The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 19, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 42
I) c Dalles
Entombed Union Miners Will He
Reached Soon Water Has Hccn
Turned Oil Solid Progress is
Vancouver, B. C, Feb. 18 A Bpecinl
this afternoon from Cumberland, D. C,
the scene of the mine disaster last Fri
day, states that the fire ia now extin
guished in No. 0 ehaft. As soon e title
ffflB definitely ascertained, the water
which had been pouring into the shaft
rom an 8-inch pipe was turned oil". The
roverings of No. (I were then removed
and the efgo whs lowered. It reached a
depth of 60 feet from the bottom of the
shaft before any obstruction was en
countered. A volunteer party of mine
officials then went below to undeavor to
ascertain the depth of water in tho mine.
Meantime the clearing party in ttie ad
joining No. ft shaft hail not advanced
beyond 100 yards from the first workings It ia not anticipated that the
bodies of the entombed miners will be
reached before tomorrow, and perhaps
not until Wednesday. Solid progress is
elow and dangeroii". Late this afernoon
the pumps began working, and it if
estimated that there is 48 hours' woik
ahead for them. Since tho arrival at
Cumberland yesterday of Premier
DmiMuiiir, chief owner of the mines, he
has been almost continuously at the
mouth of the shaft or in the company's
office, personally inspecting the meat-uree
of relief being nut into force and oc
casionally making a suggestion to the
general manager or the foreman of the
relief gang. The cage on its first descent
contained Manager Little, Inspector of
Mines Morgan, Inspectors McGregor and
Matthews. After being down about 10
minutes they sent back woid that they
were getting on all right. Half an hour
later a relief party consisting of seven
volunteers, in charge of Overman David
Walker, weut down. As night falls hope
Is entertained that some of the bodies
will he recovered in tho morning.
Mm, Nation In .lull.
Toh.k, Kim., Feb. 18. Mrs. Cairio
.N'ution is now in the county jail as u
result of her trial on a peace warrant he.
fore Judge I! ar.en todav. The warrant
was sworn toby the Moeeur Cold-Morale I
runout iniTiiitifui
AVcgdable Pr eparationfor As
similating ihcFoodandBegula
ling the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Digestlon.Cteerfur
ness and Rest. Contains neitlier
Opiuin.Morplune norMineraL
Not Nakc otic .
Wi StU'
Jbue.Smtt r
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Jlon , Sour Stomach.Diarxhoca
Facsimile Signature of
new yoimc.
lllld II' lit ilittOlll llili lil.KlttU ,K,l,ilib
Company, into whoso plant Mrs. Nation
entered yesterday morning. Mrs. Nation
acted as her own attorney in the trial,
.fudge Hnzen placed her under $2000
bom) to keep the peace, and has ordered
hor to appear before him Bt tho next
term of court. Mrs. Nation refused to
give tho bond, and said she would go to
j.iil. She Is now detained in the hosnltal
room of tho county jail, where she will
probably remain for some time.
It D(ile Him TCnilil,
No Discovery in medicine lias ever
created one quarter of the excitement
that tins been caused by Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. It's severest
teste have been on hopeless victims of
Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage,
Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of
whom it has restored to perfect health.
For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay
Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough
it is tho quickest, surest cure in the
world. It is sold by (i. C. Itlakeley, the
druggist, who guarantees satisfaction or
refund money. Large bottles 50c and
!M.00. Trial bottles free. 1
How II In Done.
The first object in life with the Ameri
can people is to "get rich ;" the second,
how to r?gain good health. The first
can be obtained by energy, honesty and
saving; the second, .good health) by
lining Green's August Flower. Should
you ho a despondent sull'erer Irom any
of the eirects of Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaint, Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc.,
such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of
tho Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual
Costiveness, Di.iness of the Head,
NervouB Prostration, Low Spirits, etc.,
you need not snflVr another day. Two
noses of the well-known August Flower
will relieve you at once. Go to Clarke
A Falk's anil get a sample bottle free.
Regular size, 75 cents. Get Green's
prize almanac.
Illown To Atom.
The old idea that the body sometimes
needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill
has been exploded; for Dr. King's New
Lite Pills, which are perfectly harmless,
gently stimulate liver and bowels to ex
pel poisonous matter, cleanse tho system
and absolutely cure Constipation and
Sick Headache. Only '5c at G. C.
Illiikeley's srng store. 1
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just receivdhv Clarke & Falk.
Clarke A Falk liaye received u carload
of the celebrated Jame K. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
Bears the i
Signature AaT
Oor Great
In spite of tho stormy weather, an enthusiastic throng of eager shoppers were on hand at an early hour
this morning and judging fronTthe liberal buying done, were far from disappointed in the spread of
that awaited them. As always first comers get the choicest in the picking. Come Soon.
Six Lots.
12 l-2c, 19c, 29c, 55c,
79c and $1.13.
See these garments. Note, even in the cheapest grades, the careful finish and
used. The SALE STARTS PROMPTLY at 8:00 O'clock.
Special for the
This week's
A. M.
He Hectares ihc Hair-Raising Stories of
His Experiences Arc All Lies.
Coi.oitAiio Si'itiNdrt, Colo., Fob. 18.
Colonel Tlieodoro Roosevelt is much an
noyed over the huir.raising stories that
have been circulated about hid hunting
experiences. To u representative of the
Associated I'rees he gave the following
statement today :
"No correspondent of any newspaper,
no man who wrote or gave any informa
tion to any newspaper, was within forty
miles of where I was hunting at any
time during the five weeks I was out.
The sensational stories, such 8 those
describing adventures with bears and
wolves, were deliberate and willful fab
rications, and I understand were written
by men who were not within hundreds
of miles of where I was. We did not see
a bear or wolf on the entire trip. Aside
from lynx and smaller gamo, our hunt
ing was confined to hunting the so-called
mountain lions or panthers. I got 12 of
them. I never enjoyed u holiday more.
1 have never been out with a better
hunter than John Go 11'. His hounds are
without exception the best I have ever
seen for their work."
ll nil tlnu ton l.efl W7IOOU,UOO.
Nkw Yohk, Feb. 18, F.xecutoraof the
estate of Collie 1. Huntington, have de
posited with controller Coler a certified
check for $700,000, to cover the amount
of the Inheritance tax which will be col
lected by the state. The deposit indicates
the worth of tho estate at tho time of the
testator's death tn bavu been approx
imately $70,000,000, which has now been
increased about one-seventh, making
the present worth $80,000,000,
The bi.ti of the check indicates that the
Huntington estate in value will more
than double the estimate placed upon it
at the time of the death of the California
ftbmm Sale u Muslin
Children's Worsted Dresses,
prettily made and trimmed in
sizes from 2 to 14 years worth $1.25,
$1.50 and $1.75 regularly
pioneer. Owing to tho rise in railroad
securities during tiie lust six months,
the Huntington estate is now worth al
most, if not quite, $10,000,000 more than
it was when the will was offered for
probate. Ae tho inheritance tax is based
upon the value at the time of tho death
of the testator, the estate would now
seem to be worth approximately $80,
000,000. No accurate idea as to how the Ilmft
inglon millions are invested lias yet been
made by the executors.
.Strikes A Itlcti rind.
"I was troubled for soveral years with
chronic indigestion and nervous de
bility," writes F. J. Green, of Laucas-
ter, N. II., "No remedy helped me uu-
tll I began using Electric Hitters, which
did me more good than all the medicines
I ever used. They have also kept my
wife in excellent health for years, She
says Electric Hitters are just splendid
for female troubles; that they area grand
to.iic and invigorator for weak, run
down women. No other medicine can
take its place in our family." Try them,
Only 50c, Satisfaction guaranteed by
G. C. Dlakeloy, the druggist. 1
Omit tint In tliu World.
Nisw Voiik, Feb. 18. Tho Press says:
Another of the Andrew Carnegie's
dreaniBis nearlng realization. That Is the
establishment here of the greatest ship
building yards in the world, right along
eide the largest iron and steel plant ever
projected, Staten Island ie the place
named, for these Industries and somo
recent purchases of several hundred
ucres of shore land are said to have been
made with this object finally in view.
For the weakness and prostration fol
lowing grippe there is nothing so prompt
and ell'eutive as One Minute Cough Cure.
This preparation is highly endorsed as
an unfailing remedy for all throat and
lung troubles and its early use prevents
consumption, It was made to cure
quickly. Clarke & Falk's I. O. Pharmacy .
Of coanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure
dau.lruiTand all eculp diseases, Don't
ne- ect your hair. For sale at Frazer's r shop, sole agent. tf
Six Lots:
12 l-2c, 19c, 29c, 55c,
79c and $1.13.
Special for
Tomorrow only.
Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers.
Entire balance of our stock will be
offered Wednesday only, from 8:30 a. m.
to 5:00 p. m., at these specially reduced
prices :
75c and $1.00 styles at 65c
$1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Btyle9 at 98c
$2.25, $2.50 and $2.75 stvles at $1.69
124 Wrappers, all told. All sizes 32 to 44.
Recent experiments show that all
classes of foods may be completely di
gested by a preparation called Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di
gests what you eat. As it is the only
combination of all the natural digestants
ever devised the demand for it has be
come enormous. It has never failed to
cure tho very worst cases of indigestion
and it always gives instant relief. Clarke
it Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
A powerful engine cannot be run with
a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the
strain of an active life with a weak
stomach ; neither can we stop the human
machine to make repairs. If the stomach
cannot digest enough food to keep the
body strong, such a preparation as Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It di
gests what you eat audit simply can't
help but do yon good. Clarke A Falk's
P. O. Pharmacy.
TuUen Up,
Came to my place on 8-Mile, Dec.
24th, a sorrel horse, branded W Q on
left neck and blotch brand oil lett hip;
age 5 years; unbroken.
M. S. Evans,
ffllm The Dalles, Or.
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and coustipatiou. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts
and 50 cte. Blakeley, the druggist.
Our Store is the
Talk of the Town.
Popularity never ceases with us.
Finest Stock
and Lowest Prices.
tltT Now York Sunday World 5c.
The Dalles Leading Cigar and To
bacco House,
Under aiear
the superior class of materials
My wife, Hattie Belle Burlingauie.hav
ing deserted me, I will not be responsi
ble for any debts she may contract from
this date. Edgak Bukungamb.
January 29, 1901. j29-5w
Twenty well-broke mares and geldings,
weight from 1300 to 1G50 pounds. In
quire of Fked Fisiieii,
fia-lmw The Dalles.
Hamilton Brown's "Good as Gold"
shoe for men and boys are the best
wearing shoes in the world. Nos. 12 to 2,
$1.05; 2tf to o., $1 85 ; 0 to 10, $2.25.
For fashionable dressmaking and plain
sewing, call and see Mrs. S. E. Hender
son, 3GS Third street, in Mrs. Eddou'a
house. jl9-lm
Drop into Graut's cigar Blore and see
his new line of pipes. fl4-4t
Sheriffs Sale.
Vul li.i lk w...V... .u... .
minv I. mivu) SUCH mm, i HI l l II C 10 1111
execution issiudou tho 21th iluv of January,
..-i-., " v. V. 111111, I.UUII Ul IIIU MHlti OI
Oiegoii, for Wasco county, in a mtt in which
limni., Mary iimns, J. M. HuutliiKtou, o. F.
fecliowaltiT, iidnitniitrntor of tho estuto of 8. U.
Krchbiol, deceased, and J. J. Seiicer are do
ii'iiilauts, to mo directed and cotiiiimudini; mo
til Mi'll fh.1 litlliU hDmlouFtii. I,l.lkl 1
ubl.lU(VI UV.-IVllCM.Ul 1 Will.
on baturduy theuaa tfuy iff February, lyoi, at tho
lu DulhteCity, Oiok'oii.K'll to tho highest bidder
.... in mum, tuvoviutunvav UUiirit'T UI WIU
southeast (iiturter, and tho northeast quarter of
tllll .rtlltlliiuht imiirtn. of u.ui.ln.. .? 1.1.
north, ranKo 9 oust, V. M to satisfy ii Judgment
in said cutisii lmulcrotl nt'iilnur .!...
NlNon K. Wiuitns, for JC0UG3 and arcruinir
interest, loO.W) attorney's fees and tf-UOO costs
and disbursements uud uccruini; costs.
imuniT v ift i v
jmiJo Sheillt'ot Wasco I'ounty, Or.
Administrator's Notice.
in tho fouuty Court of tho State of OreKon for
In tho matter of tho estate of Emma .May Croin.
well, deceased; '
Vfitlrn K IwimViu ivlfim 1... .1 i .
..v.w..; ijiivh umt iiiv lllllieiSlKlieil
has been appointed by tho County Court of
Wasco County, of tho ritatoof Oregon, the ad-
mltllstriltiir itf tin. i. if kS.i m....
ii i v..,v'. .niiui. . Mill V1UUI
well, deceased.
All persons having claims against miIU estate
lint llliriiliv rni in 1 iuil ... ......i .1
properlv verilleil, as by law required, at first
id Taylor stieets, ut my place of business,
......ii. I1IIUIII13 iiuni mo uaio ueieui, at
. M .iiiiiu, ..IVKOII.
Pateit 7th day of February, A. ., wot.
Administrator of tho estate of Knuna May
Cromwell, decoasfd. '
.1. A I. t.. ..... ........
... ..... i ...itftv, ui,, aiiiiii:j lor Hlllliuiis-
trator, No, a)7, Commercial block, i'ortlaud.
OriBOii. fobumvW