VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY. MARCH 4, 1901. NO. 53 WILL THE CUBANS YIELD? 1'rcMiIcnt of the Cuban Constitutional Convention Says Xo Resolution of Senate is Distasteful. SkwYokk, March 2. Mendes Capote, the president o( tliu Cuban constitution al convention, is quoted in a dispatch to the World as saying, not in his own of ficial capacity, but as a member of the convention, relative to the Cuban situa tion and the island's relations with the United States : "I regret that the senate has passed a dit refolution. It is most distasteful and benny a total misunderstanding of the situation of Secretary Root that the Cohans must agree to the concessions proposed. "1 do not believe that the convention will yield. Personally, I will never con cede coaling stations or the right to con trol our foreign airairs. They would mean interference in local affairs at any time and also the maintenance of unheard-of relations. We ask only the fulfillment of the promise of the United States, which was accepted as it was laaJe. "I am surprised at the utterly fahe Statement in the American press, which appears to be campaigning agiinsl us. It has systematically created the im pression that we are ignoring President McKinleyV expressed desires and failing to embody in ttie constitution his opinions as to the relations which should exist between Cuba and the United States. On the contrary, the convention was instructed toebnsider those opinions. Subsequently there was a further sup pression of facts and a fabrication of statements in the attempt to convince Americans that we should accept the terms which Secretary Root presented. Having rejected those, thesenate's action is intended to frighten us. Whether it will do so remains to lie seen.'' A demonstration has been planned for Sunday to show approval of the conven tion's uttitude and to pledge support to its policy. lief that there was nn expressed desire on thu part of the Cubans to make the concessions. "That wo should surrender our purses on demand would be no surplice, be cause, hv force one is hanged. But that we should wish them taken is expecting too much. The delegates have been ae logical and dignified as the government which rules by virtue of intervention." Among the tens of thousands whohave used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la crippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case has resulted in pneumonia. Thos. Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue, Chicago, one of the most prominent re call druggists in that city, in speaking of this, says: "We recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For sale by BlBkeley, ttie druggist. Old Soldier's Kxperlenc. M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doc tor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them. Onl) 25c at G. U. Blakeley's drue store. 3 A Deep Slj tr'. It is a mystery wiiy women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Faiuting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved ttiat Electric Bitters will (juickly cure sncti troubles. "I suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cheney, of Peterson, la., "aud a lame back pained me so I could not dress my self, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and, although 73 years old, I now am aide to do all my housework." It overcomes Constipation, improves Ap petite, gives perfect health. Only 60c at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 3 Halt Couibliii) Next. London, March 2. The report in the Loudon papers that the Salt Union of Great Britain will possibly be able at n meeting March 8th to annomicu a sort of combination with the National Salt Com pany of thu United States of America, lias aroueed considerable interest. "The i agent in London of the National Salt i t!i)fiiriflriv mfnrmt.fl u rMitri.ttf.ntiitii'u nf Tl... f, i.. ,. . - .. - " i ..r w.ar.o ue .a .Manna commeruis uie ; th,. Ateoc,alw, VrtiB9 to(lav that he knows onvetit on's action and says that the . ,10tlli()K of t,lu fUKKeste(,' coinbllie. iie L mted States demands showed the .-.,,,. Wb MleVH Alnt!ril.ttr, ba mIC ASTORIA . -rrr " u i ITT H L - f , r-jSj- -riiiSn 11 AVeCetable Pr coaralionfor As similating ttteFoodandBeguIa tuig the Stomas onl Bowels of For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Promotes DigestionjCteerlur- iiessanaiiesuJoniaiiK neiuier Uputni.Morpfaine nor Mineral. Not Iahc otic. fU.Stiuut . ifarf'ii f - Apetfecl Remedy forConstipa ion , Sour Stotnach.Diarrtioea (imlLOBH OF SLEEP. Vat-Simile Signature or EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Bears the g i Signature jv In irV- Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA eold in Great Britain cheaper thnn the nfttive product, in spite of freight charges. We are already contracting for 2000 tone a month and certainly have not the slightest intention of combining with Great Britain. We are here to compete, not to combine." Will Hermann Go? Washington-, March 2. -An afternoon paper says that 8enator Sboup and a number of other western senators who want to see Binder Hermann retained as commissioner of the general land office, have spoken to the president about it. For several days past there have been more or less rumors in the air concern ing the probability of Hermann being his own successor. There are some dif ferences existing between the secretary of the interior and the commissioner of the general land office in which western sonaiors generally support the com missioner. If Secretary Hitchcock re mains in me caoinet, tnis trictlon may cause the retirement of Hermann. But more than all else that will settle the the question will be the decision of Senator Mitchell when he arrives. Prob ably the house members of the Oregon delegation will indorse Hermann for retention, and it is believed that Senator Simon feels kindly toward him. If Mitchell insists, and the entire delega tioti should be in line for Hermann, he will remain unless the friction between himself and the secretary becomes too great to be withstood. Already the friends of Assistant Commissioner Richards, who is from Wyoming, and a Western man, are urging him Hermann's place, if there should be a vacancy. Tut Cause Night Alarm. -une nignt my orotner'e naov was taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C, Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble ttiat no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial hottles free at G. C. Blakeley's drue store. 3 Cubitus to M'Kluley. Havana, March 3. Last evening, after the demonstration in front of the Marti Theater, wuero a torchlight procession composed of members of the national republican and popular parties were re viewed by the members of the convention, the procession, 5000 Etrong, went to the governor-general's palace, where a dele gation presented to General Wood a pe tition to President McKinley urging absoluto independence for Cubit, The demonstration was originally in tended as a rebuke to the United States senate and house of Representatives for adopting the Cuban amendment, but no such feel inn was displayed at the palace. The committee was cordially received by General Wood, and on retiring gavo three cheers (or the United States. Hliti Won't Wur n Musk. But tier beauty was completely hidden by sores, blotches and pimples till she used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Then they vanished as will all Eruptions, Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Carbuncles and Felons from its use. Infallible for Cuts Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles. Cure guaranteed. 2."ioatfi. C. Blakeley's drug store. 3 Tun Ciikonjcu: has luado arrange ments with thu publishers of the New York Tribune whereby we are able to offer the Weekly Tribune, which ulone is $1 50 a year, aud thu twico-a-weuk OiiuoKiui.K both papers for the price of one, namely $1.50 a year, By the same arrangement we cut) filvo (ho Tri weekly Tribune and thu twico-u-week OfiitoNioi.K fivu papers u weekfor $2, All subscriptions under these offers pay able in advance, tf Tilt, Heat Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamburlaiii'a Puiu Balm and bound to the uflected parts is superior tu any plaster. When troubled witli lumu hack or pains in thu side orjfeliest, give It 4 trial and you are certain to ho morn than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords, Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application gives re lief, For mlo by Blakeley, thu druggist, Glarke & Falk's flavoring extracts lire the best. Ask your w xer for them, FIRST SHIPMENT of NEW SPRING HATS READY. New Collars... Arabian and Ecru Effects. 75c to New Dress Goods and Waist Materials. An interesting display in fol lowing weaves: Embroidered Henriettas, Poplins.Crepes, Venetians, Homespuns, Cheviots, Basket Clothe, Melrose. Prunellas, Vigeroux, Albatros, and Mohair. New Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries. MANHATTAN SHIRTS- Advance Shipment on display. WHITE GOODS SPECIALS. 150 yards 29-inch HEAVY WELT PIQUES, Regular value Special 25c yard. euaA'" 13 c yard. 500 yards 30-inch SHEER INDIA LINEN, Extra good value at 2oc yard. Special Q yard. 250 yards 29-inch CROSS-BARRED NAINSOOK, Soft finish Excel lent value at 25c. Special yard. NEW Chiffon Ruffs, I New Fancy Silk Stocks. with Chenille or Silk Streamers See them. The very latest ideas See them. April Fashion Sheets of McCall Patterns Ready. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. SPECIAL Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Pickwick Suits for Stout Men Special $10.00. Worth from one fourth to one-half as much again. Watch for Window Display NEW SPRING SUITS now being opened. Carried Out On Lake Kile. Silvkk Ciikkk, N. Y., March 3. Twenty-one fisherman were carried out on Lake Erie, ell' Silver Creek, tonight on floating ice, but seventeen of them were rescued. The other four were: Henry Turner, John George, James Me- Nradtie, Thomas Ludwig. Thu last seen of the four men they were still on the ice, but a high wind Iran File Yellowstone Park Line. THK DIKING OAK ROUTK FKOM PORTLAND TO TIIK EAST. SOUTH and EAST via Soutnern Pacific Co Shasta Route Trains leave The Dulles for Portland aud way stations at 4:2o a. ui. and I! p, m. waa blowing up a big sea, and the Ice j TIIE qxi.y WREtrr link to thk YELLOW. was fast breaking up. They were about four miles about out, and there was a mile of open water between them and the shore. When it wub found that thu men weiecut oil' from shore this morning a message waB eent to Dunkirk by the mnyor asking for assistance. A special train was made up, aud a party of rescuers brought a boat on a flat car. They worked heroically all day. the seventeen who were rescued were taken olT the floating ice with great difficulty. They said that their comrades probably perished, as they svere in perilous positions. SI ON K PARK. I Union Depot, Fifth and I sts : Reports show u greatly increased death rate from throat and iung troubles, due to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia and grippe. We advise the usu of One Minute Cough Cure in all of these difficulties. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results Children like it. Clarke & Falk's 1. O. Pharmacy. Kitruy. Came to my place, seven miles west of Thu Dalles, first of November last, u black Jersey steer, two years old ; small split in each ear; no brand visible. Owner can have same by proving owner ship and paying all charges. fit) fit J. 1. AcilDll'S, NOTICE. My wife, H little DelleHnrllngame.lioV lug deserted ine, I will not be responsi ble for any debts she may contract from this date. Kikiau Huiii.imia.mk, Junuury '.".), 1001. jliU 5w l.iko bad dollars, all counterfeits nf DuWitt's Witch Hur.ul Salvu am Worth less. The original (juickly cures piles, sores and all f kin diseases, Clarke k Falk's I O, Pharmacy. No. 11:13 A. M. No. 4. lliu-0 I M, ARRIVK. No. Fast mall for Tacoma, nwiif, wiympia, i,rny s Harbor and South Hem! points, Spokane, Row land, 11, 0,, I'allmiui, : Moscow, l'wlstoii, lluf-1 falolliimpminiiiKcouii- 5;M 1', M, try, Helena, .Mlmieuiio-1 lis, St. Paul, Omaha, Kaunas City, St. Umis, Chicago and all points ! east and southeast. No, :!. Puvet Sound Express for Taeoiua and Seattle 7;W) A. M. and Intermediate points Pullman first-class and tourUt sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points without change. Vustlbuled trains. Union depot connectUius In nil principal cities. UaKKMKO checked to destination of tickets, Kor handsomely Ulusiiatcd descriptive matter, tickets, sleepliiK'Car reservations, etc., call ou or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (ieneral Passeuitcr AKcnt. 'J,V MorriJ sou Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon. FOR SALE. Twelve head of work horses, pluwr, drill, wagon and three sets of double harness, Approved notes taken. Ap ply to A, O, Hick, 'Jm-wtf Thu Dalles. L. Lane, GENERAL I i Biacksmitn AND.., Horseshoe r Leave Portland S:30 a in 7:00 p m " Albany PJ;30am 10:50 pm Arrive Ashland 12:rci a m lltfO a m " Sacramento 5:00 pm 4;S3am " San Francisco 7:15 pm h:15am Arrive Osdou 5:15am 11: 15 am " Denver 9:00 a m U:lKi a m " Kansas City "Via a m 7:'J5 a m " Chicago 7:45 am y:30 a la Arrive Los Angeles 1:20 p m 7:00 a m " El Paso fi:oo p m 6:00 p m " Port Worth G:;wam ti;:wum " City of Mexico y:55am J:55ain " Houston 4:00 am 4:00 am " New Orleans U:'.'5am 0:25 pm " Washington 0:1.' am 0-12 am " New York 12: 13 pm 12' 13 pm Pullman and Tourist cars on both twins Chair cars Sacramento to Ogdeu aud E I Paso, nud tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Or leans aud Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central aud South America. See agent at The Dalles station, or add.tss C. H. MARKHAM, Cienerul Passenger Agent, Portland, Or , S, Hchinck, President, M.v A. VoiiT. Cashier. Wagon arid Oarrlage Werk. Fish Brothors' Wagon. Tiiird aud Mcron, Pliouc 159 Administrator's Notice. Niillrn Is hereby given Hint thu undersigned lias been duly appointed by the County Court of Wusco County, Oregon, administrator of (ho estato of P. T. Hhurp, deceased, All iiersuns having claims against tlio estalo Hro heieby to Allied to present the same to me, duly vurillcd. Hi Dalles city, Oregon, within sU mouths from thu date hereof, Dated Junuury 12, 1900. JI5 W. H, HlfAHP, Administrator, First National Bank. THE DALLES - - OREdOtsi A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted ou duv of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oa New York, Sun Francisco aud Port, laud. DIHBOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno, 8. Bchino, Ed. M. Williams, Oko. A. Limn, H. M. Hkall. A DM 1NI8TK ATOK'S NOTIOK. Notice Is heieby given that the undersigned has Uen duly appointed by the county court of th state of Orccoit for Wasco county, aifuilnl. tratrlx of the estate of John lialryinplcdcccusctl, All persons having claims against suld cttu are hereby ie(iiired to lueseut tho samu tn me, pioperly verllled. i,h by Jaw ieiiilrtsl, at my resl deiicu ou thu Klotd ruueh, live miles from Dalles City, or at thoolllcttof MoiiMett .VSlnnolt, within s- iiioii t lib (rom the date hereof, Dated this 21st day of February, I'.hii. AONKS DAI.HY.MPLi:, Ailinlnlstratrlx1 ot Ihu estate td John Dulrym pie, deceased, lUZi -