VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1901. NO. 50 GOVERNOR OF BULACAN inic Seianio. Aeuinaldo's Uncle, and Former Insurgent Colonel, Ap pointed by Commission. Guir.inxTO, Province of Bulacan, P. I., Feb. 'Jt", 12:35 p. m. .lose Seraplo, an uncle of Anuinaldo and formerly an in surgent colonel, lias been appointed gov ernor of Bulacan province. There were several candidate?, including two army offir-eie, but the United States com ruippion wne unanimously in favor of Sernr.io, wlio surrendered during Gener al Law-ton's progress northward unil who has pitied been euch n consistent friend of the Fnited States that Aguinaldo published an order degrading his illicit. There were considerable protects apaine-t Serapio's appointment, chiefly from a delegation which represented the inleri-stS' of the friars. The t'ouimiesion announced that it had investigated the allegations mado agnlnst Serapio and found them untrue. Captain Greenough, of the Forty-first regiment, wan appointed treasurer, and Lieutenant Wells, of the Tliirty-seecond regiment was appointed supervisor. The other ollicials appointed were natives. All the appointments practically were made ou General Grant's recommenda tion?. Although by reputation Bulacan is not the eatiett province to govern, all the local leaders and most of the inhabitants are now friendly to the United States. 1 The question of ttie selection of a capital for the province was submitted to the rote of the delegations. Maloloe, the former seat of the insurgent congress, ie the beet town, but Bulacan lias always been the etat of the government and wae easily first. The ballot was the firBt free voting in the Philippines, excepting at the town elections held under military ordere. The delegates enjoyed it im mensely. Judge Taft, in admonishing the delegates, said that fiinci they had the reputation of being camesters, they mufct abide by the result and show their capability of abiding by the tufl'rage. During the course of bis speech an- Remember that you don't have to be noiiucing the appointments, Judge Taft ' bald ; you can keen your hair by using eaid nowhere had a military commander , Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To be the interests of the people ns had General urant. The appointment of a native governor indicated the commission's confidence in Taealogs. Valuable riyiiM PiiiiihI. Bosto.v, Feb. 27. Rev. Dr. C. WinB low, of this citv, vice-president of the Egypt exploration fund, today an nounced t ho discovery of a most valuable trophy among the large number of papyri recently received by Dr. Wins low for distribution among several uni versities, 29 of which went to the University of Pennsylvania. It is the oldest fragment of the gospels now in this country. Dr. Winslow states that the Jiapyrua contains a large part of the first chapter of the go9pel of St. Matthew. It was found at Oxyrhyrnchus, 140 miles south of Cairo, near the famous "Logia" or "sayings of Jesus," nnd its date is placed by some experts at 150 A. I)., and by the editors of the societies' publications at fifty or sixty years later. Th's papyrus of St. Matthew belongs to the same class as the famous Sinalic and Vatican codices, and of course is a remarkable corroboration of those texts and the present accepted version. On an important doctrinal point it declares in common the exact, language: "Jo seph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary, thy wife, for that which 16 conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." Tins papyrus is the oldest fragment of the gospels, or, indeed, of the New Testament. Working SI Hour" it !'. There's no rest for. thoee tireless little little workers Dr. King's New Pills. Millions are always busy, curing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Billiousnesa, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work won ders. Try them. 25c at G. C. Blakelev's drug store. 2 Wanliluetou Til nil In liankruiitcr. Tacoma, Feb. 27. The town of MoUon, Okanogan County, has been placed in the bands of a receiver, and a petition signed by three creditors has been presented to Judge Hanford for involun tary bankruptcy on the part of George I). Mechem, the owner of all the personal property and real estate in Moleon. Act inu under an order of the court, J. D. Michel!, the receiver, has takeu practical possession of the town. Too Early for Withdrawal. New Yoisic, Feb. 27. Several of the passengers on the steamer Havana, which has just arrived from Havana, express the opinion that Cuba is not in a political condition to receive her in dependence. Dr. W. 0. Phelps, of Buffalo, said : "Uncle Sam must stay in Cuba. Every body with whom I conversed in Cuba wants the United States to stay there. It is only the rabble, or negroes, consist ing of about :I0 per cent of the entire population of Cuba, who yell for 'free Cuba,' and these shiftless people are merely 'fire-eaters.' If they got their freedom some other nation would step in and take the island from them for debt. I must say that the general health is remarkably good. The great trouble in Cuba is that there is nothing fit to eat." Joseph Howard, the journalist, eaid "If the United States tries to leave Cuba next June, as is talked of, soldiers will have to get back there pretty quick to avert a state of anarchy which would undoubtedly follow their withdrawal. Capital is apprehensive. There is no trade. All are waiting. Americans and the capitalists want the retention of the United States troops." rolRoneil by lingua Doctor. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 27. A coroner's jury today, after investigating the cir cumstances surrounding the death re tnrne'd a verdict that Maggie Hunsucker, a fallen woman, died from the effects of strychnine administered to her by Arthur Ford, secretary of the Washington Sani tarium, for the cure oi the opium habit, Burt Chapman, with whom the woman lived, and Charlotte Morgan. The testimony tended to show that the Hunsucker woman was undergoing treatment for the morphine habit under the direction of Ford, who is not a phy sician, assisted by Chapman and Mrs. Morgan. Monday, Ford gave her a hypo dermic injection, and she shortly after wards died. Two physicians testified at the inquest that an autopsy and analysis oi tne stomacti reyeaieu mat oeatu was caused by strychnine poisoning. shown such benevolent consideration for 1 had at Frazer's barber shop. tf LUfanmBitH n,r igaiiarf'T- nihiTnnrr.t AVcgetable Prcparationfor As similating UtcFoodandBegula Uitg (heSloinachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur ness andRest.Contalns nellter Opium.Morphine norMiueraL Not Narc otic . 1CAST0RIA For Infants and Children. k" liH ana m mm m I he Kind you Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of aroujsiMvumow liuiMU SmUt Jjaiir.tfrj r Ancrfecl ItnmoHu- IV ton , Sour Stotnach.Diarrhoca norms .Convulsions .Feverish iifss mulLoas of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or Jew yorkt. EXACT COP OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Oath or Allegiance. Manila, Feb. 27. Pro-American sen timent is spreading in insurgent strong holds. Six hundred and sixty-live persons voluntarily took the oath of al legiance at Cnmaling, Province of Alhay, at one time reported as the worst in surgent center, and 584 took the oath at Calamba. Captain Chaee, with a detachment of the Twenty-first regiment, In a three days' scouting expedition, dispersed L'OO insurgents and destroyed their main camp, that of Pedro Babellos. Lieutenant .fumes, with n detachment of the Eighth intantry, raided a ladrone lender.vous at Mucqtuliug, island of Polillo, killing two men, securing 175 prisoners ami destroy ing twenty tons of rice and other in surgents' supplies. The armored cruiser Hrooklyn has re turned here from Hong Kong. Additional evidence against Carman and Carraiizu, the merchants accused of dealing with the insurgents lias develop ed. The investigation into the charges against them is being vigoronsly prose cuted. Nliclit Wna Her Terror. "I would cougti nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Clias. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption go had that if I walked a block I would cough fright fully and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained G8 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Urippo, bronchitis and all Throat and I.ung Troubles. Price M)o and $1.00. Trial bottles free at G. C. Blakeloy'e drug store, 12 Three Hundred lloern Hurrumlureil. London, Feb. 27. General Kitchener, telegraphing from Middleburg (in the TraiiBViial, on the railroad between Pretoria and Portuguese Kast Africa), under date of February 27, says : "The following additional captures are reported by French up to February 25: "Three hundred Uoere, surrendered ; u lO.pounder Krtipp, one howitzer, a Maxim, 20,000 rounds of email arms am munition, 1511 rifles, :188 horses, 81)1 trek oxen, 5000 cattle, 1)800 sheep ami 287 wagons and carts. The floors' casualties were four killed and five wounded," Subscribe for Tiik Cmto.sici.f. The Celebrated PICKWICK Clothing at COST and less! It's like finding money to be able to walk into a store and exchange $10 for a GOOD SUIT OF CLOTHES. worth from a third to again bb much as you paid for it. That's just what yon can do HERE any day this week, providing you can wear the following sizss : measure: 33, 34, 35, or 36, with long COAT chest sleeves. Or PANTS waist 29, 30, lengths 32, 33, 31 34 32. 35. Our Window will show you these Suits with sizes and the regular price of each Suit plainly marked. There are Suits in the lot worth $13.75, $15.00, $16.00, $17.50, $18.00, $20.00 any one of which this week only $10 Gentlemen's Linen Collars regular 15c quality - n latest styles this week . 1UC 011 Table Lips Reduced 25 per cent. The very best Linen values this store has ever offered. New, enowy damasks just taken from their origi nal wrappers and not yet long enough from the makers to feel at home hereare being sold at A Fourth Beloai Theif Worth which means, instead of $2.00 a yard it is now $1.50 1.75 " 1.32 1.50 " " : 1.13 1.25 " " 94 1.00 " 75 .85 " " 64 .75 " " .56 .50 " " 37 .35 " " 26 .30 " 22 .25 " " 19 Colored Table Linens, Damask Nap kins and ready-made Linen Table Covers at same reductions, 25 per cent off. A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY. ..THE FHIR. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD FOR LOW PRICES. SILKS ! SILKS ! SILKS ! We have just received a large shipment of fino Japanese Silk in plain colors, all the best shades, which wo will nlaco on sale at the following LOW PKICES: ' All 20-inch Silks, per yard 39c Better and heavier, 24 inches wide, per yard 43c Extra good quality Satin, per yard 45c Still better grade, the 90c kind, per yard 78c Stamped Linen Goods ff 'l-at prices far t bolow anything you have over bought in The Dallos. LINEN DOYLIES, stamped, at 4o, 7o, 13o and 18o, A big assortment of Fancy Art Pillow Case Covors at 50o Usually sold for $1.00. Also a splondid assortment of Contors, Teas, Tiny Cloths, Laundry Hags and Table Covors at o.xtromoly low pricos. The Place to Save Money.. THE FAIR. F. C, Marquardsen, Prop THE DALLES, OR.