The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 09, 1901, Image 3

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Jacket and Suit Sale !
Our Reduced Prices on Ladies'
Jackets and Suits is still in effect.
Jackets are going at One-half
off on the regular retail price.
Suits are divided into two lots :
All Garments up to $13.50 go for
All Garments up to $25.00 go for
mi. f
See our line of Spring WASH SILKS the
season's latest now on sale, at
50c per yard.
in the
All Goods Markud
In Plain FlKurof)
fhe Dalles Daily Cltfoniete.
SA'I'I K I) v Y - . - FEB. 1), 11)01
Oysters li
At Andrew Keller s. i
. . )
All VTiiaitu County mrrnntn rf cUlmi'd '
prior to hitimilr 1, JH1I7, will lxi pulil
mi iirttiiniitMlliin t my olltcn, lutert-xt
'i-iihiiii urtur Novf mlinr HMO. i
County Trimiir.T.
Valentines galoro at The Racket Htore.
Circuit court convenes here next Mon
thly. The hill to deprive the Hinull school
districts of the $50 school fund appropri
ation wns almost unanimously defeated
in the house yesterday.
Or. Logan was called today to Three
.Mile to vitdt Miss Lola Creighton, the
11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
I). Creighton, who it) suffering from
blood poisoning. The doctor reportB
that although the girl In quite sick no
Wioub resultB are anticipated.
Cliauncey Depew'a latest conundrum :
"If un empty barrel weighs ten pounds,
what can you fill it with to make it
waigh seven pounde?" Mr. Spooner, to
whom it was put, said he would have to
Hive it up. "Fill it full of holes," said
Olmunesy, and then they both laughed.
N. ). tSinnott returned lust night from
Ooldcndalu where he appeared before
the superior court as counsel for (J. W.
Smith, In a case wherein Smith is ritied
by the Lost l.uko J.miiberlng Company
for damages arising out of an alleged
(allure to comply with the conditions ot
'')j!ging contract.
The Mom Observer says: "Develop
ment continues on ledges already lo
cated near this city hearing gold, silver
and copper, and the camp promisee to
become onu of phenominal value. The
latuH richness is in a location made by
Hen I'oely. and Pete Toinlin It Is even
richer than the prospect made by the
older Tomlin."
Soim two years and a half ago a cow
'"ilong'ng to A. C. Martin, Victor,
Swallowed a butchur knife thuhad been
carelessly left in her feed. Tfte cow died
few days ago. She had' carried the
knife in her stomach till about four
months ttfo, when Mr. Martin discov
ered tlm polt of the blade sticking
trough the hide behid the Hhoulder,
when he pulled it ot with a pair of
nippers. I -
The Observor sayfi : "Attorney J. II.
Ilosford, at the rupiest of Senator
'"bnatoii, has prepared n memorial to
congrB, which has been p'luud before
tbn assembly, reviewing the Eastern
Oregon Land Hituation, and asking
congress to extend to the dispossessed
settlors justice in accord with their
rights. It is an exhaustive document,
covering completely every point at issue
in this most unfortunate muddle."
Wo are pleased to learn that Alvin,
the o-yeat-'jld son of Mr. and Mrs. II. C.
Nielsen, who hito been dangerously ill
for the past ten days, was much better
this mornii:L'.
The rooms in the Bettingen building
occupied by the smallpox patient were
thoroughly fumigated today and the
quarantine will he raised Monday,
when the patient, who is now convales
cent, will leave there and spend a few
weeks in the Willamettee valley. It is
a matter of profound gratitude that the
means adopted by the authorities to pre
vent the spreud of I lie contagion have
been effective and that the city Is again
rid of this disagreeable pent.
A few weeks ago Mr. Dully, book
keeper for McLean Bros., ruilroad con
tractors, now working near Mosier, lost
a very valuuble g dd wutch. Mr. Duffy
reported his loss to Sheriff Kelly, and
the other day Mr. Dully had the pleas
ure of receiving his lost time piece, safe
and sound as the day It was stolen from
him. The matter was entrusted to Dep
uty Sheriff K. B. Wood, who, following
his own suspicion us to the thief, ut last
found the missing watch on the person
of a man who had some time ago been
discharged from the works. Mr. Dully
not wishing to prosecute, no arrest was
The health committee of ileppuer are
out in a circular emphatically denying
the report recent I v printed in a Pendle
ton paper to the ell'i ct that smallpox is
epidemic in the town of lleppner. They
say that like many othei places all over
the country, Ileppuer lias been having
its share of the so-culled Filipino itch,
and has had about a dii.uu cases, and
are being strictly quarantined, There
have been no deaths and no serious
sickness, aud most of the patients have
been able to cook for themselves.
Wherefore they respectfully ask the out
side world not to believe the wild re
ports about smallpox being epidemic in
Articles wore
county clerk incorporating
M. WllliauiM iv Cj. I he incorporators
are Annie M. Williams, K.lard M. Will
Uiuis, .limnnette (, Williams, Male E.
Sowell, Annie (i. Freuli ami Pearl E.
Williams. The e ipitn stock of the In
corporation In $l5U,0ly in shares of if 100
each. Tho objects ofthe incorporation
as set forth in the iiricled are to conduct
u general meridian'ine hindiiesH, acquire
allpox being epldemiu in
e filed Thursday with thf NN
icorporating thli firm of A. I
published the following : "There was a
red hot time at Shaoiko Wednesday
evening at the eancup for nominating
city oflicere. A. C. Satiford received the
nomination for mayorover Banker Hurl
burt by ten votes. Mr. Hurl bu r t friends
do not seem to be satisfied with the
nomination, and will run Mr. Hurlburt
for mayor on an independent ticket, and
it is highly probably that he will be
elected. The caucus nominees for council
are: G. F. Ross, C. 0. Cooper, Frank
Lucas, X. M. Lane, F. il. Rruuer, Fin
Hatty. Hurry-up messages 'for reiiel'
have been bent to Aloro and The Dalles,
and the two-factiou fight will be watched
with much interest, and it looks now as
though Shauiko's first city election will
be a hot number.
Zion Lutheran church, Seventh and
Union etre 'ts Services at 11 a. m. and
7:00 p. in; Sunday school 12 : 15 p. in ;
German service at 2:.'i0 in the afternoon ;
Lutheran League meeting i:o0 p. in.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. 15.
Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m, in the new church
on Union street. Sunday school at 10
a. in.; B. Y. P. U. at ll:Sti p. in.
Congregational ctiurch corner Fifth
and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor.
Services at the regular hours. Morn
ing theme, "The Art of Getting Down."
Evening, "The Worm ot Sufficiency or
Lessons from the Life of King Solomon."
In the morning the offertory will be
sung by Miss Ann Smith, of Hood
River, and at the evening service a male
quartet will render a eeleetlou. Young
People's meeting at 0:30 p. in. Subject,
"The A, B, C of Religion ;" led by Miss
Virgie Cooper.
Metliodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. Ulysses
F. Hawk pastor. Morning worship at
11 a. m. ; Sunday school at 10 a. in.;
class meeting at close of morning service ;
Epworth League at 0:30 p. in; Junior
League at 3 p. in ; evening service at
7:30. Class meeting every Tuesday at
7 :30 .p in. Morning theme: "The Work
and Warfare of Life." Evening theme:
"Spiritual Naturalization." The choir
ill render special music at each service.
m. Birgfeld will piny the voluntary.
Mcllilile' Supporter On (Ivor
llnily to .1 William.
Special to Tiik CnuoNtci.i:, Feb. '). The break-up ban
come at last. Senator McBride Is out of
the race and his supporters havo gone
over to Judge George II. Williams.
The vote today is as follows : Corbett
2"; Williams 20; Smith 19; Hermann
4; absent and paired 11.
The house this morning passed Pool
man's military bill.
The committees on railways and trans
portation submitted majirity and minor
ity report was adopted.
The senate passed the Milton and
Sheridan charter bills. The Portland
charter was referred to the Multnomah
Senator Porter introcuced a bill tax
ing inheritance.
The D'imino Dancing Parly.
We do
Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates
made and contracts taken for heating old or new
Do not forget
That we onerate a plumbing and tin shop, hIpo n inn
chine repair shop in connection witti our Hardware
and implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
The members of Columbia Dancing
Club scarcely recognized Baldwin hall
last night in its beautiful decorations,
which, under tiie supervision of Sid Kel-
ley, were certainly most - artistic and in
keeping with the perfectarrangement of
every detail in connection with the
domino party.
The elfect was most novel and attract
ive to the eye when at 0:30 about tbirtv
couples, attired, the gentlemen in pink
and the ladies in white douiinos, filed
into the hall to the enlivening strains of
the Moequito march. During the first
six dances the antics of the dancers in
the effort to conceal their identity and
discover that of their partners were
most amusing, and In this hour it is
said one pink dominio is etill wondering
who fooled him so completely in the
grand march.
Between dances the lefreshment room
Beeined to be the favoiite resort, and all
who visited it were amply repaid and
greatly refreshed, giving them a fresh
impetus for the remainder of the pro
gram, which was all too short.
At the close of the last waltz Mr. Gif
lord requested the participants to smile
their sweetest and pose for a flashlight
photo., which, afterjdne prelimaries, was
taken just when least expected, trans
forming the smiles iiito expressions of
intense furprise.
Altogether the pirty waB a delightful
one, and among thevisitors who joined
the club members! in the dancing were
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Jones, of this city ;
Mr. anil Mrs. A. C. Gieeer, of lleppner;
Mrs. C. J. Reed, of Portland; Archie
McCnlly, of Shaniko; Miss Anne Smith,
Messrs. Truman Butler and W. F. Da
vidson, of Hood River; Mips Pitman, of
Vancouver; Mies Michell,of Stevenson.
I). II. S. nirU KiitertMn.
Last night the young ladies of the
Dalles High School entertained their
gentlemen friends' at ahop given In
Fraternity hall. As it was ladies' choice
the entire evening tleVe were no wall
flowers. Fruit punch was served during
the evening, and a1 present had a de
lightfnl time. The patronesses were
Mesdames Hudson, Guthrie, Croseen
ami .Morris.
Those present were Misses M Kiners-j
ly, H Hudson,!! Glenn, Loto Kelsay
N Guthrie, FCrossen, B Schooling, I
Steers, R Baldwin, W Morrie, I Uiqt.
hart, P Patterson, L Kelly, M Mclnerny,1
M Jackson F Hampson, P Joles, L
Blakeney, B Eddon, L Zimmerman,
L Liebe, V Llebe; Messrs C Fri..ell,
P Frizzell Virgil Earl, O Beck, C Kel
say, Harry Moore, I Parkins, R Lake,
George Rice, V Diiver, li Taylor, C
Hanson, . Joe Mclnerny, R Emsrson,
Clnis Schmidt, A Ellon, Mr Norton, Joe
Steers, Kex Ward, S Keleay, C Jenkins
Bob Stowart.
..Given Away
With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store
during January and February, we will give One
Chance on the following prizes:
FIRST PRIZE One Alummized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
In addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade in the best possible
way. We will positively not be undersold b'
any one. Our prices are right.
.luiianpHH Fern Hull.
This is something entirely new and
the finest decorative plant ever intro-
Mow to Cure Croup.
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Auieniu,
Duchess county, N. Y., says: "Chamber
lain's CoUiih Remedy ie the best medi-
duced. It comes all the way from Japan ciuo i ,.ive ever used. It is a fine
and is composed of Japanese inland fern 'children's remedy for croup and never
roots, known as Davollia liullato var
Nagaha, and Spahngum Moss and so
constructed as to send out leaves of beau
tiful emerald green from every point.
Fern dishes are generally an expensive
luxury. The Jaoaneee Fern Ball will
make two fern dishes of the finest kind.
For the window, drawing room, or sus
pended from chandelier, or over diniug
table, or used in fein dishes, the fern ball
is beautiful, rare, perpetual and cheap.
Fern balls are more handsomo than
palms for decorative plants, and are
much easier, grown.
The Dalles Nurseries have just re
ceived a shipment of 100 of these plants.
They are selling like hot cakes at $1
each. Apply to R. H. Wober, The
Dalles. fb7-2td&w
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
To lllH l.lllllfM Of TIlH Illllll'H.
Wo beg leave to announce that our
periodical department Is now complete,
Wo olfer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Ciiuonici.i:, price ifl.50,
land the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this olfer must be paid in ad
vance, tf
I The O. K. barber shop is now running
ithree chairs with three first- class
barbers. Patrons of tho shop will thus
be assured of quk-k attention and prompt
land satisfactory service. J. R. Rees,
i proprietor. j28 2w
fails to cure." When given as soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough lias developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
bone in mind and a bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by Blakeley, the druggist.
introduce our place of business. Our
Btoro shall bo conducted under the
strictest rules of refinement and no lady l;0n't you know that Coeoanut Cieam
need hesitate to call on us for periodicals Hair Tonic will save your and your
of ail description. Tho New York Sun- children's hair? You cm get it for 50
day World, tho greatest weekly paper i and 75 cents a bottle at Frazer'd barber
on earth, 5 cents. M. G i.'miiiiht, shop, sole agent. tf
1 he Dalles leading cigar and lob.icco
title to real prnpciy, slocks and bonds
and to conduct branch stores in the icitv or country real estate.
mates of Oregon Washington and Idaho,
while the principal place of business and
the olUce of the company is Incited at
The Dalles.
The Grass Valley Journal probably
made a draft on its liimuluatiou when It
.Vor infants mid Children,
k Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
ftitfuuturu of
Money to I, nun.
iflOOO to loan for a term of years on
No coinniiH
.-Ion. Apply at this office. 17-diwot
Millions of people are familiar with
DuWitt's Little Ktrly Risers and those
who use them find them ti be famous
little liver pills, .Never gripe. Clarke Si
Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
To .Mi inlii-ik II. I'.
All membcri) of Cii'c.idn Lodge, No.
IKK!, B. I. (. lvk n i-urneMlv mjiicst
ed to bo pieswiil at lh" regular meeting
Saturday, Feb, )th, in there will lie
work, aud two or mure candidates will
be Initiated. V iv brothers are cor-;
dially invited to aiiend. 1
By order of Kxulted Ruler. O-'Jt ,
Hamilton Brown's "Good as Gold" ,
shoe for men and hoys are the best j
wearing slioes in the world. Nos. PJ to 2,
$1,115; 2.i ... to r,yit 85; (j to 10, $:V'5. '
To rent to single gentlemen Two !
large furnished bed rooms. Inquire of
Mrs, Stone. M lw
A full line of KHStmiin rilnis and sup
plies just, received by Clarke ifc Falk.
The Dalles' Loading
Cigar and Tobacco House.
Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tiilui'
cos and Pipes, Smokert-' Arncles
aud Periodicals of all de
scriptions, Second Street, in Wilson Building
Nt'iit (.'lilb Itooni In cnimcctloil,
Now York Sunday World 5c.
Your I''aeo
Shows the state of your feelings and tho
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weal: and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley, the druggist.
Reports show a greatly increased h
rate from throat and Innir troubles, due
to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia
and grippe. We adviie tne use of One
Minute Cough Cure in all of thei-e
dilliculties. It is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate results
Children like it. Olaike & Falk's P. O.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
and 50cte. Blakeley, the druggist.
Hustling young ni.iu can mttke $60 per
month nil I expenses. Perniaueu.' posi
tion. Experience uunicessary. Writ1-"
(juick for particular.'. Clark & Ci,,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Pluladel
hpia, Pa, s8-ti
Mrs. lhittin Muiris, siylish dress
making. Keister-Taylor tquiiif, taught
as in St. Louis and Chicago, All the
latest patterns. Above IVate Mayt,'
store. j'J!t-2w
For fashionable dressmaking and plain
newiug, call and cue Mi'e, S, I), Hender
son, !Ki8 Third street, in Mrs. Kddou's
house, jld Ii.i
Remember that you don't have tn be
Iml'1 ; you can keep yum hair by lining
O, can ii I Cream lluir Tunic. Tu he
h i a I'Vazer's harbi-r hiiop. tf
( eoaiiut Uic.tin Hair ionic will ciini
r. .iriilfand all rcalp (Iih'.im'h, Don't
el your hair. For sale at Finzer's
r r-hup, Milw iiaeiit, tf
..usi'l'lbw '.Hi. v UIIONll'I.K,