The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 20, 1901, Image 1

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    I)c Dalles
vol. xin
NO. 43
Possibility That Senate Will Act In
N'icnracua Canal Matter Choatc
Will Warn Lord Landsdownc.
Xkw YoliK, Feb. 19. A dispatch to
Journal and Advertiser from London
save: Ambassador Choate has received
inntrtictions from Washington to impress
upon the British government the neces
sity for immediate action upon the Hay
ranncefotn treaty.
Mr. Choate will call upon Lord Lands
don and tell him the United States
expects a decision on the treaty before
Maich lth.
Mr. Clionte has been informed un
officially of the disposition of the United
Status senate to repenl the Clayton
linker treaty and paiiH the Nicaragua
canal hill If the pending treaty be not
accepted. And he will tell the secretrirv
of state for foreign affairs just what the
situation in the senate ie.
He Iibh received no intimation of any
sort from the British government as to
what itH decision will be, hut there iB
tood reason for sayinu that England ir
inclined to temporize, feeling that by
delay and perhaps by alternative fciijj
eestimis the may obtain binuu moditica
tions of the terms of the treaty itself, or
tome cet-oir against what the considers
tier concessions.
Ambassador Ghoate's instructions
from Washington are imperative, and
he will make Lord Lunadowne realize
that whatever he intends to do must be
dooe quickly.
Washington, Feb. 19. If Secretary
Hay has communicated to Ambassador
Ctioate any probable action of the senate
on the Nicaragua matter, it iB in private
letters, for the executive department
may not know officially of matters pend
ing iu the legislative department. State
department officials will not discuss the
instructions sent to Mr. Chunte.
(.jiuliiliy Kldiiuirr l ChiikIiI.
Omaha, Neb., Feb. 19. One of the
three men implicated in the kidnaping
ol Edward Cudahy, Jr., Iihh been ar
rested and is now in the city jail. The
ttmn was arrested Saturday night, bulling.
c -"
".' ,''iiiiiai.i',iirii"i!:nnii:iiinii''iS;
AVegelable PreparationTor As
similating (heFoodandBegula
ling die Stomachs ondBowels of
Promotes Digeslion.CheerfuP
ness andRest.Contalns neltlker
0iuiu,Morpliiie norlweraL
Not Narcotic.
Wiw Sent'
jiaurStrtl r
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Hon , Sour Stomach.Diarriwea
norms .Convulsions .Feverish
css md Lobs or Sleep.
Facsimile Signature or
a.,i ISA' ,jtm ,i i,iii;,i:i!..,:,.,ii,i,u
it "fa , .(THir.ii .tii.i.iiiihtti.iiinir(t
the news was suppressed by the police
until today. When tho suspect waa
brought into tho presence of young
Cudahy for identification the young man
said :
"This is the man who asked me to get
Into the wagon. Tl ere is no doubt about
it; he is the man."
The police thus far refuse to divulge
the identity of the prisoner, but it is
known that he was arrested by two local
officers. He has been under surveillance
for some time, as it has been known that
he had been writing letters concerning
the Cudahy case, and that this fact
brought suspicion upon him.
Hidward Cudahy told a representative
of the Associated Pre?s that the man
jinder arrest had been identified by his
son as the man who accosted him in front
of the Cudahy residence and who kept
him company In the house to which he
was taken on the night of the abduction
Mr. Cudahy said the man had also been
identified by the servant of the Part
ridge household v. ho saw the letter
ttirown into the Cudahy lawn, and by
another party, who rented tho house to
the two men.
It Dazzle The World.
io jjiecovery in medicine lias ever
created one quarter of the excitemont
that has been caused bv Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. It's severest
tests have been on hopeless victims of
Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage,
t'letirisy and Bronchitis, thousands of
whom it has restored to perfect health.
For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay
rever, HoarseneEB and Whooping Cough
it is the quickest, surest cure in the
world. It id sold by C. C. Blakeley, the
druggist, who go a ran teen satisfaction or
refund money. Large bottles 50c and
1.00. Trial bottles free. 1
IIimIIfk cr In Miner Found.
SuAT-ri.K, Wash., Feb. 19. A special
to the Times from Cumberland, B. C
eays : The relief party began taking out
bodies at the mines here this morning.
At midnight, when the shift came up,
they reported having found the coat of
Dan Mclnnes torn in two, and at 9 a. m.
today his remains were found, together
with those of a Japanese helper in the
firet workings of No. 0, reached from
No. 5 mine. From their position it is
believed the men were killed instantly,
and as they are farthest from the scene
of the explosion, it ie also believed that
all the others were killed without wur-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
Bears the i
Signature fskM
Oaf Great
In spite of the stormy weather, an enthusiastic throng of eager shoppers were on hand at an early hour
yesterday morning and judging from the liberal buying done, were far from disappointed in the spread of
that awaited them. As always first comers get the choicest in the picking. Come Soon.
Six Lots.
12 l-2c, 19c, 39c, 55c,
79c and $1.13.
See these garments. Note, even in the cheapest grades, the careful finish and
used. The SALE STARTS PROMPTLY at 8:00 O'clock.
Special for the
sizes from
$1.50 and
This week's
A. M.
House Passed Hill Makhiii It .
Coyotes, Lions and Wolves.
5ai,i:m, Or., Fob. 1!). Senate bill No.
10S, by Williamson, providing for
bounties for sculps of wild animals, was
culled up in tho houso today on special
order. The houee went into committee
of the whole, Colvig in the chair. It was
amended by thb committee, reducing the
bounty on coyote, lion and wolf scalps,
etc., from $2 to if I.
Another amendment offered by Whit
ney, ot unit, raised considerable ot a
rumpue. His amendment was to allow
only one third of the amount to be paid
for scalps to be drawn out ot the etato
treasury, instead of two-thirds, as the
bill provided.
Roberts bitterly opposed such an
amendment, saying its adoption would
virutually kill the bill. If it was proposed
to cut this appropriation in two this
way, it might as well take the other half
also. Mr. Roberts then referred to the
rumors that people in Kastern Oregon
were considering tho creation of a new
state, This he was not ready for, but, he
said, "Eastern Oregon pays one-third of
all the taxes, and what does she get iu
return? I tell you, you will rue the day
when this happens,"
The amendment of Whitney was voted
down, alter which the further sections
were adopted without discussion, and
the bill reported back to the house.
Huberts moved aa an amendment to
the report that the amendment made iu
committee of the whole, reducing the
bounty on ecalps of certain animals to
$li he stricken out and the bill reported
in its original form. The effort of
Roberts to restore the price of coyote
scalps to $2 succeeded by a vote of 35 to
23, The bill was read the third time
and passed,
February Sale u Jloslin
Children's Worsted Dresses,
prettily made and trimmed
2 to 14 years worth $1.25,
$1.75 regularly
The Bent lMantor.
A piece of llannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to
the affected parts is superior to any
plaster. When troubled with lame back
or pains iu the side oraches t, give it a
trial and you are certain to be more
than pleased with tho prompt relief
which it affords. Pain Halm also cures
rheumatism. One application gives re
lief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
Sutiirtluy U tho I, ant Iluy.
Saixm, Feb. 10. Both houses of the
legislature adopted a resolution tonight
setting tho hour for final adjournment
at midnight on Saturday. An attempt
was made iu the senate to fix the hour
at midnight on Friday, and iu the house
at noon on Saturday, but both attempts
failed. The forty days for which the
members receive compensation end with
Friday. This additional day will make
it possible for many bills to be passed
which would otherwise fail for want of
A powerful engine cannot be run with
a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the
strain of an active life with a weak
stomach ; neither can we stop the human
machine to make repairs. If the stomach
cannot digest enough food to keep the
body strong, such a preparation as Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure should be need. It di
gests what you eat audit simply can't
help but do you good. Clarke & Falk's
P. O. Pharmacy,
JUcapeil Tar ami Feutliuiu.
Boisk, Idaho, Feb. 19. A senatorial
aifray occurred at Mountain Home yes
terday, A sheepherder named Metchin
is said to have attempted to assault the
little daughter of a prominent citizen.
She went homo and informed her par
ents, when the father started out with
a horsewhip and met and soundly
whipped the fellow. This was the first
time the citizens had heard ot the matter,
and they immediately organized, pur
chased tar and feathers and started out
to tlnd the man, but he had left, and
has not been since seen. The people of
the place are much excited.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
piles just received by Clarke & Falk.
Six Lots:
12 l2c, 19c, 29c, 55c,
79c and $1.13.
most popular
Note the evenness of the opening
well-balanced effect it gives. Your tie
be readily adjusted will not catch
prove unmanageable.
All linen both sides.
Each 20c.
Three for
Also a cheaper grade 15c ; 2 for
How to Cure Croup.
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. It is a fine
children's remedy for croup and never
fails to cure." When given as soon as
tne child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
bo-ne iu mind and a bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
Murray Wudo l'oiunl (tuilty.
Sai.k.m, Feb. 10. Murray Wade was
tried in the circuit court today on the
charge of aB9ault upon Will G. Evans,
on the night of January 7th. After be
ing out four hours the jury brought in a
verdict of guilty, but recommended the
defendant to the leniency of the court.
Technically the crime is "assault," be
ing armed with a dangerous weapon, and
is punishable by imprisonment in the
penitentiary from six to ten years, or in
the county jail from one month to one
year, or by flue of from $100 to $ 1000.
Wade will receive his sentence at 1
o'clock next Monday.
Illowit To Atouii.
The old Idea that the body sometimes
needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill
lias been exploded; for Dr. Kiug's New
Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless,
gently stimulate liyer and bowels to ex
pel poisonous matter, cleanse the system
and absolutely cure Constipation and
Sick Headache. Only 25c at G. C.
Blakeley's srng store. 1
For the weakness and prostration fol
lowing grippe there is nothing so prompt
and effective as One Minute Cough Cure.
This preparation is highly endorsed as
an unfailing remedy for all throat and
lung troubles and its early use prevents
consumption. It was made to cure
quickly, Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
. raous who can not lake ordinary
.t i find it u pleasure to take DeWitt's
Lttt : Early Risers. They are the best
lit', i. i'ver pills ever made, Clarke A
h'a .' O, Pharmacy,
the superior class of materials
We show a full line of
all the new shapes.
My wife, Hattie BelleBnrlingame, hav
ing deserted me, I will not be responsi
ble for any debts she may contract from
this date. Edgau Burling a mb.
January 29, 1001.
Twenty well-broke mares and geldings,
weight from 1300 to 1050 pounds. In
quire of Fked Fisiiek,
fHi-lmw The Dalles.
Hamilton Brown's "Good as Gold"
shoe for men and boys are the best
wearing shoes in the world. Nos. 12 to 2,
$1.05 j 2.j to5., 1 So; 0 to 10, $2.25.
For fashionable dressmaking and plala
sewing, call aud see Mrs. S. E. Hender
son, 30S Third street, in Mrs. Eddon'a
house. jl9-lui
Taken Up,
Came to my place on 3-Mile, Dec.
24th, a sorrel horse, branded W q on
left neck and blotch brand on lett hip;
age 5 years; unbroken.
M. S. Evans,
fOlm The Dalles, Or.
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, ptoduclng a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 eta
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
Our Store is the
Talk of the Town.
Popularity never ceases with us.
Finest Stook
and Lowest Prices.
Now York Sunday World 5c.
The Dalles Leading
bacco House,
Cigar and To-