The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY feb. o, inoi The Slianiko Leader is still "chew ing the rag" of disappointment be cause the people over that wny don't want to be annexed to Slieruiau i DRUGLESS HEALING With Oxygenor Company's Perfected Oxygenor King. It is not a battery. It is not electricity. It cures with the oxy gen of the air, without doctors, without drugs, without medicine. The greatest boon to mankind ever discovered. It stands without a rival aa a curative agent and possesses complete mastery over all curable diseases without em- Cit&tion. Oreg u, tor MeCoj, In the county court of tho state of I the county 01 whsco. In the mutter of the estate of Henson deceased, citation. To Mary A. Stomwoli, Amanda K. Mowery, Snrah J. KoWlcr, Thomas J. McCnv, William Jictoy, joim k. Jictoy. nnvey .m. rmveu, Jowtih II. McCoy, and Dennis U. McCoy, BiectlnK! In trie immc of the state of Orceoii, you and titclt of yon arc hereby elt d and required to HPpeartn the county court of the stato of Ore gon, for the county of Wasco, at tho March term in iua court, ill xne court room incrcoi, ui county. After printing n protest' ,,iovine nauseous or poisonous drugs against annexation, which The Deicrlptlou.theory. method of operation, . iwiej rmy. ,, mm county. ,m Mnnd-re ui. Chkonki.k copied some time ago from the, "Wasco News, the Leader comments on it by saying: "It almost brings tears to our eyes to sec the solicitude Tin: Cititoxicu: displays towards Sherman county." The Leader's tears will be wasted if it ever sheds them. The matter list of mended, etc. diseases for which it is recom- 'of that day. then and there to show caue, Iff in.nlanail r.aa f all mi nr . .. ' .. v ... . addrese. 'Phone No. 399. J. M. Filloo.v, The Dalles. Or. j'2l-2d-wlm That TliroliblUK fleailache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands in ' of sniTerers have proved their matchless question never gave Tin: CititoNiei.r. a moment's solicitude. It was a question for the people of the terri tory proposed to be annexed, and if the' had concluded they wanted to go Tin: Ciiitoxici.K never would have said nay. After all is said is not this a question for the citizens of Wasco County to decide for them selves rather than have it forced on them by one whose domicile is in Sherman county, and who was, if we mistake not, till eight or ten days aso an alderman of the municipality of Moro ? "Quoting articles," says the Baker Xiity Republican, "from democratic papers in support of i republican candidate for United States senator is very much like the devil recom . mending an individual for heaven." There is this difference, however, that democratic papers, bad as some of them are, are not the devil and the United States senate is not beaven, by a long shot. merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try lliem. Only 25 cents. ma'de directing Clarissa F. McCoy, the adminis tratrix ol tne estate ot iieti'on Jicuoy, ncccaeo, to sell the real estate, described as belonging to said estate, a follows, to-vlt: W'iof the NW'.i, In section i, township two (J) south, range twelve (12) east, W, M., containing eighty acres nnrt situated In Wasco countv. Orezon. Witness the Hon. (ieo. C. ftlakelcy. Judge of I the said countv court, with the seal of said court affixed, this '.'1st day uf January, A. 1). 1901. Attest: A. E. I.AKK, Clerk. j2J lly S. HOI.TON, Deputy. Money back if not cured. Blakeley, the druggist. Sold by 5 . rsons who can not tuke pi . find it a pleasure to take Lttt ? Early Risers. They are lit' Fa 'ver pills ever made. 0. Pharmacy. ordinary DeWitt's the best Clarke & Clarke & Falk have received n carload of th'e celebrated Jam E. Patron strictly pure liquid paints Wanted A furnished room and board in a private family by a lady and one child. Apply at this office. f7-2t Floral lotion will cure wind chapping! and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke ' & Falk. j J. E. Adcox & Co. guarantee all their' spectacles and eye glasses to last five, years. 8(-2t Country butter 40 cents roll at Maier & Kenton's. 12j-lw j Siibscili- Tiik CiiKONtci.E. i NOTICE FOli PUBLICATION. (Isolated Trct Public Land Sale.) U. S Land Officit, Thk Or.,1 January l. 1001. . t Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from the Commlsiloiier of the tieu eral Land Office, under authority vested In him by section SI.Vi, L'. S. Kev. Stat., m. amended by the act of Congress approved February -6, 1S9., we will proceed to offer at public sale, on Monday, the 'Joth day of February, next, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m., at this otlice, the fol lowing tract of land, to-wlt: SW'ii XWJi See. SO, T 3 N, B 1.1 E, W M. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above-d-Mirlbed lands are advised to lite their clnlm-in this ortice on or befi re the day above de.igiiiitcl for the commencement of tald sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. Jay 1'. Lucas, Register. Jli;-I Oil" I'attkumin, Receiver. Sheriff's Sale. Complete Cipe of Dms at M.Z. DONNELL, TH DRUGGIST. Nasal CATARRH After Moro has contributed more than any other town in Eastern Ore pon to the spread of smallpox, the Observer modestly recommends an "effectually enforced" quarantine against The Dalles, that has a single convalescent patient. The Portland Telegram asserts that "it is with excusable disgust 1 that the Multnomah county com missioners contemplate the lesnli necessity of levying a for the purpose ot bounties in Eastern Oregon. In all Its stages there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm c!eanes,oothes and heals the diseased membrane. 1 1 cures catarrh and drives away a cold iu the head quickly. Cream Balm U placed Into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Re'.lefisim- j mediate aud a cure follows. It is not drying does Eot produce sneezing. Large Size, JO cents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. , IS Y IXXmiEItS, 30 Warren Street, New York. Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to mil execution hsuiil on the 21th dav of January, l'jfll, out of the Circuit Court of the state of tiregon. for Wasco county, in a tult In which ! Mary T. Strong is plaintiff and Wilson It. i Winans. Mary Winans, J. M. Huntington, 0. F. i Schowalter. administrator of tho estate of !i. li. Krehblel, deceased, and J. J. Spencer are de lenilants, to me directed and commanding me i to ell the lands hereinafter de-crilied, I will, on .Saturday the ad day of February, l'JOl, at the j hour of 'J o'clock p. m., at the court house door in Dalles city. Oregon, etl to the highest bidder I for cash In hand, the southwest quarter of the outheast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the southeast oiiartcr of section A), township!!. north, range 9 east, W. M., to satisfy a Judgment in viid cause rendered against said defendant, Wilou It. Winans, for IftKtt and accruing Interest, S5O.0O attorney's fees mul fJO.OO costs and disbursements and accruing costs. KOHKKT KKLI.Y, jan2ij Sheiiffot Wasco County, Or. Jast What You mant. fjjf frl NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I,ani Offick at The Dalles, Oiu:., Jaii.-Jt.lWl. otfcc is hereby given that the following- tiou to make tinal proof in support of her i fore graced a single stock. Keul imita- emm, anil tnat sain prooi win do mane rw fore the register and receiver at The Dalles, j Oregon, on Wednesday, March 0, 1W1, viz. Afliillun C. Sleel, New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be .:n .. UJIil litw i paying scalp j "Several auspicious appearing checks for Si uOO to $2500 are said to have been cashed at Salem with some very lame explanations of the consideration," says the Albany Democrat. i one of the heirs and for the heirs of Huth (ien- evla steel, deceased, of The Dalles, Oregon, II. K. No. 1010, for 'he SV.'i Sec tfl, Tp 1 N, K IS I'., She names the following witnesses to prove , her continuous residence uion, and cultivation of said land, viz; W. Gates'. John It. Cook, M. II. Miller, James Slmonson,all of The Dalles, Oregon. JAY I'. I.l'CUS, JS Uonsier Administrator's Notice. on for tton creton etlecte at oruinary prices. Good paperB at cheap paper rices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. BUSINESS LOCALS. tcstiitita Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Tton'tforsec this. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint aud artist's brushes. Clarke & Falk'a flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your w "cer for them. Paint your house with paints that ara j fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk I have them. . For sprains, swellings and lameness , there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's j Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake- ; ley, the druggist. I Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Early Risers atich valuable; .little liver pilla. Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. Complete life of Queen Victoria. Beat book. Best terms. Outfit mailed on , receipt of 15 cents. Address S. O. Mill er & Co,. Portland, Or. tit tliur-sat-0t Acker's English Remedy will stop a' cough at any time, and will cure the 1 worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 1" cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley the druggist. Like bad dollars; all counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Har.el Halve are worth less. The original quickly cures piles, sores aud all skin diseases. Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. CHOCOLATE BON BONS. in the County Court of the State of Ore me county oj vtnsco. In the matter of the estate of Emma May Crom- i ,l I . rlwfiil.irt ' Notice is hereby slven that the undersigned i has been unpointed by the Countv Court of .a"o County, of the Htateof Oregon, the ad ministrator of the estate of Kmmu May Crom well, deceased. I All persons having claims against said estate i are hereby required to present the same to me, ! I properly verified, as by law required, at First ' and Taylor street.-, at my place of business, I within tlx months from the date hereof, at . I'ortland, Oregon. ' I Dated 7th day of February. A. D.. l'JOl. I I Administrator of the estatoof' Kn?n?aMay i PflP Qonntlri 9. 1 Qnrrhlin Dhnno 1A1 Cromwell, deceased. I'Ul UUUUUU a UUUfcUllU. lUUUUlil J. A. Htrowbndge, Jr.. attorney for adminis- trator. No. 'JUT. Commercial block. I'ortland. I uregou. F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. febO-mch'J In talking of Chocolates pleaae , remember that we carry a full line of i LOWNEY'S. jmt opened, freah from the factory. In plain and fancy boxes 1 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. for Christrras trade, and at prices to j ,7 5SS?i Vl.J'S.nSiJSf suit. Don t forget that we am head- J the state of Oregon, for Wascocounty, his tinal ..... i. knct ..i. v I "ceouiu as auniiiiisinuor oi me esuiic oi ueien quarters for tho best on earth. Name jiradford, deceaseo, and that by an order duly LOWNEY settles it. J.S. HCHBNCK, President. Max A. Voot, ' Caahlei First national Bank. THE DALLES OREGON made on the nth iU; of December. 1', by said , a General Banking Business transacted , court, Monday, the 1 Ith day of January, UJI, rw-W. .i JLl K1 otZ VWIWHN WWVVM HUUJVVV tV Utgilk Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Han Francisco and port-land. has been fixed as the time, and the county court . room ot sani court as tno place lor the hearing of objections to said final account, i 1'. T. 1IHADKOKD, i ilecISii Administrator Geo. C. Blakeley, The Druggist. Guardian's Notice of Sale. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of sale made by the County Court of tlm Stato of Oregon for Wasco County, the under signed, the duly-appoirittd guardian' ot Ilaima I Fleming, will from and after the 7th day of . February, l'JOl, sell at private sale the following j described real property! Lot No. i In block 5 of Thompson's Addition to Dalles City, Wuk-o County, Oregon, belonging to the estate of uald Haiina Klemlng. The said sale will be for cmh ! in hand tuild. I J9 MRS. (i, J. MOSSKIt.Onarillan. NOTICE. My wife, Hattie BelleBurlingame,hav intf deserted me, I will not he responsi ble for any debts she may contract from this date. Edoau Buiimnoami:. January 20, 1101. j20.5w Fur februury. Diaests what you eat It artificially digests the food aud aids 1 Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It isthe latest dlscovereddlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation can annroach It in efficiency. It in-1 ciarkn & i stantly relieves and permanently cures AsjairoiJaiU) uB.3utuijf ubnivuuiM Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, - 1 sick Heaaacne, uastraigia.urampsana ail otner results or imperiecL uigesiion. Prlceioc.andfl. LameiiiecontalaglM timet smallsUe.llookaUr.iwutUyspepsiuniHlleUtree "ccaredbyE O. Dc'.uITT CO.. ctjleaga i Sold by Clarke & Falk's 1'. O. Phurimicy. Administrator's Notice, J Notice Ik hereby Riven that the undersigned ban been duly appointed by the County Court i of Wanco County, Oregon, administrator of the i estate, of I. T. hharp, deceased. All iiemons having claims agtilnit the eitato are hereby re-1 iUied to present tho tame to me, duly verified, lu Dalles ivily, Ortgou, within nix mouths from the date hereof. Dated January 1'.', 1'JOO. DIRKOTOH8. D. F. Tuompbon. Jno. 8. ficuKwer. En. M. Wilmamb, Gko. A. Liibb. H. M. Bit ALL. MATT SHOREN, General Blaeksmitb and Horseshoer. All kinds of hlacksmithing will receive prompt attention and will be executed in first-claea Hlmpo. Give him a call. Jir, W. II. HlfAUl', Administrator, A fine 16x20 enlargement witii every dozen of my "best cabinet pliotoe." Cloudy days are just as good for sittings. GlFFOItl). GifTords pictures never fade. td Hamilton Brown shoes at The New York Cash Store. NOTICE OF FINAL KE TILE. MEN T" In the matter of the estate; of John (Jotlllcb Wageiiblait, ileceaatil. Notice la hereby given that tho undersigned, the executiir of the latt will and testament of John (iott'Ieb WsgenbWat, deceased, has tiled liU Una', account In the matter of mid estate, and the Countv Court of tho Htatc of Oregon for Vkco( ouuty haa t Monday, tho 7th day of January. 11WI, at the hour of 10 a in. of tald day ih the datofor the hearing of thenald nccount and any objections thereto. JOHN WAOKNIIMST. F.xeculor of the lam will of John (iottlleb Wagviinlaiit, dcceaned n'iV't j must lightens the load hortcm the road beljis the team. Save wear and expense, boia every wnerc. ,TAHBAII OIL OO. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & AS TORIA NAV. COMPANY Bteamers of tho Itcgtilator l.lno will run nt per thufol. ow.iir ncliMlule, thu Comiiany reserving thu right to cliatige ...i..l,il. tt'lthmif niitlee. Str. Regulator POWN. , l.v. Diillwi lit 7 A. M. Tuesday. . . . , ThutMlav . Saturday. . . Arr. I'ortland , at i::w r. m. ur. I.v. I'ortland in 7 a. M. Monday .WcilneMlay Friday Arr. Dalles a fi r. t. Ship your Freight via -i Str. Dalles City. POWN I.v. DiiIIch nt 7 A. ft. I Moitdav . Wednesday m i T - l Frldnv HegUiaiOI' JUIIIO. Arr. Portland ' at 4 r. m. Ia . i'ortland at 7:Wa. m. . . Tuesday . Thursday . . Saturday Arr. Dalles "t 5 r. u. i Richardson's Old Stand, l Third St., near Federal, Th Dalles, Or. mm itsiani i L. V. Honir, I'rop'r. I first-Class in Every Respect HEAIiN AT ALT. HUUItlt. Oysters Served in any Style.' 7 B.'cond Ht., Tlie Dalles, Or. j FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steamers of the Itegulator Line. The Comimny will endeavor to give Its put J in"L' U nw tltu (K?Nt service possible. For further Information addrcas I'ortland Ofllcc, Oak-Street Dik:U. W. C. ALLAWAY, Oen. Atft. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, ClothitiK, HootB and Shoes, at much lese than wholesale prices. Will sell In bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before 30 days. All imniln will be Bucrifkud except Thompson's Glnve-flttlnc Corsets anil Ilutterick Patterns. Your prict'H will be mine. Call early and Bectire J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. bargains. DEALERS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandal! & Barget UNDERTAKE- L tfS EMBALMERS Tho Dallos. Or. F.obes, BuriaSh Etc. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind? Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, sot Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr TniH I,'Ionr 1M manufactured expressly for family , . use : every sack is guaranteed to give eatisfaction. Wa sell our poods lowor thau any house in tho trade, and if you don't think to call and not our prices and lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. THE CELEBRATED .. .GOMJIKBIA BREWEGY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. UenoViBthforlJn1nt.?H 'innn Wl'11-kl'" hrewery the United States Health . In ItnJv -n L n' 1,!)010,u,e"yh :, , A ,,noru ir brew never enter.-.l ,lf t In ? ? ,th nlti(VSt,,,,,,H ' sports. It is absolutely dt.vol.l tl ', be 2 n , t'anif ,? "I,,,,1!,)r;,fil". ''"' tho other hand is uf e , nd I i l b,r.rL '1 'i'8, f Un' l" l0,,ic (luu"ti,lfl are of tho liujli; vonni . , l! "' ".T KrVH,.,'Hl l",,u,,lt tiHfaotion by oltl and Z "mi I ,iv I n ' ? n H mniwy ' prennribeil by the physicians with posHlb v m fou Ur' '"'rwr or",or" -lilaom haven go could not East Second Stroot, THE DALLES, OREGON. i OLD MEN. TIioiisuimIh of old nimi who tlinuuht their rmi" Inu tlaya on earth would bu few now bltss tlm ' t ml they cotiiiuepied lhe usftof this srfalest ol "'Wth bunders LUiooln Sexual Pills will lrInB nhojit a i eifteo oT'Jl!f ikI BtrfiiKlh for yiii ' tmyoml t ih avenge man of your yearsand give yo ,gret pnace add comfort, ... rrl'jr..fl 00 per box-buy of your druggist or sent by mail on ii'i-nlpt of price, In plain wrappnr. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Ft. Wuyno, Ind. M. 'A, ponnul, Agent, The Dalles.