HOW CHARLES W. BABCOCK or Lycmmm Smam Oytm Oktmino $2,000 Ufm fflMftwfw, JV.r. PoMoy "Mv business as proprietor of the Lvceam Shell Ovster 1 street, Rochester. X. V.." writes Mr. Charles Babcock, "was so confining that my lungs became affected. My doctor told me I'd have to leave the store and go to work at some thingoatdcors. He said my lungs were in bad shape, and I knew it just as well as he did. The trouble had been growing on me for a long tiiae. Like most other people. I tried to make mvself believe the trouble was not in the lungs. I called it stomach trouble or ner vous disorder, but I kept coughing, spitting and wasting away right along. I lost in weight, falling from 140 to 115 pounds. Somehow or other. I got hold of Ack er's Enelish Remedv for Throat and Lung Troubles, and after taking it according to directions, I was as well as anv man in New York State. I was healthier and stronger than be fore I took the cold which came so near killing me, I now weigh 150 pounds ten pounds more than ever. After recovering. I applied for a life insurance policy. 'VVhen the doctor began examining me, I was afraid he would discover that mv lungs had once been affected, but he didn't. I passed all right, and was pronounced in a first-class condition. If that isn't proof of the most posi tive kind that Acker's English Remedy is a great medicine, I don't know what you call proof. I give it my warmest endorsement. My address is given above. Anyone who wishes may write me personally about my case." Sold at 25c, 50c and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; aadin England, at is. cd., 25. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. M cvihoriir tit airjvc puvanlct. II". . HOOKER A- CO., Propridori. .Vnr York. For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. mm w Oregon Shoip Line amo union Pacific MfAr.T tor ! . j ch.caco ! Portland ' li.Kp. a. . via Hunt j ington. ! Atlantic 1 Expre!, ! 12:j0 k. si. Tih Hunt I ingtoa. sTTaui FaMMail, I ! 'i p. El ' Via S TIME SCHEDULE arrive rr.ox THE DALJ.ES. j r"p" Silt Lake. Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kat!-. , aCity.St liOnis,Chl-i l:CVp.m. cafo and the KatL . Spring Suitings I The time will soon be here when every! j Mylish dressed man wilt w ant an up-to- 'ilutt Snrincv Knit. Thfo an tri krlnri of! patrons 1 am tailoring for. Come in i t and look over my Sprinp line of Suitings, f j Suits to Order, $10.00. (John Pashek, The Tailor. BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE Salt Ijifce. Denver. Ft.! Worth, Omaha. Kan- i m MC1ty.St LouKCtiJ.; 4 tta-m-capo and the Katt. kane po- DISORDERS IN SPAIN Views of Senor Pi y Margal Cader of the Federal Republicans Republi cans Are Holding Meetings. Madbid, Feb. 12. The republicans held several meeting yesterday to cele brate the anniversary of tbe proclama tion of tbe republic. The progressists endeavored to march in procession to a meetine of tbe Federate, bat the police barred their road and compelled them to disperse. Tbe meeting were enthusi astic. Tbe provincial prefects now announce that tranquility has been restored in the various departments. Madeid, Feb. 12. The government has eappreteed the republican organ, El Pais, Republican banquets were held yester day at Saratrosea, Pampeluna, Cadiz, Valencia and Malaga. Senor Pj y Margal, leader of the federal republicans, speaking yesterday, said be believed the present movement was the prelude of a grave revolution. Saeagossa, Feb. 12 A man injured in yesterday'e demonstration died this morning. The theaters and all tbe cafes are closed, and over thirty arrests have been made. Tbe prefect has taken the most severe maintain order. Madeid, Feb. 12. Tne.high coart has reversed the judgment of the two lower courts, and has ordered the restitution of Senorita Uabo. This cise has been the cccasion of much of the disordet that has taken place in Madrid recently. It is an tction brought by a mother to compel the Jesuits to give op the custody of ber daughter, who. it is alleged, was induced by a zealous priest, to take the veil with out tbe consent of her parents.) j Valencia, Feb. 12 Three men who tried to fotcs tbe doors of the Jesuit : college have been arrested. I I Takcu Vp, J Came to my place on 3-Mile, Dec. j 24th, a sorrel horse, branded V q on I left neck and blotch brand on left hip; . age 5 years ; unbroken. ! M. S. Evax, Walla Walla, Lew intra.! spokanc.WalliK-e.l'ull-, raan. Minneapolis, St. I I'anl. Duluth, Milwaa- kce, Chicago nd East, j USOt u. OCEAN AND HIVES SCHEDULE From Portland. ' FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNEKAL BANKING BL'tlNES j Letters of Credit issued available in the I Eastern States. j Sight Exchange and Telegraphic j Transfers cold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, beattle w ash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. ! Collections made at all points on far-. bin term. EDMUND S., Hav Stallion, -1 year? old; height 15:,' hand, weight 1050 pounds. Sired by" Zombro, 2:11, tho best son of McKin. ney, 2:1 U. First dam, Bridesmaid, bv Boxwood, son of Nutwood. Second iIhiii. , ' . , . t t .1 o .,; ,,. I oi ulnnil's A IhIhIIhIi. son of HamM-i.. ian 10. Third dam, l'runellH, by Alhatnbra, son of Maitibrlno Clilef 11. EDMUND S. ill make th seas"ii of 1001 at L. A. Porter's livery stable, The Dalles, Oregon. Terms for tho Soason, S20. For further particulars fte ij.ii30-dw4niD F-K.ED U'lcJtiiit, proprietor. :OJp. a. (AH sailing date sub jt to chancre ) For San Francisro, Sail everv 5 claj-s. 4 .00 !. a. Dailr except Columbia Klvrr. snnaar. ... . ... k0ii ra. Ato"s n" "ay Saturday, Landing!,. 10:03 p.m. 1.00 p. in. except Sunday. lallr Wlllaiuette Klrer. 0ron Nex-bcrR, ,; except sundar, ?lticm, Independence, sJndiV 6:00 a.m. and av-LanCings. Sunday. Tuesday, Thursday-, satnrdar, ('(Old. Tuesday, Thursday, ' Saturdaj-, . 7 (0 a. in. Leave F.iparia dolly, .Wa. a. Corvallif and Wny-Landincs WtllHtnettv and Yamhill Klrrr. I.. 10 p. m. .Monday, Wedncsdiy Friaay. 3:30 p. m .Monday, me ColomDia PacKiDg Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTDKER8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages - Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON ORIK.D BEEF. ETC. rA.ri.tJPi A1 A a a. t a t At Mrr a.tjci ; C. J. STUBlilfJG, a WIIOLKSALE AND B KTA L Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Hank. Condon llinin 'J.H. I. one lUt. Kitll. THE DALLES, OREGON. ur.yiTjTtT mi :ei yi fiy TJ-4vjrjiir'riTT ty y yiyiytyjyt f6 lm The Dalles, Or. FOR SALE. I 2,500 acres of deeded land in nppei , Hood river valley, finely adapted for stock farm or sheep ranch, with large t open ranee adjoininc, at $1.75 an acre. ! Adjoining above is a tract of 1500 acres ' of government land, which can be home- steaded or scripted. Inquire of S. V. Staek, j30-lmw The Dalles, Or. Administrator's Notice. In the Cuunty Court of tbe State of Oregon for the County of Wasco. In the matter of the estate of Emma iiay Crom well, deceased : Notice is hereby civen that tbe undertiened has been apjolnted by the Counu Court of Waco Couutr, of the slate ol Oregon, the ad ministrator of the estate of Emma May Crom well, deceased. All persons bavin;; claims againrt said estate are .hereby required to jrsent the sume to me. prorlv verified, a- by law required, at First and Taylor streets, at uiy place of business, within six months from tbe date hereof, at 1'ortland. Oresron. Dated 7th day of February, A. V.. 1WI. F. DAYTON. Administrator of tbe estate of Emma May Cromwell, deceasf d. J. A. fctrowbnfiEe, Jr . attorney for adminis trator, No. 'JJ7, Commercial bloct, 1'ortland. Oregon. feb-mcb: Oregon City, Dayton and Wednesaay j f, Way-Undings. friday. If, Snake Hirer. F.i(aria to Lcwiston. Leave i Iiton i aauy, ?:3U a. m. tllWIII.lil.IIW. c. F. Stephens Parties aeslrine to go to Henoner or jiomts on Columbia Southern via Biggs, should taxe No. 2, leaving The Dalle at 12:23 p. m. making direct connections at Heppner Junction end Biggs. Returning makiugdirectconnection at Heppner Junction and Biggs with No. 1. ar riving at The Dalles at 1 :06 p. m. For further particulars, call on or address JAS. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. irin Paic Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAP. F.OCTE FP.OM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- el ONE PARK. Ujucb dejoi, Firm acd I sts No. 2. No. 11:15 ..Dealer In. ' Dry Goods, Clothing, 1 wcuvo r-uruisiiiuyg Boot?, Sboev. Hnt. Caps. Notions. Agt. for W. I. Douglai shoe. T' ..1 V. . c J 124 Second St., Tbe Dalles, Or, i L. Lane, GENERAL Biacksmiin ...AND. SAVE YOUR HAIR With Shampoos of aliiililil wiiiLawwiiH jlpafBBHwlwliii waliik wliiiPwlilii Fast mall for Taeoma, Peattle, Olympia. Gray'k uaroor ana souin Beua jK)jut, fciikane, Ross land, B. C, Pullman, Moscow, Lewibtou, Buf A.M. falollump mining coun- 5:50 P. M. try, Helena, Mlnneapo- i lif, St. Paul, Omahn, Kunfcus City, ct- Louits. j Chlcaso and all toliit No. 4. eaat and houlheut t. No3. Puget sound Express 11;30 P.M. for Taeoma and Seattle 7;W? A. M. ' and intermediate iomtt j Pullman Srtt-ctafcs and toarltt fleepen. to ' .Vinneepollii, bt. Paul and Missouri river twlntu ' without rhanee. Vustlbuled trains. Colon depot connection. 1 in all principal citier. BaggMge checked to destination of tickets, . tor handsomely illuntrated descriptive matter, I ticket)', tleeping-car reervation. etc.. call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. i3 Morri son Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon. Horsesnoe p. Wagon and Carriage Werk. f, Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Jeffcrn. Phone 159 fagaTfcV i i: Tin ntikJU'C PILLS SOUTH and EAST via il Soutnem Pacific Co ONE FOR A DOSE. H'raore Pimpln, pr-rrst p..tiinni,P rilj-thi'Bluod, K iiifiVrfL ".V,",.-r- ".rn" Ik, for T7T"Ti n ti r 1 1 ' iT,Tftt'""T'Ti"Tp"! Tf'TiT"rTf r'i w rp"TTrTTT"TT"r- f-i ' -r 'rT'T rirtt'HftnttntTl il 35 f t '3 DUa, Or. The Chronicle, dob Pninfcers. 1 is I WANTED On Sheen Ranch, a sober, indue trioug roan to do the coo kins: and house work, fcteady eraDloynient to a compe tent man. Addree?, Shasta Route Train, leave The Pallet for Portland and way stations at 4:i a. in. and 2 p. m. lour. tJ,r.lwnH ! " Alhany A 'rive Ashland " hacramento . " fcan Krantlsco . . 8:30 a m 7:00 p m .11'. 30 am 10:60 pm .12:Sam 11:30 am . i:Wpm Ij'i'ja m . 7; l'j p m e:15 a m And light dressings of Cdticura, purest of emollient shin euros. This treatment at once stops falling liair, removes erust3, fica!r-?, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching Hurfaeca stimulates the lisiir folli cles, supplies the roots with euergy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon u sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp, when all cle fails. Complete Extorni (gUcura i 1 rrtri.ftn Denver KansatCity Chicago . . . 6:15 a m &:00 a m a m 7:15 u in Arrive Lf Angelei . . . " El Paso " Kort Worth . " City of Mexico . " llouitou New Orleans , " Washington.. . " NevrVork . . . 1 :i0 p m G:00 pm . CDa in . . . VM h in .. 4:00 a m .. CIS am . . . C:ii u m -feb2r RANCH 35, The Dalles, Or. Notice! All perions indebted to the latn firm of E. J. COLLINS & CO., and S. L. BROOKS, are requested to call and settle up on or before March 1st next without fail. tj. L. BROOKS. 11.11a in b:00a in a m a m 7:00 a m C:00pin C ; JU a m ' 'j:,Ya in I 4:00 a in f ji in t iZ a m AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER! s iatii He People mal Fainilu KewsDaoe ' j r f To all old and new tubecribera paying one year iu advance V) offer- Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for 82.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for 81.50. NEW Look Here! All tbe Groceries. Hardware and Tin ware will re disposed of by tbe let of VftQI March, as the building will h occupied i I UilfV by other partiee. fi. L. BROOKS, j UnlG'tncbl i Complete EKtornal and Internal Troatmsnt for Every Humor. ton.uiiDK oi o-CTlcitu boP(Sc), to cleanie the akin o( cru.n calta aud aoflt-n tno tblck-iiHl cuticle, CCTICCB OlkTKEHT 'Kc.l, to allay itchlDi:. luflailluHon. and irritation and,- .rH beat, and CuTict'lU I'.r.oLVKNT 'iOc.l. to cool and cleaiix- th Lluvl. Thn la I fWt A BISGLB tier I often wufficieut to cure toe wtcrct tiuraor. with '? t,40 lou of nair, wben all cite Jatln. Sold tbroua .out tbe world. Pot. TMMUUVO AroOuttt.CoJU-SoU frui., bJlen, All about tbe htlo.fciciJj, usd llolr," Iraa. fullman and Tour! it can on both tralna Chair car. hacraineuto to Oxden and KI f a.o, and touri.t iMrt m Cbleajjo, bt Loula, New Or leana and Wa.biiiKton. Connectlnc at Sua Kranclco vvitb aereral teamtblp line for Honolulu, Japan, China, Cbllippinei, Central and boutb Ainerlua, Bee agent at Tbe Dalle atatlon, or add. I C. H. MARKHAM, Geueral la.Hii(er Agent, hort.and, Oi E E E D The most complete stock of Garden, Grass, Field and Vegetable Heeds in bulk in tliu Inland Kin plre at the Feed. Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS, THE DALLES, OR. XS E D S E E D TBI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. I'ublUbed Monday, M'Mluevlay and KrJ day, ib In reality a tine uud i very othcr lay Dally, kIv1ii tbe lateit ne on dayi of Hme, and covering ncp of tbe otber a. It contain n impor tant forelKii cable new v. Inch apieari In the l-ally Tribune f Mine (lute, alaodo mtnic and forelun C'.rienpoiidence, hort Horlw. elecant bull tone H'liMiutjont, liu. lti-iii, liidlln. Jrlijl liiforiiiallon, lunfljl HO!., iiurlfnl. Una I nialier, and ooiopf .t iuiveand re liable financial and market rejiorU, K'egular lln prlte, i..yj ,.t ear. ' We fcrnl.b It wild fcj ml Wivtly cnroiil-iIefoH.' NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. is PubH.lied on Tliur day, aad known for nearly ixty year. In every jmrt of the l"nl Uxl Htatei ax a na'ion ul family uuwtiaer of tbe blcbctt i.'la, for farmera and villa i;er. It coiiwik i"' tbe mo.t 'iiixnlt ' cueral iicwa of tl" )llv Trlliiine up l" Hie no'ir l Komi; i' lrc: mi uKrleiilliirul depiirlini'iit of llie htKhe.t order, ha en terlallillii; n tditiK for every member of Ihe lamlly.oldaudyouiii! market ruM'ita which uie urceptwl an until ority by farmer and ineicnalitHi and l clean, up-lo-datv, I" terealliiK and In.triic-tlvc. Itegular ttiUcrlp' tlou price, II iel)ear We furnUli II !'" Heml-Wwkly Chroni cle forll.WJ H.TeJf. Send all orderB to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or.