Spitting Blood I UOll tc i xicli a .Treat deal and pit b : .',,,1. aint my jT"iirti5or in Dayton, t'iji" where I tic aid .:ni'ns then- ) elve that I h j 1 con- . .i , vinipnnn. al though they did not tell me so t n:y face, fur fear of making mo dopondent. trym differ- cnt ort of mediancs.but uoth nc seemed to reach rnv trouble unt I cot hold of a 'bottle of Acker's Enelish lleniedy. I prayeil for health all the time. and my prayers were answered as soon a l began taking tin? celebrated tnp liih expectorant and tonic Since my re covery I have told hundreds of sufferers from conchs. colds and weak luncs that Acker's English Itemedy would cure them. Some of them won't try it, and it does- seem to me terrible when anyone deliber ately r el uses to oe curea J Here ouent to te a law compelling consumptive? to take jt. Even if they don t care for their own lives, the public's welfare should be consid ered. Don't you think so too? I hope such a law will soon be enforced." (signed) Mes. RiciiAniON. .. ... .... ,. , i Jlaboulf.tcrouehouttberniW : itiai aftn buriiic. n-tttro tu i S-r.ld atKe5ncand and Canada : and M. If you arr not atiird after bn jlnc. rrtnni taa bottle to your druggist ami get ronr monr j back- We caihoHzf the n!nr guarantee W if. HOOKEI: & CO., frop-irton, .Vv York. For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. OUR LAWS IN FORCE Civil Government Established in Pam panga Province Native Chosen for Governor? Sax Feexaxdo. Province of Pampaneo, 'Island of Luzan, Philippines, Feb. 13. At Bgcolor a bill applying the provincial .. ,u" j n I r nanti was nao-d in the nre'ence of a I 1 ? crowd which included representatives of all the twenty towns in the province. The aopointmentp of the officers of the province were immediately announced as follows: Sekrina Joven, of Bncolor, to be governor until a successor ehall be -selected, a year hence ; secretary .Mariano Cainau; treasurer. Lieutenant William JL. A Goodale of the Fortv-first retrim,-nt instructions from the Commissioner ol the Gen ooa'e. oi me r oriy-ursi regiment , d oa,,e uoder ,,,horitr vpsti in him supervisor, Lieutenant Lawrence Butler, of the Forty-seventh regiment ; the army service of both these officers expires in Ja y ; fi'c-il, Juan Garcia. The salaries ware fixed as follows: Governor, $1600: eesrftary, J1000; treaeurer. $2400; super visor. flSOO; fiscal, $1350. Prior to the passage of the bill, Judee T ft explained the frame work of the P illtpplne government, which the com-ini-rion was erecting. The natives sug gested the amounts of the salaries. At the close of the session, Geneial Grant, who is called the "Father of the Pam pangat," said he rej'oiced that his chil dren wrre large enough to take care of themselves. He added: "We Pam pangie are ae patriotic as anv Araeri- cans." The remark was Greeted with aoolan-e The first trenerul nrovincial ' apwdu e. ine nrs, Kenerui pro mciai . government under American rule has , thus been hopefully established. The f in, ini'.. inn will t,rnceerl ncrl tfllIlson K, Winans, for and a'cruifig jne (..jiumis-ion win proceea next W , lwWKlt l3l.il(0 attorney s fee- and costs the province of Paneasinan. in which is i and disbursements und accruing costs. ., , , ,. .7 . . .. ROBERT KELLY, estujteil Dngupau, tbe terminus, on the jan2G s'heilfTof Wasco County, Or. Knit ( L.ingajeu, ol tne Mamla-Dagupan railroad. Major Maximo Angeles today surrend ered 120 rifles at Hukooov, province of BuihCtitl. Confederate Iteonlou, MEMrnis, Teim., Feb. 13. The gener- 1 executive committee of the confederate j Ten ii ion has adopted a resolution with regard to the invitation to Pr ident I McKinley to be present at the reunion ' which mm be held in Memphis in May, j in which it declares that this committee . ... .,.;,, . , ' recognizes the unwritten law of the . '-United Confederate Veterans that uni ea uoniaeraie v eterans, in . neither the officers of said oreanlzation ,i,.i,0, . ,l. . .. ' uui iiust oi iuv iruuiuu uu auiiiuniv to Invite anv other than a Confederate to participate In such reunions. Death of aeuatur I'latt'a Wife, New Yokk, Feb. 13. Mrs. Thomas C. Piatt, the wife of United States Senator Piatt, died earlv today at her apartments i .i. n t. . i u . i i. , in the FlMh-Avenue Hotel, altera long ! illness. Senator Pltt and his three eons and tbeir wives wer; at the bedside. Mrs. Piatt's afttictiuu was a nervous aff-ction of the heart. Clarke dc Falk have received a carload -ol the cpiebrutcnt Jatue E, Patton trictlv pure liquid jiaiuts u ... . i .,, . ,. . , the executor of the Inst will and testament of Pitilit v.iur houe Wltn paints that ara,J,,hti Gott".b WagetibUst, deeeatMl.nas filed fullv guaranteed to last Clarke & Falk I uiiy tuarauseeu 10 tast. uiarue oc ralK IisvH iiihiii j Hniiiiit(u Brosru'a "C Million" shoe J. men, only 2 at The New York Caeh Store. FOR SALE. 2.500 acres of deeded land in tipper , Hood river valley, finely adapted for a stock farm or sneep ranch, with larjre open ranee adjoining, at $1 75 an acre. Adjoining above is a tract of 1S00 Acres of government land, which can be home, steaded or scripted. Inqnireof . S. W. Stark. 1 jSO-lmw The Dilles, Or. The Cukoxicle has raade arrange ments with the publishers of the New York Tribune whereby we are able to offer the Weekly Tribune, which alone is fl.50 a year, and the twiee-a-week CitnoxiCLr both papers iur the price of one, namelr $150 a year. By thei I kept oiifarne arrangement we can eive the Tri - 1 " eesiy xriuuiie sou iue iice-a-eea j CnEo.viti.E five papers a week for $2. .... ... ... ' tuun.-HuuuS uuuet iur ,. ' able in advance. tf ! g - - 1 1 Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oreton for the County of Wasco. In the matter of the estate of Emma May Crom- well, deceased; Notice is herebT riven that the understood f naf wen aiitoiniea Dy me vonutv vouri oi Wasco Conutc. of the State of Orccon. the ad ministrator of the estate of Emma Mar Crom- ! well, deceased. i All persons baring claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to mc, proierlv verified, a by law required, at First 1 and Taylor street", at my place of buslne. ' within tlx months from the date hereof, at inr.i,,1(i n-rrnn ftitel . th day of F cbraary, A. D.. 1MI. F. DAYTON". Administrator of the estate of Emma May Cromwell, deceasf d. J. A. Strowbndce. Jr.. attorney for adminis trator. No. aiT, Commercial block, Portland. Orefion. febMnch!' Citation. In the county court of the state ol Oregon, for the county of tVaco. In tne matter of the estate of Hensoa McCoy, aeceaswi, citiaon. To Mary A. Steruweis, Amanda E. Mowerr, Sarah J. Fowler, Thomas J. McCor, William McCoy, John R McCoy. Nancy M. Powell, Joenh H. McCoy, and Dennis K. jitCov. gieeiing In tne name of the state of Orccon. you and taeh of you are hereby cited and required to appear in the county court of the stute of Ore gon, lor the county of Wasco, at the March terc of said court, at the court room thereof, at Dalles City, in said county, on Monday ihe 4th dny of Ma'ch. 1KU, at 2 o clock iu the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any exift, why an order of saie should not be made directing Clari-sa F. McCoy, the adminis tratrix of the estate of Henson McCoy, deceased, to sell the real estate, described as belonging to said estate, as follows, to-wit.: W of the " W'4, in section 26, township two (2! "eouth, range welH eaTt, wVmT and Mtuatedin Wasco eountv. Orecon. I'.uvi miiTitr n.iK-nn on Geo C Siakelev Jndee ol lis 21tt day of January, A. D. ltnestheH the said countT n n. . . .1.1 1S01. SEAL Attest: A. E. LAKE, Clerk. ji! By a. HOLTON, Deputy NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract Public Land Sale.) L'. 5. Lisn Ornct, The Dalles Oe.,) January 12, 1WJL Notice is herebv civen that in pursuance of by section 1155, V. s. Rev. Stat., as amended by the act of Congress approved February, IbM, we will proceed to oiler at public sale on Monday, the'Joth day of February, next, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m , at Lnit otflce, the fol lowing tract of land, to-wit. N WJ4 N U 5e SO, T 2 .N , R I" E, W M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are advised to file their claims in this office on or bef- re the day above designated for the commencement of raid sale, otherwise tbeir rights will be forfeited. Jay P. Lit as. Register. jlOi Otis Katteu-on, Receiver. Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is hereby given that, pursuant to hu execution irsud on the 2itn dav ot Jauuarv, ll-Ul. out of the ircnit Lonrt of tne state of Oregon, for Wasco euuutv, in a ult In vnleb Mary T. Strotic is plaintiff and Wilson ft. ' Wlnans. Mary Wlnans. J. M. Huntington, O. F. . senowalter. administrator of the estale of s. G. Krehbie', deceased, and J. J. Bjieneer are de I lenflants, to me directed and commanding tne j to sell the lands hereinafter describwi, 1 will, i on saturduy the 3d day of February, lnut, at the nour oi ; o cioct p. a., at the court lioust door in Dalles city, Oregon, sell lothe liigbc-t bidder SoT eakl1 ,n bind, the southwest quarter of the southeillt ,4Uam.r, and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section ;;, townships . - , .7. - . . ' -- - ' I north, iange 9 enst, W M.. toj-utis y a judgment , ! in said cause rendered calnst said defendmit. I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. I" Notice is berebr given that the undersigned has tiled with the clerk of the county court of the stole of Oregon, for W ascocountr. his final account as administrator of the estate of Helen i itrauioru. decease-), and tnat uv an order duly made on the Htli d-y of DteemU-r, RioO, by mid court, Mondur, the 11th day of Januarr, !'.)!, iias oeen nsea as tue time, anu tne county court '"tfigSjlZ tbe tieHrin! ! r T. BRADFORD, j Administrator , GrTiardiail'S Notice Of Sale. I Notl(.e ,B ereby K,ven , JiQriUant ,0 an order of sale made by the County Court f the ; Btate of Oregon for Wasco County, the under- j signed, the duly apiKilnted guardian of Haniu ' Fleniln, will from and after the Tth day of February. l'Jl, sell ut private sale the lollop mg described real pror-erty Lot No. C In block of Thompson's Addition to Dalles City, Wa.eo uountr. Otecon. he oncinc tr. thci-ktMtc nl w i ll"llV!1t,e Tne said sale will be for cusb ) 19 MHIIU j'U 111. MRS. 0. J. ML'sSER, Guardian. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby kivcii that the undersigned I ha been duly appointed br the County I Waco County, Oregon, administrator i estate of P. T. hbarj'. deceased. All pu court i of the K'rsons nuviug claims agiunsi tne estate are hereby m- ; 'lulled to present the same to me, du'y efiiid, iu uoucb vii, urrguu, iviidiu six uiuuins iruui the date hereof. . Dated Jauuury 11'. 1'X). j 315 W. H. bllA P.P. Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL fcETILKM EM- Iu the matter of the et:c.uf John f,(,ttlleb , Wutjehbliut, deecastd Notice ! hereby Kiven that the undcmlirned. ,lm,: account Iu the matter of said estate, , ,ai. (;ountT tour, c, UlK eUlte o( Oregon lor' awo i ouuiy nut set jionuar, iiw 7IU aar ol Jauuury, iwi, at the hour ot Ida. in. of said day at the date for the hearing of the laid tccouut and an) objections thereto. I JOHN WAOKNIiLAHT, Executor of the last will of Jobu Gottlieb Wageuolast, deceased u'.'l-! j OREGON Shoj like AMD Union Pacific IlITA F.T ron TIME i-CHKDCU.S rr.ojc THE DALLES. AKEIVE I'ROX ; ch.caco- Salt Luke. Denver. Ft. ' Worth, Omaha. Kan sas City. St. Iouis , Chi-1 capo and the East. j Salt l-ake. Denver. Ft.' Worth, Omaha. Kan-' sasCity.St I.ouis.Ch. ca?o and the East. ;,Ugjr i-:25 p. via Hu m. 1 :Co p. m. Hunt- la cum. ... ExtSf vi. 'A 4:15 a. in. . ru Hunt i Ington. -i- 1 St. I'an) j Ft Mail. ji-j-, p, m. via spo- i bun Walla Walla, Lcwitton. spotanc.M aiiHcc.ruu man. Mlnnca-oli, St. j 1'aul, Duluth, illlwnu-, kee, Chicago and East.) " :a in. OCEAN AND EIVEE SCHEDULE From l'ortlacd. (All sailing dates sab-. '.m. ject to change ) For San Francisco, Sail every 5 days. 1W p. m. Dally except Sunday. s:Wi p. m. Saturday, 10:00 p. in. Columbia Klrcr. To Astoria and Way Landings. ' 1 .00 p. m. except Sunday. Dally except Sntidar, 6:00 a. m. Willamette Klver. Oregon City, Newberg, salem, Independence, and Hay-Landings. i:30 p. m. except Sunday. i I TaeIar, ' Thursday, Saturday, i no p. in. Corvallls and Way landings. Monday, Wednesdey j FriSay. ' t 3 30 p. m 6-wa.o. Tuesdar, Thursday, Saturday, T:Wa. m. Wlllmnettr and Vaiulitll Itlvrri Oregon Citr. Davton and Wednissjiay WE.r.UuQinEs. rnday. Monaay, Leave Kiparia dtilr, . .40 a. m. Snake Hirer. Rlparia to Lewiston. Leave ljewiton daily, SUO a.m. Fartie aeslrinc to co to Hennner or I tointF on Columbia Southern via Biers, should 1 t-Jr' 1rtnB Tie DRlk Bt ,,',.n' ; maktag direct connections at Hcppner Junction ' making Qireci eoncecuons ai iieppner junction 1 ud Bis- Kcturnlng makiugtUrectconnectlon nri3K at The Dallet at 1 :0o p. m. For further particulars, call on or address JAfe. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- BIONE PARK. I.EAVE. Union Depot, Finn anil Sis No. 2. Fast mail for Tacoma, ?eattle. Olymnla. Gray's No. Harbor and south Hend Mints, sp ikune. Ross land, D. C, I'ullmnu, Moscow, Lewiston, Iluf 11.15 A. M. falollump mining coun- 5;50 I'. M. try, Helena, Mlnueajio lis, at. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Chicaeo and nil tuilnts No. 4. east and southeast. Pucet Sound Exnress No. 3. 11;30 P.M. for Tacoma and Seattle 7 ',00 A. M. and intermediate points Pullman first-clasii and tourist sleepers to ...i.r. ... n.-.on UUU UIUJIL, CltTJUi n ,U .Vinneapolis, ot. Paul and Missouri river points , without ehanae. Vcstlbuled trains. Union dcjiot connections in nti priuciin( eills. Baggage checked to destination of tickets, ror liandsomely lllustiateddescriptlvetnatter, tickets, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 2.V5 Morri son Street, corner Third. Portland Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via ill Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and waj stations ati.ii a. m. und 2 p. m. , u M Leave Portland ... . S:30 a m 7:00 pm 10:50 p in ll:S0a ra I ;35 a m b:15 a m Albany 12:3Jam r"'c asiiihuu .. ..12:21am . 5:00 p in . 7:15 p la Bucraiueiiwi fcau rruuclsco . Arrive Ogdou 6:15 am " Denver 9:00 u m " Kansas city .7:'Jiam " Chicago 7:15 a m 11.15am :00a m :' a in 'j-;ai a m Arrive Los Angeles .. 1:20 pm C:00 pin , (;JiiB . U:5jam .. l:la m .. CA3 uta .12. 13 pm 7 .'O a ra C:(M p ra G;;am li Mam X Mi n ,n Kl Paso h'ort Worth . City of Mexico . Houston . . . New Orleans .. Washington . New York 6-3S p ra 1 fc -tiii m I -'43 p in Pullman and Tourist care on both tralm I Cbnlrcars oacrameuto to Ogdeu and Kl Paso, 1 ""d tourist cars to Chicago. Dt touls. New Or-. Itannaud Washington. I .. I connecting at bau Kranc sco with aeveral ft - fmsb'p iTnea for Honolulu, Japan, China, wiyyiuix, wuuw buu ouutu America. ,. . " "teut at llie Dalle station, or add. ( C. H. MARKHAM, mnnnnnra, General Paasenger Agent, I'ort.and, Or In Pale Sournem Pacific Co Spring Suitings The time will soon be here when every ' noun(f5 Sired 1)V Xoillbl'O, 2:11, tlu bOrU SOU of McKill stylish dressed man wtll want an up-to- i I1"1""'- j da'te Spring Suit. Those are the kind of ! noV, 2:11:.. I 1 natron 1 am tailoring for. Come in , and look over niv Spring line of Suitings. . j All tne latest novelties lor r.Mi. I Suits to Order, SIO.OO. iJohn Pashek, The Tailor, i FRENCH & CO.,! BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNER-t.LBASKINQBDtl.NE8 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranefers cold on New York, Chicago, I St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore- j eon, Seattle Wash,, and various points i in Oregon and Washington. j Collections made at all points on far-1 ble term. He coiumDia PacRiDoCo.. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JBIF.D BEEF. ETC. ; r.VT IN C. F. Stephens ..Dealer In. Dpy Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Boots, Shoes. Hats, C'Rps. Notions, for W. L. Douglas Shoe. Agt. Telephone No. SS. VM Second SU, The Dalies, Or. L. Lane, GENERAL il 1 ! ..AND. r 1' Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. I Thirfl aDu Jeffcn. Phone 159 1 ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS RrnrT Pimplr., Pr-frat WANTED On Sheep Ranch, a sober, indus trious man to do the cooking and houe work. Steady employment to a compe tent man. Address, RANCH 35, 4feb2w The Dalles, Or. Notice ! All persons indebted to the late firm of E. J. COLLINS & CO., and S. L. BROOKS, are requested to call and settle up on or before March 1st next without fail. S. L. BROOKS. Look Here! All tbe Groceries, Hardware and Tin- ware will he disposed of by the 1st of i March, as the building- will' be occupied i by other parties. H. L. BROOKS. janlG-mchl i E E D S The most complete stock of Garden, Grass, Field and Vegetable Seeds In bulk In the Inland Em pire at the Feed, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS, THE DALLES, OR. W Wm E D E E D S IHSIIH Horsesnoe BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S., Hnv Stallion. -1 voars old; First dam. lUhiesinaid, hv I'.oxwond, son of Nutwood, hecond dinn, Lake- ini, nruipsiiiaui, nv i,oso"i, .'""" ., .mm, i.aKe- dum of Ad Alene V -';-B. bv I.akeUnd'n Abdalluh, son of Hamblutoti. ird dam, Prunella, by Alhntiibra, son of Mambrlno Chief 11. ; ftmj Queen, i tan Hi. mir KDMUN'D S. will make the season of 1101 at L. A. Porter's livery stable, The. Dalles, On-con. Terms for tho Soason, S20. For further particulars sto janso-dwimo FRED FISHER, Proprietor. j- C. J. STUBbllMG, i: I !5. WHOLKsALK Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt anention. Next door to Firit National Hank. l.iuiC Ilt. lolll. w h i 3r a; ai 3h 3? SB 3 AN UNPE ECEDENTED OFFER! Tne People's Hailonai Family Newspaper To all old and new subscribers paj injj onu year iu advance we olTer- Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for S2.O0. Weekly Tribune apd Semi-Weekly Chronicle for 81.50. Published Monday, Wednesday und Fri day, Islu reality a fine und freuli every other day Dally, giving tbe lutest lieu on days of Issue, utid coming ncM of the other 3. It I'lintnlim all JmpKjr tiil't furelgii table news w'ueh iiiijieara Iu the I'aily Tribune oIsmiiii flute, also do mestli- and fnrelifii eoriesi.oniieiiee, short stoilcs, elegant hall t'Uif lllii.itMtlcins, Im morons ittins, Indus. Jrlijl 1 1, 1. i rim tlou, fashion li'-'es. agricul NEW YORK TRIWEEKLY tural liiaiiers, uikJ ;"l""':l"lve and re liable financial ,, market rejirt. Kegular siibserli.. Hon prlu-, H..VJ J-r we fr.rnlsli it wJtb 1 bj iiil Weekly Chrolil. , clefor.'.Wj,erear. TRIBUNE. Send all ordere to Chronicle heiiiht 1'VJ hands, weiirht 1050 AM) KKTA't. THE DALLES, OREGON. The Chrronicle, Th Db11, Or. Job Printers. 4 Published on Thurs day, aad known fur nearly sixty years In every art of the I" ill ted fi tales as a iia'iou ul family ncwspuT of the liigliett class, for fanners and villa Ijers. It contains nil the most lui'Mu) ( general ncus of H' Dally Tllbiiue up b the hour of going t" press: an agricultural department of the highest older, lias en tcrtaluliig reading for very member of the fsinlly.oliluml young inurket leiioru uliich ute uccvptcl asuuth orlty by farmers and mercnuuta, und U elean, up-to-date, In U-resllug uud lustruc the. lU-gulur subscrip tion price, II r jeiir. Wo furnish It wltti Semi-Weekly Clifoul vleforfl.&U jr)vjr. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Publiehing Co., The Dalles, Or.