. J - " " VIKSOAL MENTION S. G. Dorris, foreman of the Arlington Kecord, is in the city visiting oi. 1-titne friends. Ben Snipes And William Fioyd, of Seattle, both of whom are well and favorably known m these oarts, arrived here lan night and put up at the European Hon?. Mrs. W. A. Criwford. wife of the pro prietor of the Elite barber shop, and her tnree children hve arrived here from PortWnd. The family ha? moved into the Hansen residence at th? lower end of Second street. Mr. F. E. Horton.of Omaha, Neb.. who for the past two months has been j what a re visitini! with !:er oarents, Mr. and Mrs , raarkable M. Parkins, of this city, arrived here PrcJ,araU.? Advice of m Druggist " It U proper I think to let other kn -w about the popularity an 1 virtues of Acker s Knslish Kemt-dy lor Coughs, Colds and Con- sumption. From the moment I tvean band Uncit.itKiM rapid ly.ar.d the sales keep crvw inc all the time as fast as people fi n A out last evening from a brief ttip to Stevens, and wi,l leave tomorrow for home. at ion The ' sati-faction AMD OREGON Shorj line Union Pacific i tZTAKT ror. Oh.cao 1 'ortUnc: ?l.iaL 1." 25 p. ci. TIME fCHKOl'LLs ' arrive ntOK THE UALLKi. ' T Spring I Suitings I The time will soon be her uhen every stylish dressed man will want an up-to-1 date Sprinp Suit. Those are the kind of , patrons 1 am tailoring for. Come iuV and look over mr Spring line of Suitings. ; , All the latest novelties for 1901. Suits to Order, SIO.OO. t John Pashek, The Tailor. I J. E. FALT & CO., 9 Proprietors Commercial Sample Rooms. Purest Liquors for Family Use 9 Delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Street. I,hons; 51 Local, joS Long Distance 1,1 I via"l'ui hl I I incton. 1 1 cives is universal. Our best cit izens Use 11 . .-.Untie ana say it is the best thine for tnrca: ana IKfvs lunc trouble they ever saw. Mr S. H.Oul- -uroa-s. ver. one of our prominent townsmen, says vU Hunt Acker's EnpUsh Remedy is the only niedi- iarton. cine that helped his chronic couch of many 7i;, vcars' standinz. At rirst it rave relief, and I yl- fr? now, after takins 3 few bottles, he is w holly ' . .,.;!. cured. I buy it by the pros- at a time. , vil j'ro and mysales are larger on this one medicine taae. tnan on anr otner in niv store, n i a urvai iitt Lale, IVnvtr. Ft. Worth. Oraahs. Kac ii) City, jt . Loui. Cat caco atxl the E5t. I Yet In l'l-lton. Washington", Feb. 11. Th? state de partment ha; not been advised of the teported intention of the British govern ment to pardon Mrs. Florence May brick, the American woman imprisoned in England on a charge of paisonicg her husband. It is said, however, that Mr. Choatehas lost no opportunity at all P,fomIloflthatT5ff!I , , , , in I am also 6oin: so much rta to the com- : proper time; to woik toward that ena mum'tv in selling such a crand medicine. and it is nnderstoJ that hi; effort; have ' (Mened P.. K- DotoLv. We-tfieH. N. Y. j ben particolarlv energetic of late. Of Sold at 25c .'-vr and;labo:Ue. throughout . , . i o5:,i ? the United States ami Canada ; and in r.nc- I coarse these most be unoScia:. for it ,ajiV.2,i..2-.Sd..4s.f.i. If you are not j would not be permissible for the cae to satisfied after buyinr. return the bottle to j k tt, nbi.-t r,f frrmi evchanjes. ' your drurLt. and pet your money back. rait Laie. Denver. Ft. Worth, Ocnh. Kn- , -SAsaty.st Louis. CM- cssro 42 the Eiu i - FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ! rB.lN.SACT A KNEKALBANKINU BCt'lNES ' Letters of Credit issued available in the j Eastern State, i Sight Exchange und Telegraptm , Transfers fold on New York, Chicago, 33 a- St. Lonis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points ! in Oresron and Washington. ' Collections made at all points on far-, 0CEAK AND BIYER SCHEDULE bl term. Walla Wall. LeviMoa. Miaaoanilisit. Paul, Dnluth, Milwan k, Chicago and East. From l'ortlaoU. p. m. (AH failing dates sub ject to ehaspc ) For saa Fraacisco, tall every 5 iltys. , I. in p. ta. Tfie coiumDia Packing Co., Secretary Hay, while (ambassador to London, did all that he C3oid in Mrs. Maybnck's beh3lf, and what Mr. Ohoate is now doing is simply in contincaticc of that movement. It is hoped, how ever, that he is working under ranch more favorable auspices and that ;ccces; is near at hand. London, Feb. 11. The oScial; of the home oSce say there is no foundation whatever for the report that Mrs. Fior ence Maybnck has been pardoned. W. 1L UbOKHR d- T), Pr-p-Ktort. .Vof 1'ort. For sale at Blakeley'; Pharmacy. PACKERS OF Iteily ciet-p: saaiay. Hi p. tn. tnrxlv. i 10 lO p. in. Colomhts Hirer. To Astoria and Way-Laad!n. l.CO p. n. except Sunday. PORKand BEEF MANCFACTURERS OF 1 naily Willamette Hler. Ort-roa Ciry. Newtrj. salen, IadeT-eotlenee. aal ay-ljadiars. C"rvaI3i aa3 Way-Laadiacs cic-ept Sunday. Wednelty ' Friiay. , school Report. Following is the report of school di trict No. 25 : Xo. pupils enroled, 19. Pupils neither absent nor t3rdy dnr ing the month beginning January 7th g-neral history. Dhvsics. psyrholozy. and ecd-nir Febrcarv 1st: Eff Hall.' The Dalle;, (Jr., teb. George Walter, JIaima Wolf, Katie j Wolf, Nellie Morgan. Whole number days attendance, 211. j Absence, 21. Times tardy, 4. E. Mail- Binxcrr, Teacher. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice i; herebv ziven that the countv eirept superintendent of "Wasco county will , "l hold the regular esimiuation of appli- ' cant; for state papers at The Dalles. Ore- XBtsdRr con a; foilow; : ihuidiy, CommHucinc Wednesday. February Saturday, 13th, at 1- o'clock, a. m , and cjatinuini: 6 Xs- " unti. Saturday, February lti:h, at 4 p. m. i Wednesday" Penman;bip, history, j tj spelling, alrebra, resdinz, composition. 1 ;ain'rdaT.' Thursday Written arithmetic, theory : o a. in. of teaching, grammar, book-keeping, English iitrrature. civii government. j lave Friday Physiology, geography, phy- ffir13 sical geography, mental arithmetic, 'i.,sl. school law. , Saturday botany, plane geometry, , P4raes -esirinp xo ro to Heppoe: Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND a m mam VXi ATA rXT JTT A fATATATiTAI At AfAI A I A I A T AT k r A A f ATAJ A f ATA1 A . AT - - - - - 1 C. J. STUBblHG, WltOLKsME AND UET.ML Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Hank. THE DALLES, OREGON. j fontlnii I'lione 'Jill, t I.unc I I t. lil'.M. Willamette a oil Yarnhtll Kiver. Ort-goa City. Dayton a2d Way-laciaes. Snake ItlTer. KIparia to Lewi'toa. t. sop. a ' .'loncsj-, Wedai-viay rnday. JRIED BEEF. ETC. Leave Lewi'toa daily, s 3j a. ei. C. F. Stephens I BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE ..Dealer In. fbo-133&w 1901. C. L. GlI.BEET, County Supt. I UIP VfL ?. lwnnr The n.ill at ll 2 ti.ra. . . .. ' 1 isdSlm. Rptnrnlnsr rsakinedirwcteotintetloa " BUSINESS LOCALS. i Clark k Falk are never closed Sunday. TXin't forget this. Catarrh Cm not Be cored. : UiarEe & rait Dave on sa:e a iuh line ; with local applications, as they cannot j of paint and artist's brushes. reach the teat of the disease. Catarrh . Clarke & Falfc's fiavorine extracts are j 5s a blood or constitutional disease, and 1 tue S-K your e xer for them. in order to cure it yoa mast take mter- : Hepoaer iaacKoa aad Bleirs with So. 1. ar riving at The Dalle-s at 1 00 p. a. For farther particular, call on or address JA. IRELAND. Aeent, The DaLe. Uregra. TAr Bnrain:. cir.!lin7a and lameness nal remedies. Hali'e Catarrh Cure is thereis'notbiD1j M?&j as Chamberlain's ' IT ,1. Ti. -0-. mni'iimi'ii uonuin, hiii iiii ii mi e. 11U11UU1JJ 1 UU111U Booti, sb. Hat. Cap Notioat. 'or W L. Dougia A5t. Telephone No. IS i-xoad St., Tie Dalles, Or, pro For sale bv Blake- Ootnt mailed on Address S. C. Mill- 1 -a. 11 I a- J!.,.al . me Diooa ana mucous sunaces. naii . t-ne druggist. 1 Catarrh Cure is not a qnack medicine. . 'QQajtv and not qaaatitv mafce5 De. It was was prescribed by one of the best W,K,8 Liu. Eir,y RJsef snch Talnabe , pnysicians in mis ccsniry lor ye-s, ana Uu!t. 1kw p.,,5 c,arke h Fd,t.. P- 0 is a regular prescription. It is composed pnarraCT. of the best tonics known, combined with , ,",.,. x- . - d ... . ' ., , Complete life of Qaen ictona. Best . r . --.I . r . , book. Best term: on the mucous surfaces. The perfect . vt . ..s.m. receipt of lo cents. . , , a t i : er & Co,. Portland. Or. to thnr-sat-Gt what produces such wonderful results in . ' enrieg Catarrh, tend for testimonials,' Acker's Enclish P.-medy will stop a iree. j cough at any time, and will cure the F. J. Chexey & Co.. Props., Toledo O. ' WOrst cold in twelvt- hour;, or monev Sold by drruggisU, price refunded. 2-5 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley Hall's Fa mil v Pills are the bet. 12 " i the drug?i;t. " 40 Among the tens of thousands who have Jlillion; of p&nole arfe fam'tiiar with uffd Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for ; DeWitt's Little Eir'.y Risers and those colds and la grippe during the past few; who Q-e them find them to be famous yari, to our knowledge, not a single case little iivf-r bills. Never gripe. Clarke & ha rel:ed in pneumonia. Tbos. Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Whitfield & Co., t40 Wabash avenue, bad dollars all conr.trMts of Chieago, one of the most prominent re- DeWitt's Witch Hazl Salve are worth al; druggists in that city, in speaking of jess The original quickly cures tjiles, ibis, says: "We recommend Chamber-j jores and ail skin diseases. Clarke t Iain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. It Saved HU Lee. P. A. Danforth, of LaGrande. Ga., suffered intensely for six months with a Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING f'AK P-OfTE FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- fflONE PARK. umiKjsi.nrtiaUsii L. Lane, EDMUND S.y ! Bay Stallion, 4 years old; height 5 hands, weight 1050 I pounds. Sired by Zombro, '2:, the best son of MeKin jney, 2:1 U. First dam, Bridesmaid, by Boxwood, son of Nutwood. Second darn, lake land Queen, dam of Ad Alene " 2:26. by Likeland'a Alxlallab, son of Hambletoo un 10. Third dam, Prunella, by Alha'mbra, son of Mambrino Chief 11. EDMUND S. will make the season of KOI at L. A. Porter's livery stable, The Dalles, Oregon. Terms for the Season, S20. GENERAL No. 2. No. IE' Fast nail lor Taeoraa, Seattle. Olyrapia. Gray' Harbor aid South Bend points', p-jfcaae. Ross land, iJ. C, Pullman, Mo-cow. Lelfcton. Bui lt :IJ A. II. IaIoHarQpiaiaiai,'Coan- 5:W I'. JI. S( try, iieieiis. uiijea: lis, St. Paul, Or2&ba, Kanttt City, ft. LouU. Cbtcaso unci all toinu No. 1. 'eat aud southean. Pozet sound xprt 11;S0 P. JI. tor Taooraa and seattle 7,0) A. M and interrstdiate poiat . Biacksmnn ...AND... Horsesnoer jnSO-dwlmo For further particulars see FRED FISHER, Proprietor. Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. No. 3. if it' ' TMra and JeiTcriE. Plione 159 i Tfci-a wa rigu ui curajru many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter-! acts any tendency of la grippe to remit I Pullman 6m-clfci and tourlit leejr! to ! Xlnneajolis.ct. Paul tad Missouri river point 1 without rtaaire. Vtitul-1 train. Cslon depot conneetiorji la all principal citte. Ka?SR;e checked to destination ol ticket. tor liandsorntij- UlnmateddocriptiTe natter, ticketi, tltejiinff-car rtvervation, etc, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Astlttant General Paswmcer Azent. ' Morri on street, corner Third, Portland Oregon. un.huriii a, in pneumonia the druggist. For sale by Blakeley, I frightful running sore on his leg, hut t writes that Bncklen'g Arnica Salve For the weakness and prostration fol-, -.u.m" it in ten dav. f0. Ulcers. SOUTH and EAST via ONE FOR A OOSE. P -;", P-.r' tBKi, V ' 1 :o- T ra.rsrrrf tn. T cm. , !s" . -, ' :: ii tit PILLS Notice ! All persons indebted to the late firm j lowing grippe there is nothinz eo prompt and effective as One Minute Cough Core. This preparation is highly endorsed as .... i r ,, .i . 1 an nniaiunz remeay lor an iru uu droggiet lung troubles aod its early use prevents ; consumption. It wae made to cure quickly. Clarke & Falk't P. 0. Pharmacy. Do not wait until some fakir or glib- Wounds, Burns, Bolls, Pain or Piles it's i the best salve in the world. Cure euar- J anteed. Only 2-ic. Sold by Blakeley, Miilhfirn Pacific (In jof E. J. COLLINS &. CO., i BROOKS, are requested h and S. I. to call and , settle up on or before March let next without fail. s. L. BROOKS. Shasta Route i Look Here! tonzned eye doctor ?j comes along and sells you a pair of cheap glassei at an exorbitant price, but go to J. E. Adcox A Co. and have your eyes examined free by Prof. Theo. Lleb, who is a graduate optician. fs-'it NOTICE. My wife, Hattie Belle Bnrlingame, hav ing deserted me, I will not be responsi ble for any debts she may contract from this date. EiXiAK Buklingamk. January 'J9. 1901. j29-5w period the Tralm leave The Dalleii lor Portland and way itationt at i.h a. a. and Z I', za. We offer for a limited twice-a-week Cheosicle, price 11.50, I and the Weekly Oregoniao, price f 1.50, lioth timers for t'2 a vear. Subtcriotlons . Wbypayfl.o per gallon lor interior ; Qnder tM( offer mQ8t u paid in a(1 paints when yon can buy James E. ! vance. f Lure Portland RrUDam " Albanr 12.aia ATlve Abland !2:.THn " Kacraiaecto 5:(IJ p m " ran Fxaneisoo . .7:lipra ':() it a I 10 p ta H 'Wara I, 4:Mam e lia ta ' All the Groceries, Hardware and Tin ware will be disposed of by the 1st of March, as the building will be ocenpied by other parties. S. L. BROOKS. jaolG-tncbl I E E D S! fur reliruarj. A fine 16x20 enlargement wiili -vrv Pattoo's sun trof paints for 1.50per' gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & rail, agent. mi doz;.n of wy ,,itt.n CHynet ,,j,'to-." The O. K. barber shop is now running ' Cloudy daye are just m isA lr sittiu,re. three chairs with three first- c!aa6 (ju rouu. Arrive Ogdon " Denver KantaaCit)' " Chicago 5:t-'j a m J;Wn T a m 7.15 a tn Arrive Lf Aiigtlet - El Pawi ... . Fort Worth " Citr ot Mexico " Houston. . New Orleaiu . ' Washington NewVork 1 -SO p ta cut p ta . . C-3) a ta . V-Mara t M a ra C W a ta e L'nia .12. Vi p ra 11 tiara !l.lft ra . a a a ta 7 CO a ta CtOpra 'j a ra I CO a ra i i p ra ' C K a za 1 Vi-U p a ; E r td Pullman and Tonrit car on both train - plies just received lir Clarke 4 Falk man nlm and tan. ' 'halrtar Sacrtmento tn Ofcden and El Pao, ! man iun ana "P-, fcna t,yJri,tt,r. w Chicago, et UrxU, New Or i ItJtai sad WjiiiDgum. i The most ornpl!te stock of Garden, Grass, Field and Vegetable Seeds In bulk in the Inland Em pire at the Feed. Seed aod Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS, THE DALLES. OR. BED WANTED E E JxxiiimliiiijXM ixiixiiiXui xtxi it ix'iiji uiiu 444 j , ' - " """, """"""""' w tr- r ''r'-T"--t-Trrr"TrVTyiTf 1 1 ,! ' . " 9 3- as Th Dalles, Or. I ? 1 1 i The Chronicle, Job Printers. 3 VI SI? 1 rn barbers. Patrons of the shop will thus ! Giffords pictures riev-r fad-. be assured of quick attention and prompt i . .... - , " ., . . 1 t u... A full line of East ana eaiisiaciory eervicc. j. irot, nroririetor. Via 2w j There e danger in oelog ' .iSf! lon't-you know that Cocoanut Cream, mnll,t.rfj,ll of n.wi,., WJtL.h n,, ' KXVtiai a S man 10 do the cooking and houe liair Tonic child ana 70 centl a Dome at rrazer uarorr i UK iui 'i ia wi w m Mfcvvavv a shop, sole agent. 11 .Clarke i Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Gtoetal Paaawiger Ageat, Pon.nd, Or Subscribe for The Chronicle. on t-you xnow inn vcoauui vrc4m , j,,,,, of rjeVliU's Witch Haiel Phllippitiet, tuUal md bouth America. , Tonic will save your and your H The original is a cafe and certain J b agent at The U.lle, .uUoa, or addrm dren'i hair? Yoa can get it for 50 CQre (or pUett h J, a soothing and heal- aaaou-uaM 75 centi a bottle at Fr.xer e barber Jn gtUe for Mre ,nd kiD djleaK.( t,- MAKKHAM, work. Steady employment to a compe tent man. Address, RANCH 35, 4feb2w The Dalles, Or. Advertise in The Chronicle.