'Mi l)cDnlkG Chtrnifcte. VOL. XIII THE DALLES. OREGON, FKIDAY. FEBRUARY 15; 1901. NO. 30 CONTROL OF CANADIAN Purchase by Americans is Entirely Possible Nothing to Prevent Any body From buying Stock. MontkkaIii Feb. H. T. G. 6hflueti petty, president of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, was nuked lat niitht hat he tlioughtof the possibility of the Canadian Pacific being acquired by a powerful combination of United State? caDital ns wh stated in the course of the debate on the government ownership of railways in the house of commons. 'Ob, it is quite possible," observed Mr. Hiaughnesey. "There i nothing whatever to prevent American capital ists, if they have got the money, from baying the stock of tlie Canadian Pacific, which 1" for suloin London and Montreal and IScriin and other continental bourses. Having acquired the stock, there i nothing to prevent them from controlling tlie policy of the company and exercising their control for the ad vancement of United Plates interests." "What doyou think, Mr. Shatikibneesy, of the suggestion that in order to prevent this the government should itself ac quire possession of the Cxnatmn Pnciflc hud other railways matt rial to the pros perity uf Canada, which are now owned by companies?" "Well," obterved Mr. Shauhnessy, "speaking frankly, I think it would be infinitely better, if the government in tends to take up seriously the business ol railroading, that the public money of this country should be invested in the acquisition of such railways as the Canadian Pacific and the Grand Trunk, than that it should be watted in the subsidizing and construction of useless lines. We have had ton much wasting of public money in the paet for the building of railways, which are not only the most uselees, but are positively in jurious, inasmuch as they cripple the lines which are already built. This is very prenicious, and, ns I have said, it would be far preferable that the govern ment should take over the existing lines 1 t ban that they should build new Hues to I compete with them." "Do you think there it likely to l which would purchase the Canadian Pacific railroad stock in such quantities as would give the control of Its policy to foreigners?" "That is hard to say." said the preel dent, with a laugh. "I have not heard of any who are anxious to do so ns vet." Hy War Wan C'mi.ril by n Itooli, Ct.fcVEi...n, O., Feb. H. F. Hopkin son Smith, the well-known author and lecturer, recently declared that Mrp. btowe'a famous book, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 19 vicious and harmful in its effect upon its readers. In an interview yesterday itithis city, Mr. Smith re peated the statement, and gives the following as his reasons : "because it paints an absurd, false picture of the conditions of the South be lore itie war. 1 tie nook would have us ueiieve mat trie southern people were brutes, who tracked slaves with blood hounds and flayed their negroes with the lash. It ie a hook which divides our country into halves and paints the people of the north side of tho dividing line as angels anil those on the south side a; brutes and miscreants. A book like that ia harmful. "I not onlv believe that the book did much to bring on the Civil war, but ueiieve it is doing much to keep open the hieach between the North and the South. I think it is wrong that our young people should read and venerate that book as a true picture of American life south of ttie Mason and Dixon line. Tlie performance of the play as adopted from the book is just as harmful. "The book 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' pre cipitated the war of the rebellion. John Brown's raid made it inevitable." The Het Planter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side orchest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application gives re lief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Taken U. my place ou Came to my place ou 3-Mile, Dec. 21th, ii sorrel horse, branded W fl on left neck and blotch brand ou left hip; n:e b years; unbroken. M. S. Evans, Ktlrn The Dalies, Or. have boils if von t, . You will not any combination of American capitalists ' Clarke A Falk's cure cure loi hoilc ( -' pup CASTOR Ml it AV'gclaMelYeparationfor As similating lIicIiKKlniidHcguIa lir.g ihc Stomachs and Bowels of 1 If i Promotes Digcslion.CliccrPuI twss and Rcst.Contains neillrer Opuim.Morplime norliucral. Not Narcotic. 'u-ixiraianrxuii'uiircjuai IKnyJtut tiatl tlUSrnna tlkrUr Uu - JtfWinLil -illCiuiatnlr4u!it flurt A'eiJ -tlnttad Minnr HkOayimC fltnw. Apeifecl Remedy I'orConslipn lion , Sour Slouiaclt.IJiarrltoca mjrms.Convulsions.Fcvctish' hl'ss and Loss OF SLEEP. facSutulo Signnlure of i JM EW YORK. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought . New White Goods are ready. Read about Our SATURDAY AFTERNOON SALE of ....LACES, RIBBONS and PERCALES.... New Percales are ready. SATURDAY AFTERNOON (from 2 to 5) we will sell 500 yards of LAREINE PERCALES at 5C yard. A good 10c quality; will wash and wear beautifully; comes 32 inches wide and in dark patterns only. (Now on display in window.) ANOTHER ATTRACTION. For Saturday afternoon 2 to 5 o'clock. 400 yards of Wide Fancy Ribbons 40c and 50c values, at. 19C Plain Colored Moires TalTettas. yard. and Fancy OUR SALE of all "Remnant lots is still going on. What you find in remnants of piece goods left over from Monday's and Tuesday's rush you ma' still buy at HALF the marked price. Our 25c sale of Fine Neckwear is nearing the end. This week will see the last of these 50c, 75c and $1 ties go. Never before such a rush which can be easily explained for never before have we offered sucli bargains. The same with the Hats. "Big Bear" Hats at $1.75 need not go a-begging. Our reserve is nearly exhausted, and for Saturday's busi ness we will have to draw on the lot displayed 'in window. "With these will end the sale of $2.50 brown Fe doras at $1.75. 25c Unlaundered White Shirts only one dozen left out of the 10 dozen on hand last Monday; these sizes: 2-15, 1-15A, 4-16, 5-17 neck. You must be prompt if you want them. If you have not laid in a supply of colored shirts from our special 50c lot, you have not been looking out 1 for number one. Such shirts at such a price are not common. Drop in and see us. SATURDAY AFTERNOON (from 2 to 5) 10,000 yards of imitation Valen cienes and Torchon LACES ranging from a half to four inches in width and worth regularly from 8c to 20c a yard. Special 5C yard. SATURDAY AFTERNOON (from 2 to 5) 120 pairs Boys' Knee Pants in black cheviot and mixed cassi meres; all-wool materials made up into strong, well-fitting pants that will stand the strain. All sizes from 3 to 15 years. Special. 500 .per pair Regular price 75 cents. NEW Manhattan Shirts ARE READY A. US. WILLIAMS & CO. NOW READY. McCall's Magazine for March. Mr. Nation I. Suniillile. Wichita, Kan., Feb. 13. When Mre. Carrie Nation, the saloon smasher, re turns to her home at Medicine Lodge she will not meet with a pleaeant recep tion from her husband if he remains in Ins present state of mind. He gave out In an interview in which ho severely criticized his wife for touring tho East. "She should remain in Kansas, where she can do some good," he aaid "I don't approve of her going all over tho IE let and rriakingla show of herself, us geonlo there only want to make- fun of her. "I think blio is showing to the world that eho is losing her nerve, inetead of I tolling them how she did things out here. People have read in thu paper , how she smashed saloons. It she starts to raise anv row in lyhicago anil other supreme court, touched upon the Philip pines problem in his address in the Dodge lectnre course in Yale. He said: "I have been over 30 years on the bench, and no one, indirectly or directly, ever has hinted that any decision I initiht make might be for my own bene, lit, either socially, pecuniarily, political ly or otherwise. If I had wanted to do wrong I should have been obliged to go out and hunt for the tempter. "Wo enter the new century under chanced conditions; wohuye been isolat ed, but now commerce is carrying usj whether wo will or no, to tho ends of tlie earth. China that great mass of fll'ete civilization, turns with abundant faitli to this nation in its timu of distress. "Many people nro today wondering what thu outcome of the Philippine war Dewet In Cape Colony. London, Feb. 14.r-The Evening News prints a dispatch from Cape Town, dated Thursday, February 14, which says: "Tho government here is advised that General Christian Dewct and former President Steyn entered Cape Colony and occupied Philipstown. The British attacked them yesterday and drove them out of tho town with loss." Cum: Colony, Feb. H. A Hoer com maudo crossed thu Orange river Yester day, in the rtiilipstowu district, it is reported that Dewet was in command. Van Wyksvlei was occupied Monday by 3000 Boere, who weio retreating from Calviuia. Tht) Poors are reported in force 1M tnilco west of Caruai von. A lioer convoy of sixty-live wagons and forty-llvo prisoners has bet n Bears the J Signature (Ffor will be. The press and the halls of legis. towns I hope they will put her in jail , lation resound with tho momentous , a,m , , , , " . ... ..,?... ,n, . i ,, .,.',... tii.u,i in ihn -,.H.m.nt ... Itured north of Amsterdam. iWtU IHUrkU HU CIIJIU wi iv iwin tiui J - . . , part and spent several hundred hard- of tho status o tho islands. A solemn htorj- r a .si... earned dollars while sho was lighting ! tetibu of the responsibility fills congress, j To ho bound hand midfoot for years saloons in Wichita, but when she goes ! U is, however, a secondary matter what ,v ,,0 t!mis 0f disease 1h tho worst jout of her sphere 1 will have nothing i will bu tho conclusion of congress, the i t0rm of slaveiy. (Jeorgo I). Williams of ! more to do wlth'her should she get Into J policy of tho administration, of the , Mtmehester, Mich., tells how such n trouble" ! decision of tho supreme court, provided ' 6uv Wfta m., Uva, Ho says: "My tho peop'o of this country nieaburt) their wjf0 IIU) i,enu so helpless tor live years inteicourso with tho it'Sidcnts of thoiu insular possesions by thefioltlen Iiulo," CXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. in Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA in this connection it is well to nolo that fourteen years ago David Nation was run out of Columbia, Texas, for horsewhipping this eainu Woman. Per haps ho will do so again if eho fails to please hiin. rnni'i.ti il it ' raenly. Tin.oly information given Mis, (Jeorgo Ling, of Now HtraitHvIlle, Ohio, pro vented n dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A filghlful cough had long kept her awnko oveiy uiht. fiho hail tried many remedies and doctors but steadily t;rew worse until urged to try Dr. King'n j New Discovery. One bottlo wholly cured j her, and she writes this marvelous j medlciuo also cured Mr. Long of a severe atta'ck of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only fiOu am! tl.00. Every bottlo guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Hlakeley'sDrug Store. (1 View uf llruwer. Nkw Havkn, Conn., Feb. H, Juetico David J. Hrewer, of the United States Among the tens of thousands who have i used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la t'rippe during I ho pubt few i year?, to our know ledge, not a single case has resulted in pheumonia. Thus, i Whitfield & Co., i-'IO Wabash avenue,1 Chicago, ono of tho most prominent ro- i eull diuggists in that city, in speaking of this, says: "Wo recommend Chamber lain's Cough Kcmetly for la giippe in many uu, an u not only gives prompt ami coin plciu iecoVi.ry, but also counter acts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For salu by Hlakeley, the druggist. For the weakness and prostration fol lowing grippe there is uothintt so prompt ami effective as One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation is highly endorsed as an unfailing remedy for all throat and lung troubles and its early use prevents consumption, It was made to cure quickly, Clarke A Falk'a P, O. Pharmacy. that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Elsctilc liittore, eho is wonderfully improved and able to do hor own woik." This supreme remedy for female- discuses quickly curvu ncrvotisnoss, sleeplessness melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a uodsend to weak, sickly, rundown people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only fil) cents. Sold bv lilukuley, tho Drug- Kltt. . . A powerful engine cannot he tun with a weak boiler, ami we can't keep up the strain of an active llfo with a weal: stomach ; neither can wo stop the human machine to make repairs. If the stomach cannot digest enough food to 1: imp the body strong, such a preparation as Kodol Dyspopsla Curu should bo used. It di gests what you eat audit simply uau't help but do you good, Claiku A Falk's P, O, Pharmacy. A full lino of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may be completely di gested by a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di gests what you eat. As it is the only combination of all the natural digestants ever devised tho demand for it lias be come enormous. It has never failed to cure tho very worst cases of indigestion and it alwavs gives instant relief. Clarke it Falk's P."0. Pharmacy. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Wasco county will hold the regular examination of appli cants for state papers at The Dalles, Ore gon as follows : Commencing Wednesday, February 13th, at D o'clock, a. in., and continuing until Saturday, February ltith, at 4 p. in. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, composition. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book-keeping, English literature, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, phy sical geography, mental arithmetic, school law. Saturday llotany, piano geometry, general historv, phvsics, psvchologv. The Dalles, Or., Feb. 2, 1001. C. L. Gh.iiekt, fbo-UiJ&w County Supt. IUmii;iiK'-i Iron Ni.rre. Was tho result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowuls are out of order. If you want Ihcso qualities and tho success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain anil body. Only 25ejat ltlnkeley'a drugstore, (5 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I. ami Omi i: at Tin: Pam.ks, (io:.,( Jan. 21, null, i Notice t8 hoK'by given that ll.o lolltarliiK milium suttlcr lia lllul notice of tier littcn tiun to intiku limit nont In Mimiort of her clilm, anil Unit mill )iroof will io nimlo Ik fi.ii) Hi a ii'iil.ter unit receiver at Tlio Palles, UrcKim, on WihlucMliiy, March 0, 1W1, vU: Ailttllnp O. Slt'i'l, nui. of thu helrx mill for thu helm of Until (leu. evlu eleel, iteeeiikeil, of 'Hie llitllcx, Oregon, II, K. No. mil), fur Hie. HK.' i io 'J.I, Tp 1 N, u la K, Hliu UHtnes the folli.wliiK vltnoKCH to prove, liur coi.lluuoiiH residence, upon, uuil cultivation uf biilU IiiihI, vU: W. Cited, Join. It. Cook, M. 11, Miller, Jmiien HliuoiibuK, till of Thu UulU-b, Oregon, JAY I'. I.UC'AH, j'J Hu.uier i