The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 12, 1901, Image 3

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Dry Goods
' Ailvanco salt? of
Percales ....
1 Choice Spring Goods,
regular lot sellers,
and so marked;
j Special
I for this week only,
i I2XC.
VV. B. Corsets,
Special sale, this week,
Less 2 5 per ct.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
fhe Dalles Daily Chwmiete.
" '
All lVci County vnrrllti reentered
prior ti n-pteiiilier 1, IK'JT. will be paid
un iirmrntatliiii nt my i. tiler. Intorrsl i
cre fter Not ember "ill, IIIUII.
County Trnutirr.
Valentines galore at The Racket store, j
, ,
The rose is red, the violet blue, suaar s !
wet and so are the valentines at Men
eke Parkins'. 1 l-3t
Kee Metiefee A Parkins' window for
the handsomest line of valentines ever
mdbited in The Dalle?. 1 1 at little daughter of Mr. and Mr?.
Creijhion, who has been eeriouely ill
with pneumonia, is reported today as
s!"Wiy improving.
Sonle Bros., professional piano tuners, .
served 1
1 At Andrew Keller's. '
are in the city for a few days only. The situation is jUBt this, says the AI
Leave orders at Nickelsen's and Mene-1 bany Democrat. A prohibitory law was
A Parkins' stores. l-'-3t ! passed. Tho saloon keojiers refused to
Miei Stella Frizzell, the Hi-year-old ' respect it and openly continued their
'laughter of Mr. L. Frizzell of this city, tinsineae, evidently being lucked by tho
is very ill with pneumonia and today oflicore of tho law, manv d whom were
'er condition wag critical. perhaps subsidized. Drunkenness con
Capt. Ferrier and Lieut. VIvicam, the,
n ollicers of the Salvation Army, will
have their welcome meeting on Wednes
day night. Tlie public is cordially In
vited. John Allison, the single Hinallpox
tii i ..... i .1 !
rvu iji mil ciiv, was reieasm irorai
,,,., , , , . . . tins ioen noi luwiuy umi n) .,,
'iiarafitine today and departed, in com ; , , ' .,',, T... ....
Mrl., ,,., ' ., ,,.(n an inportant uestion. I wo wrongs
Pn Uh Mrs. Allison, for the V ilium-, t ;nakH tt ;jK,.ti
ette valley. I - -
; ClriMilt Cnnrl.
Lion Rondeau, of Kingsley, was in - -
tun today on his way to Vancouver to In the circuit court this i.iornlng John
Mug hoimi his little son, who is attend- Dilon, Uio is charged with stealing the
i the sisters' academy at that place, sum of f 15 from the pocketn of a man at
aril who has recently been In poor , Mosier, pleaded guilty to Hiinple lar
health. i cony. He will be sentenced Thursday
Va'entine sale of hats, at prices cut to j in'Jrnlng.
li-art, at Miss Haven's. We are I .lo Klmer, who is charged w h hav
out to make room for new J W'gMolena quantity of m.w I aneous
woi.', o,. Trimmed halb, street tfn'id from the Commercial l.dging
cap-, babv linnets and trimming Ho.i.e, ...i. River, pleaded guilty. He
miieriiN, H2-2tlw'" '''"'v" Mi fi'iiteniiM Ihiirsday
' . y " ,,,M eUa8" ,U U,U IJlll,iW'" , d.,v nrocurinu a inry in the Reece cane
tar 1( i.. .i... i i.i .i
- Ill I )M IIUI L'U, WHICH .
'"puutil midnight, when Mr. gu.""'" '? Ln ,
took a ,tBhllght pliotograpb of the '' ' wh ' '
in the dance, which was,
I'ty before the dancers adijumeii.
he telephone wires at Waterloo are.
'"K 'id Uiider-urouiifi.
''y hr. the conduit va, all re.dy, ft
o 4 T
wa nut uio on m ,i .,,,1 u Un I.,
'Ur a fnrrM -,1.1. I... ... i...
Department. Creamery
Tygh Valley, Warner's
and Trout Lake,
50c per roll
for rl'h roe Days only.
Van Camp's
Mock Turtle, Oxtail,
Chicken, Clam Chow
der, Bouillon, Vegetable
Special qc,
This week only.
I lc was sent after him. Both ai rived at I
the oilier end in a remurKaiuy sumi.
time and the wires were pulled through
by means of the string. Telephony.
i C. L. Phillips, who is a breeder of line
poultry, left at this otlke today a sped
' men of thu kind of hen fruit hi. chickens
lean produce when they only
half try.
The egg beats anything in its line the
hen editor of this paper ever eaw. It
measures one and three-iourins mciies
in length and is exactlv the shape of an !
ordinary fair sized peanut, with this !
' difference that it Is slightly pinched in ,
! the middle and looks as if biddy had
Stalled to make two eggs
and suddenly
changed her mind and quit before she
i had made the tenth part of one.
! At a little after break of day this
i mornini: an employe in the California
1 Piin Ii,,ii3. fnimil tliH rooms over
the bar room filled with smoke and on
searching for the cause found that the
. . .. rnnm h.w ae.
i lire to tho partition through which it
I pasted before entering the brick flue,
' and the ILinuf was fast eating its wayto
j the apartment overhead. Tho (ire was
1 extinguished without turning in an
alarm, nut not. uniu a uuckui unique ui ,
half a doen persons had been kept on j
the jump for nearly half an hour.
The p.ipers continue to be tilled with
the doiug of Mrs. Nation in Kansas.
tinued. Mrs. Nation and Home other
women uot mad at this lawless way of
i doinc thiniis and went to smashing the
furniture of the saloons, taking the law
into their own hands. The saloons
which did business contrary to law
probably got what they deserved, but j
, . , . . ..... ,.i ,.,,n,,
r . ,' ' '. .i... i ... i .-mi'
VI'. ,i,i. ,.,.1,11,1 '! 1,11 II I'OIM-
inrnment was taken
' till tomorrow morning.
I.ual or Ntolril,
mv St. Hernard dog. A liberal reward
will be paid for h i return or for mfor-
I . .i i ..til I I tn rutll rn
illation vuai win mi ij ..
fll.jArV'it AUl.l.bV UUCIII.Ut.
Broken Lot
of Ladies', Misses' and
Children's Shoos.
Ladies' Welt Button.. .$1 .45
Ladies' AVelt Button... 1.25
Ladies' Turn Sole, 2h
to 4 "
Ladies' Spring Heel,
Button, 2 to 5
Ladies' Spring Heel,
Lace, 3 to 0
Child's Kang. Calf,
Button, 5 to 8
Child's Goat Button,
5 to 8 08
Child's Goat
9 to 12
I Sixteen Ileinoernl Are Expected
j I'll ill' Willi III" llepubllrani to
I Defeat Corbeit.
Special Correspondence., Or., Feb. 11, 1001.
The senatorial vote on Saturday can
not be taken to mean that Mr. McBride
has entirely dropped out of tho race.
In u short interview with the senator
just after the vote was taken, Mr. Mc-
Bride said that he had no statement to
make except that tho change was made
with his full consent.
Curbott men are very jubilant over
the event, claiming that this ia only the
beginning of the end, and that the break
up of the opposition will shortly occur.
.Several absentees would have voted lor
Mr. Williams had they been present,
and it is freely predicted here that Tues
day will see a dark dorse driven into
tho arena, and that he will have snfli
cieut strength to outrun any and all
other candidates. While fifteen or six
teen members, who are voting now for
Smith, stand ready to unite on Mitchell
or some other man who stands equally
well with tho people, it seems that Mr.
Corbett stands little show, for those
men are nearly all instructed by their
constituents to vote for the deleat oi
lnal,,t Kent,.llin, regarded at tho
I jireseui lime as nun piini. ma uh.vo ui uru
fulness as n public official one who
could not stand the strain of political
log-rolling and live his full term.
Corbett is a man of energy. He
stands above tho average as a business
man and his financial deals are success-
j fill. Vet to see him as he moves about
the capital, one who Is a stranger to
him would never Mippuse him to ben
political boss. His step is unsteady,
his ho ly palsied, his baud trembling,
and his make-up generally that of u
man in the evening of life, .lust when
Ko)(m gm ,H mUn, , B ,ow of
beauty for him, as far as wealth is con
cerned, he ruthlessly lifts his hands and
tears away the glorious picture, leaving
in it? place it view of darkness and
desolation .i landscape in which the
clouds are formed from the foulness and
evil eminating from the stirring up of
political lilthinesH mil rounding and ever
existing near a modern senatorial race.
The vote todav shows no material
change from Saturday, hut tomorrow or
Wednesday may possibly see an election
of Oregon'H next senator.
For inlaiits and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tlie
Biguaturu of
Hamilton brown's "flood as Hold"
shoe for men und boys are tlie best
wearing shoes In the world, Nos, 12 to 'J,
Hl.Cij 2.j tuojij, 1 85 j II to 10, a,25.
Mcllrltle' FrlfiniU On Ovitr In l'nrt to
Special toTiiK Ciihonioi.k ), Feb. 12, 1001. The hoii60 con
vened this morning at nine and the
senate an hour Inter.
The house passed the MeCrncken bill,
appropriating $5000 for the use of the
Oregon Historical Society.
Several i.ieasures relating to tho sal
aries of state and county officers were
made the special order for tonight.
Curler withdrew bis railway rate bill,
having Arrived at the conclusion that it
would not stand the test of the supreme
Thu house defeated the bill providing
for the appointment of a board of rail
road commissioners.
The senate pnssed I'roebstel'e bill,
prohibiting the use of nickel-in-the-slot
Also In man's bill to keep the polls
open until 7 o'clock p. m.
AlsoSweek'a bill fixing the compensa
tion of justices of the pence in Mult
nomah county.
Also Hunt's bill providing for tho
registration ot voters between June and
November in a presidential year.
Tlie vote for senator was taken with
out any excitement, notwithstanding
that all who had voted for Williams
yesterday, save only Roberts, of VVaeco,
changed to Uinger Hermann. Black,
who had been voting for Hermann,
went over to Corbett where he was be
lieved to belong all the time. His flop
therefore created no surprise. II is vote
was all the time at Uorbett'a service'tbo
moment Corbett's managers should hint
it was wanted. The vote stood as fol
lows: Corbett, 32; Hermann, 29;
Smith, 22;,Inman, 3; Williams 1; ab
sent and not voting, .'!. It is expected
that Mitchell will enter the race tomorrow-with
45 votes, one less than a ma
jority of all the members. If he can do
this, Corbett's name is Dennis.
Kstlmnttt f OnrbHlt by III Fellow Sen
ators In lKli!l-.1Iltclill Cmilil Cent
1 1 tit mi it Popular Vote by Ten
Thoimiinil Majority.
Dr. W. L. Adams, of Hood Iliver, an
old pioneer who drove an ox team across
the plains in 1SW, and who for nine
years edited the Arcus, the leading re
publican paper in Oregon, organized
the republican party in Oregon, and by
his pen and on tlie stump was much in
strumental in making Oregon a free
state, dropped in on us a few minutes
today. Tlie doctor, who is over SO years
old, still retains his youthful vigor of
intellect and astounding memory of
events that have transpired for tlie last
fifty-two years in Oregon.
We were anxious to net li ia opinion on
matters and things pertaining to politics
of a late date, especially as to the sena
torial imbroglio. He seemed quite re
luctant to answer our questions as he
prefers to avoid the Parthian arrows
that he says would bo thrown at him by
"a band of political republican whelps
who are tring to earn the money placed
in their pockets by an imbecile they are
now trying to send to the U. S. senate. "
He had many kind words to say of Coi
bett as an honorable, fair-dealing busi
ness mail. "He is u good friend of
mine," said tho doctor, "hut I never saw
the day that 1 would bacrilico the inter
ests of this slate to advantage even my
own brother. .Corbott Is, in fact, as in
capable as he was considered by senators j
generally when I was in Washington ,
City in.lSO!). It was a common thing for j
senators to ask me, 'Why did your state
send that man Corbott to the senate'."
I think one strong reason why ho was i
refused a seat when Lord sent I'im over '
there was his known incompetency,
One man. a stranirer to me. who wanted
something done by an Oregon senator,
told me he could get Corbett to do noth
ing, it 1 1 1 1 said : 'Why did your state
send that stupid ass to Washington'."
"Mcllrldo Iiiih mailt) a good .icnaior,
and the merciless, uncalled-for and vil
lainous aH.iiiltH i hut Iiiivm biieu made
'upon Idiii by Curheit'rf organ in Port
I laud have ,iolmlilv induced Mitllridn to
make a loiiL'er lllu uuiimi stupidity
hacked hy money ha m than he other
wise would.
"Wu want a sen " to represent Ore
gou, not a Portluiiit clique,
"Nine-tenths of our people are for
John II. Mitchell, democrats and repub
licans, and if our democratic friends in
tho legislature would regard the wishes
and Interests of the slate, they would
help elect .Mitchell and close i he tight
thu next b.tllot ntkeu, Jo m II, Mitch
til, on a popular vole, could beat either
Corbett or Williams by morj than ten
We do
Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates
made and contracts taKen for heatim; old or new
Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma
chine repair shop in connection with our Imrdwme
and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store
during January and February, we will give One
Chance on the following prizes:
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives a nd Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
In addition to giving away these prizes wo will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade in the best possible
way. We will positively not be undersold by
any one. Our prices are right.
thousand majority. If the ring in Port
land does not believe it, let them put
out their fastest nags and let us see. As
old as I am, I will take the stump and
try to save Oregon from such a great
calamity as sending an incompetent to
Washington City to sit up in the United
States senate as a mere ugure
say and do nothing."
heau to
Criuluateil Optician lu the City for
Short Time Only.
.1. Shef, a graduate of Paris, France,
witli the degree of Oph. D will be in
tlie city for u short time near Geo.
Riich'a store, corner Second and Wash
ington streets.
Dr. Shef is a gentleman who conies
highly recommended, and he can prac
tice his profession in any city in the)
world. He has settled in Seattle, where
he enjoys a large practice; but ia travel
iug through a part of Oregon for a rest
from overwork, and is combining busi-
' ness with pleasure. He makes all ex
aminations free, and warrants all his
work. He cannot a (lord to fail to give
The Influence of the eyes on tho geu
eral health is so great that no one can
all'ord to take chances by consulting un
skilled opticians. Hence all who have
weak or diseased eyes should consult Dr.
Mokl Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
i ueligntiui nero arm. ueiuuvus
! eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
. i . i. i ii u
complexion, or money refunded. L'o cts
and AO cts. Blakeley, tlie druggist.
Yon will not have built if vou t,
(Market: Falk' sure cure tot boils.
Our Store is the
Talk of the Town.
Popularity never ceast's with us.
Finest Stock
and Lowest Prices.
.Now iork htimiuy world oo.
The DaIIhb Leading Cigar and Tj
bacuo House,
One Alnmmized Garland Steel
-One Rose Garland Cast Iron
How to Cure Croup.
Gray, who lives near
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenta,
Duchess county, N Y., says : "Chamber
lain's Coueh Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever used. It is a fine
children's remedy for croup and never
fails to cure." When given as soon as
i the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough ha9 developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
bo'iie in mind and a boltle of the Cough
Remedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as theBe symptoms appear.
For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
Your Fac
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and Ballow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this wo
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley, the druggist.
Reports show a greatly increased death
rate from throat and Inmr troubles, due
to tho prevalence of croup, pneumonia
and urippe. Wo advise tlie use of One
Minute Cough Cure in all of these
dillieuJties. It is tlie only harmless
remedy that gives immediate resulis
Children like it. Claike & Falk's P. O.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. -5 cts.
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
Hustling young man can make ftiO per
mouth and expenses. Permanent posi
tion. Experience unnecessary. Writ"
quick for particulars. Clark oi t j, ,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Phtladel
hpia, Pa, sS-t;
Mrs. llattie Morris, stylish drees
making. Kelater-Taylor equaie, taught
as in St. Louis and Chicago. All the
latest patterns. Above Pease & Mays'
store. . j'-':!-'-'
For fasliioiuhlndresiimkiiig and plain
sewing, call ami see .Mic S. K. Hender
son, IUW Third street, in Mrs. IMdon's
bouse. jl" li
Remember that yon don't have to be
bald ; you can keep youi hair by lining
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. Tn bu
h ! it Frazer'H h.irber shop. tt
i-oanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure
.run" and all tcalp diseases. Don't
ct your hair. For sale at Fritter's
r shop, sole aireut. tf
.ruuncilb.) Iji I'm. v.iiuunioi.k.