The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 01, 1901, Image 2

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GUMBERT'S Popular Cigar and Tobacco House has inaugurated a bright idea of showing their ap
preciation to their kind patrons by givihg away, absolutely FREE,
5000 tickets will be placed in envelopes bearing the name GUMBERT, each letter will
be in separate envelopes. To the person drawing letters composing the name of
GUMBERT they will receive this Grand $300.00 Piano absolutely FREE. With
each 25c purchase you will be entitled to a chance. This Piano will not be given
away later than July, 1901. However, should we dispose of our tickets in less than
above time mentioned, the public will be duly notified and the lucky person will be
presented with the most valuable prize ever given absolutely FREE.
Bear in mind that we carry a full and complete line of
Fine Cigars and Tobaccos, also Periodicals of all Descriptions
and when in want of above mentioned articles do not forget that by purchasing them of GUM
BERT'S you get full value for your money and chances in winning this Grand Upright Piano.
Call and see the Piano on ex
hibition at our Store.
Men's Leading Cigar ana Tobacco House.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.'
some experts at 150 Anno thought. The Oregonian is sick and
Domini, and by the editors of the tired of Joe .Nmon, the Old Man of
MARCH 1, 1901 society's publications at fifty or sixty the Sea, Jonathan Bourne. Graham
years later. It is therefore the old- Glass and the whole Simon Corbetf
SWIPED FROM EXUIIASGLS. est fragment of the gospels in the , gang. The half-hearted support it
Mr. 3Iattoon can point with a United States and one of the oldest gave these political tree booters and ;
degree of pride and gratification to ' known fragments in the world. It . corruptionists during the late cam-
the fact that "I done it." : belongs to the same class of papyri p3ign is an augury that they have ; Only
The fact that no one was willing 23 tDe Sinaitic manuscript but is one reckoned on the support of the big I
to claim that elS.OOO found in the hundred and fifty to two hundred daily for the last time. The gang is
pockets of Mr. John Gates tells a years older. When the papyrus of doomed and nothing can ever restore ;
whole story between tbe lines. ' tbi is a fragment was written, j it to the power and place it held in
I tit Attn rmr vWn Vklt. a-n m v n n a ' I t r f 1 1 1
Bryan has hired an editor for hisi JC "c,c i.3UUS iub se sum egrwus uiumier
mnor onfl ho will tnkp n trin tft 5"
Vogt Opera House,
F. J. Clarke, Manager.
Look Here!
All tbe Groceries Hardware and Tin
ware will be dieposed of by the In of.
March, as the buildinjr will" be occupied
by other parties. S. L. B HOOKS. 1
janlG-mchl '.
:.. Wednesday, March 6 !
Notice !
General Blacksmith
and jtorsesboer.
That Funny Farce Comedy,
living who bad seen and con ing on the part of its enemies,
Thus the man who sub-;'c,ocu me i. Wl iUC aFuSi.. ,
A . : t a t Cktarrh Cannot K fnrr1 I
scribed with tbe understanding that; uuj,uuub, me exore o appcatioDe, 8s they cannot '
u T i i . ! Christian evidences the value of this .t J, . 3 . , j
IK WOO LU icau nuab Uljau uu
say was buncoed.
' reach the seat of the diMa.e. Catarrh
new discovery lies in the fact that it is . is a Dlood 0r constitutional disease, and ,
I nn anSffPP. Within the ltn&C fif lt6 ntrr !n rirAur tr nr ro It rn mna tol't. into, t
We are not advised as to the pro-! particQ,ar tesli t0 tbo5e wfao nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Care ,. j
gress of Mr. Mitchells railroad to ; q mIfRC . taken Internally, and act. directly on1
Mars, bnt are in a position to an-1 , . , : the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall'e,'
nounce definitelv that he has a I alUS C0"cePU0D' 89 aS the nar' Catarrh Cure ie not a quack medicine.'
through ticket to' the United States ; tf ,hJ. m Q I0" aDd , by f of the 1
. n incidents in the life of Christ, was an physicians in this country for yecre, and ,
senate from Oregon. accretion of a too credulous age iB a regular prescription. It ie compoeed i
To those who have sympathized more or i(.c, rmn(p rrnm tiIP timpc of the best tonk-6 known, combined with i
The Star
All persons indebted to the late firm
J,of E. J. COLLINS ii CO., and S. L.
BROOKS, are requested to call and
eeuienpon or Deiore .March 1st next
without fai'. S. L. BROOKS.
All kindp of blacksmithing will receive
prompt attention and will be executed
in first-claes shape. Give him a call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dallee, Or.
Headed by Chas. H. Boyle
and a biz company of
Clever Comedians.
New Songs and Medleys.
Pretty Dances.
A Host of Charm ing Girls.
! Among the tene of tbocsands who hare I
j used Chamberlatn'B Cough Remedy for
1 colds and la crippe during the past few
yeare, to onr knowledge, not a single cafe
t has resnlted in pheuuionia. Tboe.
I Whitfield & Co., LMO Vabah avenue,,
j Chicago, one of the most prominent re
eail druggists in that city, in speaking of
! thic, save : "We recommend Chamber
; lain'e Cough Remedy for la grippe in '
j many cases, as it not only gives prompt I
i and complete recovery, but also counter-
acts any tendency of la itrippt to result
in pneumonia." For tale by Blakeley.
the druggist.
A Number of Bright
with Mr. Corbett in his hopeless Dght of the apostles. But lhe last of tbe " 'ooa Pnces, acting cmect.y . Specialties.
for senatorial honors, on account of ftnQSii had not ..a;pfl v till tho t- , . "cr 00
apostles naa not passed away till the combination of the two ingredients ie
tbe vast sum spent by him, the state-i dose of the Qrst centurv and fidy what prodncee eoch wonderful reeulte in I
xnent that the old gentleman is worth . vears fr0 ,h , time , short ' curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
it fci n nnn rrri tio nnn i . . ,
tw.vvu.vwv ; period for such an alleged accretion
may be consolation. His campaign as tbe miraculous conception to have ,
is said to have cost him almost 200,. gained an unquestioned place, as tbisi
000, but be can well afford it. fragmeDt proves it did, in the faith!
Whether nr nnt ho will nwnin trr tn '
l'lm1 Out.
Dull Headache, I'aine in various parte
nf tliu KrJr C'lnl'!.,.. . .1... . . t .1
Cle er hntertai IlOrS 22 ; etomach, Lose of appetite, Feverisbnm,
4B ownevsa
F. J. Che.vey & Co., Prop!., Toledo 0. 1
bold by drrnggiete, price .-c.
Hall'e Family Pille are tbe bed. 12
Reserved Seats on. sale at
Clarke & Falk'e Pharmacy.
Flrt FW ltu-.m.
j lloute, sue.
75c; Italanre of the
reach the senate remains to
and literature of the Christian
oe seen. brotherhood.
The Boise News hopes for great
n .. ' IlINHHftt'H . ir lb nu.tninl A. t, .
t-..v i.v..v ,i t,i.. ouiiLto SUNSHINE. . wouueriui euu. won't loruet that we am
weight from 13W to 1650 pounds, lu-, A boon 10 1 ed m the j Zi2tZl tZIZ ,on " ?"8,r't"!?r UiB b0St D ettrtb'
jorm oi magDenc enieius. Kneumatisui ,,!,, " ;p uiui- j.ut.i. i eeiuee it.
cee of impure blood. .No matter how it In talking Of Chocolates pleaee
Decamp to it miiet be purified in order remember that we carry a full lino of
kw KUUU oeaiui. Acicer e Ulood LOWNEY'S, just opened, fresh frutn
Elexir has nevei failed tocure Scrofulous the factory. In plain and fancy boxes
i or Syphilitic poieone or any other blood for ClirirrM r,iu .n,i t uirm to
;uieeun-8. ji ib certainly a wonderful
remedy and we hell every bottle
quire of
Fke FifciiEi:,
The Dalles.
can bi cored by
I paralysis, consumption, corpulency all
j of the ills the human flesh ie heir to, I
flwcr-.tinuta An V ... .,.,1 I .
ill- . . ti i t i p i 1 1 . ill i iiiuin. v 1 1 : t? i Luiuuo iui llic j 1 1: t' i jij ii if riiijiirui: v i i i - J rr . l. t . it.ii. - r cfavwu wi liic
. ' " . . . . '!n""tufW ',D,e' ,.ii,i. v ,1... ' iwocnees county, N. y.. eave:nhamlr
How lu Cure Troup.
Mr. 11. Gray, who livee near Amenia.
president of tbe Kgyptian explora
tion fund, announces the discovery
It sees in its mind's eye tbe smolder- j money refunded
rt m mit.t vollieVlla Pliri.tion trr.r.Uf ' in (lrf ftf TU rill hi !,!! n ,1 OlV.r. I OOXeB Bt 0 CtS
in tbe form of a fragment of papyrus 'fanned into a lurid flame that will burn
recently found 140 miles south of! the republican party out of bouse
Cairo, containing a large part of the I and borne.
ki.v .ujii.tu.a.o lnri VI , ,, ,.,!. ...... .!..., IttlU V VllUUi
r . iuMin iii suiuuieiii iiusdiilv ie at), i .
Roiu in nanaeome tin i,.. ..,., . .v.tclnel have err ii9.i t u ....
fov ' . auj ailiiuiQU bid 1IJV1LKU ..... "
' lain'e Cough Remedy ie the beet medl-
It sees the Oreaonian 1 pleasant herb drink. Cures conetination ' ",J'mQ
t I . .1 I !..! try
ftr.t ftf Aftt,0'. .,.1 i' And .Tr Simnn nnitt.,1 f,frmu HiaiKestion, makes you eat, sleep; " oeet leacuer. Use
' ! . mil unnt Rstllifaptinn nnannlu,.! n. I Acker B fclltflhll Kcinwlv In tnv ,
eluding tbe important testimony to
tbe miraculous conception ot Christ
contained in what appears as tbe
twentieth verse of our English
Tbe date of tbe fragment it placed
that refuses to do their bidding"
and, as a natural result, a triumphant
democracy after tbe next state
election. Tbe News Is dreaoing
and it wish is tbe father of iu
Rlakeley the ,Q t lnnm 4. nhmnmmn Un. children', remedy for croun and never
Sick Headache absolutely and perma- iDaI1"' 0fW "rn how to 'gain . t'chmZCJ1'1 8U" "",
nently cored bv nein 3Ioki Tea A 1 hfc8,lb "Dd krt,P il wljtD -' lfe child beccmee hoarse, or even after
ueuuj Loreo oy aeing jioki ltd, A . ri.oi.j the crouriv rnnui, ). .l.,i...i ....,
, , v.MU.nji u WIj
prevent the attack. This ehould , '
j boe in mind Hnd a bottle of the Cough 1
uemeuy ept amanu ready for inetttnt'
money back. 20cte. and Mete. Blakeley,
the drugjciit.
Clarke 4 Falk bare received a carload
of tbe celebrated Jamei E. Patton
strictly pare liquid paint
Subscribe for Tuk Cuboxicl.
case of
coughs, colde or croup, fibonld it fall to
give immediate relief money refunded
25 cU. and 60 eta. Blakeley, tbe drug
get. A capful of Salton Sea Halt produces a
refreebiog "ea bath." Donnell telle It.
See oar weet window. 11 8-1 w
ueeatsoonae theee nyuiptomi appear.
For sale by Blakeley, the druggjet.
Floral lotion will cure'wiod chapping
and uobarn. Uanufactured by C'ar
A Falk.
Subecrlbe for The Ciihomci.k.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
U Bestauranf
J Y. Hong. Prop'r.
First-Class in Every Respect
MKAfcH AT A lit. HOVUn.
Oysters Served in any Style.
17 tttuni St., Tbe Dellti. Or.