The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 11, 1901, Image 1

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    &hi Dalles
Effect of Eastern Movement of British
Troops Kcport of Lord Kitchener.
London, Feb. 10. The war office hue
received the following dispatch from
I,oni Kitchener, the commander-in-chief
in Smith Africa :
"Pretoria, Feb. . The columns work
ing eastward orenpied Ermelo, February
li, with slight oppoHition. A large foice
of Holts, t'Htimated lit 7000. under Louis
liotlm, retired eiiBtwnid. About 8i;0
Mgons with families pasped through
Ermelo on the way to Amsterdam, and
.1 very large quantity of stock is being
driven east.
"A pe.iei) deleg.ito under hentenee of
death, and other Roer prisoners were
taken hy the Honrs. All the reports show
that the 15 iers are exceedingly bitter.
Fifty Hoern nurreiidered.
'l.nniH I'.nthn. with 2000 men. attacked
(ieni'rii! Miiith l).irrieii at Orange Camp,
at . in., February (i. He wan repulsed
alter severe fighting. General Spruit
was killed ; General 'Randemryor whs
teverely wounded, and two eornetH were
killed. Twenty of tho Hoer dead were
left in our hands, and many severely
wounded, and two eornetH were killed.
Our casualties were "1 killed uud o'.5
wo Hided.
'Our movement to the cad is reporttd
to have thoroughly upset all the enemj 'h
calculations, and created a panic, in the
"Christian Dewet appears to be cross
int; the line south of Jaegersfonteiu road
to the west this mornim:, having failed
to effect a crossing by the drifts east of
"In Cape Colony Canovia',haR been oc
cupied hy Colonel de Lisle, who entered
February C; the enemy retired."
halnoim Munt'Ou.
Toi'kka, Kan Feb. 10. A meeting of
the citizens of Topeku this afternoon, at
which M00 wore present, decided Unit
the "j'jints" of the city must go at once.
Friday, February 10, is named as the
time w hen the cleansing of the city munt j
he made complete. If it is not done by
that time an army of 1000 men will im
mediately move upon the "joints," ai d
AYegclable Preparalionfbr As
similating IticFoodandRegula
ling lite Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur
ness and Rest.Conlains nelllier
Ophim.Morpliine norMiueraL
Not "Narcotic.
AnurSrn t
Apetfeci Remedy forConslipa
Won , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
htul Loss of Sleep.
FacSumIo Signature or
' i i. jit linn Tr.iiiii I'li,;;".'.!'!"
remove them by force.
The meeting this afternoon was re
markable in every respect. It was
carried hy a committee of the Law En
forcement League, and was attended by
nearly nil the prominent business men
of tho city, Conservative men, who
have heretofore advocated moderation,
insist that the puiplu ot Topepa fihall
take the law in their own bands. An
ultimatum was passed, commanding the
officers of the city and county to perform
their duty regarding tho closing of the
"joints." The property-owners on whose
premises the "jointe" are kept were
warned that they had better abate the
nuisances at once, or the people of
Topekn would not be lesponsihle for the
damage that might ensue to the build
I'ruvniitiifl a IrHKMly.
Timely information given Mrs. George
Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre
vented a dreadful tragedv and saved two
lives. A frightful cough had long kept
her awake every night. She had tried
tnanv remedies and 'doctors but steadilv
grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's
New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured
her, and she writes this marvelous
medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe
attack of I'neumonia. Such cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit of
this grand remedy for curing all throat,
chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and
$1.00. Everv bottle guaranteed. Trial
bottles free at Rlakeley'sDrug Store. 6
Mr. Atuytirlck'H Cant-,
Chicago, Feb. 10. A epecial cable
gram from London to t tie Chicago
Record says:
A well-authenticated report reaches
the Record's correspondent tonight to
the effect that Mrs. Florence Maybrick
will be released from Aylesbury prison
tomorrow, Monday, At the United
States emhaesy nothing is known about
the matter, and Ambassador Choute,
when seen ut his residence tonight, de
dined to either deny or confirm the
The authorities conversant with the
attempts to secure the famous prisoner's
freedom assert that if at last she is to be
given her liberty, this may be regarded
as due to the influence of King Edward
and may be interpreted ns a token of
appreciation of American sympathy over
the death of Queen Victoria.
Hamilton Brown's "0 Million" shoe
for men, only $2 at The New Yoik Cash
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the i
jv Jv In
nj' Use
jr For Over
Thirty Years
Business in the Dry Goods section opened up to a
livelr quickstep this morning the tune played being
Some very choice bargains were picked up by
the earl' comers but plent' more here for those
who come later. So be on time if you want
Waist Lengths of Silk, worth $2.50, for $1.25
Skirt Lengths of Dress Goods, worth $3.00, for.... 1.50
Dress Lengths of Dress Goods, worth 7.50, for. .. 3.75
nels, etc., at same reductions.
Fine Toilet Soap
Oatmeal Glycerine.
SPECIAL, 3 cakes 25C
J'ui tneiM Kail Out., Feb. 9. -The Rielley-Hertz
Clothing Company, a corporation doing
business in this city, ie being dissolved
under exciting circumstances. The cap
ital stock of the company is $10,000, of
which Samuel Rosenstine, of Chicago,
owns sfGOOO; John Hertz, J3000, and C.
S. Rteley.iflOOO. Last evening Kosenstine
arrived In the city and called at the afore,
which is conducted by the other two
gentlemen, and while talking of company
iitl'rtirs with them was called uway to con
sult with their attorneys. On his re
turn he found that the lock had been
changed on the door, and that he was
locked out. He btoke in the rear door
just in time to see u member ot the (inn
leaving through the front door. He took
possession and sent for the police, He
sought to have a warrant Issued for the
anest of his associates, but the city
recorder could not sen that a crime had
beeu committed, and would issue no
warrant. An inventory of stock is being
taken, and developments are awaited
with interest. Rosenstine claims to
have large business connections in
Sacramento, Haltlmore and other places.
Hieley was formerly manager of A. 1).
Steiubach's store, in this city, while
Hertz came hero some four years ago
from Tho Dalles.
Flll!ln tHvlne In,
Poitr Townhknd, Wash,, Feb, 1). The
United States transport Almond Hranch
arrived today from thut. port January 0.
Among her passengers was City Council
man Holgate, of Tacoma, who reports
that the Filipinos are arriving in squads
of 10 to 100 at Manila, and humbly beg
"Big Bear" $2.50
Don't wait long. They're going to bo snapped right
up. Men who have worn the "Big Bear" $2.50 Hats
know what this offering means and appreciate the re
duction. There are. only some 3h dozen all, told, in
cluding all sizes from 6 to 7$, and a good part of the
lot are hats that have been taken from their boxes for
the first time today are bran new. Three shades of
brown, in two shapes.
jsxse: window dibfijAV.
in Ribbons, Laces, Embroi
deries, White Goods, Do
mestics, Table Linens,
Sheetings, Outing Flan
or the privileo of laving down their
arms and swearing allegiance to the
United States. He says that the rebel
lion is over, uud that only roving bands
of insurgents are now bearing arms
against the United States, and when
they come upon a email party of Ameri
cans they attack them. Thisclass, hew
ever, is rapidly giving up the struggle.
Mr. Holgate rays there is no doubt at
Manila but that Agulnaldo has been
killed. During an engagement he wi s
seen to fall from his horse, and papers
were captured in saddle bags from his
horse as proof of his death. This news,
he says, was censored at Manila, but he
insists that it is correct.
ISlMiiurk' I run Nerve.
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25cat Blukeley's
drugstore, (i
To Kufori'e tliti I'rolilliilifiu
Toi'j'KA, K-n., Feb. 9, Attorney
General Goddurd tonight appointed
Judge Redden as assietuut attorney
general for this country to enforce the
prohibition law. It is understood that
an agresalve campaign will be started at
once. Judge liedden is the attorney
who had charge of the defense of Jessie
Morrison in the recent Eldorado murder
Knterirle U Clear,
Entkiu'IUsk, Kan,, Feb, 0. The worn
en of this city have started a complete
Brown Fedora Hats
Did you notice the superb bargains displayed in our
East Window of
Fine Neckwear
at AwC choice.
Not one Tie in the lot
worth less than 50c from
there up to $1.00.
reading-room in the location of a joint
broken up by Mrs, Nation during her
visit hero. The room will be in caro of
the W. C. T. U. and will be free to all
young men. Enterprise is entirely cleur
of joints as a result of Mrs. Nation's
Tim KltK t" Die l'reillHt,
Washington, Feb. 9. The text of tho
telegram of acknowledgement from King
Edward VII to President McKinley, is
as follows :
"I desire to express my high apprecia
tion of the respect shown to the memory
of the the late Majesty by your attend
ance and by that of your cabinet at the
memorial service in Washington. I am
deeply touched by this and other special
marks of sympathy received from the
United States."
President McKinley sent the following
reply :
"His Majesty. King Edwurd VII, Lon
don: I am gratified by your Majesty's
message. The tribute of the American
people to the memory of your illustrious
mother was general and heartfelt."
The Iteiit 1'lanter,
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bound to
the adectod parts is superior to any
plaster. When troubled with lame back
or pains in the side orchest, give it a
trial and you are certain to bo more
than pleased with the prompt relief
which it affords. Pain Halm also cures
rheumatism, One application gives re
lief, For sale by Hlakeley, the druggUt,
You will not have boils jf you l
Clarke & Falk's sure cure toi bolls.
Men's Colored
and our counter-showing of
Men's White
Unlaundered Shirts
at 35c each.
Both are specialties not
to be found outside of this
store, at near these prices
qualities considered.
Children's Caps
Worth from 'Joe to 69c.
Story r Slave.
To ho bound hand and foot for yeara
by the chains of diseaso is the worst
form ol slavery. George D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tells how such tv
slave was made free. He says: "My
wife has been so helpless tor five yeara
that she could not turn over in bed alone.
After using two bottles of Electric
Hitters, shots wonderfully improved and
able to do her own work." This supreme
remedy for female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dizzy
spells, This miracle working medicine
is a godsend to weak, sickly, rundown
people, Every bottle guaranteed. Only
B0 cents. Sold by Hlakeley, the Drug
gist. (
A powerful engine cannot he run with
a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the
strain of an active lifo with u weak
stomach ; neither cm wo Btop thu human
machine to make repairs. If the stomach
cannot digent enough food to keep the
body strong, such a pruparuliou as Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It di
gests what you eat audit simply can't
help hut do you good, Claiko A Falk'a
P, O. Pharmacy.
Recent expuiimeuts show that all
classes of foods may bu completely di
gested by a preparation called Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di
gests what you eat. As it is thu only
combination of all thu natural digestauta
ever devife l thu demand for it has be
come enormous. It has never failed to
cure the very worst cases of indigestion
and it always gives instant relief, Clarke
& Falk's P. O, Pharmacy.