Rolling Mill Consumption Seven out of every ten men who work In rollltif: mills, Iron foundries nml plan factories dlo of consumption. You know how early in life thee men pass away. The uual symptom U u i:a?Rins. jHjrsistent cough smietimes short and hacking, sometimes hard and drv. " The ptittent prows weaker and tliiuder day by day. Death eventually conquers. The trouble eomo from intense heat, and the constant liitialine of the fine particles of dust and iron that till the air. These particles, under n microscope, show ranted, sharp edges, which tear and mutilate the delicate lining of the throat and limps. Perpetual sore arc thus formed, and here it i. that the perms of consumption find a place to feed and multiply. Acker's English Reruedv was discovered in Knpland. and Is the only cure In the world for Rolling Mill Consumption. It heals up the sores, strengthens the mucous membranes of the breathing organs, permanently stoi the cough, builds up the constitution and imparts vigor to the whole iy.tem. It must either cure or it you nothing. One Lottie does wonders. Try It. What it has done for Many others? it will also do for you and your loved one. Sold at 'Sic., 50c. and 31 a lottle thtouuhout the Vnited States and Canada: and In England at Is. at., "i.. :!d 4s. 6d. If you ate not atl.-tied after buying, return the bottle 10 your druggist, and get your money back. We aulAcrizc the aim? guarantee. II', U. MVOKEI: A- CO., Jrvprictor$, Sea lurfc For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. Swiped from Exchanges. doses. For curing Consumption, Hem- orrhages, Pneumonia, severe CouchB, The rumor that Mrs. Nation is on the J Croup, or any disease of the Throat or pay roll of the glass trust is denied. Lungs, its success is siuipiy wonderful, Mr. Corbett may claim to be thejusyour druggist will tell you. Get a Moses ol the republican party, in that i eaniple bottle free trom Clarke & Fallc. it is certain he will never be permitted Regular size, 75 cents. Get Green's to enter t lie promised land. t prizs almanac. There is method in the madness of1 Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head Mrs. Jetton. If she is chareed with achBf indigestion ai;rt constipation. A lawless violence she can plead that she deliKfltful hefb drnl5 ReQ)ove!! al is fiihtinsr aeainst lawlessness. j eruptions of tbe ebini produ(.ing a perfect The populists in the Oregon leeislature complexion, or money refunded. 'Jo cts are compelled to admit that there is ttnd 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. qnite a large increase in the monetary ' circulation around the capital these FOR SALE- day. J Twenty well-broke mares and geldings, , weight from 13UU to 1650 pounds. In ! quire of Feed Fisiiei:, flU-lmw The Dalles. It begins to look as if there were quite a number of men in this legislature who, in tbe language of our more or less i esteemed contemporary, "can neither be i Hamilton Brown's "Good bought nor bulldozed." j ehoe for men and bova are When Mr. Corbett saw that he could not be elected he should drawn at once, That would is Gold" the best wearing shoes in the world. Nob. 12 to 2, have with-1 ?1-05; 5?2. SI 85 ; G to 10, 2.25. have been vVhy pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James . Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. ml tbe manly course, and a successor to Mr. McBride could have been elected. Bat the old gentleman insists on fight ing it out to tbe bitter end, and in doing so eaiphaez?s hie unGtness for a position that nhoulll ho filial! nulr hv natrinf ,, , , . . , -,oUU acres ot deeded land in tippei JJr. Mary Walker, clad in imported I Hnnrl riv.r vnlU.IT flnutv mint, toil 1ft a tweeds, with trousers turned up and a stock farm or sheep ranch, with large iancy pin in her four in hand scarf, held ' open ranue adjoining, at $1.75 an acre. n lru in Hn.ntn..,, s... v.i- Adjoining above is a tract of 1S00 acres ing the other day. FOR SALE. acres of deeded land One bibulous caller slapped tbe doctur on the back and in vited her out to "take something." Dr. Mary said, with asperity: "You are no gentleman," to which the man replied: "Neither are you," and the levee went to pieces there and then. of government land, which can be homo- steaded or eenpted. Inquire of K. W. Stauk, j30-lmw The Dalleb, Or. The Ointosici.E has raade arrange ments with tbe publishers of the New York Tribune whereby we are able to offer the Weekly Tribune, which alone it if true tne pruengtiter and the es- : j8 $150 n vcar. and the t wite-a-week convic. who have been working for Cor home Ciiuoxit'bE both Administrator's Notice. papers for the nriee belt nave goue home to t'ortlnncl, but . f one, namely .! 50 a year. By the there are quite a number, left whose, game arrancement we can i vh the Tri support is no credit to any candidate, , Weekly Tribune and the twice-n-week aiid they are all well nipplied with ; Chkoniclk five papers a week for ?2. cash. It it true, nUo, that Mr. Corbett All subscriptions under these oilers pay is ruunitig u tree saloon at liif head- UDe j advance. tf" quarters in the Willamette Hotel, and that Mr. Hofer refused to accept t o j '' "" cases of wine tendered to the Salem PresB Club, for ue at its banquet, by the head bartender. The lets the .lour- ' '"he c,VuXHinvi"o'.f &t"""f U"-'km nal ban to t:av about tbe character of 1 tb? mutter of the eatatj of Kmma May Crom- . , . wen, niceas-u , Mr. Corbett'e campaign and the ciass of ' Notice It. heteby given that the uudcridirneil ! men sunr nrtirn. him tlif. tinMi.t- if irlll ' h" been appointed by tho (.'ouutv Court of! nitn supporting him, tut uetter it will , ., of the ritut.-of Oregon. th .id ! serve the old man's intereste. Salem nilnistratur of the estate of Kmma May imm ' j, .. , well, deceased. ' bl'Iltlllul. ! All persons having claims against said estnte : ir,.,.r,.,,. r H,,i,.,i ,.,. nrt' hereby 10 pri'-ent Hie same it me. ' 1 roRratii of Kiiti-rtulnmuiit. 1 properly verliied. h- by law rec,ii;rri, at Fust, n, . ,, ... , 1 and Taylor ste't-, t my pine- m bus:).. , Une fulliiwuig program will be run-! within l. monih- from the date hereof, at ! dered at the entertainment to be given j '''ffinthy' of Kebruarv, a. .1.. v.m. ! by the Court street bcIiooI pupils, he- . F. uaviox. I ... , : . I. 1 , 1 Ailmlnlstrator of the estate of Kmnw Miiy slated by their friends, at the Baldwin 1 CromnuK, ihwumi nriera bonne timii-lit I J-A. htiuwh'idge, Jr.. attorney for iiilmlnis- nptra fimihe lonitiu . trutoi. No. J07, Commetclal block, l' luet ihecdrll ijoie in nunny Tenuetsee. J Oregon. fetiUmchu Miicua uuu .iiiuur jayiur Oregon Shot like and union Pacific DSfAf.T rot: Chicago l'ortlaud Slecial. r.;:2." ji. m. via Hunt ington. Atlantic F:xpress, 12;M a. m. vlh Huntington. St. 1'aul Fast Mail, tittup, m. via bpo-kanc. TIMK schi:i)Lu:s KUOM Tin: dai.m:s. Salt Ijikc, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, N'au Ms City, Ht.lxnils. Chi cago ami the Knt. Salt ljike, Henvcr, Ft. Worth, iliiiHlia, kru-I a-Clty.St Ixiuls,Clil-i cago and the East. Walla Walla, Iwlston.j biMikaue.Wallace.t'iill- man, siinneaixnis, ar. l'aul, Duluth, Milwau kee, Chicago and East. AUIllVK FROM ltOo p. 111. I; 15 a. in. ;;;. ni OCEAN AND BIVEE 80HEDULE From l'ortlaud. :C0 p. m. Dally except sunday. .v.Ofi p. m. Saturdav, 10:CO p. 111. Dally except Sunday, ntCdu.m. '(All sailing dates sub 1 ject to change ) For San Francisco, hail every 3 days. Columbia Itlrer, , To Astoria and Way- 1:00 p. m. Lauditifrs. 1:00 p. m. except butuiay Vniluiimttx Itlver. , Orecon City, Xerebers, balem, Independence, and v ay-ljindincs. l:so p. m. except auuuay. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, ti:C0a. m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 7:10 a. 111. lx;avo Ulparia daily, ::uoa. m. Corvallls and Way-Landings. ItSOp. m. Monday, Wedncsdsy Friaay. Wlllnitinttr and :!;S0l). m. Yamhltl lllriim. Monday, Oregon City, Davton and w eunesuay Way-Umdings. Irlday. Bnake Itlrer. Klparia to lwlstou. Leave wwistnu daily, h:iu. ni. Parties aestrinc to eo to Hennner or points on Columbia Southern via Dines, should take No. 2, leaving The Dalles at lt!:2.i p. m. making direct connections at Hcppner Junction mid Biggs. Keturnlng niaklngillrectcouuectlon at Heppucr Junction and Iliggs with No. 1, ar riving at The Dalles at 1:05 p. m. F'or further particulars, call on or address JA.S. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. lien Fait Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIItECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- SIONE I'ARK. LEAVK. Union Depot, Firtbaafl I sts No. 2. Fast mall for Taeoma, Seattle, uiympla, orav's Harbor and South ilc'ud points, bpokanc, Uoss laud, II. C, I'ullman, Moscow, I;iston, lluf 11:11 A. M. falollumpmliiiug coun try, Helena, Miuneaiio lis, tit. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, ht. Uiiils, Chicago and all nolnts east and southeast. I'uget bound Express for Tacoina and .Seattle and intermediate points No. 1. U;30 V. JI AltnlVK. No. 5.I',M, No. 3. 7;00 A. M. Spring Suitings Thp time will soon be here when every stylish dressed man will want nn up-to-date Spriup Suit. Those are the kind nf patrons 1 am tuiloiing for. Come in and look over niv Spring line nf Suitings. All tbe latest novelties for 1U01. Suits to Ordor, $IO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANSACTA KNERAL BANKING IltlfclNEB Lettere of Credit issued available in the Eastern States, Sitfht Exchantre and Telegraphi, Transfers eold on New York, Ubicaso, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav ble term. TOe CoMia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRtF.D BEEF. ETC. C. p. Stephens .Dealer In. ; Dry Goods, Clothing, I Hoots, Shoes. Hats. Caps. Notions. Agt. (ur W. L. DouKia.s Shoe. J- Tlie Dalles, Or. L. Lane, GENKRAL mnitu ..AND. Horsesnoe r I'ullman lirst clitss and tourltt slw(K!rs to Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points Vustibuleil train1!. Union depot connections in all pMiicipal citi'.-:. H.iSRaKe clieckel to destination of tickets, l-'or liandsomely lllimtiated descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping-car rt'crvations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General !'uf-uiierr Ascent, 'iw Morrl sou Street, corner Third. Portland Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via in Pacillc Go. Shasta Route Trains leave The iJ.les f,i- I'or'.'aud and way stations m !:.) a, in. mid u p. m. Sou Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and JefTcrnn. Phoue 159 2 FILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. ItcmoTn Pirnplo, Prevent IIMioii.ney.Piinfr thi IWrnil, (jUrII,nl4cnp.aii,l llrj!.pJia fni' hoi lr WANTED On Sheep Ranch, a hober, indue, trirma mini to do the cookinu and houpe work. Steady ointiloyment to u couipe tent man. AddtesH, RANCH 35, Tho Dalles, Or. BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S., Jnv Stallion, A vonr old; lioijilit lri hands, weight 1 050 pounds. Sired by" Zonibro, 2:11, tho best sou of McKin. nov, 2:11 A. First dam, llrlilesniniil, bv Hoswtmd, Hon of Niitwoml. Second ihttn, Lake, land Oiieen. dam of Atl Aleut? Si '2:'li. by I.akfland'H Abdnllali, Hon of f Inmbletnn. ian lot Third ilani, rnmclla, by Alhaiiibra, mm of Mambilno Chief II. EDMUND S. will make the eenHnn of HUH at 1.. A. I'oMci'h livery etahlc, The Dalles, On-con. Terms for tho Soason, $20. For further part iciulurB nee jnnllO-thv-ltiio FRED FISHER, Proprietor. C. J. STUBblJSlG, WIIOI.KSAI.K AMI I'.KTAM, Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. : Nest door to Firm National Hunk. C'filiflifll I' li fill -t Lihik nut. MIDI. THE DALLES, OREGON. ,tTImTITm:r.LT.IT.tT.ITJTJT.iT.l.T.ITJTiTITIT !J'WI.TTiy4.lrMra.TllttJ nxAixxifxitfUiAliUjritiuxxtiiiiulAiAiitAiilin 8 7nmrimmTTTTnTTrmrrnrmnn;mnmrrTTmitTm ft 1 131 13: fa IV K Th DalUa, Op. The Chronicle, dob Printers. t 11! is Ueb'Jtv ittclUitioii 'Junulii' hittlo Tli lii tr. iliiy Amluriion tIeotlon fur Violin .. . .Ituy Viiniinrtiviok ftecitiitum-oii CiwMtliiB Hill Irene I'ulmvr J'iHiio Jiuet uttz . . Ifelen l'uter, Mli fcinnn(m Itt-c. I ildd I'our llrother Over the ana. . . -1 1 mi ii uii I "i lie Soux Lullaby . . Kiln Hhii-cu KtJ AUitin, thtf Mini Who .Sever Was u Hoy. . tieorne ftainlijrii JJaiijorlne boIo. Oltvln I'ctuts Mo Mrs, (j. W.Taylor A ( Citation. . In the enmity court of tlif state of Oreirin, lor i thu county of Wanco. In the mutter of the otate of Heiikou JlcCny, iltfeeaml, ciUttoil. : To Mary A. fitennvjln, Amaiula K. Mmiorv, , Sarah J, I'owler, lluuiiiik J. MeCuv, WUItitfn McCoy, John It. Met-'oy, .S'apnv .M. I'm'. oil, I Josenh 11. McCoy, and 1emil l;. iicO.y, riccMhb ; In trie inline of the utato of Oregon, Vmi nml ; taeli of yon are hertliy nltil hikJ rmimrv: to up vnr In the county I'niirt of the l ,te nf i ire Kou, for the county of Whm;o, ut the an!h t--iir , of iiil court, at the court rcoui tiieieol, ut i Dalles Cltv. in xulil eountv. on Mnml.iv ilu- uii OHyofMu oli, I'jOI. at 2 o clock In th aitenioou ll , oi iiihi nay, men aim mere to hw twvu. If i iiny e..i, tvuv on oruer 01 mih mioiimi iii lie 1 M . tho uilinliiis. tratlix of the estate of .McI.'hv. liic.n.cil. i to keil the realelate. iL-aerllM'tl n. hdliiiiLiiiiL. in IrecjiiBtitlv taken from us bv neglected i ail cutmc, foljotvn,to-wit. wjjof tlie.NWj., cold., half the dcatbH rteulti'nK directly fteiScft. from thi- caUBe. A bottle of Ie'a t Oerinan Syrup kept about your home 'the all county court, with thu t-ui nf nald ii.fiii. iiu.Avii, mm w.nb ua) ui dailliui , A, ii. IWI. HKAL mif unit. In our style of c'iiiMte, with ;ts utU den iilmiiveB of temperature, rain, wind nml sniiHliint' often intermingled in . , , , , i liny e..i, vnv nn on sintrlu day, it i no onder that utir , mmif iiirevtliiu ( I-hIm children, friends unit iclativoa are bo I.eve I'ortlauil SsSO u m " Albany I'.'jfflltim A'tlvo Anhland " Suoriimeiito " han h'raucUco . ..U:S!n m .. 5:00 pm .. 7:15 p m Arrive Ourtou , " Deliver " KailiiiKCiiy " (,'hlcui;o ... .. B: IS n m . . a:00 n in . 7:'A' u m .. a in Arrive Lux Aiitteloi i;2o p in Kl I'lltll IM.I !. , Kl I'ato. Kurt Worth. . titty of Mexico . llnimtnu. Sew Orkain. Wa-jJii MKton New York !i:.V,uiii l:(u id u in a in K:I3 p in ?:Wi m I0:o0 p in 11 -DO a iu '1 a in b:Ift a m II : 15 u in UiOOn in 7:'J6 (i in 1.-&J a in 7:00 o in ti-.m p in u in 0:5') a in 1 :00 a in ti:'ii p in Clin m W-Up in Notice ! AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER! He People's jwii Family jlewspapsi To all old and new FitbecrihcrH paviiiK one year in iidvi.nco we ofler- Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50. All persons indebted to the lute (Inn of .1 COLLINS it CO., and S. L. IllvUOUfi, are r)iierttel to cull mid I settle up on or beture March 1st next' wiiiioitt iai. . 5. J IWEOOKS. ior immediate tme will prevent serious icknes, a large doctor'it bill, and per haps death, by the tne of three or (our I ja Atiem; A. K. I.AKK, Clerk. liy ii. ItOLTON, Deputy. I'ullman and Tourist cam on both trains Ohalrcam rjacriunciito to Oxdeu anil KM'afcO. nml tourUt cart, to (.'hlcuKo, bt Iiiln, Now tr leiitu Biiil Uasliliigtou. X at hall Kriinetim with unvnn.1 NUtiiiiiihlp line (or Honolulu, Japan, China, (.'OllllCCtllll III tt 1 tt 1 I'hllippiiicn, Central anil Houth America. Bee agent at The Dalles auitlon, or udd.tu C. H. MARKHAM, Gcueral PMfUKcr Agent, l'ortlaud, Or Look Here ! Ail the Groceries, Hardware iind Tin ware will he diBposcd of by the lut of Murch, as the huildinu will bo occupied by other parties. S. I.. IJItOOKS. jatilO mclil S E E D HEW The most complete mock ot Garden, Gruff, Field and Vegetable Seeds in bulk in thu Inland Um pire at tbe Feed. Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS, THE DALLES, OR. E E i D D S YORK TRI-'WEEKLY TRIBUNE. l'llblUheil Monday, Wulndny mid "il. Ilay, IMuiealltya line mid Irualt evcry otlier iliiy Dally, hIvIiik the bilutit netVK (ill ilnyn of Imm, anil eovurlin; liens of thu other :s. It e HitnliiH all Impor tant f.irelitn eahlo l.evn- nh!i., in,,i,rV in tor putty 'Irlbuiiu of K;iic- iiatf, mImi do ini-tli' unit foielan ('iiii..piiiidcin i), hliort Morii. elenut liulf loll.' illllKlldtlcillk, hit- iiKiimiK it iu, Indus Jrlii I iiiiouiuitloii, lai-li on in.teh.iiKflcul- ior.ii uiiiui.i, ,llMj i eoiniirc' eimlvoainl re- ! llalile lliiuiieliil hiiiI , market reporth. I llcBiilar hiibHcrlii- I linn price, ni ,,ut ! Jear, 1 , Wo fcriilnh It with Hi-mi Weekly tlhroul. cle forl'.'.to per jeur. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. I'ubihlicil on 'I ni" (lay, trail known f invirly hlxly yian " every jmrt of tin-' 11 te(IStatu ah u iia'ini nl fitiully iiinviii"'r of the lilithcM for fannern and i'ln IfUIH. It COIItll i." tlio nio t .mi. WOlHTIll Ml Daily Tnljiii.i ni the ho ir oi K" '" pros'.: nn iifriciili"' 1 department "1 '"' hlKhi'ki older, nil ' "i. turli.luliiK icadinc ior everv ineiiiber of tltc fiunlly.olditnd yniin mnrket tepiirln uhli'ii ine accepted iciiilltu .otlty by fitruo-in and iiiCKiiiantH, and ' (dean, iip-to-dati'i I11 titiiMtltiK and liihirm: live, IteKiiliir HiihMirli' tluu price, II per j ear. Wo furnlHli U Willi Heml-Weekly tJhroul clo for fl.60 per jeir. jSend all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or. V