The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 18, 1901, Image 3

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Dry Goods Department
Special Sale of
French Flannel Waists $3.45
Make your own selection from our
stock; regular prices were up to $0.50.
Cashmere Waists $2.45
Were $15.50.
Silk Waists Buying this week will
save you 33A per cent. A $10 Waist
for $'6 67.
Black Sateen Waists. ...
Your choice of our waists, marked
$1.00 to $1.75.
Mercerized Black Sateen Waists
Regular prices were $2.00 to $:,.00.
Foulard Silks.
Woolen Dress Goods just opened.
Shoe Department.
The early buyer catches the best
For Isles' Hand-Sewed Kid Button;
UU Siz-.'B 3, .T!.j and 4.
ytir For Rova' Shoes, elastic sides;
IOC Sizes 2) to 4,'.
1 flA For Misses' Spring Heel Lace Shoes;
J 1 ,UU Sizes 2 a to 5.
fe 1 OCv For Misses' best quality Kid Button ;
if JL ,IKJ Sizes 11 '.j to 2. lingular $2.25.
Furnishings Dept.
Men's Suits.
Any one of our $25 Suits ..$18.95
Any one of our $20 Suits $14 95
Any one of our $18.50 Suits $13.95
Any one of our $10.50 Suits $11.95
All Coods Marked
In Plain Figures
fhe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
peeted, and the doctor lias no apprehen
sion of eerionp results in any of the cases.
IS, 1901 There will he a plated communication
served i
and August of Portland, arid one
daughter who lives m Mrs. Lauer's
native state. The remains will he
brought here today and the funeral will
this r.Mondav) evening at 7 :.'!0 o'clock, j take ',lace from ",e Cntholic church at
Work on the first degree. A full attend
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wnaru 'iiiiiity ti-nrrniilN reclntttrt'il
irlnrtc Mt itriiilii-r 1, IK1I7. will hit ihII
mi iiixhciitHiliiii lit my ottlif. Intir-1
rian'n Hrt-r Novdulixr 29, 1IMIU.
County Trt-iixiirrr.
Sen fait for a sea bath. See? Don
nell's drug store. flS lw
A special meeting of the city council
will be held tonight.
Tomorrow commences A. M. Williams
& Cj.'b special sale of muslin underwear.
Bishop Morris will conduct services in
the Episcopal church Ash Wednesday at
10 :)') o'clock.
Try Salton Sea Salt for producing a
sei bath at home. At DonneD'H. See
our west window. fl8-lw
Wednesday next Is special sale day of
lilies' lliinneletto wrappers a1, A. M.
Williams & Co.'s.
A cupful of Salton Sea Salt produces a
refreshing "sea bath." Donnell Foils it.
Sjo our west window. flfi-lw
Vd Martha Washington partie will be
anco is desired.
Mr. II. Herhring . has . accepted the
agency for the sal ol tlu Butterick Pub
lishing Company's paper patterns. A
p. in. tomorrow
The services at the Methodist church
yesterday were well attended, the paetor,
liev. Ulysses F. Hawk, occupying the
pulpit both morning and evening. The
full stock of these well-known patterns ' ,:0,-'regatioti in the evening whs larger
will arrive within a few weeks. 1 S-2t
Kev. G. W. Hill, a returned Japanese
missionary and a former Dalles boy,
will lecture at the Calvary Baptist
church tomorrow night on the manners
and customs of the .Japanese. No ad
mission fee, no collection and everybody
I Bishop Cranston is expected here on
luoitlito assist at tlie ceremonies m
connection with the burning of the
mortgage on the M. E. church building.
We understand that this church has
wiped out an indebtedness of nearly
$5000 in a little over two years.
The Dalles has another case of small
pox, the victim being a gambler named
Saxon who has been ill for some five or
six days in a house of ill fame on Court
street. The patient was removed yester
day afternoon to the pest house and the
house Irom which he was removed 1ms
been quarantined.
The S. S. S. whist club held its first
meeting on Tuesday evening and was
entertained by Misses Waeco Morris and
Margarette Kinersly, at the home of the
former on Fourth street. A pleasant
evening was spent with ranis and music,
after which dainty refreshments were
a vry pleasant aflayrn if extensive prep-1 enjoyed. On departing each guest was
arations are a criterion.
The ladies of St. Paul's Guild will
meet with Mrs. Morris tomorrow (Tues
day) afternoon at 2::!0 o'clock.
A marriage license wav issued Satur
dy afternoon to George Booth and Alice
1!. Kemp, both of Hood Kiver.
An excellent program is being ar
ranged for the Martha Washington
presented with a small souvenir by
than usual on account of the snecial
theme discussed in the series of sermons
now being delivered. The subject last
evening was "What to Believe With Re
spect to God." The subject was treated
scientifically, arguing against the devsl
opment hypothesis. The congregation
gave close attention. Though some may
not have entirely agreed with the speak
er, they were evidently greatly interested.
The music was very entertaining, the
anthem being especially inspiring. The
playing of Mr. Win Birgfeldadds much
to the services. Ho understands the
vocalion thoroughly and plays it with
great credit to himself.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" never grows
old. There runs through it a vein of
pathos peculiarly touching and sweet.
It speaks the universal language of the
heart. It reflects like the prism the
innermost phases of the human emotion.
It is more than a play. It is a moral
classic. It argues for two of the greatest
themes that (tan engage the mind:
human liberty and immortality of the
soul. Notwithstanding its frequent pro
duction, it is seldom that one sees the
play as it Is now presented hy the Ed.
F. Davis colossal spectacular. It is like
meeting un old friend after many yeare.
The management doubtless believes In
the maxim, "What's worth doing, is
' worth doing well." They have brought
That U tlin Ultimatum ot Thlrty-Ons
Hepulillcana man m I'op-llemnorat.
Special to Tiik Ciiiionici.k, Feb. 18. Both houses met at
11 :30 o'clock this morning.
The house passed Poorman's bill pro
hlbiting persons beating their way on
railway train.
The senate passed Matoon's hill allow
ing county judges and clerks of school
districts to hid in property sold for taxes.
The twenty-second ballot for United
States senator resulted as follows : Cor
bet t .12; Hermann 28; Illmuan 2(1;
Wood 1 ; Williams 5.
Immediately following the adjourn
ment of the joint session the supporteis
of H. VV. Corhett met and resolved to
continue their support of Corbett to the
end. If this action means anything at
all, which is doubtful, it means no elec
tion, as the anti-Corbett people are
dete-mined never fo cast a vote for Cor
Children' I'nrty.
The entertainment given Friday pven- together in this production all the
lug by the pupils of the Court Street ! nquieites that go to make up u first
school turned out quite satisfactorily to class entertainment. The Ed. F. Davis
the promoters, notwithstanding the in
clemency of the night. There was a
very fair attendance of people who
seemed to heartily enjiy the program.
piirtie to hi giyen next Friday evening.'''11" mt financial result of the effort is
i j.n- Tt Tl.t.. ....... .......IT .... ...........
At the meeting of Friendship Lodge, ",B .' "
of I ., tonight work in the second rank
will be done, mid largo attendance ia
Soulo llros., professional piano tuners
"t I'-irtland, are In town. Leave orders
t MeneUut Parkins and Nickelson'H
music B'ures. is 2(
Fulton Sea Salt, (Ive.pound package
flr 25 cents. Useful In treatmeut of
rliuuuuitldin. At M. Z. Donnell's. See
our west window. 118-1 w
0. I!. Ctnlilng, we are sorry to learn,
'1'ilte h eick man. From a burn on
t ih fore tliiir blood poisoning set;iii,ud
arm at this writing Is quite seriously
Hf, Logan returned juaterday from
lurtlanU after leaving the men who
tr" injured in Saturday' train wreck
" ot. Vincent's hospital. The men
food the journey ai well an could be ex.
will puichaseone hundred books for the
library additional to the sixty-live there
are in it now. The present library has
been selected with a view to instruction
rather than mere amusement, but so
great is the interest taken in the books
by the little ones that It i- seldom there j
are more than a half-dozm hooks that !
ate not in ciM.'iilatiou.
Mrs. Sophia Luer, a former pioneer
resident of thin city and mother of
Charles and Jerome Lauer, died In Port
laud Saturday, Hi li iiiHant, after an
illness of about fmir 'months, aged 71
years. Mrs, Laucr is a native of Con
necticut. With her husband, .Jerome
colossal spectacular Uncle Tom's Cabin
company will appear at Hie Baldwin
next Thursday night, Feb. 21st.
x'or lufauts and Children,
The Kind You Havo Always Bought
Bears tho
Big uaturo of
Children s parties are proverbially
happy ull'aire, and one of the pldasautest
of its kind was that given by n number
of young school girlB in Fraternity hall
Saturday evening between the hours of
8 and 11. They had invited an equal
number of tiieir boy friends; all of whom
promptly responded with tf.eir presence.
The evening was spent ih dancing and
good old fashioned games, enjoyed in the
good old fashion. Delicious candies (the
girls being theirown confectioners), each
vaiiety of which would have taken a
prize, were handed around during the
entire evening, and thirty throats were
delightfully moistened by a generous
supply of fruit punch.
Those present were Alice Brown, Gen
evieve Fish, Nellie For wood, Leila Guth
rie, Annie Hansen, Helen Hobsen, Loto
Keisay, Leila Kelsay, Josephine Mcln
erny, Ella McCoy, Lulu Nicholas, Abby
Sommerville, Dorothy Sommerville.Lulu
Ward, Winifred Wilson, Clinton Brad
shaw, Herbert Bolton, Glenn Forward,
Charles Fulton, Charles Johnson, Thorn-
bury Kinersly, Hairy Mays, Francis
Mclnerny, Irving Nottingham, Glenn
Patterson, Willie Pease, Philip Mine
hart, Adolph Schmidt, Willie Seufert
and Joe Snipes.
The party was properly chaperoned by
a half-dozen of tho mothers, and one of
tho fathers "got in" because ho hap
dened to hear tho password.
The music was furnished by Miss Mc
lnerny and Nina Guthrie.
Aniiitenr AllMhtrelH.
The members ot The Dalles Commer
cial and Athletic Football Team have de
cided to give a benefit minstrel show at
the Vogt opera house on the evening of
Thursday, Febiuary 28th. They have
secured the services of Portland's bari
tone singer and amateur minstrel, Mr.
J. W. Myers, son of the late Hon. John
Myers, who will direct the performance.
He will be assisted by Mr. L. C. Hrault,
a well-known Portland B. P. O. K. mu
sician, who haB kindly donated his ser
vices for the occasion, and hy our best
home talent, in and out of the football
ranks. Nightly rehearsals are being
held, ami The Dalles people can rest aE
surred that they will be royally enter
tained. The proceeds are to go for the
benefit of the football organization, who
have a debt of $141). Ill on their hands,
and which they hope to discharge
through the medium of the minstrel per
formance. AiUisitlhliiK Willi it ilutchitt.
We do
Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Etimates
nmdH and contracts taken for heating old or new
Do not forget
Tlmt we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma
chine repair shop in connection uti our hardware
and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
...Given Away
With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store
during January and February, we will give One
Chance on the following prizes:
FIRST PRIZE One Aluminized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
'and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
In addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade in the best possible
way. We will positively not be undersold by
any one. Our prices are right.
A girl to do general housework. Must
be a good cook, Good wages for a
competent party.
jl.r.4t Mks. T, .1. Ski'kkiu'.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
n positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
...... r....i nt .ita..u..c1t.i n.w. li.ti..
Lauer, she came to California by way of "i;i'-
IH'irru Kit to IIIIImuhIHiv I Vlivi) .u Vj
the isthmus In 1857; moved to Portland
in 1858 and the following year came to
The Dalles where Mr. Luuor died In
18G7. She leaves four sous, Charles and
Jerome Lauer of this city, and George
and 50 cts. lilakeley, the druggist.
A full line of Eastman liliiH and eup
plies just received hy Clarke & Ftlk.
Subscribe fir Tiik CmtoxK'i.t.
Acording to tho Milwaukee (Wis.)
Sentinel, the Schlit. Brewing Company,
through its general manager, Mr. Winst
holl', recently sent Mrs. Carrie Nation
the following telegram :
"Mrs, Carrie Nation, Des Moines,
Iowa: Appreciating your energy and
your sincerity in the cause of true tem
perance, wo offer you u salary of $500 per
month for your services as a lecturer of
truu temperance, advocating the temper
iit'i use of absolutely pure Schiitz, tho
beer that made Milwaukee famous.
JoHlil'll Sl'lll.lTZ BllliWI.Nd Co."
Mrs, Nation promptly responded as
follows :
If it is your pleasure that 1 shall ad-'
vertigo your business with the hatchet, I
which is my usual way, I am at your i
service, 1 promise that everv one shall!
hear of your famous beer.
At last scconnts the deal seemed to he
oil' for good.
Chi'iill (,'iiiiri, j
The case of J.J. Ilivker vs. the O. K. !
A N. Co. was argin-l Saturday night and
submitted to tin- j uy at u late hour.
The jury came to an agreement about '
It o'clock Sunday morning and returned
a sealed verdict, which gave the defend
ant the sum of $1500 damages.
The juiors were discharged for the
term this forenoon and remaining busi
ness on the docket Is equity cases.
You will not have boils if vou ,
Clarke & Falk's sure cure toi boils,
The Boise Statesman thinks that the
attack an the shipping bill is simply an
other manifestation of the free trade
heresy. '
Drop Mr. Corbett he cannot be elect
ed and elect some vigorous up-to-date
man for U. S. senator. Don't be slab
sided leeches and barnacles. Be men.
A scientist says if the mouth is kept
shut there is no danger of any one's tak
ing the grippe. Why is it then that so
few women have it? irreverently asks an
An exchange boasts that the Corbett
supporters are standing firm. Of course.
l hat is evidently the contract. Uy so
doing they are making first-class don
keys of themselves, says the Albany
The Tacoma News says : "A bottle of
pent-up Sulzer water burst In the house
of represetatives yesterday. The ef
ferescont representative from New York
blows a cork out witti a loud bang now
and then, but never does any serious
A uood story was told at an election
meeting the other night. An Irishman
obtained permission from his employer
to attend a wedding. He turned up the
next day witli ids arm in a sling and a
black eye. "Hello! what is the mat
ter?" said his employer. "Well, you
seo," said tho wedding guest, "wo were
very merry yesterday, and I saw a fellow
strutting about with a swullou -tailed
coat and a waistcoat. 'And who might
you bo?' sail' I. 'I'm the best man,' eez
ho, and beporra he was, too. 11
How Ik Cure ()rtnii.
Mr. H. tlray, who lives near Atuonia,
Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. It ia a fine
children's remedy for croup and never
fails to cure." When given as soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or oven after
the crnupy cough has devuloped, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
bo-mi in mind and a bottle of the Cough
ltemedy kept at hmul ready fur instant
use us soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by lilakeley, the druggist.
Reports show a greatly ineroufed death
rate from throat and I n ne troubles, due
to the pi evidence of cmup, pneumonia
and urippe. We advise tlie use of One
.Minute Cough Cure in all of these
dllliculties, It is the only hauuless
remedy that gives immediate result?;
Children like it. Claike & Falk's P. O.
Hamilton Brown's "ti Million" shoe
for niep, only $2 at The New York CVli
With Oxygenor Company's Perftcted
Oxygenor King. It is not a battery. It
is not electricity. It cures with the oxy
gen of the air, without doctors, without
drugs, without medicine. The greatest
boon to mankind ever discovered. It
stands without a rival as a curative
agent and possesses complete mastery
over all curable diseases without em
ploying nauseous or poisonous drugs.
Description, theory, method of operation,
list of diseases for which it is recom
mended, etc., furnished free. Call on or
address. J. M. Filloo.v,
The Dalles, Or.
'Phone No. 399. j'2l-2wd-wlm
Vour I'acn
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and vorn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases wnere cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail; knowing this we
sell evory bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley, the druggist.
We oiler for a limited period the
twice-a-week Ciikoniclk-, prce $1.50,
and the Weekly Oiegonian, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this oiler must be paid in ad
vance. f
For Kttliruary.
A tine 10x20 enlargement with every
dozen of my "best cabinet photos."
Cloudy days ars just as good for sittings.
Giilbrds pictures never fade. td
There is always danger in using
counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. The original is a safe and certain
cure for piles. It is a toothing ami hw.l
ing salve for sores iui l all skin diseases.
Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy
Itllll't Kill! It 111,
Just wet the all'-cted part frdely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain Is gone. Sold by Clarke &
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke
k Falk.
Paint your house with paints that ara
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke Falk
havo them.
Am experienced young woman wants
employment a waitrMS, chambermaid
oi ..utry maid. Apply long distance
ph tie 700. 114.20
'iildren's drestes, a special lo, at
$1 r. worth from $1 25 to $1.75 regular
ly. A. M. William A Co.'s.
.'i. .sri ihu for Tiik Cmto.vtci.K,