The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 28, 1901, Image 3

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Our Stock is Most Complete. Tell us your
Genuine Alaska Herring,
English Cromarty Bloaters,
Glouchester Codfish Middles,
Smoked Halibut Chunks,
Salmon in every variety,
Canned Fish in every variety.
Our MACKEREL will please you,
j Large Family, IOc Bloater M ckerel, 35c
i ""
! ttsaxs? PEASE & MAYS
Vhe Dalies Daily Chronicle.
TlUI!-lY - - - FKI5. 26," 1901
I Oysters
At Andrew Keller's.
All U'meii County tmrrHiitu recUtercd
prlur ti MpiltMnlr 1, 1H17. will li paid
in irriittliti ut Mjr allien, IntereKt
i runum riT November litt, 1I0().
County Tr-mirr.
The regular annual school meeting
convenes next Monday, March -1th, at II
o'clock p. m. in the Court street echool
'I he mid-week meeting at the Con
gregational church this evening will be
a preparatory service for the communion,
which takes place next Sunday, directly
following morning service. The members
are earnestly requested to be present.
The Wingate building in the East
End is being rapidly fitted up for the
new firm of Waltber & Sexton. The
entire front of the building has been
torn out in order that it may be fitted
op for plate glass; while south of the
building and across the alloy is a new
iron-clad warehouse well on toward
completion, which measures 100 feet in
length by 32 in width. The main store
hide fair to be un ornament to that part
of the town.
There is a very general desire among
the republicans of this city to show some
mark of appreciation to those of our
representatives in the Oregon legislature
who really represented the sentiments
of their constituents by voting against
Henry V. Corbett. A banquet has been
''Duly talked of and, apparently, uni
versally approved, but the trouble, up
to this moment, is where to find the
three meu whom we desire to honor, so
tlmt we could count on them a'l being
linro at the same time. Mr. Williamson
arrived here today, but Messre. McGreer
nd Huberts ure still in the valley and
no one seems to know when they will
i home.
A. Vanderpool, of Wells Station, tells
'ho following rat story to a correspond.
nt of the Albany Democrat : "It seems
'hat whole herds of rate have been
woopii,B down through the valley, hav
"K regular trails, and have taken Wells
Mwt completely. In a few days in
nr. Vanderpool'e barn 107 of the var
mints were killed by clubs, and it is
"'ought there are several hundred left,
everybody else in troubled in the same
y. They W eat anything. A brick
taten nearly out of a wall. Several
01 them ate Into a cider keg and let all
' the eider out. Another band ate over
I half a bushel of onions generally not
' touched by rate, and bacon lias disap
I nnnred in ireat mmrititiey.
The cozy home of Dr. amy Mr?. Geis
endorfl'er was the eeene of pinch L'tiyety j
luet evening, when the hos-i and
charmingly entertained tne "Jolly
Neighbors. "Thu rooms were beautiful
witb Oregon grape
piiK carnations ;
1 - ..-1
arranged for, and mnetfen games were h Qmu an(, tQ Agtoria time
played. At eleven o cfcck an "eed.t Kwentlv er lingballl, joine(i ,,er
ingly dainty lunch wa served. Those jfj th(j tWQ went o porta(1
present were : .ur. nwry railing v,on-
ner.of Portland, .Mrs F Lines, of Albany,
I)r and Mrs Geisendorf er, Mr and Mrs
Ilostetler, Judge and Mrs Blakeley,
Di and Mrs Logan, M and Mrs Judd
Mr und Mr3 T J Seufert, Mr and
Mrs E 0 McCoy, Mr and Mrs Kd French,
Mr and Mrs Roger Sinnott, Mr and Mrs
Ed Williams, Mr and Mrs Ernst Lued
The city of La Grande will have an
election in March, and the indications
now are that the voting will turn on the ,
question of the suppression of gambling. ! cording to his informant did not want
The Chronicle of tlmt town says there to see him.
are fourteen games practiotlly active,' When he went to her room he was de
mainly confined to two blocks, with an njed admittance, and his suspicions be
approximate force of from thirty to fifty jDK aroused Engelke promptly kicked
uiku iiiuio ui icco cuiitcu w k i urn ,
tables or machine games going day and
nieht, and an unknown number of out
side speculators. There ure the following
outfits in evidence: Two roulette wheels,
made famous by the state game at Monte ,
,Carlo; four faro layouts, known as "the tearful reconciliation the re-united cou
(tiger;" five "twent -Jtie" tables ; three ,,lu ,.ft for Hood Jtlvor to be happy
drawn poker outfit. This is turely a I
fair representation of the gambling ele-j
merit for a town about half the eize of
The Dalles.
Mr. D. Heroux, who was seriously if ;
not fatally injured yesterday by falling
from the curbiug of one of the Seufert
llsh wheels, a distance of nearly twent
five feet to the solid rocks below, was
taken by his family this afternoon to
St. Vincent's hospital. Mr. Heroux
had not recovered consciousness and
attending physicians think there is a
bare chance that he may recover. In
connection with this unfortunate case It
is worthy of mention that Seufert Uros.
are bearing all the expense, although it
happened through no fault of theirs.
When the accident took place yesterday
they immediately telephoned for Dr.
l.(Kn und ordered a Hiiccial imil'Ihh anil i
uIhm to brimr the docioi to the cceue '
of the, which is well up towards j
Celilo. in till way the patient was
brought to town and lauded in front of
the ColumbU hotel
For iiilanti and Children,
Tlw KM You Have Always Bought
Bears the
? ...
A Hood Itlver lliilililtt'n Troubles.
Geo. C. Engelke, n prosperous Hood
! River fruit farmer, left for his home last
ight, eaj-B the Astorian of the 2Gth, nc-
ompanied by his wife, and their de-
artnro m:ukn flip fOndim. ncnla in n
l ...... , ,. s ,:.
up a little domestic comedy drama that
niK'ht have befin a trncpilv. Mm V
- p).!lrm!m, wnmnn n, ,,, .,-
he . f hupban(,v hnm,,,
the ecstasy of husbandly love, he bought
her a watch and chain and about a hun
dred dollars' worth of feminine finery.
According to the story told the police
by Engelke his wife sent him across the
river to have a trunk that was etored
there sent to her home and when he re
turned she had disappeared. He came
to Astoria on .Saturday's train and
naked at the Parker House for his wife.
He stated to (he police that her presence
in the hotel was denied at first, but
finally he learned eho was there, but ac
Trin (lnnr n. mere wh hii nurnnr im.
mediately and tne police were sent for.
District Attorney Harrison Allen took
charge of the case and made an investi-
gation, which resulted in Enuelke nav
U tl0 costs for a new door, and after a
ever ufter.
Those taking part in "The Wife,"
which play will be presented on March
' J-'th lor the neuelit ot the lootuall team,
will meet at the Vogt opera house to
niiiht for rehearsal.
Speaking of the presentation of this
play by home talent, under Mr. Levin's
direction, The Olympian, of Olympia,
Wash., says: "It was a genuine sue
uiss in every way, excelling anything
heretofore given, and far better than
most of the professional plays seen in
this city. As a play 'The Wile' is One
of the recognized successes of the past
decade, and Is without exception the
finest pieces of dramatic literature ever
presented In this city,"
The cast will be announced in due
ti,ne' "'Ivertleing matter placed on
Hrot, ft,7.HJ
tliiliu at lit f'rwe.
1'he case of the State of Oregon vs,
John Gates was called by Recorder N.
J, Judah at Salem Monday. The de
fendant appeared with his attorney, L.
H. McMahan, in the court room, and
signified his readiness to proceed with
the case. .1. N. Hart, the prosecuting
attorney, was there for the state and in
the absence of the prosecuting witness,
JL L, Gil), or any other witness, and
the report of the officers to the effect
that due search had been made for Mr.
Gill and that his whereabouts could not
be discovered, moved to dismiss the case
against Mr. Gates. In doing so, Mr.
Hart said it was with great reluctance
that he was forced to take this step, but
the fact that the witnesses necessary to
prove a crime were away and could not
be found, would not warrant the state
in asking for a continuance of the case.
The court ordered that the case be
dismissed and the defendant discharged.
L. II. McMahan, who has deposited $f00
cash hail for the appearance of the de
fendant drew down his money and the
$1300 found on Gates at the time of his
arrest, was returned to Mr. Gates, who
went on his way rejoicing.
The money returned to Gatee was
given to him to pay for the delivery of a
vote for United Stutes senator, but
Gates skipped with it and was arrested
and brought back, but the o.vnere of the
money did not claim it.
Uiittllnc Farm U.itiieily.
A big crowd witnessed the opening
performance of "The Star Boarder" at
Cord ray 'a theater last night. If ap
plause and ringing laughter ars a critt
rion, then the piece was a complete
"The Star Boarder" was built for fun
making only, and the audience of last
evening will give the authors a certifi
cate that they have succeeded, if it is
necessary. Just why the piece is called
what it is called is not quite clear; al
most any other title would have served
the purpose as well. It is a farce in the
strictest sense of the word, and makes
no pretentions to be anything else
There is not a shadow of plot, but the
entertainment is divided into three in
stallinents, and each contains enough
material to stock an ordinary farce.
From rise to fall of the curtain there is
something "doing" ail the time. The
center of the stage is kept warm and the
audience is continually experiencing an
earthquake of laughter. "The Star
Boarder" is a collection of specialties
and rapid-fire incidents, interlarded
with musical numbers and supported by
a chorus of pretty girls.
There is a vim and liveliness to the
farce that makes it refreshing, the gin
ger being all sufficient. Oregonian.
At the Vogt opera house Wednesday,
March 6th.
A Gentle Hint,
In our stvle of climate, with 'As sud
den changes of temperature, rain, wind
and sunshine often intermingled in a
single day, it is no wonder that our
children, friends and relatives are so
frequently taken from us by neglected
colds, half the deaths resulting directly
from tliis cause. A bottle of Boschee'e
German Syrup kept about your home
for immediate use will prevent serious
sickness, a large doctor's bill, and per
haps death, by the use of three or four
doses. For curingjConsumption, Hem
orrhages, Pneumonia, seyere Coughs,
Croup, or any disease of the Throat or
Lungs, its success is simply wonderful,
as your druggist will tell you. Get a
sample bottle free from Clarke & Fa Ik.
Regular size, 75 cents, Get Green's
prize almanac. 2
For the weakness and prostration fol
lowing grippe there is nothing so prompt
and effective bb One Minute Cough Cure.
This preparation is highly endorsed as
an unfailing remedy for all, throat and
lung troubles and its early use prevents
consumption. It was made to cure
quickly. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Hustling young mail can make fGO per
month and expenses. Pormanen.'. posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Writ'
quick for particulars. Clark ic Co.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philiulel
hpia, Pa, sS-ti
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton'e sunproof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
Falk, agents ml
Don't you know that Cocoanut Cream
Hair Tonic will save your and your
children's hair? You can get it for 50
and 75 cents a bottle at Fraer's barber
shop, sole agent. tf
For felirimry.
A fine 10x20 enlargement with every
dozen of my "best cabinet photos,"
Cloudy days ars just us good for sittings.
Gill'ords pictures never fade, til
There is always danger In using
counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo. The original is as.tfit and certain
cure fur piles. It is a noothing ami heal
ing salve for 'ores and all nkln diseases.
Clarke A Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
llmi'l Hull It III,
Just wet the all' c ed part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke A
Persons who can not take ordinary
pills find it a pleasure to take DuWitt's
Little Etrly Risers. They are the best
little liver pills ever made. Clarke A
Falk's P, O, Pharmacy.
Subscribe for Tim Ciiuonrlk,
The "burning of the mortgage" at The
Dalles M. E. church liuUUUtfb wa u"
event of ereat pleasure and interest to
an unusually large gathering of members
and friends of the church.
After recounting soraebf the financial
difficulties encouritrtjrd and congratulat
ing the ineDihefa on their victory.
Bishop Cranston occupied about an
hour in giving an intensely interesting
account of the manners and cnetoms of
the Chinese. Tha bishop waB full of
his subject. lie strongly insisted that
without the enlightenment and civiliza
tion that Christianity could best, if not
alone, give, it wa only a question of
time when China's 400,000,000 of people
would become a menace to the world.
Missionaries were the pioneers of com
merce as well as of civilization, and the
business men of America could make no
better nor more profitable Investment
than contributing of their abundance to
the cause of Chinese missions. The
missionaries did not talk to the Chinese
of a burning hell and a vindictive God,
as the enemies of Christianity have so
often alleged, but of the fatherhood of
God and the brotherhood of man. Not
the sentimental fatherhood one hears so
much of these days, but a practical
fatherhood and brotherhood that spends
and is spent for the good of others. The
We do
Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates
made and contracts taken for heating old or new
Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma
chine repair shop in connection with our hardware
and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
With every Dollar's worth of
during .January and J' obruary, wo will givo Ono
Chance on tho following prixos:
FIRST PRIZE One Alummized Garland Steel
; Range.
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Niokle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Niokle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE-One Niokle Plated Tea Pot,
In addition to giving away thoso prizos we will
sell goods as low as tho lowest, and will always
be ready to servo tho trado in the host possible
way. Wo will positively not ho undersold by
any ono. Our prices are right.
Bb' itfiW
result is there 150,000 Protestant Chris
tians In China, every one of whom stood
true to Christ and their white brethren
during the late troublous times
After a few remarks by Presiding El
k read
der arner, Pastor U. F. Hawk
the financial statement. It showed that
only three yeaie ago ihe deIt of the
church amounted to f4,G59 fiO, in addi- f
tion to about $500 of accrued interest.
Since then there han been aid the en-
tire principal and $1250 of interest, or a j
total of $5,010.00. Towards this llqnida-
tion there had been contributed during ?
the past year over $2,500 in addition to '
the annual current expense of about J
Mre. Eliza McFarland,' the oldest
member of the church, a'ntl in whose
house the chinch was organized in this
city forty-sevn years agonvith a mem
bership of five persons, tjlien came for
ward and touched with a lighted match
the mortgage and note vy'hich were lying
on a large platter in front of the preach
er's desk, and while the fiaiiea ascend'd
upward the congregation rdee to its teet
and sang, with great heartiness, "Prajse
God from whom all blessings flow."
At the close of the service all were in
vited to the room below, whore refresh
ments where served and a Eocial time
goods purchased at our store
Rose Garland Cast Iron
Advertise in The Chronicle.