OREGON LEGISLATURE- Dry Goods Department. Advance sale of Percales .... Choice Spring Goods, regular loo sellers, and so marked; Special for this week only, I2XC. Celebrated VV. B. Corsets, Special sale, this week, Less 25 per ct. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures fhe Dalies Daily Chronicle. MOXiMN ff.b. (S , TKKASl'KER'S NOTICE. All U'c:i County ururmut reelntereil f.rlr I slfiul)f r I. IKK7. will lie jimIiI ii rfi-ntiliin nt my utile. Interna rter .Vovrmher ;, 11MMI. JOHN F. IIAMI'Slll UK, 1,'ouutj- Trraiumr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. See Menefee A Parkins' window for the hundsomest li.e of valentines ever xhibited in The Dclles. 1 1 -"Xit A Kansas philosopher says there are only three kinds of people in the world, those that have tke grippe, those that have tad it, and those that expect to have it. An expert claime that the eastern II. 1901 (s, . Cfi m served 1 1 Ovsters 1J avjr.vi... 1 At Andrew Kellnr's. slgpe f the Andes in South America isinelB at the 100, 200 and M0 feet levels. r.cher Lei gold than the Klondike coun-1 try and gold can be taken with much tm work and privation. Wasco lodge No. 15, A. F. A. A. M., will hold a special communication to n'K 't at 7:30. Work jn the second decree. A full attendance of members aii'l visitinr brethreu ii reuuested. We regret to learn that John I)al rymple is seriously ill of pneumonia at his home on the Floyd place, east of tou. I Jr. (lelsendorfler visited him I thin morning and reports that ho whs then merely holding his own, with no iu irked indications of improvement. The euwer but then tlitoain't anytul,(l tne' Mt thin morning for u short ""wi-in front of the rceiderfoo of F. A. fuierl, on fourth street, luSs caved in, requiring the services of a orpe ol work men. Come to Chink of A, them rotten lowers that require b bu overhauled "Very week or two ai a line thing for 'J me laboring poor. rroiu Hie Oregonian wo learn that fi,"rge H. Williams was born in March, 1-''S, and H. W. CorlMjtt in February, 18-'". Jiidgu Williams will therefore be ON tllH "fl, I. nl ......!. .....I VI. CorWt 7 on the 18th of the present ' -".i w, imAv iiiuiitu, nun .iir. '"ontli, The dillWencn In their ages Is Ah far back as the 'lilh .Mrs. Nation, therefor only three yeard an 1 eleven i the Kann tH temperancu aaltator, accord ""'"til. ing to a Htory g'llng around, had a record "ld. Sunday. February 10th. at his for defiing Ihose mImi opposed her. At "toWnt'i lesidence on Alvord avenue, 'Ji U. Myem, sou of Mr. anil Mrs. 11. L ay Mer, of this city, aged 21 years. J" cine of death was conbiiiiiplion, ''Icli the deceaied ronlracted from a ktivere httuck of the grippe about a year a,1(J 'rom which he nyer; riJcovr(ed. wat a young man who-wai well nought of by all who knew him, and !' 8 ""timely death i greatly regretted. J"e fuiural will take pl.es from the Grocery-Department. Creamery Butter.... Tygh Valley, Warner's and Trout Lake, 1 50c per roll for Three Days only. Van Camp's Soups.... Mock Turtle, Oxtail, Chicken, Clam Chow der, Kouillon, Vegetable Special qc, This week only. PEASE & Calvary Baptist church tomorrow (Tues- day) afternoon at 2 o'rlocfc, and the in - i ternient will be in Odd Fellows' ceme- tery. The rose is red, the violet blue, sugar's" sweet and so are the valentines at Men- efee it I'arkirife'. 1 l-.'lt Henrv k'niuse. the Wasco saddler. was in town today liling on a homestead 'claim located in Gi'liam county, about four miles fmm Blalock station. The bsautv ol Henrv's claim is that it is alipir hikI Airs .Marquarilseti, Air and Airs itiBide another man's enclosure amM every incii of it has been plowed and put 1 in cultivation without a cent of cost id i ! the new claimant. j Ae a dual solution to the mushroom and toadstool discussion, an eastern I scientist gives this plain advice: "In i gathering the agaricus compostus cure should be taken that the tertiary strata of the fucgi is of reddwh pink, and the apex of eufficiently convex contour." It is a great reiief to know just how a mushroom looks. You t an gather theiu with impunity now. The Oregon King mines are a wonder. A vast anwuut of work iias been done on them, until now they have shafts dowji to a depth of Ii00 feet with cross-cut tun- Assays of the rock takee from this mine have averaged about $2200 to the ton In gold, but recent discoveries at a greater depth have assayed as high at $7000 to the ton. Antelope Republican. Mr. Jameg Smith and Mies Amy K. Burns were united in marriage at S o'clock Sunday evening at the residence of the bride'i! father, on the Smith ranch, on the left lork of Mill creek, Rev. William Michell ofllciating. After congratulations had been showered upon them, a bounteous wedding supper was eerved and a pleasant time ensued. Later the bride and groom drove into the city, trln 10 Portland. Here are some of the terrible thing which, according to a country exchange, iro likely to befall u i'elin(piont : "1ist week a delinquent subscriber said that te would pay up on .Saturday, if ho lived. He's dead. Another: "I'll (fee you tomorrow." He's blind. Still an other one said: "I hope to pay you tills week, or go to tho devil," He's gone. There are hundreds who ought to lake warning by these procrastlnatorH pay up heir mib'criptioiiM now that time her hmhand was pubMshlriB an antMlavery paper in St, Joseph, Mo, Sfiillin-rit was running hhth, am) one day a lot of pro-davery men kidnaped him and burned the ofllcM for the (iiir pose of stopping the paper. Mrs, Nation managed to get n few c.iseg of type out of the building, and succeeded In getting out the next Issue of the paper herself, Mr. and Mrs. William Menefee enter tained a number of tlHr friends Sutur- Shoe Department. Broken Lot Sale.... of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoos. Ladies' Welt Button...$1.45 Ladies' Welt Button... 1,25 Ladies' Turn Sole, 2h to 4 .75 Ladies' Spring Heel, Button, 2 to 5 75 Ladies' Spring Heel, Lace, 3 to 0 1 .00 Child's Kar Calf, Button, 5 to 8.. (50 Child's Goat Button, 5 to 8 Child's Goat Button, 9 to 12 MAYS 'day evening nt their residence on Fifth 'street. Progressive whist was ttie fea- ture of tlie eveninir, which was encased in with interest until a late hour, when a delightful lunch was served by t!i bootees. All departed feeling that they tiad spent a very pleasant evening and hoping it would not be the last of the kind. Beside the host and hostess, unong those present were Mr and Mrs D W Vause, Mr and Mrs Clay Coleman, " & uuiur, Alesdames K Newton, .Nellie McCune, r D'Aroey, Misses .Maude Cole "''. Blanche Emerson, Leo Fleinming, Susie N Newton, and Messrs. Frank Mene fee and Uoy Kmerson. The horse belonging to the Chrisman meat market took a merry spin this morning that resulted iu a smashed wagon, a smashed window in the Elite barber shop, a smashed store front, a a bill of costs amounting to The horse started back towards the market while the driver was delivering meat at a residence on 'PJiird at-eet, near Lib erty. lie joggea past, tlie market at a moderate rate of speed and the fun did not commence till he had turned north on Washington and west on Second. Here galloping it 'full speed he took to the sidewalk in front of Keller's bakery, passing between tho peanut roaster anil the window without scratching either, but colliding hard with tho front of tiie barber shop next door west, and smash ing one of the large lights in the win dow, i hen striking '.'lie harder s sign on the other side (A (he walk the horse cleared himself from tho wagon and pur sued his way without further mischief. Tho wagon was considerably demoral ized, but the horse whs uninjured. I'liiiuit Colin. The circull court met this morning, Judge Bradsliaw presiding, ami after some loiitiue biHiness tint jurors were dismissed till i) o'clock tomorrow morn ing. Iu the rase of Paul (1. Kruger vj Dalles I City, a demurrer was argued and sub mitted thin afternoon, The case ol Augustus Kecce, minimis, trator, who, on behalf of the heirs of Mrs. Heece who was killed some time ago on Tim Dalles and Tygh Valley road, through art alleged defeia iu the county road, sues tho county for $5000, wiih net for hearing tomorrow at 10 o'clock, CASTOR I A For infants and Children, JMn Kind you Have Always Bought Boara tho Siguaturo of I.iml ur Ntulm, my St, iternurd dog. A liberal reward will bu paid for his return or for infor mation that will lead to his return, fli-Uw'it Ann-XT IIuciii.kii. Tailnjr'a Vote for deflator Not . Materially DIlTernlit From that of Hitturtlajr. Special to Tut: (Jiiiionici.k Sai.em, Feb 1 1. Doth hontcs en mo to order at 11 :,')0. In the house a motion to re-consider the vote whereby the woman suffrage amendment was defeated Saturday was lost. This settles the woman snfTroge for two years more. Seveial new bills wore introduced. The senate spent the time till joint convention in considering Looney's dairy bill. The vote for senator resulted as fol lows: Corbett.'lOj Smith 23; Williams 23; Hermann 0; absent or paired 5. Both houses adjourned to 2:!)0 p. in. MINORITY WON THE DAY. Maximum I'nHneiiRnr Itati'i Fixed Four I'cnu a Mile. nt iHrcclnl Corrcsp'oiirtenre. Sai.em, Feb. 11, 1901. A hard fight was put up in the hoiife on Saturday by a majority of the com mittee on railways and transportation, who handed in a report on railroad bills with the recommendation that tbey do not pans. Butt, of Yamhill, signed the following minority report, and it was adopted by an oyerwhelming majority, after a half hour's debate, in which a half-dozen motions to adopt the major ity report, make it a special order for Wednesday evening, have it considered this afternoon, and several others were lost. MINORITY HEI'Oltr Clarence Butt, one of your committee on railways and transportation, to which committee was referred House Bill No. 40, begs leave to report that the bill has been under consideration by said com mittee, and that I am unable to concur in the conclusions reached by the other members of the committee, and here with submit the following minority re port, and would respectfully report and recommend that eaid bill pass with the following amendments, to-wit : At tiieend of section 1 of said bill add the following: "Provided, however, , appiy t0 alIj: railroad company operating that nothing in section 1 of this act shall wdolly within the state of Oregon ; and provided further, that no railroad com pany operating wholly within the state of Oregon shall charge to or receive from any person or persons as fare or com pensation for tlie carrying of passengers over its road more than four cent9 per mile. I'KKHONAI, AlKNTION. Mrs. C. P. Hunt, of Spokane, is visit ing witli Mrs. Katie Roche. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Gieger are in the city from Heppner. Dr. W. L. Adams, of Hood River, is in tho citron business before the circuit court. Attorney A. A. Javne, of Hood River, is in the city on business before the cir cuit court. C. W. Haight has returned to town after spending ten days at his Cow Canyon ranch. 11. C. liooper, alderman of tho mu nicipality of Antelope, is registered at the Umatilla House. Finley McBeth, proprietor of the Oc cidental Hotel, Antelope, and council man of that city, spent Sunday in The Dalles, the guest of the Umatilla House, Mr. Whitemoro, of tho Irwin-Hodson printing establishment, Portland, and Chris Schwatie, who is now in their em ploy, arrived here last night for tlie pur pose of attending the Harry-Holton wed ding tomorrow evening. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chrisman have returned to tlie city to stay. Like many others, after wandering around some what extensively, they have made up their minds that there are few better plan's than The Dalles. Frank will ito hack to his old place in the meat mar ket. Oliltimry. Died, Saturday, Fehruury 0th, at his residence, 201 Hancock street, Portland, Charles Ii. Dohm, aged I.'! years. The funeral took place Irom the residence at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The de ceased will bo remembered uh the eon of the late Florian Dehui, of this city, who was formerly n member of the Fourth United States Infantry band and was mustered out of the service while his regiment was stationed at Vancouver, The elder Dehm c.iiiiiu here in 1851, nrii.ging l. in son unarles, who wa (hen a lad of four years, Speaking of the i ilece iimI. toiln v'h Onu'iinliin nv.f 1 Charle Dnhin was a well-known ma-1 chinlM iui I dii'iict, anil hid long been iu the einiilov ni the O. If, ,t N, Co. He was born it Vnneiuv r, III years ago, 1 of pioneer pati nu, I'm ,i time he was I al Tho Dalles, n. in the Hnako nver country, in tho u..i,,. ,y of tho i all way ! company. Ho afterward wont to Seattle, ! where ho remained about seven years. While there he was with Morun liros, j for some timo uh machinist, He then became chief engineer of the steamor Stale of Washington, which pofitimi he filled for some time, Ho also has been employed in the 0. J. ,t N. boneyanl and terminal works at Portland. He We do Steam, hot water and furnace heating. K-tiinales made and contracts taken for heating old or new buildings. Do not forget i t That we operate a plumbing and. tin shop, hIpo a ma chine repair shop in connection uith our hardware and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done. MATS c L.UJ111 .Given With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store during January and February, wo will give One Chance on the following pri.es: FIRST PRIZE One Alnminized Garland Steel Range. SECOND PRIZE One Heating Stove. THIRD PRIZE One set Knives and Forks. FOURTH PRIZE One and Steel. FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle. SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof fee Pot. SEVENTH PRIZE One In addition to giving away these prizes we will sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always be ready to serve the trade in the best possible way. We will positively not be undersold by any one. Our prices are right. MH1ER St BENTON. was regarded as a skillful engineer and trustworthy as a machinist, and was well known. He had been sick for about four weeks. A wife and three children eurvive him, two sons and one daughter. DRUGLESS HEALINU Witli Oxycenor Company's Perfected Oxvgerior King. It is not a battery. It is not electricity. It cures with the oxy gen of tho air, without doctors, without drugs, without medicine. The greatest boon to mankind ever discovered. It stands without a rival as a curative agent and possesses complete mastery over all curable tliseases without em ploying nauseous or poisonous dings. Description, theory , method of operation, list of diseases for which it is recom mended, otc. furnished free. Gallon or address. J. M. Fu.i.oo.v, The Dalles, Or. j'Jl-2wd-wlm 'Phone No. :!99. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A lel.ghtiui hern unnk. Kemoves U eruptions ol the sum, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts and 50 cts. IMakelev, the druggist. Hamilton Brown's "Good as Gold" shoe for men and bovs are the beet wearing shoos in tlie world. Nos. 12 to 2, 41.115; 2'.j to 5!..., $1 85; (i to 10, !f2.25. The 0. K. barber shop in now running three chairs with three first- elius barbers. Patrons of tho shop will thus he assured of quick attention and prompt and satisfactory service, J. R, Rees, proprietor. j2S 2w Don't you know that Cocoanut Cieain Hair Tonic will save your and your children's hair? You can get it fot 50 and 75 cunt a a bottle at Fro.or's barber fhnp, Eule agent. tf I'ou'i Kult in, Just wet thoad'eclod part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch lemedy, and the pain Is gone. Sold by Clarko A; Falk. N. GUJWBEHT, The Dalles' Loading Oigar and Tobacco House. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tub ic cos and Pipes, Smokers' Anii-les and Periodicals of all dt ucriptloiiH, Second Street, in Wilson Building Knit ('lull Itix.in III t'oiuui'tloii, 1 1 Now York Sunday World 5c. fl v, j CROWE, Away Rose Garland Cast t Iron of Roger's Silver Plated set of Carver's Knife, Fork Nickle Plated Tea Pot. How to Curt Croup. Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is the best medi- j cine I have ever used. It is a fine ' children's remedy for croup and never fails to cure." When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be bo-ne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant use as soon as these symptoms appear. For sale by Rlakeley, the druggist,. Vnur Face Shows, tlie state of your feelings'anu tub' state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Klixir. It cures all blood disoases wnere cheap Sarsaparillas unci so called purifiers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guurantee. lilakeley, trie ilrutriat. Reports show a greatly increased death rate from throat and lung troubles, due to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia and grippe. We advise the use of One Minute Cough Cure in all of these difllculties. It is tlie only harmless remedy that gives immediate results Children like it. Claike A Falk's P. O, Pharmacy. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,, raising of tho food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little, tablet gives immediate relief. 2n t'ts and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. Hustling youn m.iu can muke j(0 per month and expenses. Permanen1 posi tion. Experience unnecessary. rif quick for particulars. Clark A t , , Fourth and Licust Streets, Phihu'el lil'i", I'a, s-S-t. Mrs. Hattiti Morris, btvlisli d making. Koister-Taylor fimure, Uugljt as in St. Louis and Chicago. All the latest patterns, Above 1'e.mi Mays' More. j2;!-2v For fashionable ilieicnmkliig and plain sewing, call and see Mis. S. U.J lender non,:i(S Third street, in Mrs. ICddon's home, J I li Im RiiUHMiibor (hat you don't have to bo bald ; vim can keen vom l.uir In- nulii,. i j C'.iNianut Cream Hair Tunic, To be I Ii ' u Friiziir'a barber chop, tf coaniit Cream Hair Tonic will I'lirn ;'; iriiU'and all nt.ilp iliheasos, Don't eel your hair, For sale at Fni.er'H I' hhop, sole agent, tf i Hcribe I ir Tim. i'iiiiosk i,k,