The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 26, 1901, Image 2

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GUMBERTS Popular Cigar and Tobacco House has inaugurated a bright idea of showing their ap
preciation to their kind patrons by giving away, absolutely FREE,
5000 tickets will be placed in evelopes bearing the name GUMBERT, each letter will
be in separate envelopes. To the person drawing letters composing the name of
GUMBERT they will receive this Grand $300.00 Piano absolutely FREE. With
each 25c purchase you will be entitled to a chance. This Piano will not be given
away later than July, 1901. However, should we dispose of our tickets in less than
above time mentioned, the public will be duly notified and the lucky person will be
presented with the most valuable prize ever given absolutely FREE.
Bear in mind that we carry a full and complete line of
Fine Cigars and Tobaccos, also Periodicals of all Descriptions
and when in want of above mentioned articles do not forget that by purchasing them of GUM
BERT'S you get full value for your money and chances in winning this Grand Upright Piano.
Call and see the .Piano on ex
hibition at our Store.
Men's Leaio Giqar and no House.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
FEB. 26, 1901
The Porto llican delegation which
is in this country asking congress to
disallow the Hollender bill recently
passed by the government of Porto
Rico to raise local revenue furnishes
food for thought concerning the
touch bewailed injustice of the Porto
Rican tariff law, says the New York
Tribune. It will be remembered
that this law, the constitutionality of
which is now before the supreme
court, was passed to provide local
revenues pending the establishment
of a government in the island and
the perfection of a system of internal
taxation. It was bitterly denounced
as a perfidious brenoh of faith and a
monstrous oppression of our new de
pendents. Eloquent orations were
made about our duty to extend to
Porto ltlco our constitution, with its
domestic revenue system, and our
failure to do so was denounced with
fanatical vehemence. It is instruc
tive to consider tbo views of the
Porto Ricans on the Hollender taxes,
and speculate on their probable
views of the taxes which would be
imposed upon them under our constitution.
The Hollender Dill provides for a
general real estate tax of one -half of
1 per cent on assessed valuation, a
very moderate levy indeed, accord.'
ing to our standards of real estate
taxation. In addition, for municipal
purposes it lays a tax of one-half of
1 per cent on land. Among the im
posts is one of 80 cents a gallon on
domestic rum. On cigarettes a tax
of $1 a thouaaud is levied. The
visiting Porto Ricans object to the
real estate taxes as excessive and
burdensome. They say that the im
post on rum is so heavy in propor
tion to the ruling price of spirits and
the ability of the people to pay that
it would be prohibitive. As rum is
the principal by-product of the sugar
mills and, owing to their crude
machinery, makes a large item in
their balance, such a tax would rum
the sugar industry. The tax on
cigarettes, too, it is said, would put
them to an impossible price and stop
These objections may or may not
be overdrawn. They are, at any
i .... .
rate, tue objections of native Porto
Ricans, and show what they regard
as oppressive taxes. In the light of
their view consider the taxes which
Porto Ricans would be paying if our
"equality for Porto Rico" advocates
had bad thoir way which they will
be paying if the supreme court de
cides that the constitution compels
us to give them uniform taxation
with ourselves. Our internal revenue
law imposes not merely a tax of 80
cents but one of $1.10 a gallon on
spirits, ;57 per cent advance on
what the Porto Ricans say is prohib
itive. Our tax is $1 a thousand on
all-tobacco cigarettes and from $1.50
lo $8 a thousand on paper wrapped
cigarettes. Imagine the poor Porto
Ricans struggling along under the
blessings of such "equality" when
their local conditions arc such as to
make that equality not a blessing,
but a curse! If the Hollender taxes
aic oppressive, the constitutional
system would be crushing; for it is
far heavier on these few articles of
general consumption in Porto Rico,
and besides levies imposts on a
variety of other articles there un
taxed. Moreover, it is to bo remembered
that if the constitution compels uni
form taxation in Porto Rico, it will
take the proceeds for the federal
treasury and leave the island to pro
vide for its local expenses in addi
tion. Thus imposts greater than
those of the Hollender bill on spirits I
and tobacco" would be levied for
Washington, and land taxes far
heavier than the small percentage
now objected to by the Porto Ricans
would have to be levied for the
island's own needs. Now Porto
Rico is freed from our heavy internal
revenue taxes and bears merely a
light customs tax, the proceeds of
which are tor its own benefit, saving
it from other taxes which the Porto
Ricans say they are unable to pay.
This is merely one illustration of the
difference between facts and senti
mental theories. The sentimentalist
would ruin Porto Rico to carry out
his theory of the declaration of in
dependence. He would give it the
fornrof equal taxation, which in the
fact would be utterly unequal and
A powerful engine cannot be run with
a weak boiler, ami we can't keep up the
strain of an active life with a weak
stomach ; neither can we stop the human
machine to make repairs. If the stomach
cannot (litest enough food to keep the
body strong, such a preparation asKodol
Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It di
gests what you eat audit simply can't
help but do you good. Clarke & Falk's
P. O. Pharrnacv.
-Ma x ,. Vm.T,
On the last ballot for senator the
first mau to change to Mitchell, after
voting for Corbett, was Reprcsenta
live a. a. Kouerts. mere was no
band wagon in sight at the time and
only a seer could have known what
was going to follow that
change of vole.
The colored barytone of St. George's
church, in New York City a Mr. Bur
leigh went to Albany one day to sing
at a private tnusicale. After It was
over the barytone went to n near-by
hotel, but was refused admittance be
cause of his color. Four other hotels
were unwilling to receive turn. Coming
back to the house where he bad sung he
explained his predicament. Governor
Roosevelt, who had been one of the
guests, heaid the conversation. "What's
that?" he roared. "Here, Burleigh,
you come with me. I'll see to it that
you get a bed." He drove to his own
home, gav9 the singer the best guest
room in the house, and saw to it before
he went to bed that every Albany news
paper would announce the next morn
ing that Mr. Burleigh had been a guest
at the executive mansion. March
Ladies Home Journal.
Floral lotion will care wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arice
& Falk.
Recent experiments show that all
classes of foods may be completely di
gested by a preparation called Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di
gests what you eat. As it is the only
combination of all the natural digestants
ever devised the demand for it has be
come enormous. It has never failed to
cure the very worst cases of indigestion
and it always gives instant relief. Clarke
& Falk's P. O. Pharrnacv.
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cte
and oO cte. Blakeley, the druggist.
A FlreniMii'K Uloaa Cull.
"I stuck to my engine, although every
joint ached and every nerve was racked
with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo
comotive llroman, of Burlington, Iowa.,
"I was weak and pale, without any ap
petite and all run down. As I was about
to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit
ters and, after taking it, I felt as well as
1 ever did in my life." Weak, Biukly,
run down people always gain new life,
strength and vigor from their use. Try
them. Satisfaction guaranteed by G. C.
Blakeley, thudruggist. PriceQOcente. 2
How to Cure (Jriii.
Mr, R. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
Duchess county, N. Y,, says : "Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. It is a fine
children's remedy for croup and never
fails to cure." When given as soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
bone in mind and a bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept at baud ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Pattern
strictly pure liquid paints
Subscribe for Tint Oiiboniclk, ,
first National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, aubject to Sight
Draft or Check.
CollectionB made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, Ban Francisco and porl
land. D1RBOTOKS.
D. P. Thompson. Jho. 8. Schxmox.
Ed. M. Williamb, Gko. A. Liiuii.
H. M. Bkall.
Look Here!
All the Groceries, Hardware and Tin
ware will he disposed of by the 1st of
March, as 4he building will be occupied
by other parties. S. L. BROOKS.
All persons indebted to the late firm
of E. .1. COLLINS CO., and H. L.
BROOKS, are requested to call and
settle up on or before March lot next
without fall. S. L. BROOKS.
General Blacksmith
and Horseshoer.
All kindfi of blRckflinlthing will receive
prompt attention and will bo executed
in first-class shape. Give him a call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or.
Among the tens of thousands whohavo
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
colds and la crippo during the past few
yeare, to our knowledge, not a single case
has resulted in pheumonia. ThoB.
Whitfield A Co., 2-10 Wabash avenue,
Chicago, one of the most prominent re
call druggists in that city, In speaking of
thiB, says: "Wo rocommond Chamber
lain'a Cough Remedy for la grippe in
many cases, an It not only gives prompt
and complete recovery, but also counter
acts any tendency of la grippe to result
in pneumonia." For sale by Blakoley.
the druggist.
Vour Faun
Shows the state of your feollngi and the
atate oi your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Bkin Eruptions. If vnu am fi.,,!,,,..
weak and worn out and do not have a
neaithy appearance you ahould try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It
diseases where cheap Sareaparillas and
bo called purifiers fall ; knowing this we
Hamilton lirown bIuih . Th U Maui
York Cash Store.
In talking of Chocolates pleaso
remember that we carry a full line of
LOWNEY'S, just opened, fresh from
the factory. In plain and fancy boxes
for ChrlatiraH trade, and at prices to
suit. Don't forget that we are head
quarters fur the beat on earth. Name
LOWNEY sottleB it.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
L. Y. Hong, I'rop'r.
First-Class in Every Respect
MBAI.H at Air, mums.
Oysters Served in any Style.
7 Btotmd fit., The Dalle, Or.