! Citation. P!iijMwiMv;sMwwww'wMiii! , S - J lasts. 1 uie county oi asco. H h mm I ... ... . , k t,11. tWU. Pknftin1a republican mat can oe agreeu upon, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ! bn Corbett Devcf wbile the world MONDAY FEB. 11, 1901 Tbe anti-Corbctt republicans of the legislature, who up till Saturday voted for McBride, sprung a sur prise on the Corbett forces by goiDg over in a body to Judge George H. "Williams, bringing four others with them, counting the pairs and ab sentees. Corbett's friends would ! have us believe that "no one, of 1 coarse, believes that the republican opposition to Mr. Corbett has any ; serious purpose of electing Judge Williams." Of the truth of this both they and we will be better judges when we know a little more of the , future. Meinwhile an overwhelming ' majority of the people of Oregon, ; irrespective of party, will agree with , The CanosicLi: that there is no man , in all this great commonwealth more! worthy of tbe honor of election to the United States senate than Judge Williams. Tbe state could do itself: no greater honor than to elect him. We would then have a representa tive in the higher branch of the national legislature who is the peer; of any man in it: a man whose character is without a stain, whose , intellectual endowments arc of the ' highest order and whose history as a member of Grant's cabinet, during the trying period of reconstruction, entitles him to an honored place among the greatest statesmen of the age. ? Take them to day and you will be well to-morrow. Baldwin's Allopathic Cold Cure Tablets, iCold In Head) No.23-B. 25c E. L. BALDWIN- CO Your Cold Cure . the on!y remedy that reaUy doc cere iu out day. tfAKKV RODGER. Harry Rodjers Co. Sacbamento, Cai E. L. BALDWIN CO. Yob Cold Cure Tablet No. jj-E are aplendid for Cold In Head. With Adasi, Bootbe & Co. Eesvlr, Colo. K. L. BALDWIN CO. I Sad vonr Cold Cere Tablets the safes and most convenient remedy for cold la th head. Teycurc.ia --.0J, Clarke & Falk, The D..-. 0-. gin. . rsons who can not take ordinary pi . find it a pleasure to take De Witt's Lit' 't Early Riser. They are the best lit t 'vet pills ever made. Clarke & Yt- O. Pharmacy. In the county court of the state of Orep-a, for the county of Wasco. In the mattrr of the estate of Ucnson MeCoj, ' To Mary A. Steniweii, Amanda K. Mowery, Sarah J. howler, Thomas J. Mcvor, IHlam McCoy. John K. McCoy, Napcy M. I'oucll, Joseph H. McCoy, and Dennis K. .vecoy, I crretlnc j In tre name of the tatc of Orccon, yon and lach of yon are hen by cit.d and required to Mear in the connty court of tbe stuteofOre- son, for tle connty of Wasco, at the March tcrip i 'of ald court, at the court room thereof, :it Dalles ritv. In said county, on Monday the 4th , day of Ma;ch, 1W1, at J o clock in the afternoon of thatdar. then and there to show caue. if j anv cxlt, why an order of sale should not be 1 ! rnadedlreetlnc Clarissa F. McCoy, the adminis- tratnx ot the estate l Henson -Mcvoy, aeceasea, to eil the real estate. decribed as beloncinc to ' said estate. a follows, to-uit W, of the N' W'4, in section .X. township two (2 south, ranee 1 twelve cat, . M.. containing ciehty acres and situated in Wasco county, Oreeon. Witness the Hon. Geo. C. Blakcley. Jndte of the said countv court, with the seal of said court affixed, this 21st day of January, A. W. 1WI. SEAL Attest: A. K. LAKK, Clerk. jJ2 Bv ri. BOLTON", Deputy. I NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION'. (Isolated Tract Public Land Sale.) TJ. S. Land OrncE, Tkk Dalle. Oe.,1 January 12, 1W1. ( Notice fs hereby riven that in pursuance of instructions from the Commissioner of the Gen eral Land Offlce, under authority vested in him by section 2155, V. S. Kev. stat.. as arnenaed bv the act of Concress artri.ved February 26, 1 19.3, we will proceed to offer at public sale on 1 Monday, the 2oth day of February, nejet, at the I hour of 11 o'clock a. m., at this office, the fol I lowine tract of land, to-wlt: ) SW!, N"V4 30, T 2 N. R 15 E, W M. j Any and ail persons claiminc adversely the j above-d scribed lands are advised to tile their c!iro in thi othce ou or before the day above d ict.a:-d the commencement of said sale. otherwise their rishts will be forfeited. J t Y I". Lfi as. Kecister. 1M On- Fatteixis, Keeefver. I I Complete Cipe of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUCCIST. mm REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY steamers of the KcRiilator l.lnc will run a per the fol. ou.nc schoiule, the Comny rcservltifr the right to chanjc schtttlc w ithout notice. Str. Resulator powy. , Lv. Dalles at T A. M. Tuesday , Thutsday . . Saturday. . . Arr. Portland , at 1:33 r. H. IT. l.v. 1'ortl.tnd at 7 a. x. Monday . Wednesday Friday Arr. Dalles a 5 P. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. txiWN l.v. Dalle at 7 A. k. Monday Wednesday . . Friday Arr, Portland at t :.T0 p. M. at 7 (0 a. x. 'j meviay Thursday. uniay Arr Dalle. at o p. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel bv the steamers of the Ktvuiator Une, The Company w 111 endeavor a give its pat J fuIlS lilt? W MiillT jniSlUlv l ti 4untni 4i"UMtM'ii nuutvM , Portland OSiee, Oak street D.x:k. W. C. ALLAWAY. Gen. At. Sherirl's Sale. . . . , Noice is hertty jrfven that, pursuant to an v;arfc,e cs raia. uac laciicu a mi mau i execution tfUia on the Sltn Unv oi January, Just What Yoa uuant. of the celebratpd Jame Strictly pnre liquid paints E. Patton i 11. out of the Circuit Court the state of ! i Orecon. fur rt'ascoeountr, tn a suit in which I Mary T. Stronc is plaintiff and Wilson it. i i Winans. Mary Winans. J. M. Huntincton. n. T. . , , , . .,, , , j schowalter, adminiitrotor of the estate uf s. j. Floral lotion wiil cure wind chapping j Krehbic. deceased, and J. J. siiencer are de-! and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arse M?1;- M'SLl.'Si SUe . & Falk. It is easy to understand wbj- wool is so dnll when it ii known that th3re is stored in the United Slates, await ing sale. 350,000,000 pounds as against IGO.000,000 pounds last year. Of this amount, says tbe Pacific Farmer, Oregon and Washington have Subtcrib- i .r Tun Chkonicle Nasal CATARRH In all its nazes there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Bairn cleanses, soothes and heals ,000,000 pounds as compared 1 the ixenei nembrine. with 1,500,000 pounds at the same j tway a co"!a".a the head tinw Inst rcur Tn iHrl tn thi thorp i QCick.y. ' Cream Bairn is placed into the nostril!, spreads is a great Surplusage in the European , 0Ter the metnbre cadis absorbed. P.e.iefUira markets; a report "just COmin from ' tnedir.e and a core fodow?. I: is not dryin;-does JUil-V r-M,, AM.l.V oau fcwufti , on aturdsv the d duy of February, IMi, at the hour oi j t eiocE p. in., a: the court nou-c aoor , I in Dalle City, Oresron, sell tuthe hichest bidder I for cash in hand, the southwest quarter of the! ! southeast quarter, and the northeast -juarter of ' the southeast quarter of section .". township 2 j i north. ran;e 9 est, W. M , to satisfy a jndrment I in said cane recaered mrainst said defendnt, , WIIon R. Winans, for iV.fc3 and arcruine i interot, tjij.W attorney's fee and J).0O costs i I and disbursements and accruine costs. i , ltOlitltT KKLLY. JanK s-heiifTof Wasco Connty, Or. France is to tbe effect tha: tbe French mills are doing but little in the way of manufacturing, and that many of the leading buyers of wool have failed. Last year wool went ap in Pans to over 50 cents per pound, but it is don to less than half that price. All Europe is suffer ing because there is but little doing in tbe woolen factories. In the ' United States cotton has apparently taken the place of wool in many ' lines of manufactory, and as there is but little demand for wooleD goods, of course there is no demand for wool. ist ir 1 y mi.. ; Trial Sizi;, 10 cents by nai. H V Z.'.JTI1ZII, 53 V.'irren ir-ett, 'ew York. f NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalle-. OEr, Jan. 21,1'A'l. i otice Is hereby riven that the followine named settler has filed notice of her Inten tion to make final proof in support of her ' cNin, and that said proof will be made be- 1 fore the rerifter and receiver at The Italics, Oregon, on WeJne-day, .March C, 1W1, vu .ilallue C. Steel, ' one of the heirs and for the heirs of Ruth Gen I evia Steel. deceased, of The italics, Orejiun, H. . . E. No. 4!ti0, for he SE;i Sec J3, Tp 1 N, ri U E. i W M. ; She name the following witnesses tn prove . her continuous residence uion, and cultivation ! of said lund, viz: 1 W. Catts, John R. Cook, M. II. Miller, Jamet I , 5im'inon,all of The Iialle.s, Ortcon. ; JAY I'. LUCAS, ,J Register i 1 l(ffv Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Drv Good?, Clothine, Hoot? and Shoes, at much lesF than wholesale prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All eood? will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fittlnc Corsets and Btuterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a staple Etock. Keal lmita-1 tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant desiens, tasteful coloriucs, yours for a small price, at our store on Third j street. Also a full line of house paints. I D. W. VAUSE, Third St.! Grandall & Burget DEALKi:.- IN f?0J)eSj All kinds of . undertake- t BuriaSh ptineral Supplies .embalmers Etc. The Dalles. Or. cs'tcsa CHOCOLATE BON BONS. Administrator's Notice. I in the i .mnty Court of the State of Oregon lor ' the ounty of aseo. In V ' matter of the estate of Emma May Crom- w f deceased ' ' Njtxe i hereby riven that the underpinned has been appointed by the County Court of Wus'-o County, of tbe state of Oregon, the nd- j r-iinistrator of tbe estate of Emma ilay Crora-i weil. deceased. I All persons hflvlrc claim acainst said estate i are hereby required to jirj-i-nt the same to me, properly verified, as by law required. t First ' und Taylor street", at rny place of business, ! within six months from the date hereof, at : ' l'ortland. Orepon. , i Dated 7th day of February, A. I).. l'.Ol. i , F. DAYTO.S-. i I Administrator of the estate of Emma May . (.roaueu, deceased. . J. A. etrowbndire, Jr.. attorney for adminis- i trator, No. UJ7, Commercial block, l'ortland, Oreson. fernieha i F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Lansblin. -Tiione 151 J.S. SCiKNCC, hrealdenu Max A. Vout, Canhie) The annual edition of the Antelope Republican just to hand contains an i ,n talking of Chocolates please . . , , , remember that we carrv a full line of interesting review of tbe settlement, LOWNEY,s. Inst ooened. frb from development, varied resources and ,h f.ntm-r. in niin nri fanor hnr; NOTICE OF FIN'AL settlkmevt. wealth of Antelope and its vicinity, for Cbristrra3 trade, and at prices to ijffi1 NatlODal Batik together with short sketches of tbe i eQ't- Don't forget that we art- head-! the stateof oreson, for waseocounty, his- final i 4wa "HUUI V . rn I "cuuuui as auuuuisiruur in me eftuiie oi ueien ; ru c rx a I i -atne ' Bradford, dccease.1, and that by an order duly1 lnc' -i.L.t.s history of some of its most promi nent citizens. Tbe edition is printed on heavy book paper and is hand somely illustrated, and, being all borne print, is a credit to its enter prising editor and publisher. I qnarters for the best on earth LOW KEY settles it. Tiik CiinoxicLE never opposed Mr. Corbett on account ot bis age, so it cannot be twitted for support ing Judge "Williams, who is an older man. But age cannot always be counted by years. If Judge Williams is nearly four years older than Mr. Corbett, as years count, be is physically twenty years his junior, while intellect comparison OREGON made on the lith dty of December, iww, by said i General Banking BneineBB traniutri court, Monday, the 11th day of January, l'jul. a "5aer1 1 Dnjng naeinvee traneactec ! has been fixed an the time, and the county court lepOBlH received, subject to Sight j room of said court as the place lor the heariUR Draft Or Check. of objection, to said rinuJaccount. )for Collectione made and proceeds promptly ' decisii ' ' Administrator remitted on dav of collection. 1 - - - - Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on , . rew xorkt, Han Jrancieco anc port- The Druggist. , Guardian s Notice of Sale. land. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot 8 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, $VfitSm Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUT Tbis I'lcmr lB manufactured expreesly for family , , . use: every fack is Ktiaranteed to give eatiefaction. d sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think w call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Geo. C. Blakeley, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 1 order of Mle made by the County Court of th D. P. Thompson. I atate of Orecon f'jr Waoeo County, the under- l0, " ILLIAMB, niBned.the duly upjwtnud t-uardlaii of Hunna ! H M. 1 riemiuc, win jrmu ana auer wie ,ia any oi Jho. S. Schsice. (lEO. A. LlB. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. I Febrnarv. VJJl. sell nt urlvate kale the following i 1 described real property: Lft No. C In blict h of 1 i iiiunip.tijt n s.uuiuuu v uatie tuv, aco J flounty, Orecon, belouitinc totheentate of iiald iiauna rieming. i ne naia naie win be lor cutb in baud paid. j3 MRS. (i. J. MUeaKIt.Ouardlati. Digests what you eat. ! It artificially dicests tbe food and aids etuallv nnrl rnfirallv the datura in strengthening and recon- i,a been duly ppoim .ciuaii ana rnoraiiv tue 6tructing tbe exhausted digestive or- of wwn county. oreg is as a giant to a pigmy, gani. It Is the latest discovereddigest- bm' &uiiauu iuuiu jau utiles Jicfiuauuu can at)Droach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Tbe East Oregonian cIohs an tp pea! to the democrats and populists Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, of tbe Oregon legislature to vote for Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Cramps and an omer results oi imperiect aigesuon. Price 50c. and El. Large site contains ti timet smalUize. ttookallr.boutdytpepsiaautledtrea cssrcdbyE n. Oc'.vITT A CO.. Crjieoga i Sold by Clarke 4 Falk'-1'. O pharmacy. Administrator's Notice. Not lee I hereby Riven that the undertlKiied oi n tea by the county Court , OreKan, admlnlttrator of the ' ueceaieo. All pemona acHlniit the estate are herebv re- fjuiied to present the ame to uie, duly verified, iu Dalleh Uty, Orrgon, within nix rnontbii from the date hereof. Mated Junuary 12, VM. j!5 W. If. ellAKI, AdraiuiMrator, Harvey W. Scott, of tbe Oregonian, for United States seuator, with the somewbat equivocal exhortation, "Give the Devil bis due." NOTICK OF FINAL SKT'ILKMENT ' lu the mutter of the ette;of John Gottlieb1 There is no more reliable index of public opinion than the country nrpaa Thprp nrp fivo rprinfilifin 1 Notice In hereby given that the underlKned, press. mere an. Ue repuoiltan the execuU)r of the la.t will and tentament of nnnpiM in Wnwn r-imnt v imrl ovprr Joh" Oott'leb WaiceiibUkt, deeeaMKl, na filed papers in wasco county ann every hj, ttC0Outit in the matter of Mid enute, cinolo nni rif Ilium la minriif-d tn ' the (Vmntv Court of tbe etate of Oregon for Single one OI llU'in is OppOsea lO lUe wM-in.ouur rui et Monday, the 7th day of ejection of II. W. Corbett. TLay all take tbe same stand as TuE18"d"''W!,,on"tbffi-WAGK.VBUST, Ciiiiomcxc: Any clean, honorable !SxXut ioba Wi I 5URE4SE - 1 1 I beljw the team. Saves wear and I Lt?euieuhe. Solti every wbexe Bl ' MATT SHOREN General Blacksmith and HoFsesboep. All kindfl of blackemithing will receive prompt attention and will be executed in n'ret-claee shape. Give til in a call. Richardson's Old Stand, Third St., near Federal, The Dallee, Or. mm Beslarat L. Y. Hone. Prop'r. Fipst-CIass in Every Respect MKALM AT A 1. 1. UOUltH. Oysters Served in any Style. IT Ervoud St., The U!le.,Or. THE CELEBRATRn .. .GOIiUlWBlA BHEWBKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. liZnilrl tliV?'' United Stat. Health t Ik. lnl. . . mr i our A It 1 fir (4 MM rim I...... ....l..pui niory oi iiie Lrittpc Stui..u io.,m. . ' v. . . ; Z . 1 h bVe o ...a t and rholl" , 7 '' ,,,1fl'" ol,'e' "' i composed of t Vou". Jt ,.a 2 J.,, i r1 a,", "tlBfacUon by old and i ihi h fa , v hJt Xr Ul' b8 "" '.v the pbyslcfatiH will. i pouib be foiid " t,er' V'nr or ,,l'r,1 loleon e beverage could not 0 East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. OLD MENU rJ!iii!v!'."18 of 01,1 JB o tliouubt tbflr refjiuin-myrP-brtr,'t$i,l4 bfew now blet.H the M "mttbey cftuiinenfeiiu.Hiji.Hnf IbU ureateet uf " f IreoKth builderc. Lincoln Sexual Pills will brlnir Hbont h dngfet, of health and itreniflb for von beyond the Hvertige man of your yeara, and give joo 'tjreat neatx an. I cou,f,)rt ' ' r,,H B I f bv, f 1 00 per bor-buy of your druKKist or eent bv mall on M-ceipi f nrlce, In pn wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Ft. Wayne, Iftd. M. iJonnel, Agent, Tbe Dalle.