l)c Da II co vol. xin THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14, 1901. NO. 38 MUST RECOGNIZE MONROE DOCTRINE Demands of the United States Regard ins the Constitution of the New Republic May Keep Mi'itary Force on Island. New Yokk, Feb. 12. A epecial to the Herald from Washington says : As a re jultola conference between President McKinley and Secretary Root, nipple mental instructions were sent to General Wood to call attention of the Cubn con stitutional convention o( the importance and necessity of including the require ments ul this government in the consti pation. It i demanded that the Monroe doctrine shall be recognized; that Cuba ehftll not mortgage the island to any foi tijn power; that tne United States be given the right to establish naval stations at Havana, Guantanamo, Ntpe, Cienlue gos, and the right to tnalulain at least a prt of the military force in the islnm), and that the United States shall assist Cuba in maintaining a stable govern ment. On account of the situation in Cuba there has been renewed talk of the prob ability of an extra session of congress. The president has reiterated bin desire to have congress take action in relation to Cuba at the earliest possible moment, and advices received from General Wood within the last two davs are said to be of inch a character as to make an extra session practically imperative. The Cuban planters now in Washing ton trying to have ttie dutv taken oh" tobacco imported from Cuba into the United States, and to obtain other modifications of the tariff" in favor of Ciban products, have been advised to go home and tell their people it is impJSBible to grant them any such favors, became until a Cuban government has been organized, a reciprocity treaty cannot be negotiated, while Cuba has nothing to give in return for concession, and there does not seem to be a disposition on the1 part of any one in Cuba to grant any ! concessions to the United States. Anj effort is being made to use this op- J portuntty to open the eyes of the Cuban- I to the necessity of favorably considering the demands of the United States as to ! tho provisions of the new constitution. Senator Morgan, chairman of the com mittee on interoceanic canals, agrees that it Is necessary for the United States to retain coaling and naval stations In Cnba. Infor-nation recently sent to his committee by Captain Sigsbee, chief in telligence officer, shows that there are in the West Indies, 18 ports under the control tt Great Hritaln, four under Franco, two nnder the Dutch and two under Denmark. Of the British ports, the most important are on the islands of Bermuda and Jamaica. To offset these stations on the southern side of Cuba it essential. Senator Morgan says the strength of the British outposts show the wisdom of the navy department in selecting naval stations in Cuba, and emphasizes the necessity of this conntry retaining pos seteion of them. Prevented a Irageriy. Timely information given Mre. George Long, of New Straitaville, Ohio, pre vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful couch had long kept her awake every night. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottlo wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and (1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. ' Trial bottles free at Blakley'eDrug Store. The Hen I'lanter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is sunerior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side orj'chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application gives re lief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Taken Up, Came to my place on 3-Mile, Dec. 21th, a sorrel horse, branded W n on left neck and blotch brand on left hip; age 5 years; nnbrokifh. M. S. Evans, fOIm The Dalles, Or. Hamilton Brown's "Good as Gold shoe for men and bovs are the best wearing shoes in the world. Nob. 1- to 2, $1.GT; ., too'.;;, 1 85; 0 to 10, $3 2.'). F3! flEEEMB. 1 CAST0RIA1 AVegelable PreparalLonfor As similating iltcFoodondReg (Ha ling die Stoaacte aid Bowels of Promotes DigestionJCheerfi ness and Rest. Contains neither Opium.Mofpliine nortiueraL Not Narcotic. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A perfect Remedy forConsUpa on , Sour Stotnach.DiarTnoea undXoHa or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of sNBW YOBIC. exact copy or wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA New White Goods are ready. Read about Our SATURDAY AFTERNOON SALE of .... LACES, RIBBONS and PERCALES.... New Percales are ready. SATURDAY AFTERNOON (from 2 to 5) we will sell 500 yards of LAREINE PERCALES at SO yard. A good 10c quality; will wash and wear beautifully; comes 32 inches wide and in dark patterns only. (Now on display in window.) ANOTHER ATTRACTION. For Saturday afternoon 2 to 5 o'clock. 400 yards of Wide Fancy Ribbons 40c and 50c values, at 1QC yard. Plain Colored Moires and Fancy Taffettas. OUR SALE of all "Remnant lots is still going on. What you find in remnants of piece goods left over from Monday's and Tuesday's rush you may still buy at HALF the marked price. Our 2.5c sale of Fine Neckwear is nearing the end. This week will see the last of these 50c, 75c and $1 ties go. Never before such a rush which can be easily explained for never before have we offered such bargains. The same with the Hats. "Big Bear" Hats at 1.75 need not go a-begging. Our reserve is nearly exhausted, and for Saturday's busi ness we will have to draw on the lot displayed in window. With these will end the sale of 2.50 brown Fe doras at $1.75. 25c Unlaundered White Shirts only one dozen left out of.the 10 dozen" on hand last Monday; these sizes: 2-15, 1-15, 4-16, 5-17 neck. You must be prompt if you want them. If you have not laid in a supply of colored shirts from our special 50c lot, you have not been looking out for number one. Such shirts at such a price are not common. Drop in and see us. SATURDAY AFTERNOON (from 2 to 5) 10,000 yards of imitation Valen cienes and Torchon LACES ranging from a half to four inches in width and worth regularly from 8Ac to 20c a yard. pecial 5C yard. SATURDAY AFTERNOON (from 2 to 5) 120 pairs Boys' Knee Pants in black cheviot and mixed cassi meres; all-wool materials made up into strong, well-fitting pants that will stand the strain. All sizes from, 3 to 15 years. 500 special Jv- pel' pair Regular price 75 cents. NEW Manhattan Shirts ARE READY A. 1H. WILLIAMS GO. NOW READY. McCall's Magazine for March. (III uar AHtorln. AsTOitiA.Feb. 13. H. W. Cottle, secre tary ot the Phoenix Oil & Fuel Compnny, of Sun Francisco, has written local neonlo about the oil field enterprises which have been launched here. Mr. Cottle states that he made n trip of ex ploration eolith of tho city lust year, and that ho found unmistakable traces of oil. Hu exnresees tho belief that oil will bo found in iBruo ouuntitieH near Astoria, and is deirious of taking stock in a com pany having for its object development of the fields. Tlie comnany which is now prepaaing to develop the coal fields a few miles east of the city hopes to find oil on its nronertv. Kverv indication points to extensive oil deposits, and, though the company is after coal, the possibilities of tho section aB an oil producer will not tie overlooked. This company is already well organized and the work of develop ment will be commenced in the Spring. The company has secured several thousand acres of coal lands, and expects soon to be supplying northwest commerce with fuel. . Kuiiiu .Joint Hmmheil. Wichita. Kan., Feb. 13. A special to the Beacon says a crowd of men, women and boys smashed llenty Schmidt's Joint at Winfleld, Kan., this morning. The boys were mostly students from the Methodist college at Winfleld. Iho saloon was completely wrecked. Charles Schmidt, a brother of tho pro prietor, was cut on tho head with a hatchet and severely injured. It is said one of the women wus seriously hurt by flying glass. Laiteveiilng Krnest Maim, a temper ance advocate, was attacked by a joint- eeper and tills stirred up tho Piohibl- tion element. Ilnittli Mk or Nuioliill I'oiinil. Pi.ainhki.ii, N. J., Feb. 13. From an ash barrel that had been consigned tn a dump, Colonel Julian Scott, the well- known artist, bus rescued a death mask of Napoleon, which wus taken at St. Helena after the death of the great general, The mask la a mate to the one highly prized in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which was presented by Mrs. Astor. Tho musk found by Colonel Scott be longed to the Spooner collection of vain able works of art when the owner lived in North Plaiufield. After his death it fell into the bands that did not know its valuu, and gradually drifted to one sido, until it fell into the ash barrel, and was found just in the nick of timo by Colonel Scott. Although somewhat damaged now, Colonel Scott believes that he will bo able to restore it to its original value. Ambtig the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and lu rrippe during the past few yeurs, to our knowledge, not a single case has resulted in pheuuionia. Tbos. Whitfield & Co., i-MO Wtibaeh avenue, Chicago, one of the most prominent re call druggists in that city, in speaking of this, says: "We recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency of lu grippe to result in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Hoy Kill ill llriillier. Hjnto.v, W. Va., Feb. 13. Frank Crawford, aged 1(1, was shot and Instant ly killed by his brother, Charley, aged 11 years, at Ballngoe yesterday, Frank objected to Charley going out hunting, and to provent him Frank held the dog, which enraged the younger boy, and he discharged the contents of the rliolgun lit his brother' with the above rosult. Charley lias been jailed, For the weakness and prostration fol lowing grippe there is nothing so prompt and droit I vo n One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation is highly endorsed us an unfailing remedy for all throat and lung troubles mid its early ueo prevents consumption. It was made to cure quickly, Clarke & Falk's 1', O, Pharmacy , Why pay $1,75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy dames K. Patton's sun proof paints for $1,50 per gallon, guaranteed fur 5 years, Clark A Fa!k, agents ml You will not iiave boils if vou t V Clarke A Falk's sure cure foi boils. Story or a Slave. To bo bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the wors form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a slave was made free. Ho says: "My wife has been so helpless tor five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Hitters, she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousnesesleepleasness, melancholy, headnene, DacKneiie, minting ami uizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley, the Drug gist. 6 I'rnhuhly Futrtl Accident. Si:.tti.k, Feb. 13. Frank Missa, aged 28, met with what will probable prove a fatal accident last Sunday, while riding a bicyclo down a Btoep grade at Ponton, a small mining town near this city. Ttie handle-bar of the bicycle penetrated his abdomen in such a manner that hopeB of his recovery are small. A powerful engine cannot be run with a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the strain of an active life with a weak stomach ; neither can we stop the human machine to make repairs. If the stomach cannot digest enough food to keep the body strong, such a preparation as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should bo need. It di gests what you out and it simply can't help but do you good. Clarke A Falk's, P, O. Pharmacy. Illniuitrk'a Iron Nerve. Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels ure out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills, They develop every power of brain and body, Only LTinJat Blakeley'o drugstore, tl 1, Ike III I'rtmeiil I'oiltlon, Nkw Yuuk, Feb, . A special tn the Herald from Washington says; Presi dent McKinley has Informed his cabinet, unofllcially, that he has heard from Am bassador Choate, and that Mr. Choate is not disposed to accept the attorney-generalship. The president made the tender of this place to Mr. Choate several weeks ago, desiring to get the strongest available man to eticceed Mr. Griggs. Mr. Choate wishes to continuo as ambassador at the court of St. James, and if that is satis factory tj the president no change at that post is expected. Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may bo completely - di gested by a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di gests what you eat. As it is the only combination of all the natural digestants ever devised the demand for it has be come enormous. It has never failed to cure the very worst cases of indigestion and it always gives instant relief. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Wasco county will hold the regular examination of appli cants for state papers at The Dalles, Ore gon as follows : Commencing Wednesday, February 13th, at 0 o'clock, a. in., and continuing until Saturday, February Kith, at 4 p. in. Wednesday" Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, composition. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book-keeping, English literature, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, phy sical geography, mental arithmetic, Bchool law. Saturday Botany, piano geometry, general history, physics, psychology, The Dalles, Or,, Fub. 9. 1WU. O. L. GlMIKUV, fb5.l3dAw County Sunt, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I..i!D OrriCK at Tim Dallks, Oiik,,( Jllll.'.'l.l'.HIl, I Notice la , hereby tslvca Hint tlio following, liiuiu'it bottler hua lllcil UDtUo of her intcii Hon to iiiuku lliml proot In Mimmrt of hvr I'liUn, iinil that biilit proof will bo mmlu be- ioio mv m'kimit Him im-ivcr at mo nuiion, Oregon, on WotliioMtiiy, .Murcli 0, 1WI, vki AiUllne ), Stticl, ouoof tho lii'lrt, mid for Iho lu'Iriof Until (ion. uvlii rili'i'l, dm'HM-il, of 'I ho IMIIt'N, Oicu'on, II, K. No, Will, (or Oio aK.'i H0 3, Ti 1 N, It 1;1 K, Sim iiimit'H the follow Iuk wlttiehi'B to prove hvr continuous ri'alilciu'o upon, mid cultivation of mild laud, U W. Catd, John It. Cook, M. II. Miller, Jutuv Hlinoimou.iill of Tho Palles, Oregon, JAY I', l.l'l'AS, J- Uo.u let