LENTEN SEASON. Our Slock is Most Complete. Toll us your . wants . Genuine Alaska Herring, English Cromarty Bloaters, G-louchester Codfish Middles, Smoked Halibut Chunks, Salmon in every variety, Canned Fish in every variety, i Our MACKEREL will please you, I Large Family, 10c Bloater Mickercl, 35c ii TRY ONE. h c I usaasr PEASE & MAYS i fhe BpHbs Daily Chronicle. M MICH '. 1901 S -(5) l; ? k. sorved i ' At Andrew Koller's. ' I TREASURER'S NOTICE. All U'mtu County witrrantN rcRlntxrril prior t- Miitfiutiir I, 1H117, will lie lmlil on preHPtitittliiii ut my otllrn, lntr-Hi "KM hMt Niivfinlinr !!U, 1 !(. .IOIIN I'. II AMI'S II I UK, County Tmimirer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Don't fail to attend Prof. Sandvig's (lance at thu Baldwin tonight. A euite of rooms, with board, for rent. Inquire of MrB. Agnuw, Fourth and Union streets. ml-lwk Found On one of the streets of this city, n lady's shawl. The owner can finil it ut this oflice by paying lor this notice. ml-4t Bishop Morris will hold service in St. Paul's Episcopal church tomorrow morn ing ut 10:30. Celebration of holy com amnion. No evening service. The kindergarten will opfn on Mon day morning at thu public school annex, anil Mrs. Dunlap requests the mothers to bring their children promptly fo thu work may bo regularly begun ut once. Had the nnti-fret-lunch hill been I'aesel by the recent legislature and eirnd by the governor, it is understood tliat the shIocii men would have bold a five-cent lunch and furnished free user. In 1805 Job. Jjckwood freighted an engine ami boiler from Thu Dalles to Canyon City on two wagons at 15 cents & pound. Jin used 40 yoke of oxen and made the 185 miles In two and a half months, thero being then no road. i'bjipuer Gazelle. Mies Ahbio MHIb urrlved In the city today from Portland ond has accepted a position with Dr. Gelsondorflor. Miss Mills Is in, excellent nurse, having had twelve ycurs exneriunce in tlm lirnfep- f",u f'he was formerlv Biiperlntendent hi the Hulem Hospital. A meeting of the Oregon WoolgroweiV Relation will he held in thin city on March m:,. The association has pro thu commercial club rooms, and 'u meeting will bu called to order Promptly at 10 a. m. Bupt. H. B. Onus. will be present, and it is especially -lrl that all sheepmen will ho m at tuinlanct. Sheriff Kully nvtrucM Tun CiiuuNici.i: 0 ey that as the plckle-in-the-slot law no in t(reot u) M.IB0I1B wno uHow y of the machines In their places of """mm, whether the same are in uie r Hot, leavu tiieiuselves Jlabje to the i hlch It becomes lile duty to en- en'orce. A word to the wise ought to he sulllcient. Hev. U. F. Hnwl: wishes to call special uttention to thu third in his series of sermons on "Faith Made Easy," which will ho delivered tomorrow night. Iiy request anil apropos of thu sermon Miss Collins will sing "The Man of Galilee." MisB Myrtle Miohell will also assist in the singing. At tuu morning service Miss Cora Aldrich has consented to sing. "Continuous show, no waits between acts," such will bu the performance to bo given on the 12th for thu benefit of the football association. A number of clever specialties will bu introduced be tween the acts, thus doing awav with the long wnitBEOiisunl and nearly always unavoidable at home talent perform ances. ' Miss Anna Taylor announces that the high water in Mill creek last Wednesday prevented her from attending the kin dergarten at the First Kaptiet church,, and so the school was closed for the reel of the week. The schdol, however, will o,.en again next Monday at the usual hour and Miss Taylilr hopes to see all children m attendance. w C. F. Stephens, after being in business in this city as clurk and proprietor for eighteen veare, has sold out his entire stock of dry goods and gents' furnishing goods toll. L. Price, of Oregon City. Mr. Price took possession of thu busi ness this morning. Mr. htoplieiiB lias no plans for thu future save tor a time to take u well-earned rest. On a wager of $500 T. S. Van KM:, a contractorof Paturson, N. J., constructed a carpenter shop 50x80 feet and two stories high in font hours. Time was called at 1 o'clock in thu afternoon and seveuty-fivu men sprang at the job, each having been carefully drilled in what hu was to do individually and as a part of the force. Thu building had to bu weather-proof, Moored, roofed and ready for occupancy. Thu work was completed half an hour inside the speciliud time. The Reporter, the official organ of the A. O. U. W., pays thu following hand eoinu compliment to Mrs. C. F. Steph ensof this city : "The Degree of Honor in Oregon was never in butter condition or under better management than It is ut thu present time, Sister Stephens is a model grand ctiief and she hits a splen did corps of helpers, Thu nut results for the year will hi thu best In thu his tory of thu order, notwithstanding thu great interference to work which was caused by thu epidemic of la grippe, A dispatch lecived hunt this morning announced the death at 7 o'clock yestcr dayeVening at Alhiiiaot George Lang, who was for many years a locomotive engineer on thu O, it. & N. road, and was well known in this city, where ie has a host of friends who lament his death. Mr. Laugle age was in the neighborhood of 50 yearp. The cause, of his death was pneumonia. II? cjji herefrom Kansas and gpterd the e'm ploy of the company In" 1684. In the absence of information it is presumed the funeral will take place tomorrow at Portland. Tho Hood River Glacier savs OUR CHURCHES Zlon Lutheran church, Seventh and Union stroHs Services nt 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in; Sunday school 12 : 15 p. m German service at 2:30 In the afternoon Lutheran jeuguo meeting t:30 p. m Calvary Baptist church Itev. W. B Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m, in the new church on Union street. Sunday school nt 10 a. m.j B. V. P. U. nt 0:80 p. m. Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Kev. I). V. Poling pastor. Services at regular hours. Morn ing subject, "Tho Supreme Confession." There will bo n reception of members and communion at close of thu morning service. Mr. Northup will sing tho solo "Calvary" a9 an offertory. Thu evening subject will be "Young Womanhood's Ideals for Young Manhood." Miss Cora Aldrich will sing "A Dream of Paradise." The male quartet, consisting of Messrs Landers, Davenport, Northup and Pol ing, will sing the evening offertory. Young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Methodist Kpiscopal church Corner Fifth nnd Washington, Kev. Ulysses F. Hawk pastor. Morning worship at 11a. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m class meeting at close of morning service ; hpworth League ut 0:30 p. in; Junior League at 3 p. m ; evening service at 7 :30. Class meeting every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Morning theme, "Through Teraptest ard Storm." Evening, "What to Relieve in Reference to Christ." Thu music will be as follows : MOHKI.NO. I'l elude Introductory Voluntary Antlicm "Tcacn Me, Oh lxjrd" Ollertory Voluntary In U Clark SoIo-";tlitns I Am" Miss Aldrich. l'oitlmlelu K flulmant EVKNIKO. Prelude- Oren us: Voluntary C:arnj Anthem IlHurken Unto My Prayer ....Emerson Ollertory Andante .Wiwlrlmohn Solo-"Man of (iiilllee" I.ozhr 311SS Collins. 1'ostludo In I) Howell In This n l,li Too'.' The Dau.es, March 2, 1901 To the Editou: I see in The Ciiiio.nkjlk that Senator T. H. Johnston, of Dnfur, gives yon the Wlie with reference to vour statement that "A Abe had pledged himself during the cam- proposition from The Dalles Electric fpaign preceding his election that he was Light Co., is before the Hood River Electric Light and Power Co. asking that tho two companies consolidate. Tho project is to increase the capital stock, build n dam in Hood river and furnish power for The Dalles or any other place within reach for .electric lights, mills or other industries. The dam is ettimated to cost .$20,000; wiring! to transmit power to The Dalles is esti mated to cost $70,000. A flouring mill with a capacity of 500 barrels a day, is to be erected by the Wasco Warehouse Co. This mill will take power from the new company at a cost of $8000 a yeac Joseph KirchoM', an experienced mill man, arrived in Siui'pter on Monday evening's tram, en route to tho Golden Eagle mine. This property is situated near the Ronanzi and is owned by a company of Dulles business men headed djy J. S. Fish. The mine has been worked or several years, chiefly under direction of J. II. Crudlehaugh, and several tun nels havu been run. That thu showing made is satisfactory to the owners is proven by the fact that Mr. KirchofY's object hero is to superintend tho Install ation of a complete hoisting plant at the mine. Some very rich ore 1ms been taken from the Golden Etglo, and If the sink ing experiment shows satisfactory re sults another producer will he added to the Sumjitur district. Sumptur Re porter. A great deal is being said about tho "democratic vote-" cast for Mr. Mitchell. Here is what Mr. Watson, democrat of Multnomah, says about that: "We, who worn elected on tho citizens' ticket in this county last Juno owe our victory to republican votes, and so wo violated no political trust in voting for a repub lican. Had Mr. Corhett been ten years younger I should have voted for him. Mr. Mitchell made no promises to us. Hu simply said : "If you can elect mo, vote for me; if not, you need not throw your votus away." We thought Mitch ell would bu a good man for tho state, and so voted accordingly, after having given the republican majority ample time to settle thu matter among them-selves." CASTOR I A For Infants nut) Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought not in favor of Corhett for senator and would not vote for him if elected. Mr. Johnston may bu right as far as the con troversy between him and yon is con cerned, but I want to tell you how he kept faith with mo in tho same matter. I waB in Mr. Johnston's store shortly after his nomination and there were pesent Eli Hinman nnd Sam Edmonson, both of Dufur, together with a number of others. Mr. Johnston asked me to work for his election among the voters in my precinct of East Dalles. I told him I would on one condition, namely, that he would not vote fot any person for senator who was connected with the Simon-Corbett Portland ring, nor for any one who was responsible, In any meas ure, for the hold-up in the legislature of 1.197. And then and there he openly pledged himself, in the presence of six or eight persons, that if elected he would not vote for any one connected with that ring. Accepting his word of honor I went to work and did nil I could to secure him votes among people who were not ac quainted with him, and with cnnsidei ablu success. You can imagine,, there fore, how cheap I feel when neighbors, who voted for Mr. Johnston through my influence, come to me and blame me for inducing them to vote for a man who has gono clean hack on thu promises I mado on his behalf, believing that hu meant what hu said, Ei.MKit Gui:i:n. Boars tho Slgutttur Remember that you don't have to he bald ; you can keep your hair by using Cocouunt Cream Hair Tonic, To be had ut Fruxur'u barber shop. tf Booms to rent suitable (or light house keeping. Apply at this ollice. f2.'Mw RABBIT AND COYOTE DRIVE. There will bun rabbit and coyote drive at lilalocks island March 5th. The O. R. & N. Co. will sell tickets Dalles to Coyote and return for $3.30, tickets good going on train No, (t, leaving Dalles at 12:45 a, m, March 5th, and reluming will leavu Blalock Spur ut 12:40 u, in, March tUh and March 7th, arriving at Dalles ut 1 :45 a. m. Paseengors will ho taken to Hlnlocks Spur, where train will arrive at 3:40 a, in., and will hu mot by partiee with lan terns, who will take charge of visitors. There will hu n rabbit, drive on lilalocks latum! March 5th, ending with a barbe cue, fevurytnlng Iree to visitors, and another drive March (i'.h on thu main land iieur thu island. Dr, Blalock expects lo git n number of people together ut this time and in terest them in ti development of thu sagu brush eoiuiii in this vicinity. Cocoaiiut Cream Hair Tonic will cure dttndrtill'and all eualp diseases, Don't neglect your hair. For sale at Fra.er's h't her shop, sole auent. tl Why pay 1.76 per gallon for Inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton'a sun proof paints for $1,50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clurk & Falk, agents. ml We do Steam, hot mad" and buildings. water and furnace besting. Estimates contracts taken for heutlm; old or new Do not forget That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, hIso a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done. MAYS A CROWE. J F. S. GUflrilJMG, Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker. -IlEALEtt I.V- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Ascnt for P.ussell A: Co.'.s Engines, Threshers and Saw MlIK Oor. Second & LangWin Sts, THE DALLE?, OR. Telephone 157. Long Distance 1073 1 trie. utLconA 1 C.U .GOIiUjWBlJl BREWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for June 23, 1900, says: "A more supeiior brew never entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is ahe-olntely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is compoeed of the best, of malt, and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with the cersaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. v msvtuav ' - 1 G. J. STUBLilHG, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 8. Next door to First National Bank. Condon Phnn- :tl. I. out IMat. 10111. THE DALLES, OREGON. I Iluw tii Cure ('roup. Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess county, N. Y., says: "Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is the best medi cine I have ever used. It is a line children's remedv for croup and never f,tila to cure." When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after tho croupy cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should bo bo-no in mind and a bottle of the Cough Jemedy kept at hand ready for instant use as soon as tlieso symptoms appear. or sale by Blakeloy, the druggist. Recent oxpeiiments show that all lasBUB of foods may be completely di gested by u preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely ill- wests what you eat. As it is the only combination of all the natural digestauts over devised thu demand for it has be come enormous. It has never failed to curu thu very worst cases of indigestion and it always gives instant relief, Clarke & Fnlk's P. O. Phnrmacy. Hustling young man can make fOO per mouth unil expenses, Permamm1. posi tion. Experience unnecessary. Writ' quick for particulars. Chirk o'c ( Font th and Licust Streets, Phihulel. Ik piu , Pa, tS.t Don't you know that Cocoaiiut Cicum Hair Tonic will save your ami your children's hair? Yon can get It foi 50 and 75 renin, a bottle at FruWs barber shop, sole agent. tf hilniul W'hiiiimI, A teacher wants a school in Oregon or Washington. Address, .1, A, Hayhud;, The Dalles, Or. l25-2tw Paint your house with paints that ,iro fully guaranteed to lust. Clarke k Fa Ik havu them, Subscribe for Tun Chmunioi.k, A Gentle Hint, In our stvle of climate, with Its sud den changes of temperature, rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglected colds, half the deaths resulting directly from this cause. A bottle of Busehee's German Syrup kept about your homo for immediate usu will prevent setious sickness, a large doctor's bill, and per haps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing Consumption, Hem orrhages, Pneumonia, severe Coughs, Croup, or any disease of the Throat or Lungs, Its success is simply wonderful, us your druggist will tell you. Got a sample bottle free Irom Clarke & Falk. Regular size, 75 cents, Get Green's prize almanac. " There is always danger in tiging couutoifeits of DeWitl's Witch Hanoi Salyu. The original is a safe and certain cure.for piles. It is a soothing and heal ing salve for sores and all skin diseases. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Ilon'l KiUi It 111, Just wet the atlected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scutch lemedy, and the pain is gone. Sold bv Clarke A' Falk. Pei'ons who can not take ordinary pills llnd it a pleasure to take DoWitl'n Little Etrly Risers. They are the best little liver pills ever made, Chrkoit Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. l'ir the weakness and prostration fol lowing grippe there is nmhiiit! m prompt ami olt'e'Jiive as Ofie Minute Cough Cure. Thw preparation is highly endorsed na an iiifailing remedy for all throat nml In troubles uud its early life prevents c" iiniition, It was made to euro q . .kly, Clarke A Falk's P. O, Pharmacy.