Chronicle VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1901. NO. 40 l)e Dalles DAUGHTERS OF THE REVOLUTION Interesting Development Expected at the Next Meeting. Kkw Youk, Feb. 14. The eeision of the congress of the Daughters of the Revolution in Washington next week promise some interesting and lively de velopments. The membera of the hoard contend that the president-general omit be the wife of a man holding office under the national government. The wife of a president of the United Stntea ia pre ferred, hut Mm. McKinley ia not an oftice-neeker. Mrs. Hoofovelt, the next choice, di'ulined the honor. The membera of tlie executive board fcottled upon Mrs. dairies W. Fairbanks, wife of Senator Fairbanks, of Indiana, as their candidate. With her it ia hoped to defeat Mr. McLean. She baa been a member of the orpaiiization chine it whs formed, and lias an extensive acquaintance, hot is oppoced to the centralization policy. Ah tlie regent of the largest and most harmonious chapter in the country, she line a natural leaulne toward local self government. There ic a third candidate, who wan eelected to oppose MrB. McLean early in tin) campaign, before Mrs. Fairbanks was brought forward. Mrs. Washington A. Koebling, who wub to draw strength from her connection with the Women's Clubs was named for the otlice. MrB. McLean accompanied by Mr. Mc lean and their daughter, will go to Washington today. Mrs. Fairbanks is already in the field, and Mrs. Itoebling will be there before the fray begiuB. A large delegation of McLean partisans will go from thiB city. Irish 1'artj TJultttd. Loxiiox, Feb. 14. John Kedmoud, in the course of an interview this evening, euicl : '"While the Commoners and Peers were jostling each other todav in haste to pay ubeisancu to Edward VII, every Irish member deliberately abstained from any participation in tlie pageant. Tl... XV. .1 1 II.-. I I.. iuc iriiiii .miuuuu; mnj uiuiiiiiiiuiiri v , decided that in consideration of Ireland's jirwnt position, the Iricli members would take no part in the ceremonies 1 inaugurating the new ruign. For the ' first time in ten years, 80 Irish membera met in a united party in Westminister today and determined on a vigorous campaign against the new king. They intend not only to discuss Irish ques tions, but to interfere in every British question which may arise. "We pro pose to expose the iniquity of the Boer war, end to make a general assault upon the whole line." This evening, Mr. Redmond received ft message from Boston signed by Mr. O'Gallahan, saying: "Members of the United Irish League, of Boston, bid the Irish Party Godspeed in beginning the fight." Original Invitation Stand. Mkmi'iiis, Tenn., Feb. 14. At a meet ing of tiie executive committee of the Confederate reunion, the resolution of yesterday explainitie why President Mc Kiuley was invited to be present on the occasion of the confederate union in Mav next was rescinded and the original resolution, inviting the president to Memphis stands. Memorial to Iictu1I. Nkw Yokk, Feb. 14. A movement is on foot to establish at New Hoctielle a public park in inemcry of Robert G. Ingersoll. Dr. K. B. Foote, of Larch moot; Wilson McDonald, of Yonkers; Captain George W. Lloyd, of New Koch elle, and the members of Bronklyn Philosophical Society are behind the movement. Steps toward the acquire ment of the land are now under wav. The park will bear the name of Colonel Ingersoll and will provide aleo a site for tlie Tom Paine monument. ItUumrk' Jruu Nervit. Was the result of iiis splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidnpys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c)at Blakeley'e drugstore. 6 ICvIkIud of Creed. Washington, Feb. 14. The Presby terian committee appointed to consider the revision of the Westminister con fession of faitli has concluded its labor and adjourned. Two reports will be presented to that general assembly. The majority report will recommend a sup plemental explanation of the creed. Tlie minority report will recommend a sup plemental explanation of doctrine. You will not have boils if vou , . Clarke & Falk's sure cure loi boils. M .lilt' M JlUll.lll,rCul.l.I.Ii ,t 1 1 lit t. ... r - - ,i,tP5 CTOTlA.SI.rf.g Vegetable Preparationfor As similating (heFoodandHeguIa Uitg UieSlonacbs andBoweis of Promotes DigeslionJCteerfur ness andRest.CoHtains nelllier Ojnum.Morpldtie norMiueral. otKahcotic. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of arouir&iMtJumawr 'flx.Smuut t Apcrfccl Remedy forCoiwUpa Hon , bour Stomach.Diarrhoea find Lobs OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of tXJM yohk. AM EXACT COPY Or" WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty years CASTORIA - A New White Goods are ready. Read about Our SATURDAY AFTERNOON SALE of ....LACES, RIBBONS and PERCALES"... SATURDAY AFTERNOON (from 2 to 5) we will sell 500 yards of LAREINE PERCALES at 5c yard. A good 10c quality; will wash and wear beautifully; comes 32 inches wide and in dark patterns only. (Now on display in window.) ANOTHER ATTRACTION. For Saturday afternoon 2 to 5 o'clock. 400 yards of Wide Fancy Ribbons 40c and 50c values, at. 1QC yard. Plain Colored Moires and Fancy Taffettas. New Percales are ready. OUR SALE of all "Remnant lots is still going on. What you find in remnants of piece goods left over from Monday's and Tuesday's rush you may still buy at HALF the marked price. Our 25c sale of Fine Neckwear is nearing the end. . This week will see the last of these 50c, 75c and $1 ties go. Never before such a rush which can be easily explained for never before have we offered such bargains. The same with the Hats. "Big Bear" Hats at $1.75 need .not go a-begging. Our reserve is nearly exhausted, and for Saturday's busi ness we will have to draw on the lot displayed in window. With these will end the sale of $2.50 brown Fe doras at $1.75. 25c Unlaundered White Shirts only one dozen left out of the 10 dozen on hand last Monday; these sizes: 2-15, M5J, 4-16, 5-17 neck. You must be prompt if 3'ou want them. If you have not laid in a supply of colored shirts from our special 50c lot, you have no.t been looking out for number one. Such shirts at such a price are not common. Drop in and see us. SATURDAY AFTERNOON (from 2 to 5) 10,000 j'ards of imitation Valen cienes and Torchon LACES ranging from a half to four inches in width and worth regularly from 8;jC to 20c a yard. Special 5C yard. SATURDAY AFTERNOON (from 2 to 5) 120 pairs Boys' Knee Pants in black cheviot and mixed cassi meres; all-wool materials made up into strong, -well-fitting pants that will stand the strain. All sizes from 3 to 15 3rears. opeciai 1 yr .... per pair Regular price 75 cents. NEW Manhattan Shirts ARE READY A. IK. WIXiXiIAMS CO. NOW READY. McCall's Magazine for March. TO COMPENSATE SETTLERS Congress Addressed in behalf of Wasco and Sherman Counties. Sam:m, Or., Feb. 14. John6ton'e me morial urging congress to appropriate money to compensate settlers of Waeco and Sherman counties recites the facte regarding the land grants to the North ern 1'aclfic Railroad Company, and to The Dalles Military Road Company, and the litigation concerning the same. It is shown that the land was settled under a decision of the department of the interior, and that a later decision gave the lands to tlie road company and its successor, tlie Eastern Oregon Land company. The memorial continues: "That as a result of the erroneous ac tion of the government in encouraging and permitting said citizens to settle up on and file claims and build homes upon said lands, great injustice and untold hardships have been visited upon said citizens, involving the loss of their farms and homeB and the fruits of their labors for many years. Furthermore, these un fortunate settlers are now unatilo to obtain homes from the public domain In said countits, for the reason that while they were resting in the false security that the government would protect them in tbe possession of the lands which it had encouraged and permitted them to appropriate aud improve, all or nearly all oi the vacant government laud in said counties of any value for agricultural purposes wbb being rapidly taken up by more fortunate citizen?, and the same is now practically all exhausted, "Therefore, your memorialists most earnestly uud respectfully ask that Jut--tice be done these settlers who have suf fered such a crushing disappointment aud severe financial loss, through the qrror of the government, for which they have been in nowise responsible; aud to that end your memorialists would urgently memorialize and pray the con urees of the United States to provide an appropriation to compensate these citizens for the great and irreparable loss they have suffered, and Unit our senators and representatives in congress are here by earnestly requested to use all honor able means to secure the appropriation herein asked." It is understood that tho Eastern Ore gon hand Company is composed princi pally of Sin Francieco capitalists. The proposal is tiiat tlie federal government shall purchase the lands in question from the Eastern Oregon Land Company and thus maku the title to tho lands good to the settlers. The resolution Introduced today was forwarded to Senator Johnston by Attor ney J. 15. Hosford, of Moro. , Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may be completely di gested by a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di gests what you eat. As it ia the only combination of all the natural digestauts ever devised tho demand for it Iibb be come enormous. It lias never failed to cure tho very worst cases of indigestion aud it alwavs L'ives instant relief. Clarke & Falk'e P.'O. Pharmacy. Among the tens of thousands whohave ueed Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la grippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case lias resulted in pneumonia. Thos. Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabaeh avenue, Chicago, one of the most prominent re call druggists in that city, in speaking of this, says: "We recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For sale by Iilakeley, the drugget. Vxtra Senul'iii Talk. Washington, Feb. 14. There is still a strong insistence that there will be an extra session of congress. Senators who saw the president today say there Is no doubt about the president insisting that congress shall share with him the responsibility for Cuba and the Philip pines, The suggestion has been made that the session will be called about May 1st. For the weakness ami prostration fol lowing grippe there is nothing eo prompt and effective as One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation is highly endorsed as an unfailing remedy for all throat ami lung troubles and its early use prevents consumption. It was made to care quickly, Clarke fc Falk's P, O, Pharmacy. A powerful engine, cannot bo run with a weak boiler, and we cau't keep up the Btrain of an active life witli a weak stomach ; neither can we stop the human machine to make repairs. If tlie stomach cannot digest enough food to keep ttie body strong, such a preparation as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It di gests what you eat and it simply can't help but do you good. Clarke & Fulk's P. O. Pharmacy. Taken Up, Came to my place ou 3-Mile, Dec. 21th, u sorrel horse, branded W Q on left neck and blotch brand on lett hip; age 5 years ; unbroken. M. S. Evans, fOlm The Dalles, Or. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 'J5 cts and 50 cts. Iilakeley, the druggist. Our Store is the Talk of the Town. Popularity never ceases with us. WHY? Finest Stock and Lowest Prices. New York Sunday World 5c. GUMBERT'S, The Dalles Loading Cigar and To bacco House, NOTICE. My wife, Hattie BelleBurlingame.hav ing deserted me, I will not be responsi ble for any debts she may contract from this date. Edoak Buulinqamk. January 29, 1901. . .29-5 w FOR SALE- Twenty well-broke mnres and geldings, weight from 1300 to 1050 pounds. In quire of Fkkij Fisiiku, HIMimv The Dalles. Soulo Bros., professional piano tuners, are in tlie city for a few days only. Leave orders at Nickelsen's and Mene fee & Parkins' stores. 12-3t For fashionable dressmaking and plain sewing, call aud see Mrs. S. E, Hender son, ;UiS Third street, in Mrs. Eddon'a house. j 10-1 m Drop into Grant's cigar store and see his now line of pipes. fl4-4t Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is hereby Riven that, pursuant to tin execution italic d on the tilth ilttv of January, 11HII, out of tlio Circuit Court of tho state of Oregon, (or Wasco county, lu it Milt lu which Mnry T. Strom? In plaintiff and Wilson K. Wluans, Mary Wliiaus, J. M. Huntington, o. V. Schowaltor, administrator of the Citato of 8. (i. Krchblcl, deceased, and J, J, Spencer uro Ue IciHlnuU, lu mo directed unci commanding ma to Hell tlio lauds hereinafter described, 1 will, on Saturday tlio '.Mil day of February, 1U0I, at the hour of 'J o'clock p. in., at the court house door lu llallc City, Oregon, toll to tho highest bidder for cash in hand, tho Miuthwest (Hurler of tho southeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of tho southeast quarter of section 'M, township'.! north, range U east, W. M., to satisfy a judgment 111 Mitel Ciusu rendered against said defendant, W'lUon H. Wlnuim, for ftlOS.tU and accruing interest, f.MUHl attorney's fees and 0.00 costs aud disbursement mid iicnnitng costs. ItOUKttT KKMA'. jimiil ShoiliVc.' Wasco County, 'Jr. Administrator's Notice. in tlie Collnty Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wasco. In the mailer of tho estate of Kmma May Crom well, ileceasi'd; Notice Is lieieby given Unit tlio undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Wusco County, of IliuHtatuof Oregon, the ad ministrator of the estate of Kninm May Crom well, decease.). All persons having claims against said estate nio heicby required to pitseut tho sumo to mo, piopeilv verllleil, as by law required, at Hrst and Taylor sticets, tit my place of business, within tlx mouths from the date hereof, tit Cortland, Oregon, Dated 7th day of February, A. l., l'.HH. K. IlAYTON. Administrator of the estate of Kiimu May Clou, well, ilcccastd, J. A, Htrnwhridge, Jr.. attorney for adminis trator, No, 'JU7, Commercial block, Portland. Oregon, febu mch'J