tpcBuitk. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 1, 1901. NO. 51 I) c Dalles Van of the riHylnR lr I.'nr Vote. v,, Vokk, Feb. 18 Mayor u't..., Iiiih Informed members Armory Board that the National Guard will never be called out bv his orderi. Brlgndier-Generali Butt and McLeer resented the mayor's reflection on the guard. Genernl Butt hBd asked for an appropriation for a riflo range for the Thirteenth Regiment, of which Colonel DAvid Auetin ib the head. General Butt explained that soldiers who could not shoot were of no use. "They don't need to shoot in this city," enld the mayor. "With our excellent police force there is no use for militia." General McLeer turned quickly to ward Mayor Van Wyck nnd said : "There have been strikes when the services of the puard were called for." "Not since I have been mayor of New York," was the retort. "You nor any one el?e will have to call them out white I am the chief executive of the city. 7 he police foice is capable of handling any und all disturbances, and there will be no phootitip." When the remarks of ttie mayor were repeated at National Guard headquarters officers of General Kjf's stall' were amazed. "J cannot understand how the mayor would stand such a statement," raid Colonel N. B. Thurston. "But. for the services of the militia last year at Croton framing a bill indemnifying the settlers for their loss consequent upon a decision of the supreme court In favor of the Wagon Road Company. This involves a large portion of Sherman county. In order to reimburse the settlers for their loss by erroneous rulings of the land de partment, this information is necessary in order to prepare a relief bill in line of establishing precedents. Mr. Moody hopes the department will have all of the necessary facts before the next congrees convenes. Ex-Hriiatnr Erarta Dead. NkwYokk, Feb. 28. William Max well Evarts, a former, United States senator and one of the foremost jurists in the country, died at 9:10 o'clock this morning at hie home in this city, aged 83. His end was peaceful. He became unconscious at 4 o'clock this morning. His four sons nnd four daughters were Bt his bedside when the end came. Pneumonia caused his death. Funeral services will occur Saturday. The inter ment will take place at Windsor, Ver mont. The ex-senator had been in feeble health for some years. He was famous as an orator and lawyer. He defended President Johnson in his famouB impeachment trial and was chief counsel in the Beecher-Tilton case. He was the attorney of the republican party in the Tilden-Hayes contest for the presi dency, apd United States attorney. gen- Dam, the whole of New York might have eral in 1SGS-9; secretary of state in Presi Iweii without water. A little dynamite I dent Hayes' term, and senator from New York from 18S5 to 1891. For the last eight or nice years he has lived in retire ment. He left a large fortune. BOTHA HAS SURRENDERED Roberts' Coup of Twelve Months Ago When Cronje Surrendered, Is Re peated by His Successor Today. M A.vciiESTEit, England, Feb. 28. The Evening Mail says General Botha formally surrendered to General Kitche ner shortly before 10 o'clock this morn ing. London, Feb. 28. The Sun says it is officially announced that General Botha, the 'commander-in-chief of the Boer forces, has surrendered to General Kitchener. The war office at 2:30 p. m. had no confirmation of the report of the surrender of General Botha. would have done the work." t.iiiiuc" KniiiHiini: CiiU AOO, Feb. 28. Two.women and a man kidnaped H. M. Thomas-, of De Kalt), Illinois, last uight, forced him in to a carriage, drove him about tlieetreetB, and finally undertook to relieve him of hie valuables. When he resisted the man fired a shot at him, the bnllet just grazing his tempie. Then the daring thieves fled and the police took up the chase, ending in the capture of the fugitives. Mr. Thomas is visiting in Chicago and the kidnaping occurred j as he was re turning to his hotel from a call on his friends. To Kvliubume Hettlem. Washington, Feb. 28. Senator Simon arid Representative Moody called at the interior department today with a view of securing assurances that the report called for by It resolution of the hint session on The Dalles military road lands in Sherman county be couinletwJ. with a view of securing necessary data for I had at Frazer's barber shop To Cure Coiiuuiitlon. Cleveland, Feb. 27. It is stated that a company will be organized here within a few days, capitalized at f 1, 000,000, to erect a system of sanitariums in the larger citieB of the country for the cure of consumption by electricity. It is said that a positive cure for the disease has been found. TforklDK 84 lluun a Day, There's no rest for those tirelesB little little workers Dr. King's New Pills. Millions are always busy, curing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, BilliouBness, Fever and Ague. They banish drive out malaria. :sever gripe weaken. Small, taste nice, work won ders. Try them. 23c at G. C. Blakeley'e drug store. Remember that you don't have to be bald ; you can keep your hair by using Cocoauut Cream Hair Tonic. To be tf London, Feb. 2S. 3:43 p. m. The Pall Mall Gazette credits the news of General Botha's surrender, but a repre sentative of the Associated Press learnB that neither the foreign office nor the colonial office has any Information con firming the report. London, Feb. 28.-5:23 p. m. The war secretary, Mr. Broderick, an nounced in the house of commons this afternoon that he had no official in formation of the surrender of General Botha. InveHt fcatlou to Uontliiue. Salem, Feb. 2S. Attorney-General Blackburn decided last evening to con tinue to its fullest extent the investiga tion of the books of the state land de partment, and has ordered the clerks who discovered the apparent discrepan cies to report for work on the books March 1st. From the fact that George W. Davie, who was clerk of the land board during the time wben the frauds are said to have been perpetrated, was, up to the time of his appointment, a resident of . . ... . . Sick HeBdache, unn B nelgnbor, a personal and pout Never gripe or Mca' M"d of Judge wbb thought the latter would hesitate about going ahead with the investigation, but he declares himself determined to probe the matter to the bottom, and to vindi cate the law in every respect. Tr,..Mi.rii-,T7-'"''';iX tX't UmXa AVcgetaUe Preporationfbr As - H siniilaling HteFoodandHetfula- UngmcStoiBMaisaialBowelsof OASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Promotes DigestionJCheerfur ncss and Rest. Contains neiliter Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Karc otic . fapr arouk-StKUUHTCWl Wi SeU- Aperfecl Rented forConslipa Hon , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca (mil Loss or Sleep. L Facsimile Signature of KBW YOUIC. Bears the i Signature CXACT COPr OF WRAPPER. In Use Over Thirty Years GASTORIA Lett IIIn Uogh. . Nkij' Yokk, Feb. 28. The TimeB says : When tiie Duke of Manchester sailed for England he left behind two terriors tiiat he had intended to take with him. "The reason he did not carry them with him," said a friend of the dogs' former owner, "was that lie had not paid for them. Mr. Kelly, of Boston, who is a friend of mine, sold the ter riers to the Duke last year. Manches ter promised to pay $1500 for the pair. He did not pay. So, when Kelly heard the duke was to said, he came to New York. But when he went to the hotel the duke was 'not at home.' Ho v. ever, Kelly took his lawyer to the hotel and lay in wait for the duke. He found him in the lobby. The Duke said he had not the money. His father-in-law, when asked to pay the bill, refused to do so. So the duke had to let Kelly take the doB." Night Wan tier Terror. "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough fright fully and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippo, Bronchitis and all Throat aud Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at G. C. Ulakeley's drug store, 2 New Hi-ali Law Mutter Than the Oltl, I'knw.kton, Or., Feb. 28. Hunters in Eastern Oregon are preparing to take ad vantage of the coyote scalp bounty law enacted at the session of the legislature just adjourned. They regard the new law as much more favorable than was the one iu force during the past two years, as county instead of state war rants are to be Issued. The former can most generally be sold at par, whilo the latter usually fell Into the hands of peculators who exacted a heavy premi The Celebrated PICKWICK Clothing at COST and less! It's like finding money to be able to walk into a store and exchange $10 for a GOOD SUIT OF CLOTHES. worth from a third to again as much as you paid for it. That's just what you can do HERE any day this week, providing you can wear the following sizes : COAT chest measure: 33 sleeves. Or PANTS waist 29, 30, lengths 32, 33, 34, 35, or 36, with long 3t 34 32. 35. Our Window will show you these Suits with sizes and the regular price of each Suit plainly marked. There are Suits in the lot worth $13.75, $15.00, $16.00, $17.50, $18.00, $20.00 any one of which this week only $10 Gentlemen's Linen Collars regular 15c quality rt latest styles this week ". 1UC PH Table Lips Reduced 25 per cent. The very beBt Linen values this store has ever offered. New, snowy damasks just taken from their origi nal wrappers and not yet long enough from the makers to feel at home here are being sold at A Fourth Belom Their Worth which means, instead of $2.00 a yard it is now $1.50 ' 1.75 " . 1.32 1.50 " " 1.13 1.25 " . " 94 1.00 " 75 .85 " " G4 .75 " " 56 .50 " " 37 .35 " " 26 .30 " 22 .25 " " 19 Colored Table Linens, Damask Nap kins and ready-made Linen Table Covers . at same reductions, 25 per cent off. A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY. ..THE FHIR.. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD FOR LOW PRICES. SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! We have just received a large shipmont of fine Japanese Silk in plain colors, all the best shades, which we will ulace on sale at the following LOW PRICKS: 1 All 20-inch Silks, per yard 29C Better and heavier, 24 inches wide, per yard 43C Extra good quality Satin, per yard 45c Still better grade, the 90o kind, per yard 78c just recoived at prices far below anything you have Stamped Linen Goods ever bought in The Dalles. LINEN DOYLIES, stamped, at 4o, 7c, 13o and 18o, A big assortment of Fancy Art Pillow Caso Covers at 50o Usually sold for $ 1 .00. Also a splendid assortment of Centers, Teas, Tray Cloths, Laundry Lags and Table Covora at extremely low prices. The Place to Save Money .. THE FAIR. F. C, Marquardsen, Prop THE DALLES, OR. um for cashing them.