The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 08, 1901, Image 3

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Uorhett Gain One Vntit ntut Ale II r Id n
Jacket and
Our Reduced Prices on Ladies'
Jackets and Suits is still m effect.
Jackets are going at One-half
off on the regular retail price.
Suits are divided into two lots :
All Garments up to $13.50 go for
$7 -
All Garments up
See our line of Spring WASH SILKS the
season's latest now on sale, at
50c per yard.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures
;e Dalles Daily Chronicle,
FEB. 8, 1!I01
served i
1 oTl a.nY
w w styie.
At Andrew Keller's
All tVnx'.o County iTiirrHtitN rrj:ltcrtl
prtur t httmtr 1, 1H1I7, will li
pnoii'ii tnt Inn itt my otllctt, Inltirrtl
cniiHim urttir Xiivrmlinr 11)011.
County Trtiiiaurt-r.
Valentines galore at The Racket store.
Somebody lias remarked that Mrs.
Nation in holding a series of "joint"
conventions in Kansas.
.1. E. Adcox A Co. guarantee all their
spectacles and eye glioses to last live
yeam. 8f-2t
Wanted A furnished room and board
in a private family by a lady and onn
child. Apply at this office. ' f-2t
Lost An elk charm engraved F. J. Ji.
A liberal reward will be given for its
return to F. J. Bonn at Mays & Crowe.
The regular meeting of Court No. 1'-',
Forresters of America, will be held to
night. All members are requested to
be prt'Hent as several pale faces will be
initiated into the mysteries of the dark
forest. Corn and venison will be served.
The gram) inarch of the domino party,
to bo given tonight by the Columbia
Dancing Club, will commence promptly
tttl):15. Members of th j club will please
nter the Baldwin by the back entrance.
Do not wait until some fakir orglib
tongued eye doctor (V) comes along and
wills you a pair of cheap glnesos at an
exorbitant price, but go to J. K. Adcox
fi Co. and have your eyes examined free
by Prof. Thoo. Llebo, who 1h h graduate
optician. 8.'t
Yesterday morning while one of the
denizens of the tenderloin district was
i her cups a misunderstanding of some
kind arose between her und her "fel
low," and ns he fled from her den she
'red three pistol shots alter him. Un
fortunately nobody, was hurt. No nr.
r-atH titul no prosecution, as usual. It
in said the marshal has ordered the
woiniin to leave town.
A big jack rabbit drive on the Cali
fornia ptm, is projected for March 5th,
lilalock island, in the Columbia
fvr. This Island Is about opposite
Coyote Stutlon, on the 0. It. & N and
xcurrioiialbts ttlH expected from as far
h Portland for the occasion. Blalock
and Is six miles long by three miles
Jvi'fo, and is covered with luige eugt
"fUBh, uuder which hundreds ol Jack
rubit bide. The Blnlock Company,
wnleu owns the Island, U placing It
Suit Sale !
to $25.00 go for
rabbits are too numerous for comfort,
and so the company has decided to give
the public of Oregon and Wuehington a
big day's sport, and at the same time
exterminate the rabbits.
Cards are out announcing th "wed-
ding of Miss EffVt f). Bolton, daughter
of Mr. und Mrs. Simeon Bolton, of this
'city, and Mr. James Winans Harry, a
prominent young business man of Seat
tle, which will take place at the home of
the bride's parents Tuesday evening,
February 12th. The marriage Is the
culmination of an acquaintance formed
rmeui -aunt
Sf The wi
while Miaj Bolton was visiting her
in Seattle about a vear ago.
Chris Detlunan, a prosperous orchard
iet and farmer of the Hood river valley,
is in the city, the guest of the Umatilla
House. Counting up the income from
his five-acre npple orchard the ot tier day
after he had sold the laBt of his 1900
crop of apples, Mr. Dothtnan found
that he hud realized the snug little sum
of $1350, or an average of $270 an acre.
His apples are all of winter varietiep,
and his closing sale was 1000 boxes at
00 cents a box.
Constable E. S. Olintrur and N. A.
Isenberg brought up from Hood River
last night a man named John Sullivan,
who was supposed to be insane. Sulli
van was examined this morning by
Dr. Shackelford, but the doctor failed to
And any satisfactory evidence that the
man was out of his mind. Sullivan
claims to be an Englishman, although
his patronymic has a most decidedly
Celtic flavor. He is a single man and
has been working on the railroad in the
neighborhood of Hood Itiver.
While A. Keller's hoy was delivering
bread early yesterday morning to a res
taurant on Second strai t ftom u little
cart, and while the lad was in the res
taurant delivering an armful, three
hobo? stole each a loaf of bread and ran
nil'. The theft was seen bv the watch
man who nightly guards the lodgings of
the smallpox patient. He reported to
the inarnhal and one of the men was ar
rested, but Mr. Keller was unwilling to
prosecute, and the fellow was discharged.
The Walla Walla Union says: "Chae.
Jasper, of Spokane, Iihh received it patent
on u current motor. The lirst test of the
motor on a large scale is to bo made he
fore March 1st on Ling Maud in the
I Columbia river. The Inland Is h.Uweon
; Wullnln and The I) tile und ix miles
long. I). N. (J. Bhilock.of Wulht Walla,
who owns a large fruit ranch on the Isl
and, Is hiving it Mono wall built along
I the shore. Ilif intends pulling three
large Jasper motors in the treneh for ir
rigation and power purposes, the plant
costing $25,000 complete. The axle and
puddles for the first motor are being
constructed in Philadelphia and are to
be shipped at once."
At C. It. Bone's camp, on the eat. I side
ditch, one day last week, great excite
ment prevailed for awhile, Mr. Bone's
horse, Skip, quite a put, was following
in the
Mrs. Bone about tiie ramp. She paesed
a gunny sack lying on the ground near
where the men were at work. The
horse had a habit of picking up gunny
sacks and door mats and shaking them
like a playful pup would do. Skip
seized the gunny sack, as quick as they
saw it, yelled to Mrs. Bone to take the
eaek away from him. Mrs. Bone at
tempted to do so, but the horse held on
to it. The men left their work and
pushed to her assistance, and by the
time they got ready to grab ttie sack the
horse dropped it. The sack contained
the giant powder and cape. Hood Itiver
Glacier. L- .mm
ildest runaway that has hap
pened here for a long time occurred at 5
o'clock vesterday afternoon, While the
team attached to the Stadefman ice
w.sgon was standing in frontof the com
mission house something frightened the
horees and, turning northward they
dashed toward Second street on a 'nil
gallop. Intent on going west on Second,
the impulse of the wagon forced the
horses on the sidewalk alongside the
Kuch grocery. Here the nigh hind
wheel of the wauon was dashed against
a big telephone pole, smashing the tire
into two pieces. Clearing tiie sidewalk,
after knocking down nl the awning
posrs in their way, the, horses took to
the street, and again the impulse of the
wagon was such that itdiiEhed against n
number of awning poJts and scattered
them along the street; Clearing every
thing in their path without further in
jury tlio team was at list halted at the
west end of town, when it was found
that the animals had not received it
scratch and little damage was done to
the wagon save in the matter of the
broken tire.
I'urlluuil Wlmt Market.
The eastern wheatnarkets were frac
tionally better yesterday, but the im
provement was of such small propor
tions that it had no etl'ect locally. For
eign rubles reported a very quiet market
for cargoes and local buyers expressed
indifference about doing business at any
thing over 54 ls vents for Walla Wulla.
Very little wheat can be bought at this
figure, and until tin1 foreign market im
proves, or the freight market sage, bush
ness will remain at a standstill. No
new transactions are reported in heights,
but a me iiuin-s'i'd ship, near at hand,
Is ollVrln; ntM2 (Id.
Whett-Wu'lu WuIIh, 5-U51i., ; val
ley, nominal ; bliu'eteu, fitl'i cents per
For lufauts find Children.
Tin Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
To rent to single gentlemen Two
large furnished bed rooms. Inquire of
Mrs, Stjtie. - N-lw
Loup One.
Special to Tiik Ciihonicm:
Sau:m, Feb. 8. There was a slight
change today In the vote for senator,
Corbett gaining Proebitel, who has hith
erto voted for Lowell, and Roberts aban
doning McBrlde and going hack to Geo,
II. Williams.
The house this morning passed Col
vig's bill fixing the time for holding
probate courts.
Butts bill for licensing dogs was de
feated, ap was McAlister's industrial
school hill and Brownell's woman's suf
frage resolution.
In tto senate the forenoon was occu
pied with routine work and the intro
duction of bills.
Senator Daley introduced a bill ap
propriating $8000 for the compilation of
the laws of Oregon.
Senator Kuykendall introduced a bill
requiring the state treasurer to make
semi-annual returns to the secretary of
state ol all warrants that have been paid
by him during the preceding 6ix months.
Newnpappr Mon, for Oner, Got Filled
Up, lint the Liquid ntraliinei)t
Wits Very Thin.
Special CorrcsiKinitu: ce.)
Salem, Feb. 7, 1901.
One of the most happy events of the
eeaeon occurred at Hotel Willamette
last evening when the Salem Press Club
entertained the visiting bretlicm, who
are now in attendance at the legislature
representing the press of the state. A
splendid banquet was served, and dur
ing the evening, under Toast Master E.
Hofer, of the Evening Capital Journal,
the following toasts were given : "The
Salem Press," by It. J. Hendricks, man
ager of the Salem Statesman ; "The
Country Press," by J. H. Fletcher, a
veteran Oiegon newspaper man; "The
Buncb Grass Press," by C. L. Ireland,
who lives in the country where they use
mowing machines with sickles twenty
feet, long and harrows which cut a width
of 120 feet. Clifford J. Owen, of the
Evening Telegram, made a few very ap
propriate remarks on "The Afternoon
Press," and was followed by the brilliant
editor of .the Astorian, J. II. Lighter.
E. II . Flagg, of the Daily Sentinel, and
Frank Davey, who reclines in the edito
rial chair of the Statesman, made several
very pertinent remarks relative to the
great power which the press wields in
the making and unmaking of men.
The following committee was in chnrge
of the reception : E. Hofer, F. F. Toeves
and II. G. Guild.
The Salem Press Club is to be con
gratulated upon the success of this, its
first annual reception, an idea which
tends to bring closer together tho mem
bers of tho press, and will tend to oblit
erate the spirit of selfishness and jeal
ousy, all too prevalent among those who
are engaged in newspaperdom.
The banquet was conducted strictly on
temperance principles, coffee being the
strongest liquor on tap.
Atlvurtliteit l.uitttri.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postollico at Tho Dalles un
called for February 8, 1901. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised :
Andrews.MrsMiilie Barr, Robert,
Beams, George Bookman, Chas
Corcoran, D Cavender, Win J
Cooley, W W Cole, Ernest
Dickson. A E Edwards, J E
Grater, Miss Clara Grow, Oscar
Hamond, W A Hastings, Mrs Win
11 a brick, K P Hermans, Alida
Little, W W Leslie, Miss Lilian
McGreer,MissNellie Martin, Harold
Mahoney, Miko Nelson, Dora
Stawnton, Hury. Stockwoll, Thos
Teel, Mrs M O Weigil, Mr.
J. M. P.irrao.v, P. M.
;iiallni;if fin tlio Cliuut ji I iiiIi I i.
TolTturij Unrlon, the "Shoe Shine Cham
pion of the Northu ent:"
I hereby challenge you to a shou-shinn
contest to determine who indeed is the
rightful champion of the Northwest us a
shoe-shiner. If you accept the challenge
you will choose one judge, I will chooeo
another, and the two will choose a third
ami tlx the time for the contest. Now
name youi judge or put up your brushes.
J. E. Tvi i:it,
Shoe-Shiner at the O. K. Barber Shop,
To iUciiibrrk It. 1'. (. l'.ll.t..
All members of Cascade Lodge, No.
:iO:i, B. P, O. ElkB are earnestly request
ed to be present at the regular meeting
Saturday, Feb. 0th, un there will he
work, and two or more candidates will
be initialed. Visiting brothers are cor
dially invited to attend.
By order of Exalted Ruler. fl-2t
i Mi.... 1 1 t . ii.i i ni in
iiaiiiiltuu j run ii a "viuuii us uutu
shoe for men and boys are the best
wearing tlioes to the world, Nos, 12 to 2,
$1.(15; 2'... to r(., $1 85 j (t to 10, $?.25.
We do
Steam, hot water and furnace heating. Estimates
made und contracts taken for heating old or new
Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, tilo ma
chine repair shop in connection with our hardware
and implement store. Repair work of hII kinds done.
With every DoUar's worth of goods purchased at our store
during January and February, we will give One
Chance on the following prizes:
Heating Stove.
Knives and Forks.
and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Niokle Plated Condenser Cof
fee Pot.
In addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade in the best possible
way. We will positively not be undersold by
any one. Our prices are right.
laitnnese Krn Hall.
This is something entirely new und
the finest decorative plant ever intro
duced. It comes nil the way from Japan'
and is composed of Japanese inland fern
roots, known as Davollia Bullato var
Nagaha, and Spuhngum Moss and so
constructed as to send ont leaves of beau
tiful emerald green from every point.
Fern dishes are gunerally an expensive
luxury. The Japanese Fern Ball will
make two fern di-ihes of the finest kind.
For tho window, drawing room, or sus
pended from chandelier, or over dining
table, or used in fern diehes, tho fern ball
is beautiful, rare, perpetual and cheap.
Fern balls are more handsome than
palms for decorative plants, and are
much easior grown.
The Dalles Nurseries have just re
ceived a shipment of 150 of theEo plants.
They are selling like hot cakes at $1
each. Apply to R. H. Weber, The
Dalles. fb7-2tdAw
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of tho skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts
and 50 cts. Blitkeley, the druggist.
Wo oiler for a limited period the
twice-a-week Cinto.vici.c, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this oll'm- must be paid in ad
vance tf
The O. K. barber shop is now running
three chairs with three first-class
b.irbors, Patrons of tho shop will thu9
be assured of quick attention and prompt
and satisfactory service. J. R, Rees,
j2S 2w
Don't you know that Coeoaunt Cream
Hair Toniu will save your and your
children's hair? You can get it foi 50
and 75 cents a bottle at Frazor'.s ba'rber
shop, sole agent, tf
A full line of Eastman rilins and sup
plies jnflt. received by Clarke & Fulk.
The Dalles' Leading
Oigar and Tobacco House.
Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tub ic
ons and Pipes, Smokers' Articles
and Peilodicuis of all Ih
sciiptions, Second Street, in Wilson Building
Neat Club Koom In connection.
New York Sunday World 5c.
Aluminized Garland Steel
Rose Garland Cast Iron
of Roger's Silver Plated
of Carver's Knife, Fork
Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
How to Cure Crnup.
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber-
. Iain's Cough Remedy is the best medi
cine I have ever ueed. It is a fine
children's remedy for croup and never
fails to cure." When given as soon as
the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
bo-no in mind and a bottle of the Cough
Remedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by Blakoley, the druggist.
Your Kaco
Shows the state of your feelings ami the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skiu Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir, It cures all blood
diseases wiiere cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
soil every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakoley, tho druggist.
Reports show a greatly increased death
rate from throat and liinc troubles, due
to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia
and k'rippe. We advise the use of One
Minute Cough Cure in all of these
difliculties. It is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate lesults
Children liko it. Clarke & Falk's P. O.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
ti positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
and 50 cts, Blakeley , the druggist.
Remembor that you don't have to bo
bald ; yon can keep your hair by using
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic. To be
had ut Fraznr'a barber shop, tf
Hustling young man can make f t0 per
month and expenses, PermauciC posi
tion, Experience unnecessary. Writ"
quick for particular. Clark ( -,
Fourth und Locnst Streets, Philuilel
hpia, Pa, sS-t
Mrs. llattin Morris, stylish dress
milking. Keister-Tavlor Equate, taught
as in St. Louis and Chicago, All the
latest patterns. Above Pease Mays'
store. J2JI 2v
C ooanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure
daii rull'ttiid all tcalp difoa-es, Don't
ct vnnr liuir. For salu at Fram'
r shop, sole auetit.
r fashionable dresinakiuu' and plain
ng, call and tee Mrs, S. E, Homier
ItlS Third street, in Mrs. Eddon's
jlfl llll
ecrib.. f ji I'iiu i.'niioNici.i:.