T Unites VOL. XITI THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1901, NO. 44 STILL IN THE COUNTY JAIL Mrs. Nation Refuses to Obtain Bonds Her Two Accomplices Expect Soon to Get Out. Toi'kka, Kan., Feb. 20. Mrs. Carrie Xntion and her two companions, Mrs. Crist and Miss Madeline Southard, are etill confined in the county jail. Mrs. Nation stolidly persists that she will not give a $2000 liond to keep the peHW, and will remain in jail. The other two women are undecided, but it is thought will secure bonds in a day or two. There has been a constant stream of visitors, ami yesterday afternoon Mrs. Nation emit down word that she wbb not to be disturbed. Mrs. Nation receives a largo number of letters and telegrams dully. She spends the greater part of her time in writing. The cases against the Mution crnsaderB for malicious destruction of property at Murphy's pluee, Sunday morning, will tw called in tlie district court today. It is n criminal charge, and will he tried by jury. Mrs. Nation will look after her omicnse. Tho other defendants fiave se.'tireil counsel. Ituil For I-finlnt. Wichita, Kan., Feb. 20. Mrs. Na tion's attorneys presented a motion in the district court to quash the indict ment uguinst his client ou the u round that the building injured harbored ii nui sance, and that his client had tho right to abate it. In denying the motion, Judge I). M. Dale ruled todav that it makes no difference whether the property destroyed is used tor a saloon, a bank or u grocery store. Under this ruling the only point at ib sue is whether the accused broke the glass windows, as alleged in the com plaint. The complaint in one case is made by the owner of the building, who was not tho proprietor of tiie saloon. 'I'liiiililti limning at Wlnllvlil, Winkii:i.i), Kan., Fob. 20. Jointists weio given until noon today to remove their 11 x tores from the city. They re fused to do so. The city mnrthal lias armed 100 deputies under instructions to preserve order and prevent destruction j ol property at all hazards. I ' milium; ;Tir.inr..;n:ni-it..min Trnrr rrr-rmi 1 m iililiillniiiiitjh.iiiibitilinriilMlhlllllTilm'T'T.rifir AVcgelable Prcparationior As similating UicFoodandRegula Uitg (lie Stoiaachs andBowels of Promotes Digesllon.Cheer.uF ness and Resl.Conlalns neitlier Opium.MorplUne nor Mineral Not Narcotic . fc?1 afOUfr-SAMUELPtTCMR A perfect Remedy forConsllpa ion , Sour Stomach.DieuThoea mid Lobs or Sleep. Facsimile Signature oP NEW YOHIC. EXACT copy or WRAPPER. MST0RI1 llari to Kxiilnlu Almrticc. Sai.km, Feb. 10. This afternoon Aere was considerable trouble to keep a quo rum in the senate. On a cull of the house the members would come in, but would almost immediately leave again. At last Kuykendall moved that when the members be brought in they be re quired to gi vean excuse for their absence, lie said that in the language of the email boy "this is no josh." for the work of the aenate ii greatly retarded by the want of a quorum. On a call of the house Senators Smith, of Multnomah Booth, Adams, Johnston, Porter, Daly and Joseph! were arrested and brought before the bar of the senate, where President Fulton demanded their ex cuses. Each had a good one except Adams and Daly. All excuses were ac cepted save that of Adams, which was at first rejected, hut later all were excused President Fulton took occasion to say that less than a quorum could not do business and that unless the senators would remain within the bar to transact business, tiie senate may as well adjourn , It IlHzzle Tiie World. xso uiscovery in medicine lias ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It's severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay- Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the viorld. It is sold by (1. C. Blakeley, the druggist, who guarantees satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. 1 (Julmtm Are ItrHentful. New Yoiik, Feb. 20 A dispatch to the World from Havana says: The re sentment of the Cubans against Ameri can interference with the formation of a government has unquestionably been increased by the demands made by Secretary Root. The military governor's newspaper organ now admits that the constitutional convention will probably refuse the concession of coaling ttatione, and will hIbo reject American tupervision of foreign affairs. -For fashionable dressmaking and plain sewing, cull and see Mrs. S. E. Hender ton, 30S Third street, in Mrs. Eddon'e house. jl'J.lm A full line of Kastman rilins and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Bears the i Signature jfljj PL New Belt Buckles. Gilt and oxydized; new de signs each ISc. Similar, lar ger size; gilt only each 50c, Gilt Belt Buckle. amethyst, tur quoise or ruby settings. Special , 25C. THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLAR SHORTAGE Vast Sums Paid to School Laud CIer,k Never Turned Into the State Treasury. Salem, Feb. 20. Senator Brownell, chairman of the joint committee ap pointed to investigate the affaire of the State Board of School Land Com missioners, today made u report that created quite a sensation. 7 he report gives 30,049.73 as collected and never turned into the state treasury. The text of the report follows: "We, your committee appointed under concurrent resolution, beg leave to re port as follows: "That we have checked up the school funds back to and including the year 1804 ; that for the years 1894 and 1805 we find that the clerk of the state land board collected money to the unioiiiit of $30149.73, which sum has nevpr been turned over to the state treasurer. We append a statement hereto annexed and marked exhibit A, showing the amounts collected and the amounts (or which said clerk has receipts. The balance as ehowu was never turned over to the treasurer. But the books were balanced by a number of falap entries, the principal one crediting the school fund with $10, 449,04 twice, when he had but one receipt covering the amount. Another being a raieeof $3GC0on a receipt of tho treasurer, and a number of other credits for which he held no receipts, We submit here. with a statement showing those we have to date, There may be others that wo have fouud todate. There may beothers that we have not found owing to the limited time at our disposal, as we had used the greater part of our time before , si The Brisk Buying at the Opening Day of this GREAT MUSLIN UNDERWEAR SALE is being kept right up. Yesterday was a banner day in this li.ne the sales aggregating nearry double those of the first day, and more than double of the second. It is very gratifying to us to be able to make this announce ment; it is the best evidence that our offerings in White Goods are worthy stand the test of critical inspection and- are appreciated. If you would partake of the choicest, come immediately. True, this sale will continue for some days but each day will see the assortment smaller will see less of the better styles. There are Children's White Dresses, Underwaists, Skirts, Drawers and Infants' Slips better values than ever before at these prices: 12Ac, 19c, 29c, 55c, 79c and $1.13. . In Ladies' Wear an exquisite assortment of good, well-made, nicely trimmed Gowns, Chemise, Corset Covers, Drawers, Long and Short Skirts. These prices are not representative of the value. Special 12C, 19C, 29C, 55C, 79C, $1.13 per garment NEW GOODS Just opened: New Ribbons, New Pocket-books, New Chatelaine Bans, New Trimming Buckles, Buttons, Braids, Gilt Tinsel Tassels, Gilt Frog Fasten ers, Spikes, and New Cloth-of-Gold Belts. A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY. we came to time. "For the past five years wo find that all moneys have been turned over to the treasurer as by law required. The, present officers have been very kind and obliging to us, showing us every courtesy possible and furnishing us with all papers and books requested. "In regard to tho investigation of land matters we beg leave to say that our work is just fairly commenced. This is a work of no small magnitude and re quires a vast amount of careful and painstaking work. It is work of great importance to the state, however, and should be attended to. "A few things in this limited time at our disposal we haw loomed and note the following: Many parties holding certificates of sale which are fully paid for decline to take deeds for the same to avoiding paying state and county taxes, This should be remedied by statute, or in some other way it possible. "Another need of laud department is a system of direct and indirect indexes to records of deeds. "We note also that the state land de partment is bully crowded for room, for the growing business of the office. It should also be provided with ii larger vault in which to preserve the records in case of fire, "The clerk should be required to pay money over proinptIy,as by law required. The bond of the clerk lias generally been' fixed at $5090, which would seem to be a very small amount, considering the amount ot iimuey handled. Prudence; at least from a business standpoint, would require a larger bond. A sheriff handling an equal amount would ha re quired to furnish from $50,000 to $60,000 bonds. "Iu our opinion a committee should be appointed, further to investigate the matter embodied under concurrent reso. lutlon, and report as this assembly may direct. "It would seem tlut justice to all par ties would require a full and complete Superior quality BONE HAIRPINS. NEW BROOCH The Buffalo Brand. One dozen highly fin ished hairpins in a box; in amber, shell and black. Choice of G new designs. Per bos, Bpecial. . . . 25C Gilt cord effect, with matrix turquoise Bet ting; each 50c. investigation from first to last or that the matter be turned over to the at torney general. "(Signed), Gko. C. Bisowxeu., ''Chairman." George V, Davis was clerk of the Land Board during the years referred to by the report. How to Curt, )roiii. Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber lain's Couth Remedy is the best medi cine I have ever used. It is a fine children's remedy for croup and never fails to cure." When given aB soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be bo-no in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant use as soon as theBe symptoinB appear. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Illuwu Tu Atui9. The old idea that the body sometimes needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded; for Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to ex pel poieonoiiE matter, cleanse the system and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache. Only 25c at G. C. Blitkeley's erug store, 1 Persona who can not take ordinary pills find it n pleasure to take DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are the best little liver pills ever made, Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Tim limit I'lanter. A piece of tlaiinel dampened with Cliambarlain'd Pain Balm and bound to the afi'ected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lume back or puius in the side orlfcliest, give it a trial and jou urn certain to be more than pleased witli the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism, One application gives re lief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Subscribe for Tim Oiiiiomclk. New White Goods. Dainty Dimities. Plain and Checked Nainsooks, India Linens, Victoria Lawns, Persian Lawns, Plain and Dotted Swiss, Long Cloths, Cambrics, Organdies. The New Percales are very much admired. 30-inch Percales new designs in white ou garnet, china blue, indigo blue, and black. Regular 12,lc value Per yard, 10c. Better quality, 15c. NOTICE. My wife, Hattie Belle Bnrlingame, hav ing deserted me, I will not be responsi ble for any debts she may contract from thtB date. Eikiah Buklixgame. January '.'9. 1901. j29-5w Hamilton Brown's "Good as Gold" shoe for men and boys are the best, wearing shoes in the world. Nos. 12 to 2, $1.05; 21.. to5, $1 85; 0 to 10, $2.25. FOR SALE. Twenty well-broke mares and geldings, weight from 1300 to 1G50 pounds. In quire of Fkem FlSHElt, fia-lmw The Dalles. Taken Up. Came to my place on 3-Mile, Dec. 24th, a sorrel horse, branded W ft on left neck and blotch brand on left hip; age 5 years; unbroken. M. S. Evans, fOltn The Dalles, Or. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 eta and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. Our Store is the Talk of the Town. Popularity never ceases with us. WHY? Finest Stook and Lowest Prioes. tJT Now York Sunday World 5o. GUMBERT'S, The Dulles Leading Cigar and To bacco House,