THE DALLES HOSPITAL. Dry Goods Department Special Sale of Waists. French Flannel Waists , $3.45 Miiko your own selection from our stock; regular prices wore up to $0.50. Cashmere Waists $2.45 Were $3.50. Silk Waists ltuying this week will puvo you 33;', per cent. A $10 Waist for $'6 67. Black Sateen Waists 79c Your choice of our waists, marked $1.00 to $1.75. Mercerized Black Sateeii Waists . $1.19 Regular prices were $2.00 to $.f5.00. Foulard Silks. Woolen Dress Goods just opened. All Coods Mnrked In Plain FlRuron fhe Dalles Dally Chronicle, MOW) N FEB. 25, W01 TKEASUKER'S NOTICE. All IViikimi Couniy wnrrunlN recliitrMt irliirt Mfitmn1nir I, 1K1I7, will bit fiHlil mi irniititlliiii ut my titllce, lnteii-xt ''umin urtiir November l(, 111(1(1. JOHN T. IIAMl'NIIIKK, County Tionniirer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Rooms to rout suitable for light Iioupo kuepini;. Apply lit this office. f2.,.lw A full attendance ie requested ut to ninlit's HUBsion of Friendship Lodge, No. Knights of Pythius. Work in the third. Sojourning brethren are cordi ally invited. There will bo services ut St. Paul's KpiHcojiitl church tomorrow (Tuesday; evening ut 7:30 o'clock. . Hev. Mr. "reck, of Portland, will preach. A cordial invitation ie extended to all to he present.' James Toner was arraigned before Re corder Gates this morning on the charge of drunkenness. The prlRonor had been found laat niitht lying on the sidewalk a hulpluEsly druuk condition. Jlo was dijcharged on paying h line of $'i. I.o-it February 23d, probably between the Deschutes river uud Frank Fulton's finch in Sherman county, 11 email hand Kfip containing geutlemtto's traveling utensils and papers and letters bearing thu nainu of IJ. K. nines. The finder "ill irroittly oblige by communicating with Smith French, of The Dalles, or v. II. K. Hines, Pendleton. 25-ldw o Died, in this city, Saturday, February '-ird.of conBiitnption, Mrs. A. M. Me Udivity, aged 87 years. The deceased resident of Vancouver und was brought here ubout a week ago by her hmlmnd In hopo that she might bo bene titt'd by a ehaiigo of air. The remains will bo taken to Vancouver on tomor row's boat. Th" Skamokawa K-iglo assumes the r''P0NHihilily for this story: There are l"''l'iulliofi living ,10 western part Kunsiia named Day and Sunday, who ' neighbors. Mr. Day is father of i-i. girlH, Whi0 Mr. Sunday has nn , " "''ber of sons. Four of his sonB "ve nmrrlud Days, another is engaged, 0 now appears "every Dav will be a s"'ly, by and by." tJ,M!",le.i,.thi slot law pntaed by lte ieulslature is now in effect and iisoof the,,, for ,.lK(r8( Mnk9 (,he(ik)) 'oney or anything representative of mj. is a criiiia against the state. The 18 ve'' broad and It Is hardlv llkelv - h u jl served i i oysters Sl. I At Andrew Keller's. Shoe 75c 75c Ct "I ff J 1 .JJ t I OR tP JL ,IJ PEASE & that there will be open uttempt to evade. The law retards the presence of a machine in u saloon, cigar store or other 1 ilace of business us prima facie evidence I that it is being used for an unlawful purpoBo. t I F I . . I .1 cnanco lor our sum iriewis to ooy a good suit of clothes cheap. Next Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. A. M. Wil liams &. Co., will sell all their Pickwick suits ill sizes !3-3-l-u5 and 36 breast worth from $13.75 to $18.00 at $10 a suit. The Pickwick is known a9 the best ! line of ready mwle clothing made. Every J suit bearing their label is warranted to I nivo satisfaction. Are you slim enough ! to wear one of these suits if you are it is your business to be on deck. Ait vertlel I.Httttrn. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postollice ut The Dalles un called for February 25, 1901. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Allen, Hattfe Allen, Mibs Dtdta Bingham,.) F Bennett, Miss Lizzie Host, Jacob Chandler, Fred Calder, G M Cralet, Mr Cartwright.AqnillarChon, J Copeluud, Gtaco Coats, S II Dosson, D Ketabrook.Mrs F (2) Evans, Harriet Headley, Mark Flannery, Frank Lingard. Miss Ella Kistner, Sophia (2) Leslie, Hev George Luciuger, Mrs A Mallear, H J Miller, J II McGinter, Mrs McCounell, J VV Martin, Mrs Hattie Mayberry, Mrs A Street and Smith, Stone Bros, Smith, S L Shank, William Thomas, Joseph Tuttle, E D Wilttns, J F Taylor, J Ii Walton, L Ward, Mary Ward, Melvin J. M. I'.UTI'IISO.V, P. M. How II Ik Dmir, The first object in life with the Ameri can people Is to "get rich ;" the Hcoond, how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saving; the second, (nood health) by using Green's August Flower. Should you be a despondent sufferer from any of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Appendicitis,' Indigestion, etc., such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costivenoss, Dizlness of the Head, Nervous Prostration, Low Spirits, etc., you need not suffer another day. Two doses of the well-known Auguet Flower will relieve you at once. Go to Clarke c Falk's und get a Bample bottle free, Regular size, 75 cents. Get Green's I prize almanac. 1 CASTOR I A Tor infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the 8itf uaturo of Persons who can not take ordinary pilU find it a pleasure to take DeWitt's Little Early Iiisers, They are the best little liver pills ever made, Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Department. The early buyer catches the best bargains. For Ladles' Hand-Sewed Kid Button ; Sizes 3, 3)4 and 4. For Boys' Show, elastic sides ; Sizes 2)i to 4V,. For Misses' Spring Heel Lace Shoes; Sues 2u to 5. For Miffs' best quality Kid Button ; Sizes 11 .i to 2. Regular $2.25. Furnishings Dept. Men's Suits. Any one of our $25 Suits $18.95 Any one of our $20 Suits $14.95 Any one of our $18.50 Suits $13.95 Any one of our $10.50 Suits $11.95 MAYS A SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENT. Mian Ilolinri uml Ml riamliell Delight u Dulles Auilivnce. I From the expressions of satisfaction j and approval on the faces of the audi- ence Rt the Vogt Saturday night, it tvas j very evident that at lenEt those of The I Dalles people who bad the foresight to ' attend appreciate merit and were more than pleaeed with the program given them by the talented ladieB who had been snuaged to entertain them, and thereby make it possible to enlarge the school library. However, while the au dience was a fair sized one, it is to be regretted that every seat in the hall was not filled with those who could not fail to have enjoyed the efforts of such art ists, the equal of whom we seldom aro privileged to hear. If there is one thing above another which captures an audience it is the ab sence of affectation on the stage, and of MIbb Grace Holmes it may truly be said that she was perfectly natural, there be ing an absence of any superfluous ges tures or affected intonations of voice. Her versatility was aleo marked. If her hearers admired her conception of the difficult characters, such as Shylock in the court scene from the "Merchant of Venice," so also were they charmed with the lighter selctious, particularly with the last number, "Baby audi," which was beautiful. The lady is cer tainly u splendid exponent of the Holmes School of Oratory, which she represents. Equally pleasing was the singing of Miss Susie Gam bell. Her very first tones betokened the perfect tiaiuing she has received, and us selection after se lection was rendered, .giving ample op portunity to bring out the full scope of her powerful, yet sweet voice, the more was she appreciated. (Her tones were faultlessly clear, and the ease with which she took the highest notes, as well as those of lower register, made it the more pleas, uit to listen to her. Miss Sampson also deserves much credit for the manner in which she ac companied the singing, for it requires much skill to so perfectly adapt the piano to one's voico, having had so little opportunity foi practice with the slngei. Nor would we forget the stars of lesser magnitude the young gentleman and ladles of our high school, for the instru mental selection with which Misses Pearl Grimes and Emily Crossen opened the program whs well rendered und enjoyed, while in his rendering of a portion of Washington's farewell address Wiliam Cross displayed an aptitude for oratory and u richness of voice which speak vol umes for his future. While from a financial standpoint the entertainment was not whut might be desired, the high school teachers may rest assured I hey ullored the audience an evening of great pleasure. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints . .. . i Subscribe for Tuk Cuuoxici.k. The Dalles hospital, now nearlng com pletion, will be a credit to the city and will surely fill a long felt want. Scarce ly a week passes in this city that some such place Is not needed for the care of patients whom cruel necessity compels to be transported a hundred miles in order that they may have the care and attendance that a well-conducted hog pltal alone affords. Wo sincerely hope that the enterprise of Dr. Ferguson may meet with the pecuniary reward that it deserves. The building is one of the handsomest structures in the city. Its situation, on the bluff overlooking the city, and com manding a magnificent view of the Columbia for u distance of eight or ten miles, with the Klickitat hills in the nearer distance, and beyond in the north west and touching the clouds the white crests o' Mounts St. Helens und Kninier, is all that could bo desired as a tempo rary home for the sick and convalescent, From a sanitary point of view the situa tion could not bo excelled for It is far removed above the ellluyia of the lower town, and the dust that is often so an noying in other parts of the city during the summer months never reaches here The building is practically finished, all that remains being a few days woik of the painters on the inside. The hospital will have accomodations for eighteen to twenty patients. It has fourteen rooms of various sizes, besides two spacious wards, two large bath rooms and closets to no end. The halls and all the rooms intended for the sick have their walls and ceilings painted over the calsomine so that they can be thoroughly cleansed or disinfected with the least possible trouble. The floors which, as a sanitary precaution, will be kept devoid of carpets, are stained in oil. All the inside wood work is finished in natural colois. The building will be lighted with electricity and heated by the Hichardson-Boynton furnace venti lating system, while the hospital will be equipped with all the best modern ap pliances. It will be a private hospital only in the sense that it is the private property of Drs. Ferguson, but it will be open to all who are willing to pay the hospital fees, and patients will be free to choose their own medical attendants the same as if they were at their own homes. Drs. Ferguson expect that the hospital will be ready to receive patients about the middle of March. A 1 1 or si! Thief In the Toils. A short time ago Sheriff Smith, of Columbia county, Wash., notified Sheriff Kelly of the arrest in British Columbia and detention in the Columbia county jail of one Ed Wilson, or Weston, on three different charges of horse stealing, and intimating his belief that Wilson had disposed of one of the horses, with saddle, bridle, sbapB, and a valuable "half-breed" Spanish bit, to 'parties m The Dalres or Wasco county. With the information obtained from SheriffSmith, Sheriff Kelly started an investigation which has resulted in finding nil the property but the saddle. Wilson will be remembered by some people here as a young man who acci dently shot himself in the leg with his own pistol somewhere up in the pines last Bummer. While here be hired a saddle horse from L. A. Porter for u mysterious night ride, returning afoot and informing Mr. Porter that the horse had fallen under him and broken his neck. Wilson settled with Mr. Porter by promising to bring him another horse, but instead of keeping his word, he skipped out and was next heard of as an inmate of the county jail at Day ton. While here Wilson sold a horse ho is acciued of stealing to Hoy Mann. Maun in turn sold the animal to Ben Jordan, and Joidan sold it to a girl by the name of Hawthorne. The last owner turned the animul nut on the hills west of The Dalles, where it was found last Saturday and brought to town to await identification by its owner up In Columbia county. The simps were located at Shaniko, where Wileon had sold them, and the bridle and bit were found in the posses sion of innocent purchasers in this city. Sheriff Kelly hopes to he able to find the saddle, but hitherto his efforts in that direction have been unsuccessful. SheriffSmith vas Informed by uiro of the various (Imhi, and parties are ex pected here any moment to identify them. BOTTLED SUNSHINE. A boon to the sick tin. I nfllicted in the form of magnetic shielde. Rheumatism paralysis, consumi" inn, corpulency all of the ills the human flesh Is heir to, treated by simple application of the shields. No disease can exist when magnetism In sufficient quantity is ap plied. The sick and iilllicted'aie invited to call at room U, Chapman block, The Dalles, Oregon, and learn how to gain health und keep it when ouca well, lb2IM iiid Subscribe or Tim Chuonici-k, We do Steam,' hot water and furnace heating. Estimates made and contructs taken for heating old or new bulldlngB. Do not forget That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma chine repair shop in connection with our hardware and implement Btore. Repair work of all kinds done, MAYS t ...Given With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store during January and February, we will give One Chance on the following prizes: FIRST PRIZE One Range. SECOND PRIZE One Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE One set Knives and Forks. FOURTH PRIZE One and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof fee Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE One In addition to giving away these prizes we will sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always be ready to serve the trade in the best possible way. We will positively not be undersold by any one. Our prices are right. TvmiER Sl Washington's is litinlny Kiitortnluiiient. Washington's birthdiiv was du!v ob-1 served at this place by the uniting of the schools of Upper Eight Mile, under Lewis Kenler, and Endersby, under Mabel liiddell. Hie exercises were held at the Endersby echool house, which was filled to overflowing by the parents and friends of both districts. The following program was well ren dered and appreciated by those present: SoiiB-Mou'it Vernon Hells ,, School OiKMilnir Address CbnrlcN Doyle Hueitiitimi The 'Ad of ccDrtmry , .htnel Doylet KSbiiy lieorRO wasiuiiRiorrs i.ue.ciiu imviasoiij Kec Wnsnliicton's HirrhdHSvf ..Kiitio MuskcI Kec - A l.lttlo Boy's llatchctBtory. Miles I.cnlio i.xorciscs . . tcii smiui rupiix IUhi CiirtM iom Hiitelietx . Until Dickson Kws WiishniKton Crou'diiR tho Ue'uniiro.. , r Lester Johnson Vhh.iv Our Kltii s Ittivtnntlrl I 'nvnrl KsniyA.Mi'iU'lng of Our Flag .Clurii Williams isi'c -u Hsninmoti . i.enii i.nugrt'ii Kxurcl'O-Ktx), Whlto and liluo .AlthnX.'overt. (JiTllo Covert. Hculiih Dovlo Souk Columbia, tho (iom of the Ocean Pchool life- winch tieitcrul? u llbuiUickKoii Hcc 'Tin Splendid to Live so (irnndly, ..Carrie Davidson Hoc -'I illmte to Washington .Hub) Covert Hit In -Meinorliim Alice Kndershy Kec- -Our Washington . . .. (irodlo Davis Hec -Kodnry's hide Charles Covert lice Indeiicndence Hell Mr. L. Keeler Quotations I'luht Mile School America .. , . schools and Visitors NllClit Wun llur Terror, "I would cough nearlyall night lone," writes Mrs. Ghas. Applegato, of Alex andria, Iud., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so had that f I walked u block I would couuh fright fully and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Hronchitis and all Throat and T.utig Troubles. Trice 60c and if 1.00. Trial bottles free at G. O. lilnkoley'a drug store. ' '2 Nclimil Wauled. A teacher wantB a school in Oregon or Washington. Address, J. A. Hay lock, Tho Dullbs, Or. fL'o-'itw Reports show a greatly increased death rate from throat and hint; troubles, due to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia and urippe. We advise the use of One Minute Cough Cure in all of these dillicultics. It. is the only haimless romeilv that. l.Iviih inimaiHiitii n.cnlia Children like it. Claiko & Falk's 1. O. ! Pharmacy. I A standard make, nearly new upright piano for immediate nule very cheap. Would consider iood diamond in ex change. Address, Soui.k lino's piano tuners, care Umatilla house. 22l-ti ! Cot'oanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure' dandruff and all tcalp diseases. Don't neglect your liulr. tor sale at nam's b.n ber shop, sole agent, tf Floral lotion will cure wind chapping find sunburn, Manufactured by C'arKe & Falk. j CROWE, Away... Amminized Garland Steel Rose G-arland Cast Iron of Roger's Silver Plated set of Carver's Knife, Fork Nickle Plated Tea Pot. BENTON. l'EKSOSAt MENTION. J. A. Gulliford was in town todav from Dufur. John E. Barnett took the train yester day for Huntington, where he expects to Bpend a week on business. Leigh Richmond Freeman, editor of the Northwest Farm and Home, is in the city in the interest of his paper. A. G. Palmer, editor of the Prineville Journal, and brother of H. J. Palmer, with Pease & Mays, is in the city on a visit to his mother, who is dangerously ill. Mrs. G. F. Stephens returned last night from Pendleton, where she spent two or three days last week attending to official duties as grand chief of honor of the D. of H. Among the tens of thousands whohave used Chamborlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la trrippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case has resulted in pheumonia. Tuos. Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue, Chicago, one of tho most prominent re call drugKists in that city, in apeukim; of this, says: "Wo recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency of la urippe to result in pneumonia." For sale by Hlukeley, the druggist. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints' when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents; ml Don't you know that Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic will save your and your children's hair? You can get it for 50 and 75 centB a bottle at Frauer's barber shop, sole agent. tf We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Ciiuonioi.k, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $l! a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vance. f Fur February. A fine 1(1x20 enlargement with every dozen of my "best cabinet photos." Cloudy days urs just as good for sitting's. GllTOltl). Cliffords :ictnres never fade. td There Is always tUiigec in using counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch llaiiol Salye. Tho original is a safo and certain cure for pileB, It is a soothing and heal ing salve for sores nnd all skin diseases, Clarke & Falk's V, O. I'liarmacv. Won't Hub It In, I hc wet thealfic od pari freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Sjoich remedy, and the pain is gone, Sold by Clarke & FalW. your house wun paiiits that ara fn'ly v'liannteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them,