OREGON LEGISLATURE. A lllll Alinllatilnir FUli Wheel I'asse the linns WllllamiiMii'ft Ncnlp llonnty lllll I'miie the limine Reiintiirlnl llrml-tock Still On. Shoe Department. We do Dry Goods Department Special Sale of Waists. French Flannel Waists $3.45 Make your own selection from our stock; regular prices were up to $(5.50. Cashmere Waists Were $:i)0. . . $2.45 Silk Waists Buying this week will save you 33, per cent. A $10 Waist for $"6 67. Black Sateen Waists 79c Your choice of our waists, marked $1.00 to $1.75. Mercerized Black Sateen Waists $1.19 Regular prices were $2.00 to $.'5.00. Foulard Silks, i Woolen Dress Goods just-opened. The early buyer catches the host bargains. 7Kn For Ladles' Hand-Sewed Kid Button : I OU Sizes ;, U4 add 4. C- For Hnvfl' Shoes, clastic sides: I OC Sizes 2jj to 4:,. t " ff For Misses' Spring Heel Laco Shoes; J 1 .UU Sizes 2), to 5. 15 1 OR For Misses' best quality Kid Button; JJ JL .U Sizes 11 '.j to 2. Regular $2.25. Furnishings Dept. Men's Suits. Any one of our $25 Suits $18.95 Any one of our $20 Suits $14.95 Any one of our $18.50 Suits $13.95 A.ny one of our $10.50 Suits $11.95 All Goods Marked In Plnln FIuros PEASE & MAYS fp Hallpc Tlailtt fthflnnipfo i ,nB mi" to be (riven by t,ie sa,ne power, TL'IM) Y FEB. 19, 1901 T - rwS served i ! Ovsfers r ) W J a. w w stylO... I At Andrew Keller's. . I THKASUKEirS NOTICE. .ill lVnudi Cnuiity wnrrautN rcltr'l (irliirln Milrmlif r I, 1 MIT, will l jiulil uu pri',ciitMt Inn lit my tilltcv, IntrrtM ieukf iifl.T Xovi-inlirir IiU, 1 1IIIO. JOHN F. IIAMI'SII IKK, t'uutity Trf uMirer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Iieuieuiber special wrapper ealo .Sat urday at The Fair. fl9-tf Tomorrow only. All flannelette wrap Pth at cost, and leBH. A. M. Williams A Co. Special sale of ladies' wrappers Satur day, Feb. 2.'M, at The Fair. Look for nd in tins paper Thursday and Frilay pokf lot on the southeast corner of Main and Washington streets. Thi9 morning the register of the land office received a postal card from a resi dent of Todd county, Minnesota, which reads as followe: "Sir register Land 1 office U S plaice lmvo my vacant govern- merit laud 1(10 acres in conty Wasco grafting Lands in river in timber for chaiseo factorv mv seine: if voti give j satisfactions in villi paid you trouble in ! comuie tee you aue. You filly.' I Some of the long distance telephone I hands this morning, cut down a tele ' phono pole that stood on the northeast j corner of Second and Washington, and ' as it fell to the ground it spattered the soft mud in all directions, frescoing the i front of French's bank, Williams' shoe store, Whealiion's real estate office, and paying special and inarktd attention to Van Norden'a show windows. At Mrs. Bennett's beautiful home last evening was spent one of the most en joyable evenings of the season School Knturtiitniiieiit. The event was the entertainment of the Twentieth Conturv Whist Club. Five ' Intilf n upth iirrnnirnd : l!ftpn lraniPH See A. M. Williams & Co.'s window I played. The prizes were won by Miss lieplay of fine muslin underwear, and I a,,,', Smith and Miss Virginia Marden, after which luncheon was served. Fol lowing this was an impromptu musical, particularly note (he special prices pro vailing during the present sale. Found A package containing a pair of ehoes and a pair of overalls. Owner can have them by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this "utice. ' fl9-2td&w At the close of last night's session of Friendship Lodge, K. of 1, the mem bers were invited to imrlaku of n snlen. which revealed real genius. After the Virginia Heel good nighte were said and the guests declared they had been de lightfully entertained by a most charm ing hostess. Those present were: Mr and MrB T J Seufep. Mr and Mrs .fudd Fish, I)r and Mrs H Logan, Mr and Mrs J C Hosteller, Mr and Mrs 11 S Wilson, "'I lunch, the donorH being the mem- Mr and Mrs T A Hudson, Mrs A .J To I 'e of Harmony Temple, Rathbone Sle tfrs. A good time was had. Iton't foriret that Rev. George Hill, ""'returned Japanese missionary, will 'dure at the Calvary Baptist church to "iilht on the manners mid customs of t'i Japanese. Admission free', no col-lection. Married, a. 0 o'clock this (TuealayjW morning, February lUth, at the Catholic cliurdi, this city, Rev. Father Bious K"t'st olllciatiug, Mr. William Weigand, a prosperous young farmer of Sherman -iu .w iBa minces, iiaugmoroi jir. Andrew McDonald, of this city. "wken.'ye menr.o and womenue, 8t0l,k of ,"illi"ury' &ld CO III) In vu Murtl.n U'uul.ln..!,.,, I '''"tie anil brynae your leade pencil in wiide. Several goodaiiios w ill go to and iron to piovlde ye folks with entertain wen', and with somelliynge dnlntlo to eite. Ve my aHQ y8l(Jf t0 golno ,e,lll0 I wnmeiuiH synge and speak pieces. ' ye Methodist ehuruti parlors on ye --nd ol February. U may not be generally known that He party who propose to furnish the , y w1"' letrio lights, and to whom a fiiichUe w8 panted by the council JMt -night, Intend to get their power 'jow the Deschutes river. It is said ey witfiiiplate erecting a large flour- inie.Mra J T Peters, MisxeB Anne Smith. Virginia Marden and Harriet Marden, Messrs Olrvin l'eters uu I N' J Sinnott. I'KltSONAI. .1IKNTION. Mrs. Toltnlu left on the afternoon train to upend a lew weeks visiting friends iu Portland. . S. W. Chillier, prosperous Klickitat sheep man, is registered at the Umatilla House from Columbus. Miss Hicham, who has spent the pun week visiting iter brother, Harry Big ham, returned today to her home at Vancouver, htm whs accompanied uy Miss Haven, who will visit iu Portland and make arrangements for her spring CASTORS A For inlauts and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho 81tf u&ture of Remember that you don't have to be bald ; you can keep your hair by using Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To he had at Krasser's barber shop., tf You will not have boils if you . Clarke & Falk'a sure cure loi boils. The 'people of The Dalles have always seemed so kindly disposed toward school entertainments, and have ,alwaye re sponded so promptly and liberally to any request for assistance, that those intriiRted with the management of the public school feel under deep obligations to the friendly supporters. It is through respect for this cordial sympathy that the following explanation is made: For the last few years it has been cus tomary to give n school entertainment at the cloe of Eehool, using trie proceeds to replenish or add to the school library. The need of books is just as great this year and the desire for them among pupils greaei. To meet this need it was thought necepeary to have the annual school entertainment this year as usual. Because of the accumulation of work at tiie end of the term upon pupils and teacherp, when both are wearied from the year's labor, it seemed best not to fix tre date of the entertainment at the close of the term, hut to hold it earlier; and at the same time not to require much extra work from the pupils. This will explain the school social last Friday evening, also the entertainment that is to follow. The fund raised last Friday evening, a little over .'O, is to bo used for the Court Street school library, start ed a short time ago. Until this year there has been but one uutin school library, kept at the high school building. But the inconvenience arising from pupils coming there for books, and the need of books more ele. meutary in nature, led to the desiru of establishing libraries iu the other build ings better suited to the wants of pupils of intermediate and primary grades. Such a library is started in the Court Street school, and it is hoped that ouu may he established in Academy Park school in the near future. For the coming entertainment tho school has engaged the services of Miss (Iracu A. Holmes, of, the Holmes School of Oratory, a graduate ol the "iinerson School of Oratory, Boston, as reader, and Miss (iambell, of Portland, a stu dent, of tint Italian school, as vocalist, to assist. Tho entertainment will he first-class iu every respect, It will be at tho Vogt opera house Saturday evening, February '-'lid. This entertainment and the one last Friday evening take the place of the regular entertainment at the clobo of the I term, and are all for this year, The school hopes from Its friends the same earnest interest in this as in all its form er ell'orts. Altulillon, HtMl .11 fill All members of Wasco Tribe, No. Iti, I. O, It, M., are requested to trail tow ards their wigwam at 7 :!!0 o'clock this evening. Business oi importance will come up, after which corn anil venison will he Berved. By order of the sachem, Sea salt for a sett bath. Sen? Don null's drug stoie, 1 8 1 w The house this morning adopted Eddy 's concurrent resolution providing for the purchase fot the state house of a portrait of Abraham Lincoln at a cost of $000 The house passed the salmon fishing bill. . ' Also Williamson's bill for a scalp bounty. The senate passed Proebstel's nickel in-tliO Blot machine hill. Also tho Marster's bill appropriating $24,000 for tho maintenance of the Soldiers' homo for the next two years. Also McAllister's industrial college bill. Also Hrownlee's salmon hatchery bill. Also Kuykendall's hill providing for t'.ie sale of the supreme court records. Also the house concurrent resolution appropriating $000 for a portrait of Abra ham Lincoln. Daly's bill for creating a state board of equal!, ition was laid on the table. ( The bill appointing a Pdn-Arnerican commission and appropriating monies for its use passed. The committee in charge reported ad versely on Briggs' resolution authoriz ing t)ie secretary of state to publish extra copies of tho report of tho state board ol horticulture. Lamsen refused to report tho ware house bill. The vote for senator stood : Corbett, 02; Hermann, 2!t; Inman, 20; Williams, 2; Wood, 1; the only change being Williamson's return to Williams after voting for some time 'or Hermann. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. Fraiirlilne (liven to n Now" Electric I.lRlit ami Power I'luiit. M t i Steam, hot- water and furnace heating. Kstiinales made and contracts tafceri for heating old ur new buildings. Do not forget That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma chine repair chop in connection utth our hardware and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done. MAYS CROWE. .Given Away A special rheeting of the council was held last night, with Councilman Gun ning in the chair. Councilman Shackelford was appoint ed a committee of one to correspond with the authorities of the O. R. it X. Co. with reference to obtaining posses sion of tho company's pest house for the use of the city. Councilman Liebe, chairman ol the committee on health and police, report ed that the smallpox patient had been removed to tho pest house, and that the house from which ho was removed was being fumigated under the direction of the marshal. Mr. J. P. Mclnerny appeared before the council and demanded that tho ordi nance be enforced that requires the fum igation of houses tiiat have been occu pied by smallpox patients. Tho record er was requested to read the ordinance bearing on this subject, and on comply ing witli tho request the marshal was instructed to enforce tho ordinance without any unnecessary delay. The matter of the petition of property owners for a sewer on Court street came up for discussion, and Councilmen Kelly, Wakefield and Liebe were ap pointed a special committee to confer witli tho property-owners and report the result to thejiext regular meeting. The chairman of tho committee on streets and public property reported that the improvement on Ninth street had been completed according to con tract, and on motion a warrant was or With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store during January and rebruary, wo will give Une Chance on the following prizes: FIRST PRIZE One Alummized Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated Knives and Forks. FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof fee Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot. In addition to giving away these prizes we will sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always he ready to serve the trade in the best possible way. We will positively not be undersold by s, any one. Our prices are right. MKIER St BENTON. streets of the citv, for the term of ten vears at 7 each per month for the arc iglits and S?13 cents each per month or the incandescents, the council to be jranted the right to increase the number if lights at any time during the exist ence of the contract at trie same rates. Action on this ordinance was defered till next meeting. The recorder was instructed to tele graph the mayor asking him to come here immediacy, so that the ordinances may be presented to him for his action. The meeting adjourned till Thursday night so that the couucil might mean while consult with the citizens as to whatlights,the arcs or the incandescent?, were best to adopt for lighting the city. Fret Lecture. Rev. George W. Hill, a returned mis sionary from Japan, formerly well known in The Dalles, will deliver an address tonight at Calvary Baptist church. Mr. Hill will relate something of his experience as a missionary in the Orient, which, In view of the recent dis- DRUGLESS HEALING With Oxygenor Company's Perfected Oxygenor King. It is not a battery. It is not electricity. It cures with the oxy gen of the air, without doctors, without drugs, without medicine. The greatest boon to mankind ever discovered. It stands without a rival as a curative agent and possesses complete mastery over all curable diseases without em ploying nauseous or poisonous drugs. Description, theory , method of operation, list of diseases for which it is recoui- furnished free. Call on or J. M. Filloo.v, The Dalles, Or. j2l-2-d-wlru mended, etc. address. Phone No. 1599. Your fai-H Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance yon should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseises wnere cheap Sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail ; knowing thU we tnrbances, will be of special interest. No admission feo will be charged, and no Beii'Very bottle on u positive Knarautee. coiieciiuu inKuii. ino uujeci. win uu i isiaKeiey, trie uruggisi. simply to impart information respecting foreign mission work. Everybody cor- dered diawn on tho treasuror for the i dially invited contract price of sfllll. A special ordinance was passed grant ing to E. IC tins', and associates and their successors in interest and assigns "the right and privilege of erecting and main taining, operating and using in, along and over the streets, alleys and public ' places of Dalles City electric light, tele phone and power wires and all neces Bary supports for W. B. Ci.ikio.v, Pastor. Mow to Cure OrcHip. Mr. H, Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess county, N. Y., Bays : "Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is the best medi cine 1 have ever used. It is a Hue ! children's remedy for croup and never fills to euro." When given as soon os tl.H convenient, an.l ' l" oMUl becomes hoarse, or even after practicable use and operation thereof." 1110 cr0"PV cnugn nas neve open, it win prevent the attack, tins should tie bo-no in mind and a bottle of the Cough Hemedy kept at hand ready for instant use as soon as these symptoms appear. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Reports show a greatly increased death rate from throat and I urn: troubles, due Kurt, and his associates are granted this right on tlie express provision, and not otherwise, that so long as they oper ate tho proposed electric plant they shall furnish Dalles City, free of cost, two incandescent lights in the engine house, one in the Ml. Hood hose house, one mi inn soutn suie ot mti ikh com pany's hon house, one at the E-ist End hose house, two in the council cham bers, lun in the nil y j til, and one in the recorder's i lllri all ol Ilv'-i-iiidlo-power. l ie franchise h given on the express , ... ,, n. , , f ,. . . , , , ,, , , Children like it. Claiko & talk condition tuut Hi phtut tlutll be in op- jjUrmultv eration within !" ve mouthsof the date of the approval oi toe ordinance A i special ordinance was read Wo offer for a limited period the twice-a-week CnuoNiei.i:, price $ 1 . 50 , and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $'2 a year. Subscriptions under this oiler must be paid in ad vance. f Kur I'xliruury. A fine 10x20 enlargement witli every dozen of my "best cabinet photos." Cloudy days ars just as good for sittings, UlFFOKl). Gitlbrds 'lictures never fade. td There is always danger In using counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salye. The original is a safe and certain cure for piles. It is u soothing and heal ing salve for sores and all skin diseases. Clarke & Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy. Oou't Hub It In, Just wet the aflVcted part freely with to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia Mysterious fain Lure, a Svotch remedy, and grippe. We advise tl.e use of One ! "t"8 mln is u- Sold by Clarke & Minute Cough Cure in all of these ' dllliculties. It is .he only harmless , Horal iption will cure w.nd chapping anil suuimrn. Manuiactureit tiy U'arke & Faik. remedy that gives Immediate results b P. O. : Mr. II. Ilerbriug has accepted the I m.um.Y fur Mm uul.i nt till 1 1 wr li.L- P11I1. an- ' " ' Paint your house with fully guaranteed to last, have them. paints that ara Clarke & Fulk thnrlz.mr tho inavnr and recorder In ' "IB Cllly'" l"Pr patterns. A enter into n contract on behalf of DalleH fwM Btnok of these well-known patterns . employment as wi City with E. KiiriK and associates, or will arrive within few weeks. IS-'Jt m . ..utry mall, their successors in interett or assigiiB, to Hon Sea Salt, live-pound package ' 'plnuie 709. furnish the city with twenty 1 '-'00 .can die-power arc lights mid twelve ll'.'-cau-die-power incandescent lights, to he burned all night (or the lighting of the for '.'o cents. Useful in treatment ol rheumatism. At M, '.. Doiiuell's. See our west window. f 18-1 h Subscribe for Tim Ciiiionu'I.k. Am experienced young woman wants litres, chaiubeiruaid Apply long distance fU-L'O Children's dresces, a special lot, at $1 .i, worth from $1 "5 to $1.75 regular ly, ... A. M. Willift'iis & Co.'s. fubst-ilbu for Tin: Ciiiiokici.k,