m 1 FREE! 1 FREE! m GUMBERT'S Popular Cigar and Tobacco House has inaugurated a bright idea of showing their ap preciation to their kind patrons by giving away, absolutely FREE, A GfAD $300.00 UPRIGHT PIANO 5000 tickets will be placed in envelopes bearing the name GUMBERT, each letter will be in separate envelopes. To the person drawing letters composing the name of GUMBERT they will receive this Grand $300.00 Piano absolutely FREE. With each 25c purchase you will be entitled to a chance. This Piano will not be given away later than July, 1901. However, should we dispose of our tickets in less than above time mentioned, the public will be duly notified and the lucky person will be presented with the most valuable prize ever given absolutely FREE. Bear in mind that we carry a full and complete line of Fine Cigars and Tobaccos, also Periodicals of all Descriptions and when in want of above mentioned articles do not forget that by purchasing them of GUM BERT'S you get full value for your money and chances in winning this Grand Upright Piano. Call and see the Piano on ex hibition at our Store. (hp's Leading uigar aim Ton House. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATUEDAY - - - MARCH SENATOR MITCHELL. States senate. And in tbe canvass ' the people of Oregon. His long ctrrh uduoc im ouwd. preceding the election at which this former service will weigh strongly in h loMl apnlicatione. as they cannot - 1901 j legislature was chosen, every Oregon ( the senate, where a newly-elected ig a mood or constitutional uMseaee, and . j republican was made indignant by and inexperienced man is at a much ' in order to cure it vou must take inter-1 ! the subordination to this end, by the 1 greater disadvantage than in the nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is Vogt Opera House, F. J. Clarke, Manacor. friends of Mr. Corbett and by the ; house. The public will hope that be , taken internally, and acts directly on I me uiuou anu mucous eurxaces. nau e 1 nn Sntnrdnv. ihr rnmnrpri hreak to Hon. Jobn H. Mitchell came in the!party loJ;'aIt3'- That Funny Farce Comedy, rsnttle I'ost-IntelUzeriCerl At the last moment, after midnight i pr.noipal republican newspaper o has learned wisdom from past mis. - cj, Care , not a ok MlrfIdne. , SRS WBtlnBSdaV Mamh 6 me bwie, ui personal iairness anu oi uhes. iuose woo are uissausueu , It wag wa B preBcnbed bv one of the i - J' No slander and no with the outcome know exactly Dhvsicians in this countrv for vh-s. and 1 ( t - . . m - f mrkrln rf nttonL nna t rr rrmoa irltoro r 1 ritn i r tlin rncnnrie!rii!ti i 1R n Vocrnlnr nrtiCPr! t t inn Tt a nrrtrratA ' Oregon legislature, and the long ' . . . , . . mmMnP wUh ! uxuiusi ocuaiui , umi iue uiuiue: uijuii iue urumuitrs i ' ' V I 1.1 .1 IP. If .1 wic iieai uiuuu iuriuerH, ucung airecuy nn thfi tniifnnn aiirmnaR. Th rrfc.ni .:.-... : .-i . . , i. . .i. o . ' bett. a few of the votes that bad i " " - ,3UUfu' combination of the two ingrediente i . , . . . .. , v.-iit. . luls purpose. Ibis explains, if it McBride n tbe interests or Mr. stood by him in previous ballots and . ., , , . . , , , . .i, 'does not justify-, the refusal of the i Corbett, and have assisted in ac- a number of democrats made up tbe ; 1 i . .... , . t opponents of Mr. Corbett to enter a compltsbing a result that is perhaps J J fa 1 , nm.mie nn1 irn. rn, I, I - . I. . nn 1 1 .1 n . I. 1 1 deadlock was ended by his election. Tbe entire opposition to Mr. Cor- j Mr. Mitchell, and prevented an extra session and the indefinite continuance of the factional struggle that had lasted from the moment that the leeislature organized. Tbe first reflection upon tbe result ditions ls t0 be regretted, as is tbe is one of regret that Senator McBride I election of a republican senator by should not have teceived the re- I tbe aiJ of democratic votes and the . defeat of the man who should have caucus, and was the reason of their unyielding determination that he should not enjoy the fruits of a campaigs so conducted. While the existence of such con- BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falk are never cloeed Scnday. Oon't loreet this. Clarke & Falk have on sale a fnll line of paint and artiet'a bruehee. Yon will not have boils if vou l t what produces such wonderful reBulte in j curing Catarrh, (send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chexev & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggiste, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the beet. 12 I'laynd Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parte of the bodr, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Lobs of appetite, FeveriBhnesp, Pimples or Soree are all positive eviden. cee of impore blood. No matter how it became so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elesir has never failed tocore Scrofulous Clarke & Falk's en re cure toi boils. oWMnntrtn-tMf.il im trna foirlf on . ueieai oi iue oiai wuo suouiu nave I election to wiitcu ue was iatrij en-i ,, unn umu-n uinn oi.t. . . . .1 tnnrkl itnrl r cnririnr tnr m f inrn -k , titled. He has been an able and " ocu 141 c for men, only 2 at The New Yoik Cash or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood conscientious senator. His record is compensations. One is tbe perma-j gloret j diseases. It is certainly a wonderful excellent, judged either by the pub- Denl retirement of the candidate j Quality and not quantity makes De-1 remedy and we sell every bottle on a lie or the narty standard. He had wll uas represented for so Jong in Witt's Little Early Rifers such vnluable j positive- guarantee. Blakeley, the drug- earned tbe honor which it WOuld i luo U3,nuuuu Ui L,e , ' bavebeen for the best interests of t0 Pusu ltse,f int0 tlie 6enate- An Iharu,ac t ! 'other is thfi sfilnntinn nf n mnn whn For sprains, Ewe.lings and lameness trie rlhli! io coniRr ui un uim. anu , which he would undoubtedly have ' ia thoroughly familiar with the duties received but for the bitter factional oi the Position and will be able to fight waged within the party. The ' exercise an iLfluence at the national friends of Mr. Corbett, with the caPUal wuollv impossible to any un Portland Oregonian as their mouth-; tried or inexperienced candidate, piece, determined to defeat Senator i Senator Mitchell's original entry McBride; even, if necessary, at the j into tbe senate was made twenty cost of republican success itself, eight years ago, and in that time be Their efforts made possible the un- has served as senator three full expected, in the choice of Senator 1 terms. He held important committee Slitcbell. AH of these circumstances have to positions, and, with his colleague, Mr. Dolph, gave to Oregon an in- be taken into account in passing Ifluence at Washinngton out of pro judgment upon the action of tbe re. publicans in ibe legislature. For years tbe party has had to fight the aspirations of Mr. Corbett, the Ore gon millionaire whose final ambition it was to secure a seat in the United portion to the Size and importance of tbe state. His familiarity with men, bis knowledge of methods of procedure and bis ability to step in. stantly into active work as a senator will be of immense practical value to I there ie nothlne so good as Charnberlain'e Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. Hamilton Brown's "Good as Gold" shoe for men and boye are the beet wearing shoes in the world. N'oe, 12 to 2, fl.C5; 2! to 1 85; C to 10, $2.25. A powerful engine cannot be run with boxes at 25 cte a weak boiler, and we can't keep up tbe strain of an active life with a weak stomach ; neither can we etop tbe human machine to make repairs. If the stomach cannot digest enough food to keep the body strong, tuch a preparation aeKodol Dyspepsia Cure should be need. It di gests what you eat and it simply can't hel.p but do you good. Clarke & Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy. Clarke & Falk bare received a carload of tbe celebrated Jamee E. Patton strictly pare liquid paints Hamilton Brown shoes at The New York Cash Store. FOR SALE- Twenty well-broke mares and geldings, weight from 1800 to 1050 pounds. In quire of Vukd Fishei:, fUMmw Tiie Dalles. Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker'e Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin Blakeley the druggist. The Star Boarder. MATT SHOEEN, I General Blaeksmith i I and Horseshoer. All kindf of blBckemlthing will receire prompt attention and will he executed in firBt-clase shape. Give him a call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, Tbe Dallee, Or. Headed by Chas. H. Boyle and a big company of Clever CoinediaiiB. New Songs and Medleys. Pretty Dances. A J lost of Charming Girls. A Number ofJiright Specialties. 22 Clever Entertainers 22 ! I CHOCOLATE BON BON5. Reeerved Seats on sale at Clarke & Falk's Pharmacy. I'lrnt l'l Ku:y, 75-j 11 oil mi, .-.Or. BOTTLED SUNSHINE. : and form of magnetic shields In talking of Chocolates please ! remember that we carrv a full line of Itulunrn of tile I LOWNEY'S, just opened, fresh from tbe factory. In plain apd fancy boxes i for CbrietrrHH trade, and at prlcee to 1 suit. Don't fortet that we ar beau. . I . . .1 . .1 X a ooon to the nick and alllieted in tli ' M"rier nir tne dosi on eartu. .'"" Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cte. andSOcts. Blakeley, tbe druggist. Look Here! All the Groceries, Hardware and Tin ware will be disposed of by the 1st of March, as tbe building will be occupied by other parties. S. L. BR00K8. janlG-mcbl Subscribe for Tun Oukoniclk. Rheumatism . paralysis, consumption, corpulency all of the ills the human flesh Is heir to. I ireaieu uy simple application of the shields. No dianaee nn exlBt when magnetism )n sufliclunt (lUBntltv is an- plied. The sick and alllieted ate invited - to can ut room 41, Chapman block. The ' Dallee, Oregon, and learn how to gain ' health and keep it when once well. f fh23-l'iiid I L0WNKY nettles it. Experience it, the best Teacher. Uce AckerV Hpg.i Ktmrnly in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should It .full to give Immediate relief money refunded 25 cte. and iiO cte. Blakelev. th rtm. Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. U Besiaurant gist Floral lotion wil cure wind chapping andeunhurn. Manufactured ,v f!il- L. Y. Hong, Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect MfUM AT ALU IJOim. Oysters Served in any Style. 17 Second lit., Tlie DUa. Or. 4 Falk. 1 r, i