The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 14, 1901, Image 3

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Mo Chang In the Nntorll Uontnst.
Dry Goods
Advance sale of
Percales ....
Choice Spring Goods,
regular loo sellers,
and so marked;
Special -
for this week only,
1 2 XC.
VV. B. Corsets,
Special sale, this week,
Less 25 per ct.
All Goods Marked
In Plain FIkutos
fhe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
All U'huco Uounty iriirrantu rxc'xtnri-il
lrlur to nfiti.mliHr I, IKH7. will tin inlil
an iririitntliui itt my ofllrn, lntori'Nt
cre artcr No vrnilior !il, 11)01).
.ItlllN 1'. IIA.MI'SIIIKK,
County Trruturnr.
Drop into firant's cigar Htore anil eeo
Ins now line of pi pen. fl t-lt
Attorney W. 15. I'resby was in town
today on his wny lioino from Condon.
Read A. M. WilliaiiiB it Co.'s adver
tisement. Another big sale (or .Saturday.
l'lan to attend the entertainment at
Urn Baldwin tomorrow night. Admis
sion 15 cents.
M. J. Kiulayeon.of Antelope, returned
today from Portland nnd is stopping at
die European House.
A marriage license was isBtied yostor
'lay to Wm. Rudolph, of Sherman
county, and Eva Hnnnagau, of Hood
An experienced young woman wants
employment as waltrssa, ohamherinuid
or pantry maid. Apply long distance
'phono 7W, M L'O
Attorney J, F. Mooru is confined to
hii room with an attack of bronchitis,
flu was improving this morning and, it
is hoped, will soon bo well,
Von are making a mistake if you don't
Invest, in nun of those "Big Hear" hats
at A. M. Williams t Oo.'h while tho
price in $1.70 instead-of L'.G0.
The lato John Dalrymple carried a
UW insurance policy in tho Mutual
lienelit Association of iew York, that
b written by Max Vogt, junior, last
Tho funeral of Miss Stella FrizeH took
I'laco this alternoon from tho Methodist
Enroll. Among tho numerous attend
tuts was a largo numtier of tin school
i:"l"panion'i of tho dceeaeud from the
1 hh school building. Tho services wem
wrnluotisd by Hov. U. F. Hawk.
Jim Diloy, an opium llend and all
found degenerate who lately nerved a
year's uinn in tho ponitentiary (or
'tualltig sheep, was piucod last night in
" ealabooso where he remain at this
rlllnir, "as cruy.y as a bed Dug." Just
'at will ho done with him depends on
Whether he will soon recover his senses
or stay crazy.
The superior court of Walla Walla has
J! tbn divorce caies entered on its
uot liner the year lvn, and (lye of
r KB. 1, 1001 ,
I Oysters &L. I
At Androw Keller's. 1
Typjj Valley. -Warner's
and Trout Luke,
50c per roll
for Three Daws on v.
Van Camp's
Mock Turtle, Oxtail,
Chicken, Clam Chow
der, Bouillon, Vegetable
Special qc,
This week onlv.
the applications havu been granted.
Tho defendants, with one exception, are
tho mala parties to tho marriage con
tract, not one of whom rais.-H a sem
blance of objection to the dissolution of
tiio marriage tie. -mm--
The Dalles company that owns tho
local mine on Coal creek, near Stella,
in Cowlitz county, Wash., are deter
mined to net their coal in market as
tiiii'kly ns possible. One of the com
pany returned to Tho Dalles thia week,
having lot tho contract to clear bridge
and grade the tramway from the mine
to tho Columbia river, and tho contract
ors are now at work on tho road. ".
Senator BurrowB says ho has a new
Btory, and hero it is: "There is an old
darky who works for mn. IIu lost his
wife No. -1 tho other day ami I was
sympathizing with him the best I could,
telling. Ii i (ii that they would meet in
heaven, etc., when the old fellow broke
in : 'I know dat, Mars BurrowB; I know
dat. 1 ain't inakln' no objections. Tt
were do act of an all-wise and unscrupu
lous Providence.' "
Tho exact information concerning sa
loons in Manila, which some time ago
was asked for in vain, has been furnished
in tho lato report by tho Philippine
cominimion. A year ago a kind of high
licence system was established by the
American authorities, and in conse
quence the number of bar rooms has
diminished from i'lM to 88, and only 48
of these sell spirituous liquors. Tho
native wino shops, whoso number was
estimated formerly at 4000, have been
reduced to 400 a diminution of ninety
per cent. This strikes us as being good
practical temperance work.
Tho local legislature of tho Province of
Ontario has passed a resolution express
ing sorrow at the queen's death and
deep attachment to tho throne. In sup
porting this, .1. P. Whitney, the opposi
tion leader, was bitterly sarcastic over
the rofusaf of the mayor of Now Voik to
hoist the city It.ig to lintf-stal!'. "Tho
respectable citizens, " ho said, "unite in
showing their sorrow, hut tho Tammany
tmeses nnd civic olllcials of tho crime
governed city, who live by black-mailing
and vice, could not honor a noble and
virtuous life. The action of tho mayor
but accentuated tho grief of all honored
men and women."
Tho figures show that tho present
ullilction of la gripno in I he Kast is par
ticularly severe on hard drinkers, and
that frequently afnr (ho violence of the
diseafeo ha been supposed to bo ex
hausted, insanity succeeds. Another
fact has been emphasized, namely, that
whon attacked with la grippe it is not
good to assume that it can ho thrown oil'
in a i ay or two. The best plan is to
take to tho bed at once und, under the
care of it skilled physician, light tho dis
ease from the start, Again, people,
when the grippe it around, should he
most careful to see that their feet are
warm and dry and that their digestive
apparatus It kepi in the very beit possi
Broken Lot
of Ladies', Misses' and
Children's Shoes.
Ladies' Welt Button...$1.45
Ladies' Welt Button... 1.25
Ladies' Turn Solo, 2h
to 4 ". .75
Ladies' Spring If eel,
Button, 2 to 5 75
Ladies' Spring Heel,
Lace, 3 to 0 1.00
Child's Kang. Calf,
Button, 5 to 8 .00
Child's Goat Button,
5 to 8 53
Child's Goat Button,,
9 to 12 03
ble condition. Epidemics aVe notices to
mortals that they have not j qui to been
doing their dutv toward themselves.
Tho Jolly Neighbors' whist club met
last evening with Mrs. Is. B. Sinnott,
at the Umatilla House The large
parlor was magnificently jlecorated with
palms and carnations while tho floor
was covered with Turkish rugs. Tables
were arranged for twenty guests and
fifteen games were played, after which
a dainty lunch was served. Follow
ing tho luncheon waB,a game designated
a musical medley, in which Mrs. Frank
Cram carried oil' the, piizs, a handsome
minaturo water color pictuie in gilt
frame. The company broke up a little
after midnight, after unanimously vot
ing mat tnoy ii an spent, a most iieiignt-
ful evening. """'
The Astoria News quotes a Chinaman
of that town to thofefl'ect that tho Chi
nese are considering the advisability of
vgain changing their law regarding tho
growth of their hair. The proposed now
law, it is reported, will adopt tho Amer
ican stylo of hair dressing. It is said tho
Chinese formerly observed this stylo and
wore clothing similar to that now in
vogue in this conntrv. This was about
:IOO years ago, but a new emperor
changed the stylo, and queues and
blouses have sinco been tho rule.
Whether or not tho Chinese will go back
to the old style cannot bo Btated by local
Chinese, but there is a very strong sen
timent in favor of short hair, as consid
erable time is required Uwlress tho long
braids now worn,
For Intaiits and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bours tho
Mokl Ten positively cures Sick I load
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts
ami 50 cts. Blakeloy, tho druggist.
.. irsous who can not take ordinary
pi find it a pleasure to tako DoWitt'e
!it" Early Winers, They nro tho best
lit i 'ver pills ever made, Clarke &
Hi' i ". Q. Pharmacy.
C, I'ouniit Cieam Hair Tunic will euro
dan bull' and all scalp ijisoases. Don't
ne ect your hair. For sale at Finzer's
tin r shop, solo auoiit. tf
Twenty well-broke mums and geldings,
weight from IliOU to 1(150 pounds, In
quire of Fiici) FiHimii,
flll-Iiiiw Tho Dalles,
Don't you know that Coroauut ('ream
Hair Tonic will save your and your
children's hair? You can get It (or 50
and 76 cents a bottle at Frazur'i barber
hap, sole agent. tf
Special to Tiik Cintovici.K. ,, Feb. 14, 1001. The house this
morning passed a measure transfering
tho title of certain lands owned by the
state In Union county to the state agri
cultural college for use as a branch ex
periment station.
Carter's bill providing that liona
night be placed on threshing machines
against wages due to threshing crews
was defeated,
In the senate Clem's bill, requiring
retail liquor dealers to dispense with
stained windows, curtains and other
devices used to conceal the business nnd
patrons of tho place from the public
gaze was defeated.
Daly's bill relating to tho form of tho
official ballot passed, as did the bill for
precinct assessors.
The result of today's vote for senator
was: Corbett, .12; Hermann, 29; Tn-
man, 26; Williams, 1; Robertson, 1;
Richard Williams, 1.
Orath or John Dalryniplo.
The many friends of John Dalrytnple
were greatly shocked and grieved to
learn this morning of his death from
pneumonia at his home on tho Floyd
ranch, east of town. He had been ill
only a short time, and all that medical
skill could do was done for him, but in
John Dalrymple was born about fifty
fivo years ago in Wigtonshire, Scotland.
He emigrated to the United .States about
seventeen years ago, and spent the
greater portion of the time since then in
Wasco county, near the place where he
died. He leaves a wife and eight chil
dren, six sons and two daughters.
Mr. Dalrymple was a hard-working,
honest and industrious man, and one
who bore an honored part in all the re
lations of life. His deatli is deeply rt
grelted, and the sympathy of this com
munity goes out to the bereaved family.
The funeral will take place at 11
o'clock tomorrow from the residence,
where the funeral services will be con
ducted bv Rev. D. v. Poling. The in
terment will be in Odd Fellows cemeterv.
How It Ih Done.
The lirBt object in life with the Ameri
can people is to "get rich ;" tho second,
how to ragain good health. The tlrst
can be obtained by energy, honeBty and
saving; the second, good health) by
using Green's August Flower. Should
you bo a desponifant sufferer lrom any
of the efTects of Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaint, Appendicitis, Indigestion, etc.,
such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of
the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual
Costivencss, Dizinees of tho Head,
Nervous Prostration, Low Spirits, etc.,
you need not sufler another day. Two
doses of the well-kuown August Flower
will relieve yon at once. Go to Clarke
&Falk'sand get a sample bottle free.
Regular size, 75 cents. Get Green's
prize almanac.
In the Circuit Court.
In the circuit court this morning
Judgo Bradshaw sentenced John Dilliou,
who was convicted of larceny from a
dwelling, to one month in the county
jail. Kxtennating circumstances doubt
less influence! the court in pronouncing
so light a sentence.
Joo Elmer, who was convicted of
larceny from n dwelling, was sentenced
to ono year in tho state penitentiary.
George Alec, an Indian, who was con
victed of horso stealing, was sentenced
to ono year in the penitentiary.
The court was occupied nearly all day
with tho Reese case and it had not boon
concluded at the lime of going to press.
I'i'iiKruiii or Kiilrttiinn'nt ,
The following program will bo ren
dered at the ontertafnmout In lie given
by tho Court street school pupils, as
sisted by their friends, at tho Baldwin
opera house tomorrow night :
Duct TluUlli lI I.UVO In Sunny TeiiiHi(Hi
... I.oruttu ami Arthur liiylur
Iti'cltutlnu Cuilnlu' Little ThliiK ...
.May AniliTsou
Selection fur Violin Hoy Valium twiek
IU'citiitlim-()li CuiihtliiK Hill Irenu Palmer
Piano Hui't - Walt., Helen iVIcr, Ml, SnmiifciMi
I tee. I Had Tour brothers Over IheSea
. Hiiuiiah l inn
Bonn l.iilluliy ... Klla IIiuimmi
Ken Aitiii.i, Die. Mini Who Never Was a Hoy
.... . tieorKt' nitnileis
1 In it Jti 1 1 1 id .Solo . . . (Ilivlii I'eteri
Hitlo .. . Mih.C, V, Taylor
Itxfoiiu SunKentril.
Tho following statement of views ro-k-ardimr
the m-eil of n-iunii in fuuerel
customs have ln, formulated by the '
ministerial assoc. ni.m of Olympia, j
Ah to the time of funerals Except in
cane of absolute necessity, funerals ought i
not to bo held on Sunday, because of
the Interference with church attendance,
and because tho uiiiilster' regular du
ties on that day deniuid all hlstlnio'
and strength without this addition.
Ai to exposing the torpie to public
We do
Steam, hot water
made and contracts
Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma
chine, repair shop in connection with our liHrilwar
and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store
during January and February, wo will give One
Chance on the following prizes:
FIRST PRIZE One Alnminized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE-One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
Tn addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade in the best possible
way. We will positively not be undersold by
any one. Our prices are right.
view at funerals It is natural and right
that friends should wish to take a last
look at one whom thev loved in life ; but
the time of service is not the proper one
for this purpose, nnd it is unnatural and
abhorrent to all right feelings that the
mortal remains of onr dear ones be made
a show for the curious and for those who
have a morbid desire to look upon the
dead, even bringing children to stare
with idle curiosity while mourners'
hearts are breaking. When tho ser
vices are begun let them be continued
without any unnecessary interruption
until dust is committed to dust.
As to services at the grave The fun
eral services conclude with the' benedic
tion, when all but those designated to
see to tho placing of flowers or other
decorations on the finished mound
Bhould retire, Tho mourners should be
spared the pain of seeing and hearing
the earth fall into the grave, and all
should be relieved from the risk of
further and altogether unnecessary
exposure, which not infrequently
makes ono funeral the direct cause of
others. It is not expedient that men
should remove their hats and stand un
covered, as this 1ms proved a fruitful
cause of illness. A partial uncovering
or bowing of the head during praver is
all that a proper respect uqui res.
The roso is red, the violet blue, sugar's
sweet ami so are tho valentines at Men
ofeo & Parkins'. 11-ot
See Menefee it Parkins' window for
tho handsomest lino of valentines ever
exhibited in Tho Dalles. 11IU
Soulo Bros., professional piano tuners,
are In tho city for a few days only.
Leave orders at Nickelsen's and Mene
fee it Parkins' stores. V2-31
Valentino sale of huts, at prices cut to
tho heart, at Mies Haven's. Wo are
clusing out. to make room for new
season's goods, Trimmed hate, street
hats, caps, baby bonnets and trimming
materials. fl'-'-St
Our Store is the
Talk of the Town.
Popularity never ceases with n?.
Finest Stook
and Lowest Prices.
Now York Sunday World 5c. i
The Dalles Leading Cigar and To
bacco Home,
and furnace heating
taken for heating
Id or new
How to Cure Orouji.
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
Duchess county, X. Y., says : "Chamber
lain's Couch Remedy U the best medi
cine I have ever used. It is a fine
children's remedy for croup and never
fails to cure." When given as soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
bene in mind and a bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by Blakeloy, the druggist.
Your t'acM
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood ufakes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases wnere cheap Sarsaparilla3 and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley, the druggist.
Reports show a greatly increased death
rate from throat and iuiikr troubles, due
to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia
and urippe. We advise ttie use of One
Minute Cough Cure in all of there
ditllculties. It is the only haiiuless
remedy that gives immediate results
Children like it. Claike it Falk's P. O.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. Ono little
tablet gives immediate relief. J5 cts.
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
Hustling young man can make 00 per
mouth and expenses. Perinanen' posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Writ
quick for particulars. Clark it to,,
Fourth and Locust Streets, PhiUulel
hpia, Pa, sS-t:
Mrs. Hattio Morris, stylish dress
making. Keister-Taylor squat e, taught
as in St. l.ouls and Chicago. All the
latest patterns. Above Pease it May'
store. j'io-'Jw
For fashionable dre sinaking and plain
sewing, call and see Mrr. S. K. ileuder
eon, SttS Third street, in Mr. Edilon's
house, jlli lm
I. oil or Molfii,
my St. Bernard dog. A liberal reward
will he paid for his return or for infer
ui ' 'm that will lead tn his leturu,
fll .IW'll AlUil'M' Uihmii.kk.
Ii 'member that yon don't havu to bo
h ii 1 : you can r.eep youi l.ulr by using
0 ' mint Cream Hair Tonic. To be
h .d .U '"ratter's harhcr shop, tf