vl I) c Dalies VOL. XIII THK DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1901. NO. 47 MITCHELL WAS ELECTED TvvcnO -lMftli Hallot Gave Him the Scnatorship Salem Correspond ent of the Orcijonian Thus De scribes the Scenes Connected With the Final Hallot at the State Capitol Saturday Night. The hands of the clock had nlroady pointed to midnight and Uie clerks were engaged i" cheeking up the roll call. Then! was great excitement and loud ciiIIh of the limn of Mitchell from the lobby. The first deserter from the Cor bett rankH wns Ilcmeiiway. of Latin. On tin1 pri'vioiiH roll call Mitchell liad had :M votes anil Corl'ett IIO. When liiB inline wiih reached, Ilernenwuy, in tlie lust roll cill, without, exphmatian, re sponded ".John II. Mitchell." The call proceeded to the end, and Mitchell and Corbett were then exactly lied, having I!,") voles each. Then M'neene, of Lane, arose and with a brief speech changed to Mitchell, putting liim in the lead. He wiih followed by Roberts, of Watco, who made a short address, faying he had come liero with a clean conscience, nui lie thought it his duty to elect a fenator, and he changed to Mitchell. Colvig fol lowed lit 1 1 1 from from the Hermann rankn, then came Setiator Marnier?, of PonglnH, then Thompson, of Umatilla, Senators Dimmick, I'roebetel, Hume and Hedges. Then there was a pause and mighty sucpeiiHe. Finally Kepre scntative Butt got upon a chair and tried to address the president. The noiee and uproar from the lobby were no great that he could not be heard. He inquired if Mitchell at that time had a majority of the republican votep. There were loud atiHwerp of "Yes," and noisy counter-cries of "No" from the Corbett rankn, linit herniated for a moment and then repponded: "Well, it makes in difference. I change to John H. Mitchell." Mitchell now had -15 votep, within one of the goal. There wbp a long wait, and Senator Adams mounted the chair. The crowd believed that g )ing to vote for Mitchell, and lie was i bedlam fairly broke Ioobc, but Adams did not. lie merely demanded that the chair en- i, ,ili"iE'inr,lli"iH'H' tlHliTtfiMlltflHI ill lit HI Mill AVegctable Preparalionfor As -similating UieFoodandRegula ling the Stomachs undBowcls of iJiMuiwiiiiimiui Promotes DigeslionCheerluF ness and Rest.Contalns neitlier Opium.Morplune norliufaL Not Xarc otic. SW afOUa-SAKVIlimMR Mx.Smn HtxktlU SmUt - Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa ion , .our Slomach.Diarritoca utd Loss of Sleep. Frte Simile Signature of JNKW YORK. EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. MR. CASTORS force order and clear the aisles. The chair undertook to do it, hut did not succeed. Representative Carter about this time arose to his feet and tried to eay something. It was not distinctly heard, but he seemed to bo calling upon the Corbett men to stand pat. Miller also tried to withstand the storm by say ing he intended to stand by Corbett, and it looked for a few minutes as if the ex senator after all would fail. The name of "Mattoon" repeated with great vehe mence, came from many parts of the hall, and a crowd of the Douglas county man's friends got around him and talked to him excitedly. He seemed to be suc cessfully withstanding them, and soon there rope cries of "Deadlock," "Ad journ," "Adjourn." MATTOON THE F0KTY-8I.VTII, The Corbett men jumped to their feet and demanded that the president an nounce the vote, and Mr. Fulton seemed to be preparing to do it. A wave of dis appointment, overspread the faces of the anxious Mitchell crowd. About this time the Multnomah delegation got around Representative Schumann, who hud on the 21st halllot changed from Bennett to Mr. Corbett, and demanded that he prevent a deadlock. While the push was wrestling with the obstinate German-American from Multnomah Mattoon finally yielded to the im portuuilies of his friends and arose and changed hip vote to Mitchell. This was all that was needed, and the crowd knew it. I'.tndemor.ium reigned for many seconds, and the chair made little effort to check it. The clerks then completed the roll and pafsed it up to Mr. Fulton, who announced that Mr. Corbett had "received it votcw, Mr. Mitchell -30, and Mr. Bennett 10." The crowd went wild again, and fraternized wildly with mem hers, embracing them, shaking them by the hands and fairly jumping up and down in their joy. Your Fbcm Shows the state of your feelings and the State of your health ad well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling waal: and orn out and do not have a healthy appearance you Bhould try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood disc ises where cheap Sareaparillas and so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we PH1 "very notiie on a positive guarantee. ,5lakt!,e' tl)U druggist. i Hamilton Brown shoes at The Now i York Gash Store. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA ivvr Tliat Fifteen Hundred Dollars. Wanted An owner for $11100. Como forward and prove property. Salem Sentinel. The position of janitor at the etate houee will be eagerly sought for here after Salem Sentinel. Some men have money to throw to the birds; others have money to ive to the janitors. Salem Sentinel. That $1500 should be followed to the bottom of the owner's pocket. Let nothing be kept from the public Al bany Democrat. A country newspaper man is swindled out of fifteen crisp $100 gold notes and L. H. Mc.Mahan furnishes .$500 cash bail, in greenbacks. Ha! Ha.' Salem Sentinel. It is very suggestive that the Orc gonian and Salem paperB have almost nothing to say of the arrest of John uaies at mis city wiui ifisuu on Ins per eon, money belonging to some one else, according to the charge made. A very mysterious affair. Albany Democrat. It is eaid that in the affadavit for the securing of the warrant for the arrest of John Gates for the larceny of $1500 the editor swore the money was his. This is being looked upon as a very good joke. The fi'at telephone message to Albany referred to J. M. Poorman, a member of the legislature and a hanker from Wood burn as the prosecutor who had lost the money. The matter is getting interest ing. Albany Democrat. On all eides the Corbett 'men are be ing laughed at for the egregious blunder in arresting Gates, the janitor who would not be separated from the $1500 intended to pay for another vote for the old man, and among the lawyers especially the threat of the prosecuting attorney to move for a dismissal in the event of the defendant not being ready to proceed with the case this morning at 10 o'clock is a huge joke. Gates not alone has his liberty, but he has the money as well, becauee those connected with the prosecution would not dare to establish their title to it lest in so doing there would be proof oifered as to the use for which it was intended. Of course, it ib known to whom the monev was to have been handed by the janitor, and it is not unlikely that before the day is over there will be a sensational expose ot Uoruett methods. The fact that the Oregouian would not publish the story is generally commented upon, but, of course, failure to do so is prettv well understood. Astoria News. A rirt'liiuii'N Vluoe Cull. "I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was rucked with pain," writes O. W. Bellamy, a lo comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa., "I was weak and pale, without any ap petite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit ters and, after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. Price 50 cunts. 2 How tu Cure 'rou. Mr. H. Gray, who lives near Ainenia, Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is the best medi cine I have ever used. It is n fine children's remedy for croup and never fails to cure." When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, it will prevent' the attack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept ut hand ready for instant use as soon as these symptoms appear. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Working Hi Hours u Day, There's no rest for those tireless little little workers Dr. King's New Pills. Millions are always buuy, curing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Billiousness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work won ders, Try them. 25c at G. C. Blakeley'e drug store. 2 For the weakness mid prostration fol lowing grippe there is nothing so prompt and effective as One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation is highly endorsed ub an unfailing remedy for nil throat and lung troubles and its early use prevents consumption. It was made to cure quickly. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Fulk. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE EXPIRES THURSDAY. Profit in the interval by buying all you need in Ladies' and Children's Muslin Under-garments and Child 's White DreBses at these special prices : 12,'c, l'Jc, Ii!)c, 55c, '.h: and $1.13. Real bargains at each price. Thursday, Friday and lOc At. Thursday, Friday and Saturday we will sell twenty-five pieKuieK Suits I in sizes 33, 34, 35 and 36 cheBt measure suits made for tall, slim young men of good, weighty, fashionable materials and worth $13.75, $15.00, 10 00, $17.50, $18.00 SPECIAL Any Suit in the lot . . SPECIAL- Child's Worsted Dresses. .$1.15 A. Although many ..THE FHIR. last Saturday, but owing to the bad weather that day Tfre have decided to continue this GREAT WRAPPER SALE until WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Don't fail to attend, as it gives you a rare chance to supply yourself with a good cheap garment. Price, $1.00 and $1.50. This includes our 248 Garments. The Place to Save Money . Saturday We will Bell our popular 15c quality All new lines just included Men's Linen Collars ... any shape or style all sizes in stock each. NEW ARRIVALS. Plain and Figured Silkelenes I2jjc and 15c Curtain Materials by the yard bleached and ecru Leautiful things at from 15c to 50c per yard New Full fine $io TRADE MARK M, WILLIAMS & Ladies took advantage of our tf Special Sale on.... Wrappers THE FAIR. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. GRAND OPENING- SALE of Table Linens, Napkins and Table Covers received at 25 per cent. off. Ribbons.... Assortment. New line of Trunks and Suit Cases.... The finest line in ev erv way that ever ap peared in The Dalles. Not alone new goods and better goods but new prices as well. See our special $6.00 Trunk. Made and finished not only to look well, but to stand hard knocks. GO. SPECIAL Boys Caps 15c F. C, Marquardsen, Prop THE DALLES, OR.