The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 13, 1901, Image 2

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    Tk IUIIm. 1lx, Pkmninlo ihad aD3" difficulty in getting a candi-
The Dalies Daily Chronicle. date for 3resldent and it wiU havc
none in 1004. Baker City Democrat.
13, 1901
Quite so.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cord.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
Tbe difliculty has been to in order to core it von imist take inter-
SOUTH KXOWS A GOOD THIXG. eect him after he was gotten.
One of the most rematkable con
tributions to the pending discussion
on the ship subsidy bill is the speech
of Senator J. L. McLaurin. of .South
Carolina, in the United States senate
February 7th. It is remarkable as
being tbe earnest and impassioned
appeal of a southern democrat to
southern democratic senators to rise
above sectional feeling and party
affiliation and support a measure m
which he claimed the South has more
interest than an part of the country.
""The time has now come," the sena
tor said, "when the South, following
in tbe lead of its great business j
Interests, can afford to put aside tbe
animosities of the past and take up
the work of tbe old South, and when '
its political leaders should stand
shoulder to shoulder with its busi- '
ness men and strive to advance'
measures calculated to upbuild its'
prosperity, without regard to whether !
they are advocated by republicans or I
democrats." j
While northern democrats are op-
Baldwin's Dys
pepsia Tablets,
food digesters,
start digestion
a healthy, clean
stomach. Help
the stomach to
do its work prop
erly until it's
cured soc.
Saw Feascisco, CaL
I have allied 10 pounds since usinf
our Dsp)f a Tablets. My stomach is now
In good condition. A. E. Looms.
After suffering with ttotnsch trouble
for three vears, I have cured myself by ung
jour dvspepsia tablets, thereby avoiding a
urcical operation, which I was about tc
undergo. STCKkViST.
County Assessor' Office.
Clarke Sc Falk. The Dalles. Ortgon.
nal remedies. Halt's Catarrh Cnre is
taken internally-, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Care is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for veers, and !
is a regular prescription. It is composed ,
of the best tonics known, combined with
jthe best blood purifiers, acting directly
I on the mucous sarfares. The perfect
1 combination of tbe two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful resnltB in j
' curing Uatarrti. senator testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Prop"., Toledo 0.
Sold br drrogeists, price "fie.
' Hall's'Family Pills are tbe best. 12
Hamilton Brown shoes at The New
York Cash Store.
posing with united front all efforts
... , . . , ,. , , Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday
of the administration to restore to , , . ..
, Ton'toreet this.
I . T n l.n Inf. ..n m n n 1
tills UftllUU UC1 SUIJI CLUUUt Ull 1 , . , n 11. L i f-.ll I!-,. '
' J , Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line .
ibe high seas, it win be interesting , . n-t nilt1 hpn.he.
to learn in what light this subject is ; C!arke & Falb.s fiavonnc extracts are j
viewed by tbe great and rapidly ex- j the best. Ask your c x-er for them.
pandmg business interests of tbe For sprains, swellings and lameness
South. there is notliinir so eoyri as Chamberlain's
T at,. loct ,Qr mlt nt Pi,.in(io 1 Pain Balm Try it. For sale by Blake-
J. C, what Senator McLaurin cLar-
In all Its itagea there
bould be cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanse?, soothes and heals
the diseased membrane.
I It cures catarrh and drives
aiv.iy a cold ju the head
' quic-'y.
Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, spreads
i over the mera'jrcne and is absorbed. I'c'.ief is Im
j mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying docs
not produce sneezin. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug
s'.? jrhrraai!; Tri
ELY I.K)THEHs, 3C Warren Street, New Tork.
Steamer of the Itcirulntor Line will run ns per the Io. '
oh. us (.ehediilc, the Company rcervlng the right to clmnRc'
cvie1iilo i lthout notice.
Str. Regulator
I,v. nalles
lit 7 A. !.
TuchUhj". . . .
, ThU!tlay . .
fraiUTimy .
Arr. l'lirtland
nH:: r. a.
lit T A. M.
. KrMity
Arr. DallcH
n & r. x.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dalles City.
I.v. Dalles
nt 7 A. to.
Motuliir . .
Wi'ilnexiliiy . ,
Arr. l'lirtluiid
ut 4 ;:i0 r. M.
i.v . Portland
at 7.00 A. x.
Arr. Dulles,
at f i'. u.
Travel by the Stoamorv o! the IteRitlator I due. The Compiitiy will endeavor to give It pat
v iHitvi i-j ....... ...... ,7... ...... n.i.. Vt fnrtlnit- Ititnrmutlrin HrlilrnKw
roils me ik;m fvi irv w--iun. w, ,...,........-. -
Portland Otllce, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
proprietors Commereiaj Sample Rooms.
gists jr (it raai:; xriai izc, juccnis vj maw. t . i r
ley, the drtu'iiist
r , : i f . Tin.
IVI1U1ILV UI111 I UL 1 uniiL 11 U UbC XC I
rt.frirps n 'flip mr,t rpnrnepntnti vo ! "... t-. , "...l ,..-i, !
't-""' w ut s L,itue ,ariy niser" eucn vuiuaoie
body of business men which has , little liver pills. Clarke A Falk'e P. O.
assembled in that section during the i Pharmacy.
last twenty-five j'enis." It was the Complete life of Quen Victoria. Best
i t .u c..: Doot. Beet terms, uiunt mauea on
ners' Association of the South. It
represented the entire cotton busi
ness from Virginia to Texas, and
Yoa uiant.
receipt of 15 cents. Address S. C. Mill
er 6: Co,. Portland, Or. tu thnr-eat-6t
Acker's English Remedy will etop a
couch at any time, and will cure the
y Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any pari of the City.
173 Second Street.
'honfc: "I Local,
Sos l.onj: Dismtice
some five hundred men, tbe foremost ! worst cold in twelve hours, or money
business men ot the South, were refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley
there. After two days of brilliant' tbe dru?R'st-
speeches there was not a dissenting1 Mi,lions o Psle are familiar with
. . ... . . . 1 Df Witt's Little Erlv Risers and those
voice m public or in private against who n3e them find ;hem t0 be fam0UB
the following resolution, a resolution ijttie jjver Dills. Never pripe. Clarke &
having in view especially the ship j Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
subsidy bill now betore congress, be- ' Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of
caue it was mentioned, the senator ' DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve nre worth-
says, in nearly everv speech that was j leSB' Th,e 0.r,iclnal .uickly uuLe,9 lpile?'
, , . , , ' pores aud ail skin diseases. Clarke &
made. ith a ringing cheer tkese j Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
five hundred great captains of WPAI INr.
i With Osygenor Compauy'e Perfected
1 New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are showing never be-
In talking of Chocolates please f0re traced a eingle stofk. Real imita-
remember that we carry a full line of ' tioh creton effects at ordinary prices.
LOWNEY'S. just opened, fresh from 1 Good papers at cheap paper prices.
.i i . t.i- ..i ,.... Elegant designs, tasteful colormtrs, vours
the factory. In plain and fancy boxes Qr mM qqt 0jMrd
for Christtras trade, und at prices to Btreet. Also a full line of house paintH.
suit. Don't foraet that we ar. hea.!-!D W VAUSE, Third St.
quarters f-ir the best on earth. Name
LOWNEY settles it.
Geo. C. Blakeley, i' S' .
The Druggist. GUtinitig,
southern industry, representing a
business investment of
mure iuuu , r, l-; t o lnr Tf
$150,000,000, unanimously resolved : j6 n0t electricity. It cures with the oxy-'
"That tbe Southern Cotton Spin-'gen of the air, without doctors, without!
ners' Association recommend to con-1 dw, without medicine, ihe greatest
I boon to mankind ever discovered. It
gress the enacting of such legislation,
Dyspepsia Cure
stands without a rival as a curative
-umpensauon, as win , nt -n(j Dossesses complete masterv
carrying such compensation, as will
stimulate the development of Amer-1 over all curable diseases without em-
ican shipping interests under the ploying nauseous or poisonous druge.
American flag to an extent necessary j Descriptlon.theory, method of operation,
l.nnl a : I I""
the high seas In time of peace, aud
which will provide at the same time
of diseases for which it is recom-
i mended, etc.. furnished free. Call on or
address. J. M. Fiu.oo.v,
The Dalles, Or.
'Phone No. 399. j2l-2wd-wlm
! P. A.
It Saved KtK LfK.
Danforth, of LaGrande, Ga.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
Crandall & Barget
fill kinds of undertake, l BuriaSh
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
The Dalles. Or.
. i , I suffered intensely for six months with a goli bv Ci..rke j. Falk.fl u 0 pharmaPV , emJ"e? on d?:T X coUectlonv
:ore of letters from I f .,,.- Oro .. 1o 60ia uy larKe & ralk a 1 u-' narmacy Bight and Telegraphic Exchange bo d
frightful running sore on his leg, but v-- v.u c j t ,
s nf tmrlo nnfl lonfi . , , , , , -. , "ew wi oan rrancisco anc Dort
01 lraae ancl leatl- writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve' 'and
such transports and auxiliary service
as may oe neeaeo m time of war.
Senator McLaurin enforces bis ap
peal by a score
southern board
ing business men, all urging with ! wholly cured it in ten dayp. For Ulcers, j
one voice that the men in congress " ounds, Burns, Bolls, Pain or Piles it's
who stand as tbe representatives of tbe be8t Balve ln tbe world Cure t'nar'
tc...i. i ii i i .i - . , i anteed. Only 25c. Sold by Blakeley,
tbe South shall heed the voice of tbe t druggist C
business men of that section who! ,. " , ,
" We offer for a limited period tne
believe that tbe shipping bill should 1 twice-a-week Chko.vicle, price 1.50,
be passed because it is essential to 'and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
tbe Soutb's best welfare. 2or are i "oth papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
they careful to conceal the fact that i tbie offer muet be paid in nfd'
tbey are prepared to break away ,ur rruaT"
from party ties if tbey capnot geti AfineJ0x20 enlargement with every j
their party leaders to heed their ! dozen of my "best cabinet photos."
tI.MA ,1 -i . . t t.-..,. Plnnrlv rlnt'A nm lnnt nh innrl fnr aitttnaa '
nuiic uuuer uuie ui reu- --j
ItartificlaUydigeststheXoodandalds ROr SBCOllfl & LatfE. TilOlie 157
Nature Id strengthening and recon- .
stracting the exhausted digestive or i
gans. It is the latest discovereddigest- J-s-s,?"?". J a. voch.
ant and tonic. Ho other preparation lent. cahiei
can approach it in efficiency. It in1. , x L. 4 t 4
stantfy relieves and permanently cures Ulfv NRrinnRI KrlDK
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, T11 Dl IvUVUQl UQ.UH,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kausea, the dalles - - - oregon
Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Cramps and . . .
all other results oflmperfect digestion. , A General Banking BaBiness transacted
PriceSOcandlL lawslfecontalnBSVi tlmn Iepo"tfl received, subject to bight
smallBlxe.fiookaUcboutdy.spepsiamutiedtree. . JJralt or lheex.
Prepared by E n. DcWlTT A CO., Cblcog uoiiecuons maae ana proceeue promptlj
ruary 2nd, instant, the president of
tbe Charlotte convention of last May t
urges congressional action along tbe !
lines of the ship subsidy bill and
affirms that tbe sentiment in its favor 1
Giffords pictures never fade.
Copyrights &c.
AiiTone npnrtlnir a nkcteli nnd rtecrl;tlnii ma"
qiilnUIr uacenalii our iipliiion Ireo whellinr a
iiii'pntlnn 1 ir'ihiitil7 i.iitciitnlilc. '(ininniiilef
'(iMmnctly ooiitKlentlul. IliinltxiokM:i I'uteuti
viiu free. Ol'lvst neenry for Bocurnn.' iutnt.
I'.itai.tR taken tlirui:li Mur.u & Co. reclw
iptctal nutlcr, without etinrgo. In tlio
Scientific Mmm.
A linnrtomclr IHnntrHl'"! mr-oklr. Lnrireit clr.
eiilalli n nf iiiit n-l'jnt.Uo J'mrr.ul. 'J units. 1.1 a
ypnr: lour months, (1. Sold IjjtuII iiBt7iiileBli,
MUNN &Co.3C,0roBd"a-NBW York
Uruncli Jirr.PH KTi I' Kt.. WiislilnKtun, U. (
A full line of Eastman filiuo and sup-.
plies just ri'ceivxd by Clarke & Falk.
There Is alwuyft danger in iibintr
. r.n,ititr.rf(.1tfi nf HWilt Wtlnli Tuvt-l
is stronger among the southern man- Sli V(.. The onglnBl i(j a BafH Bnd mrMa j
uracturtrs than it was then. cure for piles. It ie a soothing and heal-
While some ot our northern polit- ' Ine salve for nores and all kin diseases,
ical economists are ready to spurn ' Clatkt & Jl?'
tbe ladder by which the country has I ""n,t "u" "
.;n i mm.,u ... , .1 Just wet the affected part freely with
risen to commercial supremacy, thei,, . , , t. . . ,
. . J Mysterious Pain Cure, a feijotch remedy,
south, in spite of itself, has lasted laud tbe pain is gone. Sold by Clarke fc
me oeneuts or protection and wants ifaik.
sore of it.
Tbe democratic party has never
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke
& Falk.
I ifHslMB lighten. 1 1
. I
toe m 1
H helps the team. Saves wear via M j
cxjiciise. Sold everywhere. M
a MAiic vr tKt
.D.F.Thompson. Jno. 8. Scbbrck,
I Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liebb.
1 H. M. Bkall.
General Blacksmith
and Hosesboer.
All kinds of blacksinithing will receive
prompt atteotion and will be executed
in first-class shape. Give him a call.
Richardson's Old Stand,
I Third St., near Federal, The Dulles, Or.
P-H BBStauraot
L. V. Hone. Prop'r.
First-Class in Every flespeet
Oysters Served in any Style.
IT Second Ht.,Tlie UnlUu, Or.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ell kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, X'led
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlOUT Thie Flour 18 manufactured expressly for family
. ,, , UBb: everv Back iH Ruaranteed to give satisfaction.
Yi e Bell our poodB lower than any house in the trade, aud if you don't think so
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
2 AAT.TfllhTII fVtYTTiiT4X
Itwiort for' Jun-'H l!iinn e,-kM0Bn ;wi.ry the United States Health
1 ... .1' ' ' 11. L EH HIH H LI1H llllfll
y old aim
iaus with
possibly be found." ' ",luimu,HB oeverage couiu not
est und I, can be un-d with" t ' KD'by '
young. Its use cuu conscientiously he pres. r hed bv , 1VBlcf
-I H "l,V,. " " bBUt!r' ""-r wbolesouie'b'eVeSc:
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
TJuiuHidH of ohl uieu who thought their retaili
ng days o;i eurth would be few now bless the day
l mt they iwhrouficed th6 use of Ibis greatest of ail
Hrength builder. Linooln Sexual Pills will bring
about H.degre.) of Iiultli and strenglh for you awv
heyontlii) ayprttge man ol your years, and give von
great M"aei anil uouidtrt,
J'rlije, fl 00 per box-buy of your druggist or sent
by iuhII on leceipt ol ,,riCp, in Hiri wrapiwr.
M. '., Dounel, Agent, The Dulles.