The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY FEB. 15. 1901 SITUATIOX AT SALEM. The correspondent of tbe Astoria News sums up the situation at Salem thus: "The outlook now indicates tbe continuation of tbe deadlock to tbe end, and well-informed men say there will not be an election. The Corbett crowd has tried every pos sible scheme to secure the necessary i number of votes, but has failed in tbe attempt, and it is believed that it will be impossible for tbe old man's managers to make any arrangements , by which be can be elected. Tbe change which has all along been pre-' dieted has not materialized, and there is nothing to justify tbe belief that a break will occur. Both sides ' seem determined to hold out, and prominent democratic legislators say Ihey will not settle tbe fight. "That the McBride faction will throw its vote to some other candi- ( date than Hermann before the end ' of the session is considered certain, j The anti-Corbett people are not so Take two to night and you will be well to morrow. Bald win's Health Tablets. They cure sick-headache, chronic constipation and make sick people welI-50 doses 25c R. W.Tamill.tbe Chics co tnil'ionalre elpar man (o!"TnsiU's Punch cCiKar fame,)ejr: "Baldirtn'f HU'h Tablet are the bwt ixrordr for conslitxiiion. tillicusuc and tor pid Urtz I hav errr rued." EDWARD BALDWIN CO., I and vour Health Tablets excellent tor ccngtipatlon, 3ick-headache and dvpepsia, Geo. liAKtM Of Geo. Date: & Co., Aucticceers. Clarke & talk. The Dalles. Or. gon. Catarrh Cannot Bo Cord. with local application, as they cannot reach the eeat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it rou must take inter I nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is ' taken internally, and acts directly on j , the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's 1 Catarrh Cure is not a qoack medicine. ' 1 It wae was prescribed by one of tbe best I ; physician" in this country for years, and j i is arepular prescription. It is composed , ' of the best tonics known, combined with , the best blood purifiers, actinp directly j I on the mucous surfaces. The perfect j ; ( combination o: tbe two ingredients is what produces snch wonderful results in curing Catarrh, tend for testimonials, free. ' F. J. Cuen'ky & Co.. Props., Toledo 0. Sold bv drrugciste, price Inc. ' Hall's 'Familv Pills are the best. 12 j Hamilton Brown shoes at The 'New j York Cash Store. Nasal CATARRH BUSINESS LOCALS. Ciark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't foreet this. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's bruBhee. nartipul-ir ns tn the man whom thev Clarke & Falk's ftavonne extracts are may succeed in electing, just as long ! the Ask -vour e' ,or thera' as he is an administration man, I -tor sprains, Ewejiings ana lameness , , , , ' there is nothlne so good as Chamberlain e ' and it is understood the names of Pflin Ba,m Try -t For gale Dr Blake- several prominent administration ' ley, the druggist. republicans will be presented. But ' Quality and not quantity makes De it is not at all likelv that this action Witt's Little Early Kisers ench valuable ' little uver puts In all Its stages there iliould be cleanlinejg. Ely's Cream Balm clcan.,soothesandheai the diseased membrane. It cures catarrhand drives avaj a cold in the head nu!c2:!v. Cream T.a.:n ts placed Into the nostrils, gpreads ctct the mcs'jrace and is absorbed. IteltefU Im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying does not prodote eneezln;. Lsre SUe, 50 cents at Drug gist) or by ma!".; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. EL," IriOTUEIlS, JO Warren Street, ?cw York. Ml Complete Cii?e of Drus at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. !!,lJJ! REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY 1 Stonnicrs ol the IteRUlntor Unc trill run cr tlie fnl ow.iir sohedulo, the Cnrawny renervliiR the rlRlit to chnnRe phi-(lulf without notice. Str. Regulator dowx. ,l.v, Dulles nt ; a. m. Tnesilay , ThutMlay .. Saturdny . Arr. I'orUmid , Bt4::r. x. I.v f r. I'nrtlnnd in ' A. K. Mommy Wiilncniiy . Friday Arr. Dalles h 6 r. . Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallos City. HOWS' l.v. lHllrs Ht 7 A. au .Mimdny Wi'dtK'Hilay Friday Arr. 1'ortlniid it 4 ;.'KJ r. m. l- . I'nrtliuid at 7)1) a.m. Tiiwdiiy Tlmrnlny naiurnay Arr. DnlliN -3 FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the ?U-nmor? of the Kepulator I.lnc. The Oomiuiiiy will endenvor to clve Its -inn- nui! the best ceivlee islble. l'ortlnnd Otlii-e, Onk-Strwt Dock. W For further liiloriinitioii uddri-xn C. ALLAWAY. Gen. Agt. Just What Yoa uuant. i J. E. FALT & CO., y proprietors Commerciai Sample l?ooms. Purest Liquors for Family Use -t t. r . II. i- r r trill rnclr in nnvthinrr na tliP Cnrhptl i "",e "Ter ,ar"e rtt e r-" J s I Pliorn.nnv prevent. n person. to fc B , tHrms Ontfit mailed on ' receipt of 15 cents. Address 5. C. Mill- people seem determined to the election of any other Indeed, it is said that the old man is ":n" over 100,000, and to give up ' er & Co,. Portland, Or. tu thur-sat-Ct j would be to throw away that much Acker's English Remndy will stop a coid. After his experience with Joe coash &t an-v time- and wiU cnre the . - . Simon four years a?o, Corbett is not at all disposed to again be bunkoed, and the talk of springing another man at the eleventh hour lias died out." worst cold in twelve honrE, or money ! refunded. 25 cts. and 30 cts. Blakeley the druggist. Millions of people are familiar with j DeWitt'E Little Early Risers and those j who use them find them to be famous ; little liver uills. Never pripe. Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve are worth less. The original quickly cures piles, sores and all skin diseases. Clarke & m aaaaT ) JP.- P f I 1 Delivored to any part of the City. F 173 Second Street, y I'hoii"? : 51 Local, S5S Loin: Distanct' CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please rernemler that we carrv ii full line of New ideae in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stork. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. The Harney Items says: "II. "W. Corbett certaintly does not come under the bead of unfinished busi ness. His finish is the most artistic piece of work the legislature has Falb's p- - Pharmacy. turned out up to date, or ever will; DRUGLESS HEALING turn out. If no other business what-! with Osygenor Company's Perfected ever was transacted the taxpayer's ' Oxygenor King. It is not a battery. It nnlrJ wll nffnrrl tn Mr tlm ovnonsos i& not electricity of the legislature for forty days rather than have such a man in the LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from 1 1" papers at cheap paper prices. the factor. In plain and fancy boxes , ETnV ?fniUK6'-'i , . ' , . , for a small price, at our store on Third for Cbrietrras trade, and at prices to , BtTwU Also a full line of house paints. suit. Don t forget that we m head quarters for the best on earth. Xanie LOWNEY settles it. Grandall & Burget DEALER. IX 0t,eSj fill kinds of undertake- fc BuriaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles. Or. f D. W. VAUSE, Third St. senate. The people can Well done thou true servants.' " It cures with the osy- i gen of the air, without doctors, without drug;, without medicine. The greatest boon to mankind ever discovered. It Geo. C. Blakeley, ; - . The Druggist. UUnnil2y, truly say, stands without a rival as a curative and faithful 1 agent and possesses complete mastery, over all curable diseases without em ploying nauseous or poisonous drugs. Description.theory, method of operation, fist of diseases fur which it ie recom- j mended, etc.. furnished free. Call on or i address. J. M. Fim.oon, bim where he was ut '"dawn's early , Tbe Dalles, Or. light." He still votes for Judge! 'Phone No. 300. j21-2Wd-wlm George H. "Williams, and while he! may oe in tbe minority, as minorities are counted, he has the satisfaction Our friend, Roberts, is like tbe star-spangled banner in respect that "twilight's last "learning" still finds address. It Saved Hi Leg. P. A. Danforth, of LaGrande, Ga., suffered intensely for six months with a of knowing that be is supporting one , frightful running sore on his leg, but .i. ,, i writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve I wholly cured it in ten dayp. For Ulcers, Oregon commonwealth. : Wounds, Burns, Bolls, Pain or Piles it's ; the best salve in the world. Cure guar- When Porto Rico came Into the anteed. Only 25c. Sold by Elakeley, possession of tbe United States there ; druggist. u was not a single school building on ', The O. K. barber shop is now running the island. Last month the bureau i three chairs with three first-cIbsb Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests tbe food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or Bans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approacn it in emciency. it in , it t; i t i stantiy relieves ana permanenuy cures Hipsi IlHri(iTlri nHTlK Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, ruL 4U"VUai UQ.UA, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, the dalles - - - orego Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Laiblin, 'Phone 151 Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pll kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, TmifiSL Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour Thi! KIonr is umnufacturod exjireesly for family c- i ! .t UHe: evervack ie guaranteed to t'ive Batisfaction. e sel. our poodB lowor tlian any honee in the trade, and if you don't think bo call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. J. S. BCHCNCK, fiealdeut. Max a. Vo;t. Caahle) Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and fl. Large site contains ZKttmei small slxe. Boole all bbuut dyspepsia muUedtre K-cpored by E C. ocWiTT CO.. Cblcaga Sold by Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE of education issued one order which calls for the building of sixteen school houses in different districts. Id one district ten municipalities offered a site to secure the school. that pay barbers. Patrons of the shop will thus be assured of quick attention and prompt 1 and satisfactory service. J. K. Rees, proprietor. j2S-w We offer for a limited period tne twice-a-week Chkonicle, price $1.50, . and the Weekly Oregonian, price $ 1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions ' under this offer must be paid in ad-' vance. f i Fur February. A fine 10x20 enlargement with every dozen of my "best cabinet photo." Tbe Barrett bill, providing school districts may have and for school libraries if they desire them, was signed by the governor Wednesday and is now a law. - - 1 - -' - PIIMflu llnvfi are flint au trrritl f utttlrwaa r. Bryan pronounces the plan to liirroi-u ' make silver dollars redeemable in Giffords pictures never fade. td gold an attempt to clinch the gold! There ' isuUs danger" in using' standard. It does look that way. ' counterfeits of D Witt's Witch Hazel 1 "" Salve. The original ie a safe and certain Thesenutehas passed, without u cUre for pilee. It is a noothing and heal- dissenting vote, a bill to enact the ing salve for sore and all skin diseases TRACC MARKS JESICN8 Copyrights Ac. An rone tending n flkclrh nnd dwicrlntlrm m OuicKIr naccrinln oi:r oinniuii freo whuthcr a luv)fitinn protmhly pMtiitalile. "ornninnfcf tloim 4tr!Ctlr"oii'l(l('iitfal. JlaiiUtxiolcon I'ateuu lent 1trv. (iMwii UKKUt'f lorecunnp r.itt'H? taSun ilimuuli Munn A Co. rt-telT, rxcljl TMtt, without tlmr:t, 111 the Scientific Jlmnm. A handsnnmlT Ilntm1-1 wc-Vlr. Ijirzejt rlr. ntuHi'i n nny cH,iitiu5 Joufnal. li'Tnn, 13 a vetir: limr ruontlis, t b'luUbrull ncwiidcaliT", MUNN &Co.M1B" New York Utuncli Wlliii CJj Y Ht., AVaablUitluti. Ll. ( Torrens system land titles. of registration of ! Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Clarke & Falk have received a carload . of the celebrated Jauie E. Patton : atrictly pure liquid paints Ilun't Hub It In, Just wet tbe affected pari freely with 11.. t. . c ...... I . . I ...d the n-ln ! cone. Sold bv Clarke A 1 '""i KUaranteed to last. F.ik. ' Floral lotion will cure wind chapping Mil unburn, Manufactured by C'ante A Falk. Paint your house with have them. paints that ara Clarke it Falk Hamilton Brown's "( Million" shoe or men, only J2 at Tiie New York Cain filore. flflCAErl rease 1 I neljis the team. Saves wear ud I ; exjeue. Sold everywhere. 1B mx nc ur P STAKOARO OVL 00 JB THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Depoeite received, subject to Eight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIKBOTOK8 D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Bchihck, Eu. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liibk. H. M. Bkall. MATT SHOREN, General Blacksmith and Hosesboer. All kinds of blacksmithing will receive prompt attention and will be executed in first-class shape. Give him a call. Richardson's Old Stand, PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. THE CELEBRATED ...COLUMBIA BHEWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. ItejjortH UI tlie product of thin well-known bri.ui.n-ilw. ii...i a ....i.i. lor .ntw -R icmn . . .. .. . -j ... uuimu omici uriwi Ll5L U t;,, iMf,) "Plor brew never entered the hilir:i . - - - - " LKlHItrL HITIII'I I III f Sal lIii.iIIhr yuiins!. itH uce can c tely devoid n posed oi tbe h it'h- ! .... .1 t iecera ntv n.ui - l...... " ' " ""' ".v wie piiyeicianH witu POHBiblv be fonnil ' ' w or'"'oro wboleboine beverage could not Third St., near Federal, The Dalle., Or. I East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. P JI Resiauran? I.. Y. Hone. Prop'r. First-Class in Every fiespect MBALM AT ALL UOUltD. Oysters Served in any Style. 7 Impu it., The t)le, Or. OLD MEN. Tlioiir-u'nlH nf old men w ho thought their remain iiL- Uays on earth would beew now bleH the dV but tbev commenced the uhp of thlt srentent of all rength hullderc. Lincoln Sexual Pills will bring about a degree of health and atrenglh for you awu.v beyond the average ,nm fj( your yearB ttnd .,ivu you great pfacn aod comfort. ''' Pf Ice.'ll.OO per box- buy of your drugglut or neut iiy mull on leeelpt of t.rl,-.., (,i plain wripper. LINCOLN PRpPfllETARV-CO., Ft. Wayne, Jnd. M. Dounel, Agent, Tim Dallti.