The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 13, 1901, Image 3

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    Dry Goods
Advance sale of
Percales ....
(Mioice .Spring Goods,
regular sellers,
and so marked ;
for (his week only,
W. B. Corsets,
Special sale, this week,
Less 25 per ct.
Tygh Valley, Warner'
and Trout Lake,
50c per roll
for Three Days 011I3'.
Van Camp's
Mock Turtle, Oxtail,
Chicken, Clam Chow
der, Bouillon, Vegetable
Special qc,
This week only.
Broken Lot
of Ladies', Misses' and
Children's Shoos.
Ladies' Welt Button...$l .45
Ladies' Welt Button... 1.25
Ladies' Turn Solo, 2.1,
to 4 '.
Ladies' Spring Heel,
Button, 2 to 5
Ladies' Spring Heel,
Lace, 3 to 0
Button, 5 1o 8,
Child's Goat Button.
5 to 8
Child's Goat
9 to 12
All Coods Marked
In Plain Figures
Vote for Unltftd tttatim Hnnntor 1'rnctlc
nlly Ifnelmnneil.
Spec! 1 to Tiik GmtoNici.K., Feb. II). The hoiisothm morn
Ing paesed Grace's bill providing for a
system of in Inn bell signals A I bo liar
rla' bill making It a ciime to in tor fere
with mine location stakes.
Poirman's bill rpnlatinir thn liability
of masters to servants whs defeated,
The'senate paused Wehrnng's bill for
a 8tatevet?rlnary board. Also Mtilkey's
bill defining the powers of guardians of
insane persons.
isoours bin lor protecting hotel men
and Fulton's providing bounties for flab
destroying animals were both defeated
The vote for senator stood as follows
Corbett .12; Inman 2(1; Hermaun 29
absent Heminway, Roberts and Will
Mr. .Initio WlnaiiR Harry ami MIhm Kilo
Dell Itoltun United In Marriage
Hie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
r.. to
" ;
Ma m served i
Oysters ;
At Andrew Keller s. !
. . ;
,,.. ' M. C. A?
will be eervsd for 10 cents extra. The
j program will lie published in Friday's
The Wheeler County News reports the
sale of 1(17 head of beef cattle by stock
men of Sum in it Prairie to a Portland
1 buyer for cents a pound, grons. The
i cattle brought to the owner an average
! of $17 a head.
Salem, Bauer City ami renuletou are
making earnest eU'oils to secure each ai
suitable building for its V. M. C. A. By
hat became of The Dalles Y.
Did it die a bornin,' or is it
All U'mhiwi I Uttt ii t v u itrrmil at r if m( w rft I
inr t Mepti.iHi.i-r i. iKiT, in u- pui.i I like the Irishman, not dead, but speech
uii irth-iilMtlun lit mjr ulllm, lutrrrvt j leaf:?
rra.fa after Nn rni Imr 111011.
Coll my TrflKurir,
The rose !e red, the violet blue, sugar's
meet and so are the valentines at Men
tfw& Parkiiib'. ll-:!t
Those who desire to spend an evening
in Japan will buve an opportunity to do
fco in the near future.
i Hev. Thomas VanScoy, president of
j the Weeleyan University of Helena,
i Mont., and formerly president of the
Willamette University at Salem, died at.
I his home in Helena on the 1 1th instant.
Dr. Van Scoy lacked two days of being
f3 years of age.
Stella, the Ki-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Frizzed of this
J city, died at the family residence this
, morning at about 1 :30 o'clock of pneu
1 monla. The hour for the funeral will
N;e .Metiefeu k Parkins' window for'i,, o-.30 tomorrow afternoon from
tbe handsomest line of valentines ever ! falI1iiv residence on Alvord avenue.
11 ;n
mhiuited in The Dalles,
The regular fortuightly meeting of the
Twentieth Uenturv Whist Club will be
I'JBtp'jned until further notice.
The Fortnightly will not meet tomor
row afternoon, but will respond to an
invitation to Mrs. Logan's home.
H. Taylor Hill, of Prineville, has a
commission to purchase 1000 head of
twees 'or the United States cavalry.
Soulo Bros., professional piano tuners,
art) in the city for a few days only.
lave orders ut Nickelsen's and Meue
Parkins' stores. 12-3t
J- P. Mclnerny bus given up the
John Sullivan, a laboring man who'
was brought up here from Hood River a
few days ago on the charge of Insanity,
and whom the authorities have kept in
jil since then in order to determine be
yond a reasonable doubt bis mental
condition, was ttiia morning adjudged
j insane and will be taken to thestateasy
lum tomorrow morning by Deputy
i Sheriff K. B. Wood.
Memra. Hudson and Brownhill fold
the Kobt. BnodgrixH farm today to C. H.
Southern lor twenty-seven hundred dol
lars. These gentlemen expect to dis
pose of several other places within the
next few weeks to parties now on their
supposed to be past. When Mr. Turner
discovered, yesterday, a few small erup
tions on his body that, we aro told,
could be counted on one's fingers, a
physician was sent for, who did not ap
prehend the elgns of smallpox, but, as a
prt cautionary measure, had the patient
quarantined till today, when all doubts
as to the character of the eruptions were
removed and Mr. Turner was released.
It may be added that Mr. Turner has
not been sick for a moment.
The Antelope Republican says the
people of that part of Wasco county
have come to the conclusion that they
do not desire to be annexed to Sherman
county, and they have therefore done
everything in their power against the
movement. Mr. C. Iv. I.ytle, the leader
of the movement, has ceased all further
effort, as bo found the majority of the
taxpayers of the territory proposed to
be annexed oiio?ed to it.
While Mrs. Crandall, who lives
Ninth street cloe to the rock cut on that
street, was attending a meeting of the
Salvation Army a fe- nights ago, some
thief'broke into her bouse and carried
oil' all the family supplies, besides a
pistol and a box of cartridges. A horse
was taken at the same time from the
stable but came back next day. The
animal, being somewhat wild, is sup
posed to have broken awav from the
mwy of the Butterlck Pub. Co. At
J'fwent there is no agent in this city, way from the Mast.
I'M there will be one in the near future. ! for sale will do well
I'uited Artisans and their families
' rt'ijuebted to be present at the meet
'"K tonight. Social evening, good pro
gram and plenty to eat. M aster Artisan.
The circuit court was occupied all day
itli the Reese caBe, for the recovery of
'lUOO Oil UCCUIIIlt. nf 1 1.0 ilu.ill. nf 1ru
H. C. Rooper arrived beio today from
,!Antelopu anil is registered at the Uina-
tilla House.
Henry Speicinuer, who has been visit
io for the past week with bis brother,
Mike, on Mill creel;, left today for San
rranceco. where he has obtained a re
'sponsible position in the government
! navy yard.
i Mr. Win, Allaway, brother of Mr. W.
i C. Allawav of this city, Is here, ticcom-
I panled by bis wife, on a short visit
I hose having larme i w,,0 0n the way from his home in Hay
to list them with , Center, Kansas, to London, Kngland,
this firm, who are enterprising and wide wf ''u hai business Interests.
awake real estate men.
Sbanlko held its llrst election SaturX A Ci" I D I A
day. The result was as follows: Mayor, "W "a
F. T. Hurlburt; iilderiiiii,jeorgo Uoss,
F'eu Ratty, F. II. Rruuiie, N. M. Lane,
Frank Lucas and C. C. Cooper; record-
J-se through an alleged defective road, ' or
r'ie physicians attending on John
1'ilrymplH, who lives on the Floyd
!"'", reported this morning that no1
""itterlal change 1ms taken place and 1
l,,M Mr. Dalninplu h a very sick
K. Lewis; uiarsha, Dell Howell:
treasurer, Dow P. Rea Only two votes
were cast against icorporation. The
iirincinal contest whs over the olllce nf
mayor. Mr. Hurlurt's vote was nc
double that of hiy opponent, A ('. Sail
Considerable of a si-are was produced
ice oi i
For intants and Children,
llhe Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Biguaturo of
( uiii or i M K
Vluiiiinu sale of hats, at prices cut to
neurt, m Miss
viumnu mi to
fftfOll'H koijJj,
II1LIH r.j.., ii. 1
I VBllf. llUlklf I. n. .....1 iT... I.. . i . ... ...
, ;. : ""on nu iriiiiiiiiiig ai douse. Mr. lunier nan linen quai-
II-'-t 1 antlued for a couple olduys in the build
ing occupied by the late smallpox pit-
1 "11 euterlitliiiiiuiit niiri h'riilnu I tlunl Mr. AIIihoii. Kill this u-uh miurlv
jvenlng, at the liuldwln opera bouse, ! three weeks ago, and as his person and
me iiMi.i.m . i.i in . . .. i.i i i i .i. ....... .1.1.. i i.. i
v V UU llUlttl T Ut LI1D U UII IIS flV . u...K...a
this inoriiiiiK wliiiu It wuh reported that
Haven's. We aro lnfrmotlvn enuineer named Turner
make room for new j IH,j broken out with smallpox and was
Trimmed hats, street L.,ttrViiiniwfXttTiH iCosnnonolltan lodu-
. . . . '
ilie niii.liu ,,i ii . ii I
r-i-.n ui n.e lyourt street scnooi
"Ml Kivu
ui 1 1... in....... .. ii...
Ad.nUelon, jo oen, Hefreali
M of coffee, cake ujid sitndwicheu
before be was released, all duuger of con
tagion from tbat s'nircd wun naturally
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Meyers desire
j through Tin: Ciihomci.k to express their
; sincere thanks for the many acts of
: kindness shown them by their friends
land neighbors dining the illness and
death of their beloved son, Oscar Meyers.
J Twenty well-broke inure and geldings,
weight from l.'iOO to 1051) pounds. In
uulre of l'ni:i) Fikiikh,
fl.'i-luiw The Dalles.
Clarke & Falk liaye received a carload
of the celebrated Jame K. Patton
itrlutly pure liquid paiute
A quiet, but beautiful and impres
sive ceremonvl was that which took
place at the home of Mr; and Mrs. Sim
eon Bolton last night when Rev. U. F
Hawk, of the Methoaist Episcopal
church, united in wedlock their daugh
ter, Miss Efl'a Dell Bolton, and Mr
James Winans Harry, of Seattle.
Ttie parlors had been tastily decorated
in smilax and pink carnations, while
overhead pink ribbons formed a canopy,
making a very piettv effect as at S
o'clock the bridal p.rty entered the room
to the strains of Lihengren'a weddin
mar di, played bv Miss Sampson. The
bride's twin sister, Miss Vesta Bolton,
acted as bridesmaid, and Dr. Charles
B, Cowan, of Seattle, as groomsman.
The hride was daintily gowned in
white and carried bride'a roses, the sim
plicity and richness of her costume mak
ing it the more becoming, while her
sister was attired in pink, carrying car
nation of the same shade.
Congratulations being over and an
abundance of good wishes extended,
all repaired to tlie dining room,
which looked most cheery and inviting
in its decorations of red carnations and
smilax, and where was served a deli
cious lunch.
Beim; somewhat hurried to catch the
east-bound train, the newly married
conple hastened from the supper room
to dun their traveling garments, and aa
the bride threw her bouquet from the
stair landing a bevy of young ladies
waited expectantly below, and Miss
dna Barnett caught the prize.
A little later, amid showers of good
wishes, minded with regrets at the de
parture of the bride from the home cir
cle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry left to take the
train for a short stay in Spokane before
going to their Seattle home.
This young couple start out in married
life with the brightest of prospects, the
groom being a young man of excellent
character and a business man of no
Jittlt! ability, while in the charming
young lady he has won he will Ibid an
admirable companion and a helpmate
in every sense of the word.
The many beautiful presents received
attest the esteem of a host of friends.
Among the tens of thousands who have
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
colds and la L'rippe during the past few
years, to our knowledge, not a single case
has resulted in pbeiimoiiia. Tbos.
Whitfield & Co., UI0 Wabiub avenue,
Chicago, one of the most prominent re
call druggists in that city, in speaking of
this, says: "We recommend Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy lor la grippe in
many cases, as it not only gives prompt
and complete recovery, but also counter
acts any tendency of la grippe to result
in pneumonia." For sale by lilakoley,
the druggist
For the weakness and prostration fol
lowing grippe there is nothing so prompt
and effective as One Minute Cough Cure.
This preparation is highly didomcd us
an unfailing remedy for all throat ami
lung troubles and Its early use preventH
consumption. It was made to emu
quickly. Clarke & Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferi'
paints when you can buy .fmiifH
Pattern's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark it
Falk, ngi'iiiH. ml
The O. K. Ii. it Inn bhnp in now running
three cIiuim with' three lln-t-class
barbers. Patrons ol tb ' -lnii will thus
be assured of q ilek attfiului mid prompt
and satisfactory F"rvu'u, J, R, Rees,
proprietor. j'JS 'Jw
Don't you know that Cocoauut Cieaui
Hair Tonic will save your and your
children's hair? You can get it for 50
and 75 cents ii bottle at's barber
shop, Mile aueiil, if
Hamilton Brown's "(iood as Hold"
shoe for inun mid boys are the here
wearing times in the world. Nod. 1'.' to
$1.(15; tu ."., $1 8); II to 10, f.VJ,'!.
We do
Steam, hot water ami furnace heatinc. rllmntes
made and contracts taken for heatiin.' old r new
Tlmt we operate a plumbing and tin shop, nlo n ma
chine repair shop in connection with our hardware
and Implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
.Given Away
With 'every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store
during January and February, we will give One
Chance on the following prizes:
FIRST PRIZE One Alummized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
In addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade in the best possible
wa3r. We will1 positively not be undersold b
any one. Our prices are right.
jV Oriiiluuted Optician lu thn City fur n
Short Ttnii) Only.
.1. She f, a graduate of Paris, France,
with the degree of Oph. D., will be in
the citv for a short time near Geo.
Rucb's store, corner Second and Wash
ington streets.
Dr. Shef is a gentleman who comes
highly recommended, and be can prac
tice bis profession in any city in the
world. lie has settled in Seattle, where
he enjoys a large practice; but is travel
ing through a part of Oregon for a rest
from overwork, and is combining busi
ness with pleasure. He makes all ex
aminations free, and warrants all his
work. He cannot afford to fail to give
The Inllneucu of the eyes on the gen
eral health is so great that no one can
afford to take chances by consulting un
skilled opticians. Hence all who Imve
weak or diseased eyes should consult Dr.
Mold Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or innney refunded. L'5 cts
lluw to Cure Croup.
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber
lain's Coii'jh Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. It is a fine
children's remedy for croup and never
fails to cure." When given aa soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
bo'iie in mind and a bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
i anil 51) cts. Rlakeley, the (linguist.
- irsons who can not take ordinary
.l nun it a pleasure to tuKe Hewitt's
I.i" K.irly Risers. They are the best
lit i 'vei pills ever made. Clarke k
)'! i ". (). Phimiinoy.
Ci coain!. Cream Hair Tonic will cure
d.MtJi'ih'and all eculp diseases. Don't
music! vnur hlr. For sale at's
Imi r shop, sole anelit, tf
Our Store is the
Talk of the Town.
Popularity never ceases with ua.
Finest Stock
and Lowest Prices.
New York .Sunday World 5c.
Cigar and T
Your Fact)
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. . Itcurea all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsapariltas and
bo called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Rlakeley, the druggist.
Reports show a greatly increased death
rate from throat and Innj troubles, due
to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia
and grippe. We advise the use of One
Minute Cough Cure in all of these
ditilculties. It ie the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate results
Children like it. Clarke Falk's P. O.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. Ouo little
tablet gives immediate relief. 'Jo cts.
and 00 cts. Rlakeley, the druggist.
Hustling young man can make ftSO per
month and expenses, Permanenk posi
tion, Kxperiencu unnecessary. Writ"
quick for particulars. Clark (.o.,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Plnladel
hpla, Pa, sS-t-
Mrs. Hfittle Morris, stylish dres-
I making. Kelster-Taylor siuaie, taught
I as in St. l.ouiri and Chicago, All the
i lutest patterns. Above IVate & Mays'
j store. j'Jli-.w
I For fasbinniblidresemiking and plain
sewing, call and see Mie, S. K. Hender
son, Thiul Strom, in Mrs. Kddon's
house. jlH-lm
lillxt III' Stlltl,
my St. Rurnard dog, A liberal reward
will he paid for bis return or (or infer
in ' ii that will lead n his return.
The Dalles Leading
bacco House,
.uv'.lt AiHii'sr lluuiii,i:ii,
member tint you don't have to be
. you can keep your hair by using
nut (Vi'iun Hair Tonic. To be
., I". jz tr'a ii. rbi r shop, tf