The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 21, 1901, Image 3

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    " OREGON YEtflfctATURE.
Dry Goods Department
Special Sale of
French Flannel Waists $3.45
Make your own selection from our
.stock; regular prices were up to $0.50.
Cashmere Waists $2.45
AVcre $3.50.
Silk Waists Buying this week will
save you 33;' per cent. A $10 Waist
for $"6 67.
Black Sateen Waists 79c
Your choice of our waists, marked
$1.00 to $1.75.
Mercerized Black Sateen Waists
Regular prices were $2.00 to .'.00.
Foulard Silks.
Woolen Dress G-oods just opened.
Shoe Department.
The early buyer catches the best
7Kn For Lndies' Hand-Sewed Kid Button ;
Sizes 3, aja and 4.
For nova' Shops, elastic sides;
Sizes 2j to -J'fi.
ti 1 ff For Mines' Spring Heel Lace Shoes ;
Sizes 2V, to 5.
t OK For Misses' best quality Kid Button ;
Sizes 11 '.j to 2. Regular $2.25.
Furnishings Dept.
Men's Suits.
Any one of our $25 Suits $18.95
Any one of our $20 Suits $14.95
Any one of our $18.50 Suits $13.95
Any one of our $10.50 Suits . . .. $11.95
All Goods Marked
In Plnlri KlKuros
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
TIH'IMMY - - . FEB. 21. HM)1
At Andrew Knllnr's.
All Vcii ('oitnty ii mtii tN rxKiHttirtMl
lirliirln,.iil,,.r I, IKD7. will l ihII
mi irini'iitulliii lit my ollluti, lntrriHl
tmwn after NiivrmbHr ::, I WOO.
County Trrumirer.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin"
At the Baldwin tonight.
lltmiumber Bpeolal wrapper sale Sat
urday at Tliu Fair, fl'.l-tf
Attend the Murtlui Washington Partie
tomorrow night und enjoy yourselves.
A number of Japanese will be in town
soon to entertain their friends.
Amateur minstrels for benefit ol The
Dalles football team, Feb. 28th, at Vogt
Opera house.
Kpeniul sale of ladies' wrappers Satur
lay, Feb. :id, nt Tlie Fair. Look for ud
in tins paper Thursday and Friday. tf
It is no great secret that Corbett's
lieailtiuurturH at Salem has most of the
attractions which made it notorious in
Hie hold-up of 18117.
The people of The Dalles should not
Ml to patronize the amateur minstrel,
to lie Khun for the benefit of the foot
"all team, on next Thursday evening,
February 28th.
To urn k ii up some of the time lost, the
kIiooIh will be in session tomorrow dur
ini! the forenoon. The literary and
Washington day exercises will be given
Friday morning insteud of this after
noon. H. Mason, of Sun Francisco, today
IWeliuBMd the undertaking business of
I'rinz Nitsohke. Jle expects to open
"j" i" tlm Kates building, corner of
l'loii nnd Third streets, iu about a
Tlie j),ieH Scouring Mills started up
t!,ls '""nilng after u rest of six or eight
weeks. They have wool on hand to last
l,r 'i month',, miii, and further opera
will depend on their ability to oh
'"' more wool, and this, in turn, will
""Pend on prices,
Tlieru will be a special adjourned!
'"eeting 0f the dty council tonight,
i will pass tlie ordinance outhori..
"K tho mayor und recorder to enter into
" wuiract with K. Kurt and associates
" '"iiilsh lights for the city. The coun-
, 11 "l8 !hlB whether the contract
e" f,1r rc lights or liicandescents,
or both,
,.I.i,,avo tBlkod ovor tl10 senatorial
Woimitha grettt ,nany puop,e ,0
this neighborhood," said u prominent
business man of The Dulles, who iH n
republican but in no way identified
with any republican faction, "and f
have not met with so much as one
single person who desires to see Gorbett
elected, and I have talked with scores of
people, too."
A case of smallpox broke out the other
day at Reed's Lauding, where a force of
men are camped while at work on one
of tlie huge mountain slides that recent
ly obstructed the railroad truck at Unit
place. Two men belonging to the camp
cuuie up here last night and, waking
Dr. Logan out of led, had themselveB
Grand annual military ball, sriven by
Co. D. FirBt Sep. Batt'l, O. X. G., on
Washington's hirtnday, Feb. 22, 11(01,
at the armory. Music by Birgfeld's oi-
chestra. The company will give an ex
hibition drill before the (iance. Drill at
: 15 p. m. Tickets, gentlemen 75 cents;
ladies free. The hull will be decorated
with flags, bunting and patriotic pic
tures. f20-.'lt
Grant, the leading cigar man, has de
cided to add to bi) store a complete line
of periodicals, which ho will open in a
few days. He will carry all the leading
daily and weekly papers, maga.iues,
etc, All periodicals delivered to your
store, oflice or ,'rfcnldenco free. Agent
for The KveningTelegram, only 45 centf
per month. Alluugazlnes trimmed if
desired. Both 'phones.
A party of three government agents
arrived here today from Vancouver,
Wash., for the purpom- of purchasing
eighteen head of cavalry horses for Un
cle Sum. They came by appointment
with Jim Jllakeney and Jeff Dripps and
made the selection from some thirty
head which these gentlemen had at
Ward & Robertson's stables. The price
was not given out to the public.
Everyone will be Hindu welcome at the
Martha Washington Partie, which will
be given tomorrow evening, February
22d, in the Methodist church parlors,
which will be appropriately decorated,
and nil excel leu t program will be ren
dered by some of the best talent of the
city. A unique entertainment has been
arranged, in which all may take part.
Refreshments will be served by some of
the Martha WashlngtoiiH present.
11. II. Grant, the wide-awake cigar
man, has again decided to sliure his
profits with his many customers. Com
mencing tomorrow, Feb. 22nd, lie will
give a coupon with each 10c cash pur
chase entitling you to a chance on a
1001 Rambler bievele, ladies' or gents',
which he will give away April 10th to
the person holding the wiuuijig coupon.
Remember the coupons ure free, Buy
your cigars, tobacco, pipes and smokers'
srtlcles from us ; we carry a complete
line, Drop in and see the new blnycle,
Two trumps, of Finnish nationity, who
were trying to beat their way from Ma
ster to The Dalles, were so severely in
jured at the former place early this
morning that it is feared one of them
may die. It appears they were seated
on the brake-beam of a flat car that
was on a side-track nt the Mosier sta
tion, when a freiuht train, unexpectedly
to them, struck the flat-car and threw
the men offtieir peat and ran over them.
The men were brought here nnd had
their Injuries temporarily attended to by
Drs. Logan nnd Geiseudorirer, when
.Judge Blakeley sent them on the 5 a. m.
passenger train to St. Vincent's llos
pital - One ol them, who gave his name
as Olber (Juaas, hud his right foot
mashed and tho right thigh crushed
into a fchapelePB mass. The other suf
fered a compound fracture of tho right
I'mcnim of School Kiitt-rtiiimiirnt .
The following are some of the num
bers that will be given at the entertain
ment for tlie benefit of the school library
Saturday night at the Vogt:
l'iiuiollnet Mioses I'eiirl l!rlmc.", Kuilly (iniosen
WiikhiiiKUin'H Ki'iewell Adilrush Win. Units
"A Jildltli of iNjl' MIns (J rare A. Holmes
" 'Tlx All Tlmt 1 Can Say ' Miss Susie (iambell
"Just I.Ike Other Folks", . . . Miss Holme
I 'Z"lZl Hmmy s,""u"! c"
Court K'Wie Mcu'lmnt of Venice Miss Holmes
"If Dreams t'oinu True" . . MisHliambell
a "ThoNlnht Wind")
b "My Huh. of l.oo" Miss Holmes
"Jtaby Mini J" )
"Farewell to Summer" .Miss OambeJI
Miss Susie M. Gambell Is known to
several of The Dalles people. She is a
sinner of tare talent and unusual power,
Miss Grace A. Holmes, of the new
Holmes School of Oratory, is generally
considered by those of who have heard
her as the best public reader on tho
coast. She studies expression from the
standpoint of interpretation.
Tickets were placed on sale today at
Gierke & Fnlk's. A few of the best
seats will be reserved at !15 cents. Gen
eral admiEsiou 25 cents.
Uiu le Toiii'h Cnlihi.
"Uncle Tom's Gabin" wus given to
the public at a time when uli civilized
humanity were hesitating between their
prejudices and tlieir established modes
of thought and the growing conviction
felt in their innermost heartB that slav
ery was all wrong. One result was the
testimony of many colored persons and
fugitives slaves who said to Mrs. Stowe,
"Since that hook has come out every
body is good to us,"
lu Kugland many demonstrations were
made and noble ladies admired the hook.
It is sigiiiiicuut that tlie Queen uf Kug
land, in concurrence with l'riucu Albert,
steadily resisted every attempt to enlist
the war-like i ower of Kugluud against
the northern states.
The lCd F, Davis colossal spectacular
"Uncle Tom's Gabin" at the Baldwin
tonight. Prices, 50 und 75 cents.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief, 25 cts.
lid 50cts. Blakeley, the druggist,
Uoth IlntiM) Running BnnlnrM Drcmnr
Antiwar Graham Ola' Kunnt.
Special to Tine CintoNieui, Feb. 21, 1001,
The house this morning passed it bill
fixing the boundary of Multnomah
Also the hill providing for the publica
tion of a revised code at a copt of $8000.
Also the senate bill providing for the
furnishing of state institutions with
Also tho bill making the office of clerk
of the supreme court elective.
The Bennto passed MeCracken's bi
cycle path bill.
The senate committee clerks are
crowded with business nnd are fairly
earning their wages.
Roth houses are rushing second read
ing of bills nnd other routine work.
In joint session Representative Dresser
replied to Graham Glass' roast which
appears in today's Oregoninn.
The Old Mati'H Sinn Are HnglnnliiK to
Find film Out., Feb. 21, 4 p. m. Special to
Tiik Ciiro.nici.u. Gates, who stole $1500
of H. W. CorbettSi campaign funds, was
releared today on bail.
The money is supposed to have been
passed to Gates to give to some member
of the legislature as the price of his vote
for Corbett.
Special to Tiik Chronicle.
Salem. Feb. 21, 1001.
Today's joint ballot for senator re
sulted as follows : Gorbett, 114; Inmau,
2fi; Williams, 22; Hermann,?: Bennett,
ClHtaoji'H Senator Seems to Think the
lllKht to ditch Salmon In the Col
umbia In Iteawrvml by tlm A I -mighty
for C!iitopers,
Salem, Feb. 21, 1001.
When the salmon protection bill came
up for discussion in the senate yesterday
afternoon, President Fulton, in support
of nn amendment which provided for
the including of the Columbia in tlie list
of Oregon rivers on which fish-wheels
und fish-traps were to be prohibited,
made the following remarks:
"It seoiiiB to me thnt the people of
Oregon cannot tolerate this wholesale
destruction of a great industry. A few
years ago 000,000 cases of salmon were
packed in the Columbia river packing
houses, und something like $2,000,000
was paid out to the working men of the
state for their labors. It was the same
to Oregon as a gold mine right at our
very door. Is there another industry
to be compared to it? Tlie fish-wheels
at the dalles are so set that salmon can
not pass to the natural spawning grounds
above. It is thus impossible to supply
those grounds with spawn Last year
only 250,000 cases were secured.
"The industry gives employment to be
tween S000 and 4000 men on the Colum
bia, 1510 licenses being tesued in the
state of Oregon alone, and probably as
many more in Washington. Twelve
thousand people are thus dependent for
their livelihood upon this industry. The
business has fallen of!', and if present
conditions continue only a few years will
elapse before the time will arrive when
no salmon will be found in the market.
"They say if we prohibit fish-traps
and fldh-wlfeels we will destroy an im
mense capital which has been invested
in this business. Now the wheels cost
$2000 each, and huvo paid fpr themselves
over und over und over og'aiu at tho ex
pense of an industry which they are de
stroying. Shall we turn this river over
to men who will ijirepoil its commercial
importance? Are we here to protect
the rights of the public? I stand here
pleading for the commerce of Oregon; I
stand here in the interests of one of the
finest food fishes iu the world. Will
you h"lp protect this industry, or will
you help destroy it? Those wheels, of
which I have spoken particularly those
at the dalles stand right across a grand
highway, which has been placed by the I
hand of the most high God for the benu-
lit of His people.
"California does not allow fixed appli
ances in iur rivers. Biltish Columbia!
has prohibited these tr.tps and flsii-1
wheels. Washingt n also has made a
similar prohibition in all her rivers ex-1
cent the Collinihiu. The nennl.i (if I
' yt--- , 1
Washington do not know of any other
waterway except he Sound. They do
not rncogiilxe the Columbia us u commerce-producing
The amendment was adopted,
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn, Manufactured by C'arke
&. Falk.
We do
Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates
made nnd contructs taken for heating old or new
Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma
chine repair shop in connection with our hardware
and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
...Given Away.
With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store
during January and February, we will give One
Chance on the following prizes:
FIRST PRIZE One Aluminized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
In addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
bo ready to serve the trade in the best possible
way. We will positively not be undersold br
any one. Our prices are right.
Hon. W. II. II. Dnfur is in the city.
Jell' Mosier is registered at the Uma
tilla House from Mosier.
Miss Anna Lang was a passenger on
this afternoon's train for Portland.
Alex. McLennan and E. G. Dikerson,
of Antelope, were in town last night and
returned home on the noon train.
Mr. Percv Levin. Who was in the citv
two years ago and, in connection with
our dramatic club, gave "A Summer's
Fancy," came up from Portland last
night and is making arrangements to
put on the play entitled "The Wife."
How II In Hone.
The first object in life with the Ameri
can people is to "get rich ;" the second,
how to regain good health. The first
can be obtained by energy, honesty and
saving; the second, igood health) by
using Green's August Flower. Should
you be a despondent sufferer lrom uny
of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Coot
plaint, Appeudicitis, Indigestion, etc.,
such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of
the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual
Costivonoss, Di.iness of the Head,
Nervous Prostration, Low Spirits, etc.,
you need not suffer another day. Two
doses of the woll-kuown August Flower
will relieve yon at once. Go to Clarke
& Falk's und get a sample bottle free,
(tegular size, 75 cents. Get Green's
prize almanac.
Among the tens of thousands who have
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
colds and la grippe during the past few
years, to our knowledge, not a single case
has resulted in pheumouia. Thos.
Whitfield it Co., 240 Wabash avenue,
Chicago, one of the most prominent re
call druggists in that city, in speaking of
this, says: "We recommend Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for Iu grippe in
many cases, as it not only gives prompt
and complete recovery, but also counter
acts any tendency of la grippe to result
in pneumonia." For Bale by Blakeley,
the druggist;
O A. II, Nutlet).
All members of J. W. Nesmith Post
No. !I2, and ladies of the Relief Corps
No. 17 are requested to meet at their
hull Saturday night, Feb. 2IH, at 7:!!0
o'clock pharp, to meet Dept. Com
mander, By order of
It. L, Akin, Com.,
f2l-3td C. H. Bnow.v, Adj.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Siguature of
A Gentle Hint,
In our style of climate, with Its sud
den changes of temperature, rain, wind
and sunshine often intermingled In a
single day, it is no wonder that our
children, friends and relatives ure so
frequently taken from us by neglected
colds, half the deaths resulting directly
from this cause. A bottle of Boschee's
German Syrup kept about your home
for immediate use will prevent serious
sickness, a large doctor's bill, and per
haps death, by the use of three or four
doses. For curingjConsumption-, Hem
orrhages, Pneumonia, seyere Coughs,
Croup, or any disease of the Throat or
Lungs, its success is simply wonderful,
as your druggist will tell you. Get a
sample bottle free from Clarke & Falk.
Regular size, 75 cents, Get Green's
prize almanac. '
Your Fhcu
Shows the state of your feelings and the.
state of your health ad well. Impure
blood makeB itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling1
weak and vorn out ami do not have a.
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cuies all blood1
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas anil
so called purifiers fail; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley, the druggist.
We olfer for a limited period the
twice-u-week Ciihonici.e, price 1.50.
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
both papers for 2 a year. Subscriutione-
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance, i
Kor ruliruiiry.
A fine 10x20 enlargement with everv-
dozen of my "best cabinet photos."
Cloudy days urs just as good for sittings.
Giffords pictures never fade. til
Thoro is always danger In uslnir
counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salye. Tho original is a safe and certain
cure for piles. It is a soothing and heal
ing salve for sores and all skin diseases.
Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
iimi'i linn it in,
Just wet the alfcoted part freely with
.Mysterious P.tin Cure, a Scotch remedy,
anil the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to laet. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Subscribe for Tut GmtoNici.u,
An experienced young woman wants
h oymeut as waitrsis, uhambermaid
or i antry maid. Apply long distaucu
'pli'ine 790. (14-20
C'irke & Falk haye received a carload
of the celebrated Jitiue K. Putton
otualy pure liquid paints