The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 23, 1901, Image 3

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Dry Goods Department
Special Sale of
French Flannel Waists $3.45
Make your own selection from our
stock; regular prices wore up to $0.50.
Cashmere Waists $2.45
Were $3.50.
Silk Waists Buying this week will
save you 33:' per cent. A $10 Waist
for $6 67.
Black Sateen Waists 79c
Your choice of our waists, marked
1.00 to $1.75.
Mercerized Black Sateen Waists
Kegular prices wore $2.00 to $3.00.
Foulard Silks.
Woolen Dress Goods just, opened.
Shoe Department.
The early buyer catches the best
ytZn FJr Isles' Hand-Sewed KJd Button ;
OU Sizes 3, 3 and 4.
For Bovo' Shoes, elnBtic sides;
Sizes 2 to 4u.
Ci 1 ff For Misses' Spring Heel Lace Shoes ;
J 1 .JJ Sizes 2 to 5.
IS 1 OK For Misses' best quality Kid Button ;
tJJ JL .(CU Sizea U'u to 2. Regular $2.25.
Furnishings Dept.
Men's Suits.
Any one of our $25 Suits $18.95
Any one of our 20 Suits $14.95
Any one of our $18.50 Suits $13.95
Any one of our $10.50 Suits.. . . $11.95
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
fte Dalles Daily Chronicle,
SATl'itO Y
FEB. 23, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All IVuifij County warrnnlN r-cltnrrl
irlnr to n-ttiulir 1. 1MK7, will lt fiHliI
mi iirt'ix'iitatlnii nt mjr onion, liilcrt'Mt
ii'UBtm urtcr Nil vrinlinr XV , 1 lUO.
;nunty Trrnxurer.
Rooms to rent suitable for light house
keeping. Apply at this ofliee. f23-lw
It is said there ia considerable mining
ezcttt'iiient on Bridge Creek, Wheeler
Mrs. Itrittuin Iiub been confined to iter
roam fur a week with a severe attack of
tiie grippe.
Ibn't merlook the benefit amateur
initietrel performance Thursday even
ini!, February 28, 1!01.
Gum hurt, the popular cigar and to
bacco dealer, has a grand surpriee in
ftore for hip customers. Wait for devel
opiueiitB. Personally, I do not believe that any
one needij meat more than once a day.
Ny careful experiments, during hard
labor eay for fourteen hours a day, I find
one uieul of meat all that is necessary.
Mrs. K. T. Korer, in the Marcli Ladles'
iloino Journal.
Uied, in this city, Friday, February
2-'d, of consumption, nfter nn illness
extending over a year, Alice Kthel
Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
A. Martin; ugod 15 years and fl months.
Tlie funeral will take place from the
Calvury Baptist church tomorrow, at
8:30,i. i.
A. A. Urquluirt, of this city, received
dispatch today announcing the death
"I IiIh father, Jutnes Urquhurt, at Nupu
vine, Washington, at the ago of 80 yeurp.
N' deceased loaves eight sons and one
lairlitjr, two of the sons, Andrew and
owing residents of this county. I
Alex Itift for Napavlne this afternoon. J
Mis Holm and Miss Guinbell ar
f'ved on tho oon train today. Prof,
"ompbon of lluod Hiver, where they
wvo an I'litertttinmeut, eas that all
wra plm8lJ)i (Uld tllt) mitertainntent the
"Ht oC thu eeuBon. Both ladles possess
nuuHiiHi talent. Tlie eiitertuinmeut
'h evening will be a rare musical and
literary treat.
When John Gates was examined at
' elty jail and $1300 in $100 bills found
iIb parson, Nlghtwatch McClain jok
"Kly asked him : "Is that Corbett
. mjy ' Gtttee responded ; "I shall
liVe to
answer you the wav Ex-Govern-
or Pennoyer answered the president of
the United States." In view of the
mystery thst surrounds the n flair this
is considered a very good joke. Albany
Those who would like to learn at the
earliest possible moment the result of
tonight's ronatorial contest at Salem,
will be interested in knowing that ar
rangements have been made with the
Western Union to receive dispatches at
the Umatilla House till the legislature
adjourns. The houses meet at 8 o'clock.
Prior to tho lime that Mr. Roosevelt
was made president of the New York
police board no provision had ever been
made for policemen who ruined their
uniforms in rescuing persons from
drowning. Mr. Roosevelt took the mat
ter up before lie had hen in tha office a
week and ordered that every uniform
thus unfitted for use should be replaced
at the cost of the city. He went still
further: Down on the river front was
one old roundsmau who had been in tho
service many years, and during that
time had saved twenty-nine persons
from drowning. He was at once made a
sergeant, and, as if to celebrate the pro
motion.'he saved his thirtieth life the
next week, March Ladies' Home Jour
nal. There was left at this office today n
half-dozen apples that have a right to
special mention. They are of the Ben
Davis and Northern Spy varieties, and
were grown in the orchard of Mr. George
Martin, of Pleasant Ridge, some eleven
miles south of here and cIobo up to the
timber line. The appli are remarka
bly fine epecimens f the varieties to
which they belong, and they are as solid
as the day they were plucked from the
trees. Mr. Martin six years ago planted
the traea from which these apples were
taken under the protect of many that
they would never amount Jo anything.
The result has more than justified his
expectations and he lias since increased
his original planting to six acres. One
good thing about Mr. Martin's orchard
is that he has never been bothered with
scale or moth of any kind, and he does
not believe, there is a thriftier lot of trees
thou his in Wasco county.
A well-known lady of this city has
been troubled for yours, like many other
of botli sexes, with acorn, which in her
case was on the upper pint of the fourth
toe of the right foot. Seeing, in it ri
eastern paper, the iidv(,rtiaeiiif'iil of a
corn specific, eleped "Yankee Doodle
Corn Salve," sho sent foi six boxes. The j
inducement for ordering so many was
the dit'er of s'x cIidiuvh in a grand draw
in that hiii tn take place right away ;
oneiif thu prizes in which was u magnifi
cent silk dress pattern. Instead of the
silk dress hIih drew it brass brooch worth
probacy two for a nickel, Tho brunch
was indignantly thrown over the back '
fence. Hut that was not t':u worst of it.
The salve played Old Hurry with the
sore toe, bringing on a running sore and
corrosion of the bone, so that her phvsl
cian lias informed her that there is no
salvation for the alllicted member but
amputation, and this must be performed
as soon as her condition will permit the
use of the necessary anesthetic. This is
a true story and its moral is: Don't
monkey with "Yankee Doodle Com
NcIkioI Kveuini; Tonight.
It is hoped that every seat in the Vogt
will be occupied tonight to listen to the
excellent program that will be given
there. The schools of The Dalles are a
source of pride to the city. The Dalles
has the deserved name of being a splen
did school city, and parents from away
move to this place so that their sons and
daughters may receive their education
It is a fact Unit good books and read
ing "maketh a full man." It enlarges
the mind and employs the thoughts of
boys and girls, as well as men and wo
men. It is necessary that the libraries
of The Dalles schools be enlarged. There
are not enough books to Biipply the de
mand. Get boys and girls to reading
good books and you are paving the way
to future successes for them. Remem
ber your boy and your girl will derive
benefit from the library, so assist the
cause by patronizing the entertaiment
that more hooks may be puichused.
A Citizen.
That ftlBOO Atlulr.
Chief of Police Gibson, of Salem, L.
II. McMahan and II.. I. Gill, camu up
from Salem lust night on thu 7 o'clock
train and this morning returned to Sa
lem with John Gates, the man who had
$1300 on his person when arrested in
this city yesterday. The warrant was
issued at the instance of Mr. Gill, wiio
when lie had secured the money wanted
Gates released. Gates is assistant jani
tor at the state house, though a resilient
of Woodburn. Instead of a robbery it
seems to have been a case of breech of
trust or Fonietliiug of the kind. Thu
rumor is that the money was in Gates'
hands to pay for a senatorial vote, and
Gates thought he might as well have it
as any body and so started on a little
trip up the valley. It is probable the
mutter will he hushed up as much as
possible, lint it is to be hoped will not bo
permitted tn be, but that the truth shall
come out. Albany Democrat.
?or infants nut) Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Special to Tim Chiionicxk)
8amcm, Feb. 23, 1 :42 p. m.
The joint ballot today resulted as fol
lows: Corbett, 35; Bennett, 25; Wil
liams, 12; Hermann, 9; Fulton 5; Kelly
Roberts voted for the first time for
After joint ballot the houses adjourned
till 8 o'clock this evening.
lhnU the Way Our Halem Ourr!ininl
ent) Vmws .tlie Situation,
Special to Tin; Ciikonici.k, Feb. 23, 3 :30 p. m.
Mitchell seems to have strong support.
Corbett is undoubtedly defeated. It is
persistently rumored that Mitchell will
br successful. It is said the democrats
have agreed to throw their support to
The houses are hurrying through bills
under the gag rule.
More business by half than was done
during the entire last session.
Today eacli member as his name was
called alphabetically was allowed to call
up one bill other than his own from the
other house.
McAlister introduced a memorial to
congress for the division of the state
It was overwhelmingly defeated.
A rieuNnnt levelling.
In the Women of Woodcraft is taught
and practiced the doctrine of the father
hood of God, the brotherhood of man,
the sisterhood of woman ; in short, fra
ternity impregnates the atmosphere of
the wood of Cedar Circle, and the order
of Women of Woodcraft in general, as
was clearly demonstrated in the Btniling
features and neighborly hand clasp of
everyone present at the regular meeting
of Cedar Circle last night.
Mrs. Weber, the guardian neighbor,
left this item with us, that after several
applications had been ballolted on, nine
applications referred to committees, and
four initiations, all other business was
disposed of and all at, 'the camp-fire
listened to the presentation epeech of
the guardian neighbor, as this was the
.birthday of Mrs. Inez Filloon. A few
pleasant remarks were made and a
beautiful berry spoon was presented
Mrs. Filloon in honor of her birthday,
and as a token of regard and esteem in
which she is held by the neighbors of
Cedar Circle.
To say Mrs. Filloon was surprised is
putting it mildly ; she was overwhelmed,
but recovered sufficiently to respond
gracefully, saying that Cedar Circle in
particular, and the Women ot Woodcraft
in general, may rest assured that every
thing that sho can do to further the best
interests of the order will be done. And
thanking all again and again, tho camp
fire was extinguished, and a program
listened to, and then a banquet was
spread in honor of the occasion. This
isoneofmuny of the pleasant, social,
whole-souled, fraternal evenings as
given by Cedar Circle, and is one reason
the order grows so rapidly; because
fraternity is not only taught, hut prac
ticed. Cedar Circle has adopted this
verso as its motto:
Uve for something ; linvo a purpose,
Ana Hint purl iose keep In view.
Drifting, like u lit'lmlesK vessel,
Thou canst ne'er 1 1 sell lie true.
HhII tho wreck that strew life's ocean,
If some slar hiel bean their kmIOV,
MiKlit Imvu now been rlillui; hitfely,
Hut they ilrlfteil with the tide.
G. W.
For the weakness and prostration fol
lowing grippe there is nothing so prompt
and etle'jtlve as One Minute Cough Cure,
This preparation is highly endorsed as
an unfailing remedy for all throat and
lung troubles and its eaily use prevents !
consumption, It was made to cure
quickly. Clarke & Fulls' P.O. Pharmacy.
A GtMititt Hint,
In our stvle of climate, with Us sud
den changes of temperature, rain, wind
and sunshine often intermingled tn a
single day, it is no wonder that our
children, friends and relatives are so
frequently taken from ur by neglected
colds, half the deaths resulting directlv
from this cause. A bottle of ltoschee's
German Syrup kept about your home
for immediate use will prevent serious
sickness, a large doctor's hill, mid per
haps death, by the use of three or four
doics. For curing, Consumption, Hem
orrhages, Pneumonia, severe Coughs,
Croup, or any disease of the Throat or
I.ungj, its success is simply wonderful,
as your druggist will tell yon. Got a
sample bottle free Irani Clarke k Falk.
Regular Mze, 7o cents, Get Green's
pri.ii uliiiuiute. ,
lluu tu I'lin- 4)rinii. '
Mr, R. Grav, who liven near Ainuiiiu,
Duchess county, N. Y., says: "Chamber- j
luin,'s Cough Rente ly is the best inedi-'
cine I have uvei oji;d. It is a lino !
children's remedy for croup und never'
fails to cure." When given as soon us
the child becomes' hoarse, or even after
the cioupy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
bo-nu in mind and a bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms uppear.
For sule by Hlukeley, the druggist,
We do
Steam, hot water and furnace heHting. KHlimaten
made and contracts taken for heating old or new
Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma
chine repair shop in connection with our hardware
and implement elore. Repair work of all kinds done.
iven Away...
With every Dollar's worth of gpods purchased at our store
during January and P'ebruary, we will give One
Chance on the following prizes:
FIRST PRIZE One Aluminized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Porks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
In addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade in the best possible
way. We will positively not be undersold by
any one. Our prices are right.
Zion Lutheran church, Seventh and
Union streits Services at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m; Sunday school 12 :15 p. m ;
Lutheran League meeting 0:30 p. m.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. D.
Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11
a. in. and 7 :30 p. m, in the new church
on Union street. Sunday school at 10
a. m.; 15. Y. P. U. ut6:S0 p. in.
Congregational cnurch corner Fifth
and Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling,
pastor. Services at regular hours. Morn
ing subject, "What Hope Will Do for a
Man." Evening subject, "The Second
Chapter in the Story of the Time of
Christ." A male choir has been or
ganized, which will hereafter furnish
music for the evening service, beginning
tomorrow. Tiie personnel is as follows:
Tenors Landers, ParkinB, Davenport
and Giflbrd; baritones Northup and
Poling; bassos Simonton and Doane.
Subject for the young people's meeting
at 0:30 p.m., "TruBt," (from the En
deavor pledge) led by J. S. Landers.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. Ulysses
F. Hawk pastor. Morning worship at
11a. in.; Sunday school at 10 a.m.;
clusB meeting at close of morning service ;
Epworth League at 0:30 p. m; Junior
League at 3 p. m ; evening service at
7 :30. Class meeting every Tuesday at
:30 p. m. Morning theme, "What
Think Ye of Christ?" evening, "What
to Relieve Concerning the Creation."
1'ho following musical program will be
rendered at the services tomorrow :
lelmlu-Cnmo Gentle Sirimt Haydn
Anthem- Put on Thy Strength Leslie
Oll'ertory l.uruhetto Ciuwcf
1'reltnlo Anilitutino itclfert
Anthem Tho lluvon of Hest Kmcron
Olt'erlnry I'nstoralu I.eijlwli
Reports show a greatly increased death
rate train throat and lung troubles, due
to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia
and urippe. We advise tlie use uf One
.Minute Cough Cure in all of these
ililllculties. It is tlie only hurmlets
remedy that gives immediate neulis
Children like it. Claiko & Talk's P. O.
A standard make, nearly mw upright
piano 'for Immediate sale very cheap,
Would consider go-d diamond in ex
change, Address, Soui.i: Uno's piano
tuners, care IJuialilla house, 2'.'f-2t
Cot'oamU Cream Hair Tonic will cure
dundniU'aiid all tcalp diseases. Don't
neglect your hair. For sale at Frazer'a
It i her shop, sole aceut . t f
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
und sunburn. Manufactured by C'arKr
& Falk,
O. A. ft. Notice.
All members of J. W. Nesmith Post
No. 32, and ladies of the Relief Corps
.No. 17 are requested to meet at their
hall Saturday night, Feb. 23d, at 7:30
o'clock eharp, to meet Dept. Com
mander. By order of
R. L. Akin, Com.,
f2l-3td C. H. Brown, Adj.
Among the tens of thousands who have
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
colds and la grippe during the past few
years, to our knowledge, not a single case
has resulted in pheumonia. Thos.
Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue,
Chicago, one of the most prominent re
eail druggists in that city, in speaking of
this, says: "We recommend Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in
many cases, as it not only gives prompt
and complete recovery, but also counter
acts any tendency of la grippe to result
in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeley,
the druggist;
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Pattou'e sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents ml
Don't you know that Cocoanut Cream
flair Tonic will save your and your
children's hair? Yon can get it foi 50
and 75 cents a bottle at Frazer's barber
shop, sole agent. tf
Wo ofl'er for a limited period tho
twice-a-week Cukonicle, price $1,50,
and the Weekly Oregoniaii, price $1,50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this oiler must be paid in ad
vunee. f
Cur February.
A flue 10x20 enlargement with every
dozen of my "best cabinet photos."
Cloudy days urs just as good for sittings.
Gitlbrds pictures never fade. td
There Is always danger in using
counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salye. The original is a safe and certain
cure for piles. It is a eoothing and heal
ing Halve for sores and all skin diseases.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Won't Hub II In,
Just wet tin t' c ed part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke k
Paint your house with paints that ara
fully guaranteed to last. Glarko & Falk
have them.
Clarke & Falk haye received a carload
of the celebrated Jamea K. Putton
str. iiy pure liquid paints
1. 'u bad dollars, all counterfeits of
D- ' itt's Witch Huzel Salvo are worth-lei-.
The original quickly cures piles,
h" anil ail kin diseases. Clarke &
K..'r P. O. Pharmacy.