you will be entitled to a chance. This Piano will not be given away later than July, 1901. However, should we dispose of our tickets in less than above time mentioned, the public will be duly notified and the lucky person will be presented with the most valuable prize ever given absolutely FREE. Bear in mind that we carry a full and complete line of Fine Cigars and Tobaccos, also Periodicals of all Descriptions and when in want of above mentioned articles do not forget that by purchasing them of GUM BERT'S you get full value for your money and chances in winning this Grand Upright Piano. Call and see the Piano on ex hibition at our Store. GumDen's Leading Cigar and Toon House. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. riett Smith, professor of the cago university in a six-ass MONDAY MARCH -1, 1901, brings up the rear. : A lovely drag the principles of his party to gain democratic votes. The Iieview A NTJ-IMPEE1A L 18 T PROCESSIO.X. , should be had. New York Sun. If The Ciikonicli: felt in any way the RevIe ,.,. H,Aa dont. mor, the blood and mucous surfacee. Hall's Qn 1 f ofofFfi I .n re to tint a rmartW Chi- who pretend that Mitchell bartered cui.rrb ui.uot ise currd. wiiq iocs.; application?, as tuey cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh 15 is a blood or constitutional disease, and procession could and not blinded in that .vay. It con- in order to care it yon must take inter- demns the democrats in question be- nal remedies. Halt's Catarrh Cnre ib cause thev voted for a man who. as taKen internally, and acts directly on ill the foes of the despot .ic- Jvmiev allow him to ride unrebuked nnnnprnprt in trip crnrf-rnnr'e vrtn . , . , ' " 7 . Te , . LUIiu au- Uluef mau iu eul It was was prescribed bv one of tbe beet along Pennsylvania avenue.' ul.tbe Portland charter bill it mmht tnT.rH: mt!rn tvnn . n.nKi:.n : , j wuiwu vtt-uii m ibuuiiMiu ,u citiauc iu mie twuutrv jur venre, anu there be no protest of outraged free f rise to remark that it is a litttle state, and this election will only give ; ie a regular prescription, "it is'compoeed 1 men against him and the other mur-. singular that be should feel justified him more power to continue in the ' of tDe tonics known, combined with derers of the heroic rebels in the ! in vetoing a measure that was passed same work , the l,e8t blood purifiers, acting directly Philippines? j by a two-tbirds vote of both houses, , ' - on th? mucous surfaces. The perfect w . , . . . ' . . ,. , i mi . . ' combination of tbe two ingredients le It is not too late to arrange such a , that was in no sense radical or revo-1 Tue Baltimore American would , wb3t prodactSB eQch wonderfnl reeaIte in . show. The details can be carried i lutionary and that was confessedly . comfort Mr. Corbett by reminding : enrine Catarrh, bend for testimonials,; rnt V... a .mmmtttnn nf lin nnti- , V. T I, 1 n . Uim tlint tUic Unm Ur.r. .r. . V.1 r i 1 Tee. j vu wj a buuiuiuhcc vi tut uun- kuc vrij lliiu kuc JJculJlu Ul xuil uiuj buat fcuo una utrcu u j c luui rtuuic j imperialist league. The procession land voted for at the June election. ' season for landslides. Vogt Opera House, F. J. Clarke, Manager. - One III I t mm . m. i. r : . . K'i..i, iiinnnnnnnn Mnmh l nt , , . omiiinjuic is uui a ijuacE meuicme. ii ' nnu BaUrlV lllmlilin of than any other man in recent years r, J..,.. w Only... ounoouaj, mai Uli U ysicians in this countrv for veers, and That Funny Farce Comedy, F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0. ! Sold by drrngjrists, .price "Ac. i Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 ' BUSINESS LOCALS. riayrti Out. Dall Headache, Pains in various parts . the bodr, Sinking at the pit of the will be led by Col. Bryan, driven by j The presumption is the people of J the Doy Absalom (the Hon. Joe I Portland knew what thev wanted as Bailey) in a sixteen-wheeled chsriotj well as the governor did. But that Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. covered with silver leaf. The , is neither here nor there. It appears Don't forget this. of colonel is in sad-colored rags typify-j a few democrats would have goti Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line ! stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, J ing tbe desolation of the people. , office nuder the new charier and that 1 of Paint and artiet'e braehe!- ' Pimples or Sores are ali positive eviden. ; lie rings mournfuny a Liberty Bell, j would never do, of course. Besides ; c,j ?m 1 ' ZlnZZt puT'In "oTd" Following in a van of cypress the new charter was most offensive ( raiK - snre cure ioi doiib. to obtain good health. Acker's Blood, drawn by six black horses, thirteen ' to the saloon men, and what the , , am ' - Elexir t,B8 ne,re' failfcd tocore Scrofulous The Star Boarder. l?tlSnSnp lii.nrl trw tlin rr.nr 1 r. J I . l T - 1 inipium uiicu iui iuc uw3iuu u , baiuon men want iney must nave, little liver pills, the Bowery. They wear manacles So they made a strong fight against ' Pharmacv. Clarke A- Falk's P, Headed by Chae. H. Uoyle ami a big company of Clever Comedians. Saw Songs and Medleys. Pretty Dances. A Host of Charming Girh A Number ofE right special tie?. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates pleaee reraemr.er that we carry a full line of LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from the factory. In plain and fancy box for Christrras trade, and at prices to suit. Don't forget that we arn head quarters for the best on earth. Name LOW.VEY settles it. jii e Lime uanv Ulcere euuu t nr ct.r,i1!i:r:f, r:MO (1,t,fJ. 1.1,1 ' n.m v .,.,i u- -..n i Llever JL,nt(irtai nevs oo. iii i .. . . ... . " ecu ctcii uubiic una ana a iooK oi woe. rrom ume to tbe approval or the new charter and, For sprains, ewellings and lameness ' positive guarantee. Blakeley, tbe druK- - time they throw their manacled according to the Oregonian, they there is nothing bo good as Chamberlain'e iriet. ! Reserved Seats on pale at hands toward heaven and howl. I were stirred to action by the an- 1 P11 tBalm- fry it. For sale by Blake- ; FOR SALE- I Clarke fi Falk'e Pharuucy. Aext comes tbe Hon. Gamaliel , nouncement of Mr. Malley that if he " , , L J . , Twenty well-broke mares and geldings, 'ir.t k., 73c; u i j i- i u i- i t- i , . . ... I Clarke & Falk have received a carload ,, i,wl mtn ,i. t Huutr, duc. Bradford on a bicycle, behind which ( became commissioner he would do 'of the ceiebrated James E Patton . pounds. In- j is erected a map of the United all in his power to compel the strictlv pure liquid painu ' !qUni,L pBE TiF,bnBn ItUlKlll'O lit tllf States. He makes frequent gestures saloons to close their front doors on J Rooin8 toleuUabiefT.ght house BOTTLED SUNSHINE. T-V , . . i 1, . .1 1.l , .... Of renunciation, turns jo the map(Sunday The saloon men feel that keepin, App.y atlsofGce: 7S Tablets One Mule I tormmZuMc.hhZ ZlZl Z and yells passionately: renounce , with the charter bill vetoed and - Tablet will give immediate relief or ! consumption, corpulencv-ali and forsake forever an ungrateful Malley side-tracked their Sunday! Citation. . money refunded. Sold in handsome tin ! of l,,e illB the human flesh Is heir to, country." 1 business may still be run as they in ihecountr court at the state ot Ortcon for ! 1,0X68 at 25 utB- Blakeley the druggiet. ! 'fi''1 by himple application of the """ i'o ueace can rr n u-i,u.. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. HEwjfORK Resiaurani I., Y. Hong, Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect MKALS AT AI.C HOfltS. Oysters Served in any Style. t; Bcoiid St., The Dle, Or. The Hon. "William : Anvil flnrrisnn ! b.h it mn -l,il .,!, n.o l:,i,. Wiucotonuty. . J-. ! ' .wS.a.alu.v In thc matter o( the etet ol Emma May from in a Greek war chariot. He is out ot the wav th-j ctmblers look I Wfc deceusej ,i j . ... -. ......... .. .. To Frederick M urcsscu as Aja buu Meuea lue lorwaru to concessions. Ana 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Sick Headache ahiioiiUi!? and ,i(.r,a. ! timi-nnllum In 0,.n::. ... . , .... rv,u- .......... ,.. cuiiiuiriii i uRinuv is gi). Cromuell. Vriltl, f f!,m. : vuicu u ubiuk JJUK1 lea. A i f lieu. ine SICK and liitwl n,. these I welt, Helen frome!i uui Merrltt F. Crom-1 pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation ' to call at room 41. Chatiman t.l,.i, -n. lightning of the tyrant McKinley. ' nre some of the glorious fruits, im-i Jn t'he name or the state of Oregon, you at.dand '"digestion, makes you eat, sleep Dalles, OreKon, and learn how to trbin mediate and prospective, of tbe'fMKJ batisfaction fnaranteed or ' health and keep it when onc We. I lor Waco Couuty, at the March termor nld "luuey ubck. ch, anaoycts. uiakeley, IWS-Jind A youth attired as Peace distributes copies of tbe Aguinaldian Sonnets among tbe people. Tbe Hon. Edward Atkinson on a prodigious Alain oven on four wheels, cooks as be goes. Then we bave tbe Hon. Carl Scburz in a re volving cbair carried on tbe shoulders of Erving Winalow and Edwin Bur- nnvnrnnr'i v.tn -.f flu ol.orln- Ir " "-' IXJUUt), ml Hie term OI knia "-. governor 8 etO or the Charter bill, etmrt. at the couit room Uiereor. at Uallen City. Mi rlrnirit mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hi kald cnuutr. on Monday, the itth day ot I l"e uruKK jiarcn, rai, i o cimik iii ine aiiernoon oi tnia The Koseburg Ilev.ew, the leadag;V.n Look Here! A , .. ii'. . r line V. Uarton. the admlnUtrator of the en tut I ucuiuurnui; ,m,i:r ui fBieru wregun, 0t Emma'M.y Cromwell, deceased, to ell the All the Groceries, Hardware and brands as political Juduses tbe eleven democrats who helped to elect Sena-' tor Mitchell. Its reasoning, bow ever, ought to give pause to tbose teal urouertr described a belonging to nald eaute an followi, to wit: Lot seven in the town ol Helmont. Wasco County, Orexon. Wltiiew the Hon. Ueonre U. Blakeley, Judge or the aald county court, with the teal ot aald court affixed, tlih Ktli day or February, 1MJI. IhlAL) A. E.LAKE, Clerk. tr, Tin. ware will te disposed of by the 1st of March, as the building will' h occupied by other parties, S. L. BK00K6. jaol6-mcbl Sabtribe for Thk Chbomcl. Experience is the best Teacher. Umj Acker' EnirliH. Hemedy in any case of cou(hf, colds or croup. Should it fail to itive immediate relief ,,,nf,ey refunded 26 cts. and 60 cts. Blakeley, the drug-. I Floral lotion will cure wind ch.nntn. . and sunburn. Manufactured by Carae , i Falk. TRACE lOT""" 'IrtiGNS CaavRICHTS C A nrono ei1Uiif naketrh and Ana''ntf qulrklr axertulu oiir opinion frw '""f'.i HonairlctlrJiiO(leiitr6l. Handbook oil I'atMi" tnt(r. OHoat aireiicr for aecuriuiruteil' 1'alvi.ta lakcii iLrouih Muuu 4 Cu. m' qxrlol tuitltt, without charsc. In the Sckntlfk JVMKricaii. A handaomclr llluatrated weekly. Jrirwt riilallnii i.f nnr M-leiitlKr j'.uriibl. 'J " favt 1'iiir iiiuiitba.tL bold brail vt"KwrT MUNN fiCo.roadNewYprk ppt O"-, rn I' Ht. WaalilUKt""