Pry Goods Department Special Sale of Waists. French Flannel Waists $3.45 Make your own selection from our Hloek; regular prices were up to $0.50. Cashmere Waists $2.45 Were $....r,0. Silk Waists Buying this week will save you 33;', per cent. A 10 Waist for $'6.67. Black Sateen Waists 79c Your choice of our waists, marked 1.00 to 1.75. Mercerized Black Sateen $1.19 I lobular prices were 2.00 to $3.00. Foulard Silks. Woolen Dress Goods just All Coocln Marked In Plain Flffiiros The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUIMU FEB. 20. 1901 listers ! served ny style... s At Andrew Keller's. TRKASUKER'S NOTICE. All VTni:o County u'lirrmitK ri'c'NtnrmI prior to I, IHII7, will Imi iul(l n irci'Kiiitt Inn ut my olllon, IntirHl ull. uriur No'vmiiltitr Jill, 1IMIO. JOHN V. lIAni'NHlltK, County TrunnuriT. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. lioonis to rent suitable for light houee kiinn. Apply at t his office. f2y-lw Tim wild geese have begun to fly north. At luiist one flock was seen pare ing over town today. Mrs. G. F. Guinthor, who submitted a lew diive ago to u Bevere surgical oper ation, was reported this morning ae get ting along nicely. The Indies of St. Paul's Guild will meet with Mrs. Hugh Logan tomorrow afternoon ut 2:.'H). Members aro especi ally requested to bo present. The man who now takes revenge upon a neighbor by poisonimr Ills dog, or other iloiiieBttc animal, lays himself liable to a lino of $100 to $1000. In the future till further notice the general delivery at the postofllee will bo "Pen .Sunday from 2 to 3 o'clock in tho afternoon instead of from U to -1. Sue them in their show window tlmse suits for slim people at A. M. Williams & Co.'s. .Some are worth M.7.", others to uu high as $20. Thurs day, Friday und Saturday, choice of the lot for $10. 15- H. Grant, proprietor of THE AM KMC AN CIGAR STOKE AND NKWS STAND, will deliver the Sunday Would to your store, ofllce or residence or 0 centB a copy. All periodicals de livered free. Magazines trimmed if de sired. Ituth 'phonos. There recently died in Now York, y the Uoston Journal, at tho age of 1IU. man who attributed his longevity ' 1'is habit of taking four eggnogs a '''' i and there recently died in New hueev, at the Ug0 0f 120, a man who i-'onght well of the fact that he never n,e drank an egg in hia life. y Died, February 2.ld, of pneumonia, at eattle, Wash,, Arch Wilson, uged 03 and 10 mouths. The deceased is e father of Mrs. William Glasslue, of 'is city. il0 wnf) H reaident of x,0 atles for nbout sixteen year?, and left 're for Keutllu about three yenrs ago. ue ,lu,erl took place at Seattle today. , Jobert Mays, Jr., who arrived here ouy from the ranch near Autelope, Shoe 75c 75c $1.00 $1 O C .Ccl Waists opened. PEASE & Bays that among his numerous friendB and neighbors in and around Antelope he knows only one republican who was in favor of Gorbett's election. There may be others, of course, but Mr. Mays docB not know them. Senator Mitchell's election gives great satisfaction. Alex. Drysdale, a Pendleton wheat bvyer, arrived here today and identified tho horse stolen by Ed WHbou, as de scribed in yesterday's Chjconici.i:, as the property of Mr. Drysdale's mother-in-law, Mrs. Day, of Dayton. The chain ! of evidence against Wilson is now eo complete that it is highly probably ttiat his horse-stealing is ended for a term of years. Umatilla county women have been in fected with the Carrie Nation contagion. About a dozen cngry wives went in a body to a saloon at Freewater, armed with axes and hatctiets, and threatened total demoliBhment if tho proprietor re fused to promise to quit business. The women were diplomatically euliced out of doors, when the place was locked and further disturbance was avoided. Gumbert, the cigar .man, has in his store a brand new $300 piano, which he proposes to give away to somebody, ab solutely free of cost. For the next three or four monthfl every purchaser of 25 cents' worth -of goods, whether in the line of tobaccoe and cigars, periodicals, or unything else in his store, will get a ticket entitling him or tier to a chance on tho piano. This is an unparalleled oiler which ought to greatly increase his business. "The Star Hoarder," a clever farce comedy, with numerous good specialty feutnres, including an excellent chorus, was the uttracti"u at the Grand hist evening. Chae. II. Boyle, us the mar boarder, kept the audience in a pro longed state of hilarity, and lie was ably assisted by a capable company. The play is well deserving of patronage lor those who wish to spend an evening In never ending amusement. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. "The Star Hoarder," will he at the Vogt opera Iicuee, Wednesday, March 0th. J. M. Dennecker, the Newark man who began to eat catB a fow weeks ago, becauso he thought they were good for consumption, wus fined $50 for slaugh tering animals within tho city limits. Dennecker told the judge he thought he hud tuberculosis, and he knew that cat flesh would benefit him. He also wanted to bring his children up to eat eats, and he demanded why he should nut be permitted to do so, Judge Lamb called Dennecker a brute and fined him the limit. Dennecker promised to fore swear cat diet. Walla Walla .States man. Governor Roosevelt, in speaking onco of his experience lit the far West, made this confession: "You know 1 am not i nearly bo fond of 'broncho. bunting' and riding wild horses as some persons might have you think. It wasn't be cause I liked that kind of work that I did It. Hut I always took just what Department. The early buyer catches the best bargains. For Ladles' Hand-Sewed Kid Button : Sizes 3, W, and 4. For Boys' Shoe?, elastic sides: Sizes 2 to 4&. For Misses' Spring Heel Lace Shoes; Sizes 2'w to 5. For Misses' best quality Kid Button ; Sizes 11 ia to 2. Regular Furnishings Dept. Men's Suits. Any one of our 25 Suits $18.95 Any one of our 20 Suits $14.95 Any one of our 18.50 Suits $13.95 Any one of our 10.50 Suits. . . . $11.95 MAYS came, and if it happened to be tho wild est animal in the bunch 1 got on, and stayed on, too. for when 1 got on I made up my mind to stav, and 1 have yet to Bee the broncho that could make me give in." March Ladies Home Journal. "When Theodore Itoosrvelt has closed tiie door of his home behind him the Boldier, the statesman, tho reformer, the writer, are all shut out, and only tho husband and the father enter, says the March Ladies' Home Journal. "His devotion to his wife and children is ideal. To the latter he is not only a fattier, but also a big, overgrown brother. One of liis chief delights is to get down on all fours in the nursery and play bear with the younger ones. When the little bears tire he sometimes sings old Dutch folk-eongs for them. Though his voice was never intended for singing, there is a certain quaintness and rough charm about thube memories of Holland that greatly delight t he children." Hon. E. L. Smith, president of the state board of horticulture, places the acreage of commercial apple orchards in Oregon at 10,500, with an average value of $100 per acre, in making this esti mate he feels convinced that the valua tion would be increased fully 20 per cent if ttie trees were planted on an average of !J0 feet apart iustead of as in so many orchards from 10 to 20 feet apart, and that ttiere would be another increase of 20 per cent in value if not one of these orchards contained not over a few varieties. There are too many early varieties and too many of un known fame to draw u ;ood trade in the markets. At one trtut fair he counted as unny as 130 varieties. Willie, the 5-year-old son of Jailor Fitzgerald, while playing with some companions on the foot-log across Mills creek, near the company's shops, fell' into the creek, which is now n raging torrent, and, before being rescued, was swept down the creek a distance of probably a hundred yards. While the child was struggling iu the water and a woman ou the bank was trying to reach him, Oscar Syreen, a waiter iu tho Columbia hotel, rushed to the spot and dashing into the stream at the risk of his own life lauded the lad safely on the hank. The stream at the point where the boy was rescued took Mr. Syreen to the neck. The little fellow could not swim, lint he beat the water with his arms and fought bravely for his life, lie was none the worse for his hath and was able to walk home. The following birth notice appears in tho Fossil Journal: "Arthur Hodges, ex'cuunty clerk of Crook county, kept the telephone wires of Oregon tiot on the 18th lust., informingfriends through out the state that ho had just become the fattier of the finest girl iu Oregon. Tho new county of Wheeler is partially responsible for the event that has thrown Arthur nearly out of his head this week, for lie had the reputation of a continued bachelor until Ex-Senator Alouzo Gee ner, of Salt in, got tho contract to trans- cribe the Wheeler county records, and hts pretty daughter went over to Hodges' office at Prineville to assist with the transcribing. The rest of the story Is recent history. CHANGE T5FBlLL.. Tim Famon IMy "The Wife" to He Given Inftteatl of Dm Minntreli. Owing to unforseen circumstances, the minstrel performance of the D. G. & A. C. football team has been indemnity postponed, and will not be given on the 28th as advertised. Instead, Mr. Percy Levin, who will be remembered by the people of Tho Dalles, will produce, with local talent, the great New York suc cess, "The Wife." This is a play they ran for two nights at the Lyceum thea ter, and is produced by Mr. Levin by spicial arrangement with Mr. Daniel Frohman. The scenes are laid in Wash ington City, und the play deals with life at the national capital. It is in four acts. The comedy is splendid and the pathos and heart interest sorne.of the most beautiful ever written. Herbert Kelcy and Effle Shannon played it dur ing its long run on this coaet. The fa mous Frawley company, with Blanche Bates, presented it with much success. Some of the leading features that were to be used in the minstrel will be, placed between acts, thus making a continuous performance. The cast will be announced later, and also the special features. The date has been set as March 12th. Those who saw "A Summer's Fancy" presented under Mr. Levin's direction will look forward with keen pleasure to this production. It will be lor the benefit of the D. C. & A. C. football team. Work nt CuKcniln LurkA. Contractor H. W. Campbell, who was awarded the contract for repairing botli paved slopes on the sides of the loner entrance to cascade locks canal, has completed the work; in fact it was fin ished several daya ago aDd fully two months in advance of the time specified, according to the Telegram. The govern ment awarded the contract for $70,000. After being inspected by United States Engineer Captain W. W. Hartp, the work was pronounced satisfactory, with the exception of li email amount of grad ing to be done above the rock work. The contract was concluded profitably by the contractor. The damage to the locks was the re sult of ttie flood of 1894, and ttie delay in starting the work was due to the di vision of opinion held by many. Some thought the repairs being made by con tract would not be satisfactory, and that the work could not be finished within ttie time specified. Mr. Campbell has been at work there since 1899, with Cap tain Harts as supervisor. As the pavement bus a thickness of three feet it was necessary to utilize a large amount of stone, which waB ob tained a short distance below the scene on the river bank. The pavement has been backed with rock and not sand, as was the caBe before, and it is believed the work will withstand coming floods. I'EKSONA Ij MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houghton returned today from a trip to California. Attorney John Michell has gone to Omaha on law business connected with the settlement of the Chandler estate. MAItUIKII. At the Central House, Dufur. Febru ary 22nd, Mr. W. B. Sloan to Miss Olive A. Rouse, Rev. W. C. Smith olliciating. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho 1 Sltfuaturo of N'lglit Wuk Her Terror, "I would cougli nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Clias. Applegate, of Alex andria, hid., "and could hardly get any sleep. 1 had consumption so bad that If 1 walked a bloeK 1 would cough fright fully and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of fJ)r. King's New Discovery wholly cured jne and I gained 58 pounds." It's ubsolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippo, Bronchitis and all Throat and I.uug Troubles. Price oOo and 11 00. Trial bottles free at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 2 ! Reports show a greatly increased death Irate from throat and lung troubles, due to the prevalence of croup, nueuinouia and grippe. Wo advise Mm ueo of One Minute Cough Curo in all of these dltllcnlties, It i ilie only harmless remedy that gii- immediate results Children like it. Claike Falk's I'. O. Pharmacy. School Wnlili'il. A teacher wants a school iu Oregon or Washington, Address, J. A. Hay loci:, Tho Dalles, Or. f2o-2tw Cocoa nut Cream Hair Tonic will cure dandruff and all Ecalp diseases, Don't neglect your hair. For sale at Frazer'e btii ber shop, solo agent. tf r t We do Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates made and contracts taken for heating old or new buildings. Do not forget t t That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, hIpo a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done. MAYS & ...Civen With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store during January and February, wo will give One Chance on the following prizes: FIRST PRIZE One Alummized Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated Knives and Forks. FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof fee Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot. In addition to giving away these prizes we will sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always be ready to serve the trade in the best possible way. We will positively not be undersold by any one. Our prices are right. MHIER St BENTON. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOIiUfUBIA BREWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for June 28, 1900, says: "A more supeiior brew never entered ttie labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by tho physicians with the cereainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." 4 East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. A Gentle Hint, In our stvle of climate, with Its sud den changes of temperature, rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglected colds, half the deaths resulting directly from this cause. A bottle of Iloechee's German Syrup kept about your home for immediate uso will prevent serious sickness, a large doctor's bill, and per liape death, by the use of three or four doees. For curingiConsuuiption, Hem orrhages, Pneumonia, seyere Coughs, Croup, or any disease of the Throat or Lung?, its success iB simply wonderful, as your druggist will tell you. Got a sample bottle free from Clarke it Falk. Regular size, "5 cents, Get Green's prize almanac. 2 BOTTLED SUNSHINE. A boon to the sick and atlllcted in the form of magnetic shields. Rheumatism paralysis, consumption, corpulency all of the ills the human flesh Is heir to, treated by simple application of the shields, No dleeaee can exiet when magnetism in snlticient quantity is ap plied. The hick ami t tllicted are invited to call at room -1-1, Chapman block, The Dalles, Oregon, and learn how to gain health and keep it when once well, fuSS-liud Pereons who can not take ordinary pills liud It a pleasure to take DeWitt's Little Karly Risers. They are the best little liver pills ever made, Clarke &. Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee, Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief, 25 ua, and 60 cts, lilakeley, the druggist. CROWE. Away... 1 The Ht)Mt I'l anter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is euoerior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side orchest, give it 4 trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it atlbrds. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application gives re lief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Wtiy pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James K. Patton's- sun proof paints for $1,50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark it Falk, agents. ml Don't you know that Cocoanut Cream hair Tonic will save your and your children's hair? You can get it foi 50 and 75 cents n bottle at Fraer's barber shop, sole agent, tf for Koliruury. A fino 10x20 enlargement with every dozen of my "best cabinet photos." Cloudy days ars just as good for sittings. Gnroni). Gill'ords pictures never fade. til There is always danger in using counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salye. The original is a safe and certain : cure for piles, It in a soothing and heal ing salve for fores and all skin diseases. , Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Don't Kill It In, I Just wet the alfected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, 1 and ttie pain is gone. Sold by Clarko i? i Falk. Paint your house with paints that ara hi i. guaranteed to last. Clarko it Falk havH them. !' ir fashionable dressmaking and plain ge ng, call and see Mre. S, . Hender km. :m Third street, iu Mre. Eddon's huuee. jlO.Jm