The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 20, 1901, Image 3

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Dry Goods Department
Special Sale of
French Flannel Waists $3.45
Make your own selection from our
stock; regular prices were up to $0.50.
Cashmere Waists
Silk Waists buying this week will
nave you 33:' per cent. A $10 Waist
for $'6 67.
Black Sateen Waists 79c
Your choice of our waists, marked
$1.00 to $1.75.
i Mercerized .tsiacK sateen waists
llogular prices were $2.00 to $f!.00.
Foulard Silks.
Woolen Dress Goods just opened.
Shoe Department.
The early buyer catches the best
VKrt For Ladles' Hand-Sewed Kid Button ;
UC Sizes 3, and !.
VC. For Hnvs' Shoes, 'elastic side;
OC Sizes 2' to 4',..
tf 1 ff For Misses' Spring Heel Lace Shoes;
J 1 .VJVJ Sizes 2,'i to 5.
Oti For Misses' best quality Kid Button;
J J. ,CLJ Sizes 11 '.j to 2. Regular $2.25.
Furnishings Dept.
. ' V
Men's Suits.
Any one of our $25 Suits $18.95
Any one of our $20 Suits $14.95
Any one of our $18.50 Suits $13.95
Any one of our $10.50 Suits . .$11.95
All Goods Mnrkfri
In Plain Fltfuros
Corbett (lain Iwo Votes lluiu Will
Arijntirn at Midnight Haturtlajr,
fhe Delles Daily Chronicle.
WKD.'x l'M)Y
feb. 20, jooi 1
J5. served i
Oysters Sl.
At Andrew Keller's.
- .
AM Wuic'i County mh mints reclatr ri-il
print-tu M-iltinlirr I, 1S1I7, will lm piilil
mi rei'iilHt Inii lit my oltluw, InlnreHl
i'Uc ttfl-r Nn Vf uiltnr !iU. 1 MOO.
County Trt-iinurer.
He-member special wrapper Bale .Sat
urday ut The Fair. flH-tf
S-rvlees at 'Aon Eng. Ev. Lutheran
church tonight at 7 :K0.
Don't forget Professor Sandvig'e dance
tonight at the Baldwin.
Tim Fortnightly will meet with Mha
Dorothy Fredden tomorrow (Thursday)
altern ion.
Mrs. AgneB Dalrymple waH yesterday
appointed administrator of the estate of
her deceased husband, John Dalrymple,
Special sale of ladies' wrappers Satur
day. Feb. Slid, at The Fair. Look for ad
iu this paper Thursday and Friday. tf
Found A package containing a pair
of shoes and a pair of overalls. Owner
Mti have them by calling at this office,
proving property and paying for thin
'Mice. flU-'Jtd&w
ShowH may come and go, but none
weiu to at and the test ho well an Mrs.
fitenve's immortal historical novel,
Uncle Tom's Cabin." The grand parade,
t!iu fluen ever witnessed tomorrow.
Won't miss seeing "Eva's Golden
Chariot," a "glittering gem" coating
over f3,000, to be seen in the grand free
street parade given by the Kd. F. Davis
Uuclu Tom's Cabin company tomorrow.
Thu members of the Luther League
""'I the young people of
well iiHall the friends of tho church, are
orclny invited to the home of Mr.
(eorue Weigel, on Ninth street, Frlda) ,
ruurmry 22, at 7:30 p. in.
'I in Baid to be llkelv llnt the legisla
ture will his- forty-one ays, r until
tturiUy nlKht. Fridaycompletes the
wty days, but that 1 Washington's
Wrtliduy.n legal holiday, and eo It Is
P'uUble that the men&b'ere will give an
'iitr,i dHy to the site's service, for
winch they will receive no pay.
Grand annual military hall, given by
I). Fimt Sep. IUtt'1,0, K.a.,01)
"Bljingtou's birthday, Feb. 22, 1001,
the armory. Music, by Jilrgfeld'a oi
!i "'strrt' The company will give an ex
uibltlou drill before the dance. Drill at
P. m. Tickets, gentlemen 76 cents ;
Mleilree. The hall will bo decorated
with flags, bunting and patriotic pic
tures. f20-.'lt
Eighth grade final examination quee
tions were mailed from the county su
perintendent'? office today to those
schools that applied for them. The ex
amination will begin on Wednesday,
February 27th, and dote on Friday at
1 p. m. March let. Three davs is al
lowed, instead of two as formerly.
The Oregon inn very correctly eays:
"If the legislature is going to' destroy
fixed fithing gear, it should appropriate
no money for the salmon industry. If
it sinks the question to an espousal of
one side iu this discreditable fight be
tween rival private concerns, it should
at once abandon the pretense of con
serving the public good."
Little Tracey ReeBe, the eight-year
old daughter of Mrs. Reese whoee heirs
recently sued the county for damages
for her death, through an alleged de
fective road, was taken today from the
European House, where Bhe has been
since the trial, and committed by Judge
Blakeley to the care and keeping of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Aldrich, of Goldendale.
The girl is an unusually bright and en
tertaining little body and she will find a
good home witli Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich.
Judge Hlakeley this morning fitted her
out with some extra clothing and a
little grip and sent her happy as a lark
to Grants, where Mr. Aldrich will meet
her and take her to her new home
When will the time come when "Un
cle Tom's Cabin" will lose its charm to
the rising generation V Judging by its
present freshness, im alluring powers
will be perennial. Theie is something
in the skillful combination of the pa
thetic and the humorous that never
fails to fascinate, and the story that it
tells of the stiU'ering of the poor slaves
appeals directly to the finest sensibili
ties of the human soul. Such pleye are
better than sermons. They point a
moral and adorn a tale. They teach us
lessons in thoughtfulnees and charity.
They impress on our minds the pre
cepts of tiie golden rule. Mrs. Stowe's
book is one of tlie greatest books of lit
erature, because it deals with questions
of immeasurable human import, and
the play itself is one of those simple
master-pieces that can never die. If it
does no more than to keep alive the
memory of the rise and fall of one of the
greatest iniquities that history deals
with, it was not written iu vain. The
Ed. F. D.ivia colossal Uncle Tom's Cabin
company will appear at the Baldwin to
morrow nk-lit. Unserved seats at Blake
ley's drug store.
For lutauta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
gig uaturo of
Subscribe for Tim Chuonk i,h.
MlHHlonury'x Thrilling Story.
It is to be regretted that the state of
the walking kept at homo a large audi
ence, which might have filled the Cal
vary Bantist church to the threshold. It
j would have been a matter of pride to all
who are in any way now, or have ever
been, connected with our public school,
or have any interest in it, to have been
there and Imve seem and heard Rev.
'George W. Hill, a returned missionary
from Japan, recently, but who origin
i ally went to China. Mr. Hill was a
Dalles public school boy, and as such is
indeed one to be proud of. Many of
whom bright hopes were cherished have
stepped aside from the paths of rectitude
and honor; but Mr. Hill's career proves
what may be done by the hoy who is
frletcrmlned to make the most anil tiie
best of himself. A former teacher bears
tills testimony : "George was not only
Btndious, hut most gentlemanly anil
.well behaved, lie never gave his teach-
:ers one anxiety, but was iu all resuects
exactly what lie should have been." It
is not strange tiiat such a bov should
evelop into such a man. I hesitated
bout using tho word perfect ; on second
bought I shall use it. A boy who al-
ays performs a judiciously allotted task
to the beBt of Ins ability is a perfect
Mr. Hill's address was mostly upon
he work in Japan, but gave at the close
mm ui-pnntit. nf tin. fli.rht ilnu-ii rlin Viinu.
tse river from the dangers of tho rioters.
It was most modestly told, as impersonal
as possible, but thrilling in the ex
treme. M.
-iiyx lln Ndvvr I'li'ilfed ::iiimell Agmiiht
UnrliKtl., Feb. 20, 1901.
Tn ic Dai.i.ich CintoNin.i:: ,
.Say for me that any statement of Tim
Ciikonioi.k that I solemnly or otherwise
pledged myself against Mr. Corbutt is u
lie. Mr. Corbett was not my first
choice. I voted for him because he was
thu only candidate ttiat favored caucus.
I defy any man to disprove my assertion.
T. H. Joiinhto.v.
Mrs. C. 1'. Match is registered al the
Umatilla House from Dufur.
C.J. VanDuyn, theTygh Valley mer
chant, is at the Umatilla House,
Mr. and Mrs. CIS. Durbin arrived
here today from their ranch near Ante
lope. IIOUN.
At More, Sunday, Feb, 17, to Mr, and
Mrs. W. O. Hadley, a sou.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures hoart-liurn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia, One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 2o cts.
and bO cts. Hlakeley, the druggist.
C coanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure
daii.lruti'aud all tcalp diseases, Don't
ne -.eel your hair. For sale at Fra.ur's
bir jr shop, sole agent, tf
Special to Tin: Ciikonici.eJ
Salem, Feb, 20, 1001.
The house this morning passed Rob
erta' bill repealing tho law preventing
the driving of cattle on the public high
way. Also Kirk's bill amending the law re
lating to the construction of telegraph
and telephone lines.
Also Kice'B bill providing for tho
times and places for holding circuit
The houeo refused to pass Matton's
bill for collecting three dollars aB road
poll tax.
Also Pierce's bill making the streets
and alleys of unincorporated towns pub
lic highways.
Both liouees are kept busy on routine
work, listening to committee reports
and the reading of hills.
The senate paseed Kuykendall's bill
providing for the filing of reports by the
several state officers.
Also Heitkemper's bill protecting
trade marks.
Also Nottingham's bill for the consoli
dation of certain offices in Multnomah
Also Story's for the relief of Indian
and Mexican war veterans.
Also Harris' bill making it a crime to
destroy mining claim location stakes.
Also I'oorman's military bill.
Also McCracken's bill appropriating
$5,000 for the use of the Oregon Histor
ical Society,
Also McCracken's bill for the protec
tion of plays and dramas.
Also BrowneJl's bill fixing the termini
of railway corpoiations.
Also Merrin'a bill fixing the salaries of
certain county treasurers. '
Also Brownell's bill amending the
assessment law.
Also Grace's bill regulating tho salary
of the county judge of Itaker county.
Also Grace's bill to regulate the sal
ary of the Midge of Malheur county.
Browncll handed in a report of a pint
committee reporting that the state land
board was found to be short in the sum
of .f30.000. Napoleon B. Davis, the
land clerk under Governor Pennoyer is
claimed to be the culprit. It appears
that the investigation of tiie committee
instead of being complete at this finding
has only begun its work.
A joint resolution was passed by both
houses providing for final adjournment
at midnicht Saturday.
Tiie senatorial vote was as follows:
Corbett, 31 ; Hermann, 27; 1 tun an, 20;
Bennett, 1 ; Williams, 2. The only im
portant change was that of Ileminway
and McQueen going over to Corbett.
ThiB has been expected all the time,
and it is said Corbett has two more votes
that are yet numbered with the opposi
We do
Steam, hot water and fnrnace
mad and contracts taken for
old or new
Do not forget
Thut we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma
chine repair shop in connection with our hardware
and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
Willi every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store
during January and February, we will give One
Chance on the following prizes: ,
FIRST PRIZE One Aluminized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
Tn addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade in the best possible
way. We will positively not be undersold by
anyone. Our prices are right.
in the Southern anu western states.
The army campaign hat and the Rough
Rider hat had their origin in a Tytolean
hat that was brought here by eome
American traveler. The Alpine hat
comes, as its name suggests, troin me
country of the Alp9, and is purely
A Gentle Hint.
In our style of climate, with Its sud
den changes of temperature, rain, wind
and sunshine often intermingled in a
single day, it is no wonder that our
children, friends and relatives are so
frequently taken from U9 by neglected
colds, half the deaths resulting directlr
A bottle of BoscheeV
Friday Harrv Hackett. at La Grande, from this cause
says the Chronicle, unboxed a bunch of . German Syrup kept about your home
bonanas, and opened up a prize he had ; tor ltnmeu.ate use win prevent serious
Kansas is certainly a queer place.
Look at its list of "recent" citizens :
Simpson, Pfefler, Sheldon, Mrs. Lease
and Mrs. Nation. Can any other statu
match them 7
Ohio comes to the front with a man of
81! who ran away with a naughty little
widow of i!7 and married her. Later
they went home and were forgiven by
their children.
A gentleman who has attained his
110th year Bays ho has supported him
Belt for twenty-five years on eggnoggs.
Mrs. Nation should break him up witli ,
a hatchet, hvideutly death has forgot
ten him.
The jury in i recent trial in Wales
comprised one man named Hughes and
eleven named Jones. Seven of tho lat
ter bore the Christian name of John.
The prisoner's name was the same as
not bargained for, being a two-inch scor
pion. This little "holy terror,'' which
was promptly caged in o glas3 bottle by
Druggist F. R. Robertson at Thompson's
pharmacy, while small, is plenty ugly
and vicious looking enough, if turned
loose, to make almost any one of the
gentle eex gather up her skirts and with
much agility and grace take a flying leap
into tiie air. Scorpions have a flattened
body, and a long, Blender post-abdomen
formed of six segments, the last of which
terminates in a curved venomous sting.
The venom causes great pain. It is sel
dom, if ever, destructive of life.
John Turner, the well-known humor
ist, who presides over the ticket office
of the C. k E. railroad at Albany, set
the people at the depot agog the other
day by showing them an embryo oil well
on the vacant ground east of the station.
Early in the morning he had procured
part of a barrel of old oil, and digging a
hole in a small ditch some 100 yards
distant, poured it in and covered it up.
The result was that by noon the oil was
running out below in a tine stream, and
when lie pointed out these "sure indica
tions of an oil well, several who had
been in California oil regions pronounced
it the genuine article. It is said that
Conductor McErlane and Brother Nut
ting, of the Democrat, each tried to
securo an option on enough g'onnd to
dig a well, and it vvas only wiien late in
the day and the true facta leaked out
that they reluctantly abandoned the
idea of boring for oil, Herald.
that of the jurors John Jones. Amnng the tens of thousands whohavo
Tommy Atkins had taken a Boer pris-, used Chamhurlain's Cough Remedy for
oner, and the two, geitlne. friendly,
talked about l lie prospects of the war.
'You may as well l'Ivh u up; yon will
never win," t-aid the Boer. " 'Cos
why?" asked Tommj. "Because we've
the Lord on our side,'' said tho Boer.
"Garni" said Tummy, with great con
tempt, "why, we'v three lords on our
aide, and one of 'em's made a bloomin'
bass of 'itiiBelf."
i Louis Kossuth introduced the soft hat
into America. Ho mine here in exile
wearing one with a black ostrich fe.ther
trimmed jiuutily on the tide, ami we
immediatel v uilonled it. minus thu
- " -I-.--
plmiiu. It became the fashionable head Cocoannt Cream Hair Tonic,
, covering and has rem lined so ever since had at Fraz -i'd barber thop.
colda and la crippe during the past few
, years, to our knowledge, not a single case
has resulted iu pheutnnuia. Thus.
Whitfield Si Co., -40 Wabash avenue,
' Chicago, one of the most prominent re
jeail druggists iu that city, in speaking of
this, says: "We recommend Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in
, many ctses, as it not only gives prompt
i and complete recovery, but ulso counter
acts any tendency of la grippe to result
in pneumonia." For sale by Hlakeley,
the druggiaL
Remember that you don't have to be
bald j yon can keep your hair by using
To be
sickness, a large doctor s bill, ana per
haps death, by the use of three or four
doses. For curingJConsuniption, Hem
orrhages, Pneumonia, severe Coughs,
Croup, or any disease of the Throat or
Lungs, its success is simply wonderful,
as your druggist will tell you. Get a
sample bottle free from Clarke & Falk.
Regular size, 75 cents. Get Green's
prize almanac.
Your KttCB
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak aud voni out and do not have a
healthy appearance yon should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cute all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail; knowing this we
Bell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Hlakeley, tiie druggist.
We offer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Chkosiolk, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1. 50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this otl'er must be paid iu ad
vance. f
For l'"l(i-iiry.
A fine 10x20 enlargement with every
dozen of my "best cabinet photos."
ploudy days ars just as good for sittings.
Giilbrds pictures never fade. td
There is always dauger in using
counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salye. The original is a safe and certain
cure for piles. It is a soothing and heal
ing salve for sores and all skin diseased.
Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
Don't Uuli It In,
! Just wet the allseed part freely with
, Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch lemedy,
l and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
Paint your house with p.uuts thut ara
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke it Falk
hav them.
An experienced young woman wants
en i.nvineni as waitrsts, chaiubet maid
or pantry maid. Apply long
'pt me W.
trke & Falk have leceived a carload
K. Pattern
fl 1 20
of 'he celebrated .Lime
tf j buiciiy pure liquid paints