The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 22, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
FEB. 22, 1901
Speaking of the Clan-na-Gnol
meeting bold n short time ago in
New York, at which the dead queen
was hissed as well as Lord Salisbury
and Chamberlain, the .Spokesman
Review says:
At best a htss speaks little for the
intelligence, breadth and fairness of
tbe man who makes the demonstra
tion, even when aimed against, living
persons. When directed against the
memory of a dead woman, as in this
instance, it grates on American
It would he a great mistske, how.
over, to take the demonstrations of a
few ii c-eating New York Clan-na-Gaelers
as a representative expres
sion of that large clement of Amcri
can citizenship which is of Irish birth.
With this exception, and possibly a
tew other minor expressions, Irish
Americans generally have displayed
an earnest desiro to show respect for
the private virtues of the queen and
to hold in abeyance their political
judgment of England's treatment of
Ireland during the Victorian era
More and more they appreciate that
love for their uative land and grief
for the sorrows of the millions who
have suffered on Irish soil, should
not be turned to political account to
foment discord between the govern
ments of the United States and Great
It is cause for rejoicing that a
better spirit is growing up between
Irishmen at home and the people of
England. This kindlier feeling has
extended to tbe United States, with
the result of a more cordial spirit
than had before existed at any time
since the American revolution
American citizens of every origin
comprehend as never before that ill
feeling between the people of this
country and the people of Great
Britain can lead to nothing that is
good or desirable.
It has been made a rule in Oregon
that caucus doesn't bind anybody.
Therefore no one cares what caucus
declares. Much les3 pretended
-caucus. Oregonian, Jan. 22, 1897.
Catarrh Vanuuc Ite Uured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the Beat of the disease. Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acta directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Care is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
ia a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tbe mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curiae Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggiats, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Striken A Well Flint.
"I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous de
bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancas
ter, N. II., "No remedy helped me un
til I began using Electric liittore, which
did me more good than all the medicines
I ever used. They have also kept my
wife in excellent health for years. She
aays Electric Bitters are just splendid
for female troubles ; that they are a grand
tojic and invigorator for weak, run
down women. No other medicine can
take its place in our family." Try them.
Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by
G. C. Dlakeley, the druggist. 1
Reports show a greatly increased deatli
rate from throat and Innu troubles, due
to tho prevalence of croup, pneumonia
and grippe. We advise'ttie use of One
Minute Cough Cure in all of these
difficulties. It is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate results
Children like it. Clarke & Falk's I'. O.
Hustling young man can make f60 per
month ami expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. NVrif
quick for particulars. Clark A Cj,,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Pliiladel
bpia, Pa. tS.ti
A cupful of Salton Sea Salt produces a
refreshing "tea bath." Donnell sells It.
Bee our west window. 18-lw
New Naval Ilepot.
New Yornc, Feb. 21. According tc a
Washington special to the Herald, Rear
Admiral Bradford, chief of the bureau of
equipment, has prepared plans for the
establishment of new coaling stations
immediately after the appropriations
authorized in the pending naval ap
propriation act become available.
Seven hundred thousand dollars will
he appropriated. A part of this likely
will be made to the improvement of
American coaling facilities in Cuba.
Rear-Admiral Bradford also has in mind
the location of a station in Chiriqui
Lagoon, Columbia. He Iihb approved
the plans for stations at Nitragansctt bay
and at Manila. He also desires to establish
stations at San Diego, Cat.: Sitka,
Alaska; Unalnska, and one in Porto
Rican waters or at St. Thomas, in case
of its ai'(tii8itinu.
The department seem to have given up
all intention of establishing a station on
the coast of Liberia because of the ab
sence of a convenient hlrbor in thoee
Take two to
night and you
will be well to
morrow. Bald
win's Health
Tablets. They
cure sickhead
ache, chronic
constipation and
make sick people
well50 doses 25c
R.W.TanslH.tlie Chicago millionaire cigar
man (of TaiiHS l'unch c Cigar fanie,)snys:
"Ualdwlu Health Tablets are the best
remedy for cuiMtipatlon, bltliousutss and tor
pid liver 1 have ever used."
I find jour Health Tablets excellent for
constipation, aicU-hesdache and dvspepsia,
Gko. 'Uakkk
Of Geo. Baker & Co., Auctioneers.
Clarke & Falk. The Dalles, Oregon.
Thk Ciikonici.k has made arrange
ments with the publishers of the New
York Tribune whereby we are able to
offer tbe Weekly Tribune, which alone
is .$1.50 a year, and the twice-a-week
Ciiuo.Nici.i: both papers ior the prico
of one, namely $1.50 a year! By the
same arrangement we can give the Tri
Weekly Tribune and the twice-a-week
CriRosrci.K five papers a week for $2.
All subscriptions under these offers pay
able in advance. tf
Salton Sea S.iU, five-pound package
for 25 cents. Useful in treatment of
rheumatism. At M. Z. Donnell's. See
our west window. fl8-lw
Try Salton Sea Salt for producing a
sea bath at home. At Donnell'H. See
our west window. fl8-lw
Quality and not quantity makes De
Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable
little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P. O.
Hamilton Brown's "6 Million" shoe
for men, only $2 at The New York Cash
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't forget this.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brusbee.
Clarke & Falk's Savoring extracts are
the best. Ask your c x-er for them.
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there la nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake-
ley, the druggist.
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at uny time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley
the druggist.
Millions of peonle are familiar with
DeWitt's Little Early Risers and those
who use them find them to be famous
little liver nills. Never gripe. Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of
DdWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo are worth
less. The original quickly cures piles,
sores and all skin diseases, Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Anrono sentlliiK a (ketch mid description ml
quickly uirertulii our opinion freo whether a' ,
Invention In probably patentable. Comiiiunlcf
tlnnt Mhctly t'ontlilentlal. Handbook oil I'atcnti
junt tri'o. Oldest nutncy for rcurliii-' palema.
l'atui.ts taken uirouuli Jlunn & to. recelrw
tprclal notice, without cunro, til tho
Scientific American
A htiidiomclr HlurtwfiHl weekly. Inreent elr
in lut ion nf any icUTitJUn journal. Terms, 93 u
ia! at
KlttCClBroa.livjy.HOW YfjrL
liraiilt. I.Wco tSi V EU WuibiOBton. V.T
A girl to do general housework. MtiBt
be a good cook. Good wages for a
competent party.
jl5--4t Mus. T. 3. Skui'kiit.
Why pay f 1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Pat ton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. ml
Sea salt for a sea bath. See? Don
nell's drug store. f IS lw
You will not have boils if vtm .
Clarke & Falk's sure cure lot bolls.
Look Here!
All the Groceries, Hardware and Tin
ware will he disposed of by the 1st of
March, as the building will' h occupied
by other parties. S. L. BROOKS.
All perform indebted to the late firm
of K. J. COLLINS & CO., and S. L.
BROOKS, are requested to call and
settle up nn or before March 1st next
without fail. S. L. BROOKS.
of .
Jast What
You va&nt.
In talking of Chocolates please
remember that we cur.ry a full line of
LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from
the factory. In plain unit fancy boxes
for Christa'as trade, and at prices to
suit. Don't forget that we tun head
quarters for the best on earth. Name
LOVVNEY settles it.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing Liie exnausteu digestive or
gans. It is the latestdiscovereddigest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can ariDroacli It in efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
PrlceSOc. ana 11. Iargeslxe contains 2K times
small size, Book all about dyspepsia mailed! ree
Prepared by E. C. DcWITT A CO., Chlcaga
Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Dryiiifr preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up the secretions,
which adhoro to the membranes and decom
pose, causing a far moro serious troublo than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and smills
and use that which cleanses, soother; and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will euro cr.tarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggistH sell the
COc. size. Ely Brothers, 5(5 Warren St., N.Y.
Tho Balm cures without pain, does not
irritate or causo sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surfaco, roliov
ing immediately tho painful inflammation.
AVith Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fover.
f&CLE j
H helps the team. Saves wear end
expense. Sold everywhere,
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
witle variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Real imita
tion cruton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tueteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our Btore on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
p. s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
Cor Second & LangMiE, 'Phone 157
Max A. VoriT,
First National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
tieposlts received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
flight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
new iorK, han francisco anc Port
land. DIRKOTOH8.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Sohinuk.
Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likdk.
H. Al. UKAT.I..
General Blacksmith
and Horsesboer.
All kinds of blacksmlthlne will recoive
prompt attention and will be executed
in first-class shape. Give him a call.
lUmoTe plmplM, Prrrnt
niliuiiHai, i;urtfy tho Wood,
urn llviilftclm nl H.prpiU.
un- 'iwi.nii'j i;u una
Richardson's Old Stand,
Third St., near Federal, The Dalles, Or.
u Restaurant
Ju Y. Hone, Prop'r.
First-Class in Every tjespect
MKAI.H AT A 1. 1, illlUltn.
Oysters Served in any Style.
7 8t The P.llfs, Or.
BtcnmiTN of tlic llCRtilntor l.lno will run an per tliu fol-4(
olirilnlc, tli Company rcnutvliitf tho rlsht to cImnKC'a
Str. Rogulntor
S, l.V. PllllOH
fa lit 7 A. M.
Tttcsitny. .. .
Hill r.,n . . .
( HHtttrilay....
!' Arr. Portlnml
, lit i::w r. m.
mviiiK KUlirilnlc
whodiilu without notice.
l.v. I'ortlanit
nt 7 A M.
, Monday
. Wl'cllll'MlMy
,. . .Kritlny
Arr. Ihilli'N
II 5 P. M. !
Ship your
Str. Dalles City.
Regulator Line.
l.v, I In llos
lit 7 A. k,
.Motiiliiy. , ,,
tt'i'rtiu'siluy , ,
Arr. Portlnml
nt I :::u p. m.
a . Portlnml ,3
t 7:1)0 a. u. fl
.. Tlipmlny
. . Tlmrsdny i
Arr. PiiIIch';
nt r p. ii
C. Travel by the StPiimerN or the Itwiliitor Line. The Oompiitiy will eiHleitvor to Rive Itx put
6' ruiiH the hest service pccsllile. Kor liirlher hiliiriiiiitinii hiIiItonn
B, l'ortlniiil Olllee, OnkHtrrut Duck.
tuua uxuu.vixuueixixuri.v.
W. C. ALLAWAY, Gon. Aart.
5 I C ETA I T A ln ?
2 projpriGtors Comrneireiai Sample lloom.
9 Purest Liquors for Family Use 9
)tilivorod lo any part of tho Ciiy.
i hon .a . nn Muxi I)l9iu()t;i 173 Second Street.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Grandall & Barget
The Dallos, Or.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ol ell kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, XuId
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOn JTlOUr il"BH"r ia manufactured expreoBly for family
, .. , , , w)- ovorv Hack i'h KiiarantMid to give eatiBfaction.
Wa Bel our poodB lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think bo
call and net our prices ami lw convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer.
MM mmm -
auuoi i3ujiijjuK, Prop.
Kei.i?rfBt,,for',r?J.t R "'J" w-ton hrewery the Unltd Statue Health
the ThraS fi,,"u,lor ',r never enteml
oM J HlK teat ti e i'"U!T 1'?1U' r,,r")rtH' U 1H Holntely devol.l
t 'e be t i a t 5 nTi ,MVlon t,,H ot,H,r ,,ttI,(l iB cotnpoBed of
lit i t can 1. . nil? ill ' ,,0p8, V8 ,0,,ic lti4ilitiH are of the hih
vo iZ Ite h5 ., Inln ' ".T l,om,fil "n1 "Bfntlon by old ami
fhe "ereainlv ha I ?. m,?J T"my ? "re8,!r ,bwl ''-v f'' pliyIoUma with
o nH, y m fo , I t,0r' ,),,n,r r:i"or" hevlrage could not
East Second Street, THE DALLES. OREGON.
i.,fLinlu SoxHul plB rostoro natural Btrengtli nnJ
.1 l"uy,,ui',,t "xuiiu or stimulate, They are a
Hrieutly pure uml certain nerve food, and every tnM't
h Hitndttri.e to abnolnte uniformity; lleo them u'l
iiioBn'tism '" ,il011Kt,'' n)rvu viKr ,u,d "in"ly
i.u 1i',!i',)()iPBr 'box-buy of your druvgiat or Bent
by mall on receipt of price, In plnjn wrapper.
M. Z. Donnell, AkbiU, The Dulles, Or.