Is I 151 The Dalles Daily Chronicle.! In the county cum of the state ot Orer-n, for the county ol Wasco. In the matter of the estate of Henson McCoy, deceased, ciUtlon. n'ROSti" BUT UiEFUL. stands without a rival as a curative! agent and possesses complete mastery To Mary A. Steruwei. Amanda E. Mowery, t Josenh H. McCoy, and Ucnnij R. McCoy, prectins In trie name ot the state of Orecon. von and over all curable diseases without era- appear in the county court of the suteo'f Ore-' nWinr ninmitK or ooionou dmr con. for the county of Wasco, at the March tcrn , piormc nauseous or poisonous urns. o fa,d .j. the nvm in,,., at Description.theorv, method of operation, talle city, in said county, on Monday the Uh , . ,. . ' ... . ' dy of Ma'ch.liVl, at 2 o clock lu the afternoon i list of diseases fur which it s recom- of that day. then and there to show eanse. if r.,11 , i any exist, why an order of sale should not bo " made directing Clarissa F. JleCoy, the admiuis- DRUGLESS HEALING CitatlOIL ' with Oxrgenor Company e Perfected flrrninnr Kin?. Tt is not a hattsrv. It TUESDAY - . . . FEB. 12, IM1 ,s n"Q etectricity. tt cures with the oxy. ' cen of the air, without doctors, without ;,v,ftn ,,l;:ni Th MtMtli0 iiary a. Moruwet, Amanita i .vowery, t drups. witnont ine greatest I j,,, j Kowier, Thomas J. McCor, William boon to mankind ever discovered. It1 McCoy, John R. McCoy. : Sarcy M. l-pn-cll. I Protection may be theoretically wrong, says the Bristol. English. Times, but that it is practically use ful in its workings is again shown by an official report this time from our consul at Chicago. This report re-' mended, etc.. furnished free, fers to the tin plate industrv, 3nd address. J. M. Filloo.v, tramxof thecsuteof Henon .M"cCoy.devacd. ! - . in wii rn i isarv iiinrvi innnne t,- 'Phone No. 39?. j21.2wd-wlm tbe figures quoted are not only in teresting, but also significant and disquieting. Down to 1S91 the manufacture of tin plate was prac- TJon't Hub It In, Just wet the affected part freelv with tically unknown in the states, which 1' foKyll used to import about OUU million talk. : pounds a year, nearly all from the Clarke A Falk have recrived a carload j TTnitPd Kinndnm. and mtirh of it of the celebrated Jame E. Patton I ' said estate. a follows, to-wit WW of the NW'X, in section township two ... south, ranee : . and situated in Wasco county, Orrcon. Witness the Hon. Geo. C. Blakcley. Judce of the said county court, with the seal of said court atnxed. tats us: uay ol January. A. I. A. E. LA KK, Clerk. Bv tf. BOLTON, Deputy. i strictlr pure liquid paints from South Wales and the to: est of Dean. In 1691 the McKinley Tariff Floral lotion will cure wind chapping Act came into force, and the suc ceeding years have seen a steady and rapid reduction in tbe quantity of imported tin plates, and a corres ponding increase in the home pro duction. The 600,000,000 pounds sent to America by us in 1S92 has shrunk down to about 100,000,000 pounds, while the tin plates made in tbe States have increased from noth ing iu 1S91 to S00,000,000 pounds in 1S9S. TeD years ago there were no tin plate mills m the States; now there are over 300. It is scarcely surprising, under the circumstances, that our tin plate mills are idle, and that thousands of our tin plate workers are out of work. and sunburn. & Falk. Manufactured bv Carte Nasal CATARRH In all its starta there ahosli be cjeasress. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased xaenibrire. It cares catirrh asi driTe3 ivrzj a co.ii .2 the head Cream Halm is placed irto the aosSCs, spreads crcr the Eczjhrire ad is absorbed. RtJefis !-sesLiteasaacefo-ow!. I: is znt dryir; dies cot prodsce sseezlrr. Li-re, 50 certs a: Drj; Cisi '.rtyrn.i; Trj S-r , 1 D cents by nil- ELY I.3THERS, I' Wirrea i--ee:, New To.-iu NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . ; .Isolated Tract Public Land Sale.) ! t'. S Lisd Orncr. The Dalle. Or., ( January 1. 1S01. ( ! Notice is hereby riven that in pursuance of . instructions from the Commissioner of the Gen- oral Land OSce, under authority vested in hira by section U. . Rev. Stat., a amended , by the act of Concres approved February -"6, 13 we will proceed to offer at public sale on Monday, the 'ith day of February, neat, at the I hour of 11 o clock a. m , at this oSce, the fol- lowinc tract of land, towit swi, x 4 c- ao. t 2 r r- e, w m. Any and all person elalmlnc adversely the atx ve d ?cribei lands are advised to file their c in t-is othc- on or bef, re the day above itt. J 1 -r theeotnraencctuent ,f said sate, thtir rich's will te f'irfeite"i I JwK Lcr.ij.. Heeister. .'I On- 1attek.x, Receiver. 0 Complete Cipe of Dms. at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. REGULATOR LINE. wwm. roRTUxn k astoria nay. wmm Steamers of th Regulator Unc wilt run per the fol. ow.fii: schftiulc. the Company reserving the rlRht to change's ii,v.lnl0 ulthotit notice. 3 - vr. A Ia .Portland.? at 7:00 a. x. 3 Tuexlar Thurnlay ,J IH Str. Regulator ! t' HOWS'. I f , I. . Dalles . ! k at 7 .. x. I hv Tuesday ff, Thutsday . . sa.uraay , I 2, at 4:30 r. K. MS, - vr. I.v. I'ortUad at 7 t. V. Monday . Wednesday Friday Atr. Dalles a 5r. h. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Daflos City. 1K1W.N t.v. Dalles at 7 A. k. Monday W,'liiesdy . Krldav Arr. I'ortUnd at I :.) r. M. aIUIar d Air. Dalles 3 atSr.M.,; 3 I FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 5 twm th., Z'.mrf-i nl th Rectilitnr line. The rompany will endeavor to KlvettntMt- 1 " ron the best service posti'ule. For further information address W. U. ALLftWflTi UUn. fgZ. B, l'ortUr.d Office, Oat-Strwst Doct. Sherifi's Sale. Speaking of the tactics that the Simon-Corbett ring adopted in 1S97 to defeat the re-election of Senator Mitchell, the Oregonian of yesterdav says: "The remedy was unusual, perhaps indefeusible.'.becanse the emergency was unusual, perhaps in sufferable." The "emergency" was the certain election of a man who was the choice of a majorit' of the members of tbe legislature as well as of the people who elected '.hem. Tbe ''remedy" was a conspiracy to defeat the will of the people by pre venting the organization of the house. The remedy was simple anarchy and the hardest word tb3t the Oregonian, which boast; of its independence and political morality, has to say of it is th3t it was "per haps indefensible." It was villanou;, revolutionary and unrepublican to the last degree, and the gang of un principled anarchists who conceived and executed it would now add in salt to injury by rewarding the chief anarchist and financier of the move-1 ment with a seat in the highest branch of tbe national legislature. X 'lice i hereby civen that. pmuant to an I esecut!On isu d on the 2ta da of Januarv, ! IA1. out vt tte Circuit Court of the state of ! Oresron. fur Wasco connty. in a tuit in which j Mary T. ?:ronc is plaintiff and Wilson K. i , Wlnans. Mary Winan, J. M. Hcntinrton. O. F. i-h' 'waiter, administrator of the etalcof i. G. j Krehbie , deeeaed, and J. 3. Spencer are de-; leciar.t. to me directed and eommandins me to sell the lnd hereinafter de-cribvd, 1 will, ! ' on Saturday thesad day of February, r.i, at the bnnr of 2 o'el':t p. in., at the court hou; door ; ' ia Dalle- City, Oresron, se;l t.. the hichestbidder f ir cash in hand, the southwest quarter of the ( southeast carter, and the northeast quarter of ' the sou'henst quarter of section ., biwnthipJ! north, tanse eit, W. M . to satisfy a icdement 1 in said cause reccered acain't said defeadnt, ; Wi.-on R. Winans, for JfO-.iiJ and acrums . interest, JiWO attorney's fee and ?Jli.lO costs ( I and disbursements tnd accruing co-L. j ROBERT KELLY, .aa5" Sheriff' of Wasco Connty, Or. Just What You uaant. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. In talking of Chocolates please remember that we carry a full Kne of LOWNEY'S, jiu opened, fresh from tbe factory. Ia plain arid fancy boxes ' for Cnristrrasi trade, and at prices to suit. Don't force: that we arf be2d- j qnartt-rs f r the best oa earth. Name LOtVNEY settles it. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LiKOOrncE at The Oe: j Jan. Ji.lSOl. Xotice is hereby riven that the lollowin;-1 named settler has cled notite of her inten- ! t.or. to mate tinal proof in support of her rlim, and that said proof will incde be S ire the reenter and receiver tt Tbe Dalies, ' Ort?"n, on Wediiv-day, March 6, r.Ol.viz. A.lallnr C. Stefi, on" of the heirs and for the heir of Ruth Gen . evia steel, deceased, ot The Dalles, Oresnn. H. E. No. 4J10, for 'he SEJ Stc J3, Tp 1 X, f. 1 J E, W M. She names the followir.s witneies to prove her ooDtinaon- residence upon, and cultivation ! I of said land, vtr: i W. CaMs. Joan R. Co.iV. JJ. H. Miller, James 1 Simonson, ail of The Dalle-. Orecon. JAY P. LVCAS, j- P.e.ister i Mir ym Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, a! much less than wholesale prices." Wi.l sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must "be closed out before 30 days. All coods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fittinp Corsets j and Bntterick Patterns. Your prices will be untie. Call early and secure ' J. P. McINERNY, ! Corner Second and Court Sts. ; vf - New ideas in SVall Paper here. 5ucb wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita-; tioa cretun eiTects at ordinary prices, j Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful coloriuirs, yours ! ior a small price, at our store on Third ! street. Also a full line of house paints, i D. W. VATJSE, Third St. j Grandall & Burget DEALER IN RobeS, All kinds of undertake- t BunaSh Funeral Supplies embalmers gte. "' The Dallos. Or. Administrator's Notice. State yf Oregon for Gov. Allen, of Porto Rico, reports a condition of general prosperity. Crops are nnasually large, and wages, Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure !j the i -.iinty Court the the ount v r.f Wacco. Iu the matter of tbe estate of Emma May Crom-1 i well, defeased i NotKe ji hereby dven that the undersized ' has tien aprolnted by the County Court of j K't". County, of the state of Oregon, the ad- ninUtrator of the etateof Emma May Crom we;l, deceases. . A'.t ferons having claim against taid estate are hereby re,ulrtd to pri-ent tbe rame to me, pro;r!v veriiitl, a by law rtquirrf. at First und Taylor ftre-t-, at my place of business j within six months from the date hereof, at l"'rtia:H.Oreeon. i Dated Tth day of February, A. D.. I'.'M. . F.fAVTON. , .iu;ui;jis-.raiur o: u:e esia;e 01 tmrna iir t r"mwell, dtceaMd. J A trowbndire, Jr.. attorney for adminls , trator. Xo. 'JJ7, Cotamercial blocs, Portland, Oreson. (tW-nchS F. S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. . nor Second & Lao. 'Piione 157 Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grai n, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, TmifiSlo Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUT This KIoar l! manufactur?d expresely for family u. H 11 . use: e,et"' 'ack ia guaranUjed to give satiafactioxi. Mn on V g0ode lowpth3D a?y honee in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get cur rritxe and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. ;.s. scBixc-E, President. viHvaM wmiim UU vu,v' Notice 1 hereby riven that the undersigned ItarClDCiailyail?e5lSineiOOaanaaiQ3 nasniea wim toe ciert 01 tne county court i t. m i nn . j v,n t n cinrrthhi annr,. the state of Oron. f or W asco conntT. his fln wuicu ere lorireriy ou cenu a tiay - ? iu oucusmu, .m, v account as administrator of the esta-i of H.i c;u.a, ,. ; SlTUCling We exnaUStea aigeSUVeor- Bradford. deeeavM, and that by an orderduly in silver, are now oO cents a day in gans. It is the latest discovered digest- madeontheitbdyof DfcembVr. iyo, by gold. -Civil government in Porto MtMd tonic. Kc . other prepawUon JidAi T?- .ii CM approach It in emClency. It in room of said court as the place for the hearing atico, 53)5 vjov. AiieD, ass not stantly relieves and permanentlf cures ' objections to said nnai account cost the people of the United States Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, T- fZ?,T VO.T. Jaahiei It has feen self Sustain- RlrlrRparIarhP.aastral!yln Hramnsanrl one penny, ingfrom the beginning." Customs all other results of imperfect digestion. Guardian's Notice of Sale receipts are increasing and tbe treasury has a surplus. Democratic platform writers have no further use ld b-T Clarke &Falks P. O. Pnarmacy. for Porto Rico, SO YEARS EXPERIENCE Price 50c and IL "Trra slxe contain! iWtlEei small size. Book all coout dyspepsia mailed tree P-cpcred by E C Dc'yiTT a CO.. Cljieago .S'otire is hereby riven that pursuant to an order of sale cade by the County court '-t the state of Orezon for Wao C'onntr. the tinder. signed, the duly aptinttd ruardlun of Haana jrr An Oregon paper which is now found zealously supporting the sena torial aspirations of 3Ir. Corbett, bad this to say of him in its issue of October 4, 1898: '-His record for bribery and corrupt methods in 1872, 1896 and la98 should forever damn bim politically." This is as good a case as a patent medicine firm would want as an example of tbe effects, "before and after taking." Graphic. Mi J-it-mi nr. will from acd aiter II. h Tth rtav nl febrnary.lM, sell ct private sale the follouriue dcribed real profrty . Lot N'o. C in block 5 of jaompson .aauion v usues city, nasiti County, Otwn, bloKing totbeesUte of Id IIsiius I'lemiL?. Tbe said s,a!e wjll be for cash in band mid. . MRS. G. i. iK'aSEK. Ouardlan. 3 first national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON i A General Banking Baeinees traneacted ; Deposit received, subject to Sight i Draft or Check. Collectione made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. 1 Eight and Telegraphic Exchange sold or i New York, Ban Franciaco and port- i land. 1 OIRBCTOKS. D. P. Thompbom. Jho. B. Schzsct. ' ' fcD. I. VSlLLIAB, GSO. A. LlUBl. H M. Biali- PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Opposition to tbe ship subsidy bill comes from tbe party that declares all protective measures to be rob bery. It is merely the free trade bowl in a new place. i radi: masks Copyrights Ac. Anror.e tfnllm a ssrtfb and cetcril in ma Sn ty ij--Ttri oar otamon !rfc whitttr a u,Te:i irrr ts probably rtab'.e, - .'KtDCTiIs .fm trtIynB!)nttal. Ilandtxiokou Patretl c .t Irea. Oldest acencr i r sect nor lattms. rai-i,ta taken tUToorh Jlcr.n h O... reecjTt: ryttiii.wAUt, wtthoat cbai?e, m tbs Scientific Jimericatt. A'fi-iMr r".rstr'.!-l Vly. Jjirreat rtr. t-ji,'i ie- :ii! yfjruit. 1 vnt Vi a rn I .jr t ti. fcoid byttl t.wfrtier. MUKK & Co.-H3W York hrtuJ .'Rie Cj V it. ""tsb'B.-.i-i. Ij. f NOTICE OF FINAL SEm.EMEXT' Iii the matter of tbe wotejof John Gottlieb ' WsKecblast, decad Administrator's Notice. Natlce is hereby jnren that the undersigued has been duly appointed by the county Court of Vac Count), Oregon, administrator of tbe ' estate of y T. sharp, decoa-ed. Ml persons Jiavinff claims against tbe e-Ut are hereby re 'tuJied to present tbe same to me, duly verified, in Dalles city, 0,'rj.ji,, within sis months iroru the date hereof DatXl January 1.. 1 Wj. JI5 w. H :IIAKr,Adnjln.strator, MATT SHOREN,j General Blacksmith and Horseshoer. All kirnle of blackernithing will receive prompt attention and will b executed in firet-clase ehapj. Give bim a call. THE CELEBRATFn .. .GOIiUWBlA BREWEfiY.. AUGUST BUCHLEFv, Prop. the la! r orv L itV.ITL.8,, A."or s"P'f?r brew never entered ... . V .-! ueaiwi rebortH. 5 Richardson's Old Stand, Pi. Lt'.i lit t Kotif-e i hereby .sjiven that the underslsned, the exet-utor of the last will and testament of John UottUeb U'ageobUst, deetat, nai fll-rf reone who can sot take ordinary find It a nleaiare to uLe DeWitt'g F.fTw p;..,. Thsr vJ.slb1'' ont In the matter of said rtut. t .iny Kieere. I hey are the beet nj theCountr Coortof tbeeuteof Oregonfor 'rer pilli ever made. Clarke & ". O. Pharmacjr. Hamilton Urowa hot at The New York Caih Store. ' Vtaarot'onntr has st Mondar. the Tth rfv r,i January, 1'jul, at tbe hour of lu a. in. of said day . as tbe date for tbe bearing of the said account a lid ens objections thereto. I JOHN WAOENBI.A8T, 1 Executor of the last will of John Gottlieb' Viagenciiast, deceased an -5 j Pf SWP mjr iilREASE ;:- 1 H belf$ the team. Saves wear nd I exjeuse. Sold eery where, IsBsS kui tr ti'fr STAN BARB OH, OO jK Third St., near Federal, Tbe JMIlea, Or. m w me num-ti trace of Bdnltt-rntin.. i.. ii.. v., . k thf bft of malt ami phnlewi m uwinr nanu ig compoeeii oi IS t and i "u ll uJwl Zh t.- . .V "ic qualitie are of the hisfli. 1 j J youn2. u tu i tar, ron c ie . iof.Ilv1 ben,!'il1'i'V, tIflloD by old and J the cerealntv tha " Cik, , , J f P'e'cnhed by the phyelcian. with 5 ' J pofelblv be found ' p ,rer Hf U,'"t) w,,olfcf5' bevlrge could not i mm Mwm L. Y. Hone. PropV. First-Class in Every Respect MKALH AT Ul HUUK1. ; Oysters Served in any Style. 0 U East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. I 7 Stwud St., The Pallet, Or. OLP MEN. Tlioum-i.ld of old men who thouuht tlinlr reoiHln irii' day. on earth would he few now hlmi the day J attheveommencHtheu8of thU irrcateit of U urength huildert. Lincoln Sexual Pills will briny h2' " t health mid ilrrnglb fr yon wwar beyond the averate man ol our years, and give y&" greai pac and comfort. ' B i... .1'ii'', 11 00 ruy of your drtiifglDt or rent by mail on rsr-fpt of nrics-, in v&n wrap" r. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Ft. Wayne, Ind. M. 7,. Doutiel, Agent, The Dallei,