e I) c u n II co g (Hp jmtde. VOL. XIII THE DALLES. OREGON , TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1901. NO. 30 A LINCOLN BANQUET Wattcrson anil Mark Twain Among t!ic Speakers. Were New Yoiik-, Feb. 11. Carnegie Hall vus filled tonight with people who hd assembled to commemorate theS)2d an nivirenry of Abraham L'neoln's birtli, the nroceeds of the meeting to go for the benefit of Lincoln Memorial University at Chamberlain's Gap, Tenn. Mr. Cletnene (Mark Twain) presided. Seated with him on either side of a bust of Lincoln were General Jopeph Wheeler, l'rofescor Charles Iloberts, General John It. Brooke, General Nelson A. Miles, Colonel Henry Watterson, General O. 0. Howard and General Charles O'Brien. Mr. Clemens read a letter of regret from President MeKtnlev. Henry Watterson spoke upon Abraham Lincoln." Inj introducing the speaker, Mr. Clemens i said . I "It is a remarkable fact that with the I wbole country to pick from, you should have called upon two old rebels, Colonel Watterron and myself, to take the prin-1 cipal parts in this (great meeting. But are not tie blue and thegravone today? I was a second lieutenant in the Con federate service. Watterson here, as cjioiiel, rendered mo such assistance as he could. If he had only strictly obeyed my orders I should have succeeded in my vast enterprise. It was my Inten tion to drive General Grant into the Pacific. I told General Watterson to surround the eastern armies and wait until I came. But he was insubordinate and the Union was B&ved." Excerpts from Colonel Watterson'e address follow : "Lincoln was at no time an extremist. Hi had been for 30 years in unconscious preparation for the fray. At the time of his debate with Douglas, the democratic firrty, as now, seemed hojelesly divided. "I want to say just hero a few words a boat the relation of Abraham Lincoln to the South. He was the only one who could have come to the position without animosity toward the South. For my part I thank God that the war did not end at Fortress Monroe, or by any other enil proceeding, but wa fought on out I AYegelable Preparationfor As similating lite Food andReguLa ling the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigestionJCteerfur ness andJstCoittalns neither Opiwn.Morplikie nor "Mineral. Not 7ah:j otic. aftJUJk-SAKUELmamft sfaut.fftt r Anctfecl Rpmprltr tnrCnrmWna ion , Sour Stomach.Diarrtioca nndLoga OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or Ja y.Kw Ybriic. SllCASTORIA j-ofm, sj,., I I huw Hwi (t iMl i.rt-Uif3i exact copy of I llfl U flf lo tho hitter enil nt Appomatox bo that slavery miaht lie annihilated. What was tlui mysterious power of this myste rious man? It was the genius of com mon sense. He was aconiinon mnn, ex panded to giant proportions. Truly lie was inspired of God, ns Shakespeare and Mozart. A hundred years hence no j tragedy will he followed hv mankind with deeper reverence than that which telle the story of his life and death." l'revruteit a Iracerly, Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre vented a dreadful tragedy und saved two lives. A frightful cough had lung kept her awake every night. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, nnd she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and $1.00. Kvery bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Ulakeley'sDrug Store. 6 Itt'Illrn Tim I.ntt San Fhancico, Feb. 11. Barton Hill, the veteran actor, returned from Aub- tralia, on the Bteamer Sierra just too late to attend the funeral of his wife who died in this city last Tuesday. Mr. Hill was prostrated by the news, which he received when the vessel docked. ( Barton Hill, one of the oldest actois in America, is well known in Portland, he having appeared here many times. His last appearance in this city was with Nance O'Neil. When Mies O'Neil went to Australia to play before the Antipo deans, Mr. Hill was one of the few players she took with her. The actor hearing of Iiib aged wife's illness, had left the company in Australia lo attend her bedside.) Tho Hmt I'lantor. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound to the aflected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or puins in the side orjjchest, give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it ailbrds. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application gives re lief. For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. Hamilton Brown's "0 Million" shoe for men, only $2 at The New York Cash I Store. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years Bears the i Signature Lp IF Business in the Dry Goods section opened up to a lively quickstep this morning the tune played being REW WTS of EVERYTHING at HALF MtfGE. Some ver' choice bargains were picked up by the earl' comers but plenty more here for those who come later. So be on time if you want Waist Lengths of Silk, worth $2.50, for $1.25 Skirt Lengths of Dress Goods, worth $3.00, for.... 1.50 Dress Lengths of Dress Goods, worth 7.50, for,... 3.75 AND YOU! M1MTS nels, etc., at same reductions. Fine Toilet Soap Oatm'al Glycerine. SPKCIAL.H cakes 25C NOT LIKELY TO SURRENDER Dispatch of Thirty Thousand Mounted Men Now Under Orders Is Actual ly Essential. New Yoiti;, Feb, 11. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: The dispatch which was leaned yesterday by the war oflice goes a long way to prove that the big reliitorcenient of 30,000 mounted men now under orders for the cape is really essential to the fulfillment of Kitchener's task. An engagement, In which the attacking force numbered 2000 Boers, and which resulted in at least 21 men being killed, cannot be con sidered a mere guerilla attack. Nobody nowadays a I lee In to believe that the South African campaign ia vir tually over, and it is quite evident a general surrender of the lloer forces is not likely to take place for some time to come. Louis Botha fulled In his attack on Dorrion's camp, but, although he eutlered severely, he appears to have In Dieted sulilcient losses on the liritlsh forces to prevent the repulse being turned into a serious deleat. The Doers everywhere seem to be displaying in creased audacity and peace proposals are not likely to meet with a cordial re ceptlo.) as long as the present bitter feeling between the Boers and the Britons in South Africa lasts, In view "Big Bear" $2.50 -CLOSING SPECIAL at Don't wait long. They're going to be snapped right up. Mon who have worn the "Big Bear" $2.50 Hats know what this offering means and appreciate the re duction. There are only some 3 dozen all told, in cluding all sizes from G to 7$, and a good part of the lot are hats that have been taken from their boxes for the first time today are bran new. Three shades of brown, in two shapes. CIIOICi: Of- in Ribbons, Laces, Embroi deries, While Goods, Do mestics, Table Linens, Sheetings, Outing Flan A. IH. WILLIAMS CO. of this unsatisfactory state of iiilaira ttiu pronouncement on the subject by the king lias been such that parliament la waited by the country with the greatest interest. Nothing would delight England so much as to hear DoWet's persistent at tempts to gain a footing in Cape Colong has at last ended in his capture, Al ready Irresponsible people are beginning to advise the military authorities what they should do with him, and an in fluential newspaper suggests, in the event of his being caught alive, that he should be tried for murder. A Nw iloliu II row II, Chicago, Fob. 11. Dr. John P. Brush ingham preached at the First Methodist Episcopal church last night on "The Strenuous Spiritual Life," and in "the course of his sermon he paid that "the cruBade of Mrs, Nation, beginning in an archy, may crystallize temperance seuti merit into a catapult of orderly power to turn the dram Bhop into a benefaction. "Certain forces of enthusiasm which begin in confusion become modified and refined into mighty forces for moral ami social betterment," the preacher con tinued, "AIih. Nation, the Joan of Arc of modem times, is sincere, We can af ford to wait the outcome with patience. Mrs, Nation is to the whisky rebellion what John Brown was to the slave owners' rebellion. There is in tliis republic a deep undercurrent of protests against drunkard-making which is liable to break forth at any time, Paint your house with fully guaranteed to last, have them. paints that are Clarke & Fa Ik Brown Fedora Hats Off- . . . $1.75. Did you notice the superb bargains displayed in our East Window of Men's Fine Neckwear at choice. IMPERIALS, SQUARES, SCARPS, FOUR-IN-HANDS, PUFFS, CLUBS and BAT-WINGS. Not one Tie in tho lot worth less than 50c from there up to $1.00. Trlphitx At TitciiiiiH. Tacoma, Feb. 11. Mrs. Charles Miller, of this city, gave birth to triplets at f o'clock Sunday afternoon. It is the first event of the kind that Iiiib ever hap pened in Tacoma or Pierce county, and physicians here say ho far aB thoy know know they are tho first born in Washing ton, Mrs. Miller is a comely middle-aged woman, the wife of a laboring man of Tacoma. The family is in poor circum stances. Hnth the mother und the chil dren are doing well. The children were horn at the Fannie Paddock Hospital, Mrs. Miller having gone there Saturday. While rattier small, the three balnea are remarkably healthy looking. One of tho hospital physicians said toJay he saw no reason why they should not see the end of the present century, if the endowment of what appeared to be strong constitutions went for anything. The babies are divided aB to eex, two being boys and tho other a girl. The incident has created much comment al ready and tho triplets will be the re cipients of much attention from the medical fraternity and the public generally. HlMiiurk' Iron Nerve. Was the result of hla splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys ami bowels are out of order. II you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr, King'H New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body, Only 25oat lilakeley'H drugstore, 0 Subscribe for Tilt Ciikonici.k, 25c Men's Colored Laundered Shirts 50c at choice. and our counter-showing of Men's White Unlaundered Shirts 25c each. at Both are specialties not to be found outside of this, store, at near these prices qualities considered. Children's Caps Worth from 25c to 09c. SPECIAL 15c Story or a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for yeara by tho chains of disease is the worst lorm ol slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells bow such a slave was made free, lie says: "My wife has been so helpless tor five yeara that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two liottlea of Electric Bitters, shoia wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, molaucholy. headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60 cents. Sold by Blakeley, the Drug gist. A powerful engine cannot be run with a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the Btraiti of an active life witli a weak stomach ; neither can we stop the human machine to make repairs. If the stomach cannot digest enough food to keep tho body strong, ench a preparation hb Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be need. It di gests what you eat audit simply can't help but do you good. Clarke A Falk'a P, 0. Pharmacy. Itoceut expeilments show that nil classHH of foods may be completely di gested by a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di gcHts what you cat. Ah it is the only combination of all (lie natural digestauta ever devitoil the demand for it has be come enormous, It has never failed to cure tho very worst cases of Indigestion and it always gives instant relief. Clarke & Falk's P, O, Pharmacy,