Victoria' Fnvnrlta Kit of Verne. Pry Goods Department Special Sale of Waists. French Flannel Waists $3.45 Make your own selection from our stock; regular prices were up to $0.50. Cashmere Waists Were $:J.50. $2.45 Silk Waists Buying this week will save you 33 J per cent. A $10 Waist for $6 67. Black Sateen Waists 79c Your choice of our waists, marked $1.00 to $1.7.r. Mercerized Black Sateen Waists $1.19 Kegular prices were $2.00 to $15.00. Foulard Silks. Woolen Dress Goods just opened. Shoe Department. The early buyer bargains. catches the best yKn For ladles Hand-Sewed Kid Button ; OU Sizes 3, and 4. y K n For Roys' Shoee, elostic Bide ; IOC Sizes 2) to 4,'.... 1 ff For Misses' Spring Heel Lace Shoes ; ' J 1 .UU Sizes 2, to 5. $1.35 For Misses' best quality Kid Button; Sizes 1 1 '.. to 2. Regular $2.25. Furnishings Dept. Men's Suits. Any one of our $25 Suits $18.95 Any one of our $20 Suits $14.95 Any one of our $18.50 Suits $13.95 Any one of our $10.50 Suits $11.95 All Coodo Marked In Plain Figures PEASE & MAYS The following; quaint verses appeared anonymously In an obscure Scotch paper, and It is said that of all the pane gyru s and tr I mites in prose or verse ever written of the queen these lines pleased her most : NIIK NODDIT TO MK. . I'm but nil mild body l.lvln' ui In Dceslde In u twn-ronmcd bit lioosle T ii tnofa' betide; Wf my con mi' my Rrumphy I'm ms Imppy'K n be , Hut I'm far prooder noo Mnce Mic noddlt to me! I'm nne sue fnr past wl't I'm Roy tr'KOii' linle, Can plant two-three tiiwtlc, An' look nftcr my kale: An' when oor (JULfii passes I rlu oot to kco. filu by luck stic mlclit uotlco An' nod oot to met Hut I've been unlucky, All' the blinds were ayu doin, Till lust week tbe tlmu ()' her vcssltcam roun'; I waved my bit Apron As brink's I could dee, An' tbe (Jueen lunched fu' kindly, An' noddlt to mc! f y .son ulcejis In Kgypt It's line eaco to frclt An' yet when I tblnk o't I'm siilr like to greet; She may feel for my sorrow, .She's a mlthcr, ye t-cc; An' may be she kent o't When she noddlt to mo! A Hold Attempt at Kolibery. Fhe Dalles Daily Chronicle. WKi'VhMi w FfiB. 27, 1901 fc a J! served i Oysters At Andrew Keller's. specialties hetwei'ii acts, will be given on March 12th. Don't forget the date. D. Heroux, t lie carpenter, while work ing this afternoon on the curbing of one of the Si'liferl fish-wheels, fell to the rocks beneath, r distance of over twenty feet, and sustained injuries that will probably prove fatal. Dr. Ljgan went Antt-Mckvl-iii-tlie-Slot I.uw. As no ofTicial copy of the new nickel- in-the slot law has yet readied the officers of the law at this place, we pub lish the bill as it was signed by the gov ernor and as it will stand on the statute TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Vt'uM'o County warrants r-ciHtri'l prior tit Mriitriiilier 1, I HOT, will lie pulil uu prrHrutittloii at my otllce, JutureNt cef rier .November lil), 11IOO. .IOIIN I". UAMI'HItlKK, County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Professor Sdndviu's regular Wednes day night's dance touiitht. Tomorrow is the liret day of A. M. Williams & Uo.'e linen sale. Kooms to rent suitable for light house keeping. Apply at this oflice. f2.'i-lw New table linens, just opened, go on (ale at oue-fourth oil' at A. M. Williams & Co.'b tomorrow. Bishop Morris expects to be here next Huuilay and hold services morning and evening iu St. Paul's Episcopal church. Any one of those $1:5.75 to $20 business Buits, displayed in A. M. 'Williams & Cu.'e window, may be had for $10 to morrow. The Japs have arrived and are in waiting to entertain their friends nt tho Christian church Friday evening. Don't forsta them. If you are tall and slender, and need Kood new suit, it will pay you to in vestigate A. M. Williams & Co.'h special fle tomorrow. Miss Lolu Creigl)ton, daughto- of Mr. hvi.l Creighton, of Three Mile, who l been eeriouBly ill with blood poison 'K, was somewhat better at last ac counts. Six hundred nights at the Lyceum "'eater, Xow York. The unprecedented run 0f ..The Wife," the play that will Btaged for tbe football team benefit March 12th. l''otracted meeting is still in progress 11 the Cilvary Baptist church, with fair " tendance and Interest. The ordinance 0 haptism Wiu 0o performed at tlio "ow of tonight's service. i. . .. aim Mre. h. c -mwii ,,( ,, Hotel, have purchased the Tom place on Mill ' Wl desirable places along the creek, " '0ie at some future time to fit It """"I moke their home there, ij''". ,'0Jtb11 bVB will take It us well 'e bu8lnee8 ,ne". in w'oe re. In. . ,ndo "PI'r cards aiuiounc ,05 JwlDitri,ow, (that was to be; "111 reinnuo .1 , . ' inln.i i ,n "e Place of the ,urei perform .MWV m UIHUIP) IT 1 1 1 J books of tho Htate. eut to t ie wounded limn on ;i fmec; u ..-..; ,,u.mi.. u. jicreum- engine and caboose, and he was brought F.ho hM cc""il'ct. "'ai"ain or operate, wuarr ii "uton to the Columbia Hotel, where he now lies. Three hours or eo after the acci dent Mr. Heroux was Htill unconscious. The most serious injuries are in the head. "w Had any of the spectators at Salem during the forty days of the legislative session been told that Mr. Corbett would have been so foolish as to invite further reference to the methods bv which lie endeavored to get elected to the office of United States senator, they would have received the statement with incredulity. It is no secret that Cor bett, through hiH managers, endeavored to buy his way into the senate, and documentary evidence of the fact is in existence today. It may well be said that there is no fool like an old fool. Astoria Nbwb. There Is a sheep herder out in Thomp son's addition at this writing that could give Mrs. Nation pointers for a temper ance crusade. Ife is of Spanish national ity and has been herding on the other side of the Deschutes. He came to town day before yeBterday, bringing with him n five hundred dollar check which he proceeded to cash and then proceeded to spend. Sn successful was he in getting quit of his hard earnings that after waking this morning from a beastly "drunk" lie found himself with out a cent and was, this afternoon, iu debted to the charity of an anjuuintauce for a bi to to eat. One of the liveliest and best farce comedies of the season is Chas. Jloyle's aggregation ot fun makers presenting the latest laugh producer entitled "The Star Hoarder," wh'ch comes to the Vogt opera house Wednesday, March lit!). In the ordinary skit which goes under the appelatlon of farce comedy it isn't eo much a matter of consecutive plot as of good specialty people, who are lirst class entertainers. "The Star Hoarder" has both plot and good people, besides there are several good comedians, Mr. Boyle being himself the particular slarj among them. As Chauncey Depot, the slur hoarder, lie is a whole show in himself. Tlieie are so many pleasing features that it would be tedious to enumerate I hem, hut lioyle's Sousu, the March King and his tinging and imitations are decided hits. CASTORIA For Xnfauts and OhlWwrf. x Tie Kind Yen Have Aiyiujht Bears the Sljf rfftf -"'V " gitfuature of Lot&f, fcUC&tt either as owner or owners, proprietor or proprietors, lessee or lessees, employee or employees, agent or agents, or who ehall play or use any nickel-in-tho-slot machine, or other device of like charai; ter, wherein there enters anv element of chance, whether the same lie played for money, checks, credits, or any otjjer thing or representative of value, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon con viction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than 4-lf) nor more than .$100, and in default of payment of the fine imposed, shall he imprisoned in the county j.iil one day for each $2 thereof. Sue. 2. In all prosecutions under tills act for conducting, maintaining or oper ating any such machine or device, proof of the possession of such machine or de vice, or of permitting the same to be or remain iu any public place owned or controlled by the person so prosecuted convenient for use, shall be prima facie evidence against such person for viola tion of this act. Sec. if. One-half of the line imposed in any conviction under this act shall be paid into t lie county treasury of the county wherein such conviction was se cured for the benefit of tho school fund. Si:c. 4. Justices of the peaco shall have concurrent jurisdiction with tt.e circuit court in all oU'ences arising un der this act. Sue. C All acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repeated. Sue;. Ii. Inasmuch us there is some doubt existing as to the validity of the law of February 24, 1899, covering tho same subject matter, and inasmuch as the moral sentiment of the state de mands this enactment in the interest ol the youth of the state, and that the law shall he ell'ectivo at once, this act shall bu operative from iind after its approval by tho governor. AiiilKitice-lturiiliir. 1 All members and friends of the Meth odist church are Invited to be present at the church tonight, when tho mortgage A bold attempt was made this morn ing by two men, strangers in this city, to get away with three bales of wool be longing to tbe Wasco Warehouse, proba bly worth in the neighborhood of .$100. At about 5:i50 o'clock two strangers, of no very attractive appearance, applied at Ward & Robertson's stable for a team and hack, claiming that thev wanted to make a trip of four miles into the coun try. The same men had applied twice for a team the day before to Mr. Robert son and were refused. Mr. Robertson did not like their looks. This time they secured the team from one of the men. About 9 o'clock the men drove up to Moody's warehouse with two bales of wool on the hack, which they offered to sell. Will Moody, suspecting the wool was stolen, telephoned to the Wasco Warehouse and Mr. Gilhousen came over. Meanwhile the wool hail been unloaded and tho men, evidently be lieving that they were about to be caught in a trap, started the team on a gallop to Judge Brndshaw's corner, whore they wound the lines around tho brake, jumped out of tho hack and disappeared, leaving the team standing at the corner. Ttie wool had been taken out of the Wasco Warehouse, but when or in what manner can only he guessed. It is sup posed one of the men, at least, must have secreted himself in the warehouse and allowed himself to be locked in, then during the cover of night a door was opened from the inside and the wool rolled out and conveyed in some way to beyond the oil house, where the third hale was found after the men had disappeared. As soon as the sheriff was notified the oflicers of the law searched in every di rection for the men, but without suc cess. It is suspected that they con cealed themselves somewhere in the city waiting the chance to escape under cover of night. Card From Mr, Corbett. To TIIU Sl'Al.WAHT 28 Hei'Uiu.ii'axs: My heartfelt thanks are due and are hereby tendered to the united 28 who remained truu to their pledge and to each other iu tho trying contest, for United States senator that has just closed ; while four of their friends equal ly and solemnly pledged to Btand (Irmly by the twenty-eight and each other un til tiie end, unless the opposition repub licans should meet in caucus and select a candidal. If the four had stood firm with their friends the result would evi dently have been different. Tho result is now known. The republican party of the state has been sold by Mr. Mitchell to'tho democrats of Portland for a few offices to bo delivered undo' contract to tho faithful for their votes for senator. How far the contract can he executed and fulfilled is yet to be demonstrated. It speaks int well for the party when niio man can sell and deliver his party and its principles for his personal bene- Ult and ends. Has the republican party descended so low that itself and priuci- t We do Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates made end contracts taken for heating old or new buildings. Do not forget That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done. HATS CROWES. j ...Given Away With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store during .January and February, we will give One Chance on the following prizes: FIRST PRIZE One Alummized Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated Knives and Forks. FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof fee Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot. In addition to giving away these prizes we will sell goods as low .as the lowest, and will always bo ready to serve the trade in the best possible way. We will positively not bo undersold by any one. Our prices are right. MHIER St BENTON. THE Jfc.Lt5ttA 1 tU .. .G0MJ1WBIA BREWEfiY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for June 28. 1900, says: "A more eupeiior brew never entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other baud is composed of the best of mult and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians witti the cereainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. pies may be bartered, sold and delivered which has been hanging over the build- fyo gratify the ambitions of a nondescript ' lug for mo long, will be huriitMl.'rFWow-, partisan? ing is the program : It mutton) little to me personally, but Hymn No. (I Congregation . to our party much. We have fought Prayer I'aetor forty yeara for n,0 principles of the party ,ScrU.Uue:'.''.V":.V:.Rev. irTT'olln'g r11'1 lt9 ltnly. When they can he J I yiito wo. TM tiongregatisn iriyucneu wy ,e so uaso a purpose, well may we inquire "On what meat doth this, our Caesar feed, that he has grown so great In the republican party?" 11. W. CoiiiunT. Portland, February 25, 1901, Huliuul Waiilfil. A teacher wants a school In Oregon or Washington. Address, J. A, Haylocl:. Introduction Pastor Lecture. Bishop Cranston, i), I),, IX. I). Remarks , Presiding Klder Financial Statement Pastor Address ISishop Cranston Horning of the mortgage Doxology Congregation Paint your house with paints that ara fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them, The I)4lles, Or. I25-21W BOTTLED SUNSHINE. A boon to the sick and afllicted in the form of magnetic shields. Rheumatism paralysis, consumption, corpulency all of the ills the human flesh Is heir to, treated by si in file application of the shields. No disease can exist when magnetism in sntlicient quantity is ap plied. Tho sick and afllicted are invited to call at room 41, Chapman block, The Dalles, Oregon, and learn how to gain health and keep it when once well. fb2ii-lmd Why pay if 1 .75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James h. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. V in I Won't vou know that Oocoanut Cieain Hair Tonic will save your and your children's hair? You can get it for 50 and 75 cents a bottle at Frazur's barber shop, sole agent. tf Kor February. A fine 10x20 enlargement with every doAn of my "best cabinet photos." Cloudy days ars just as good for sittings, tiimnti). riillbrds pictures never fade. td There is always danger in using counterfeits of PeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve. Tho original is a safe ami certain cure for piles, It Is a soothing and heal ing salve for sores and all skin diseases. Clarke fit Falk's P. O. Pharmacy, Uon't Kill) It III, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysteiinus Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke A Falk. Persons who can not take ordinary pills find it a pleasure to take DeWitt's Little Karly Risers. They are the best little liver pills ever made, Clarke & Falk's P, O. Pharmacy, Vogt Opera House, F. J. Clarke, Manager. S Wednesday, March 6 That Funny Farce Comedy, The Star Boarder. 00 Headed by Chns. H. Hoylo and a hit: company of Clover Comedians. Now Songs and Medleys. 1'retty Dances. Host of Charming Curls. A Number of Bright Specialties. Clever lOntertainers ) Reserved Clarke & Seats on sale at Falk's Phurimicv. .'lrt Klv it it-.vx. 1 1 uu -in, nun. 7.c; lliilaiien til the AnKer's Dyspepsia Tablet are sold on a punitive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, rai'iig of the food, distress after eating, or i"iy form of dyspepsia, One little tit) gives immediate relief. 25 cts. uu t 60 cts, Ulakeley, the druggist.