l)c Dalles VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, Pill DAY. FEBRUARY 3, 1901, NO. 33 4 QUEEN OF HOL LAND MARRIED Programme of Royal Nuptials at the Hague Fo'lowcd Without a Hitch Hide to Church in Golden Carriage Tiik IlAciun, Feb. 7. Tho civil cere mony of the marriage of Quern Wilbel minii to Duke Henry of Mecklenburg Scliwerin waB carried out at 11:30 a. in., in accordance with the programme. Inv mod lately afterwards the procession started for the church, headed by fifty Hussars, the bride, bridegroom Btid queen's mother riding in a golden mate carriage drawn by eight horses. They were warmly acclaimed by tie crowds auenihled. The church wkb reached mon after noon. The church was filled with representatives of nil classes oferciety in Holland and foreign states. The queen looked very handsome in her wedding dress unci the brilliant uniforms and bright decorations made a picturesque ecene. The court chaplain, Dr. Van Der Viler, standing before the bride and bridegroom, delivered an address. His text was from the fourth I't'alm : "Lord lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us." "The fental hour has arrived," said the pastor, "wherein the entire people has its share of delight. The prayer contained in the text embodies the s eential conditions for lasting mairied happiness, which does not depend ou external tilings, but on the disposition ol the heart. The prayer for the light of the Lord's countenance seems to sug gest some darkness and it is certain clouds will show themselves at limes in the conjugal heaven. "TIiIb union which we today are cele brating has already demanded sacrifices. The husband lias had to leave hiB country and people, and the bride Iibb hud to leave the side of a dearly loved inotl:er. In future, too, be sure the reverse of life will full to your lot. Do not then forget the prayer of David: 'Lord, lift thou up the light of thy counteuunce upon us.' It Mill be neces sary for you, if you are to f ill ti 11 thorough ly tho duty of marriage, to fulfill (lie duty of love in your mutual relations. In that relation miui is the head and .voiiiau is the heart. The Psalm in this prayer will also bo your help when you haye lo bear your mutual burdens, for in mar riage two sinners are united, each having his or her faults. "According to the command of God, 'These two shall be one.' Now only love can forever preset ve this tie. But if you wish this bond not to be loosened, your heart must be filled with prayer, 'Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon up.' " After the chaplain's adkrees and after the nuptial benediction, had been pro nounccd, the bride and bridegroom ex changed gold rings, according to the Dutch custom, and the wedding party then proceeded to the reception-room, attached to the church, where the queen tenderly embraced first her mother and then her husband. The queen's mother, too, kisped the iBtter. The bridegroom then kiBSed his bride and his own mother. The newly wedded pair received the congratulations of their families and drove to the palace over the same route they had previously traversed. A gala wedding breakfast followed. The weather this morning was intense ly cold. The stands, the windows and the roofs along the line of the route to tho Groote Kerke were thronged with people. On the occasion other marriage, Queen Willielimna has pardoned or lightened the sentences of 304 prisoners. CJrlmii of .lealouH Lover. Oakland, Cal.. Feb. 7. In a frenzy of rage because she had bioken the en g.igement, Bert Henderson, an employe of the telephone company in Ban Fran cisco, shot and seriously wounded his fiancee, Miss Fannie O'Neill, late last night, then turned the pistol on himself, fired a bullet into his own brain and died ahnoet instantlv. Mi. Natluu Own Kaniai. Toi'EKA, Feb. 7. The case againBtMrB. Nation was dismissed this morning, the court giving no reason beyond saying: "There was no case." She may com mence suit for damages for false arreBt. Editor' Awful Might. F. M. Higgine, editor Senaco, Ills., News, was afllicted for years with piles thut no doctor or remedy helped until lie triad Hncklen'e Arnica Salve. He writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's the surest pile cure on earth and the best falve in the world. Cure guaran teed. Only 25 cents. Sold by lilakeley, the druggist. 5 in 'Willi iiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiffiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiiia AVcgdable PreparalionFor As -similating IhcFoodandHegula ting (he Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DiggalionrCheerPur ness and Heat .Contains neither Oplum.Morpliine RorMioexaL Not Uahc otic . I JcOUtJlrSiNUamCMR AU.Smn Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Ion, Sour Stoopch.Diarrhoea uul Lobs or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of IK EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA MONDAY, February 11th, We will commence a thorough, counter-clearing HEjVfJMflflT SALtE When every small or broken lot of goods in the house will be offered at but a fraction of the regular price. We will start the ball 'rolling by offering all Remnants in the following goods CALICOS, PERCALES, MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, PILLOW MUSLINS, Canton Flannels, Outing Flannels, CRETONNES, SILKELENES, WHITE GOODS, GINGHAMS, TOWELINGS, TABLE LINENS, SATEENS, DRESS GOODS, in waist, skirt and dress lengths. SILKS, in waist and trimming lengths. SATINS, DRESS LININGS, LACES, RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES. Furnishing Goods.... at a sacrifice! A thorough clearance of all Men's Neckwear is desirable, as we are now having made for us the grandest line of NECKWEAR for SPRING we have ever contracted for, and which will be here in due season. To clear a way for new goods we offer 50c Band Bows, 50c Club Ties 50c, 75c and $1 Scarfs and 4-in-hands, 50c and 75c Puffs, at choice 25e EACH Men's 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 LAUNDERED SHIRTS! Choice 50c each Luckr man if you are in need of1 shirts, for here are shirts that are as good as the day they left the factory, offered at half-price and less; just be cause they're remnant lots. Writing Tablets for ink or pencil, 120 sheetB, ruled Sl'KCIAI 5c A Snap in White Shirts! All Sizes Men's unlaundered White Shirts made of good muslin and all-linen bosom worth 50c everywhere. Special S5C each. 25c quality Men's'Gray Wool Socks medium weight; . THREE Pair for 50 Cents. $1.25 end $l.f0 qualities Men'B Buck and Horsehide Work ing Gloves; CHOICE $1.00 A Sale in Brouun Fedofa HATS $112 All sizes the kind is our well-known Big Bear Hat worth $2.50, and never before sold for anr less. Look at sweat-band of the hat yon have on and see if it isn't stamped "Big Bear." We've sold this brand for the past Bix years, with satisfaction to all concerned. Children's Cloth Caps Suitable styles for girl or boy; regular 25c, 35c, E0c and C9c caps. CHOICE 15c On sale on main floor and in Cap Department up-stairs. A. IKE. WILUAMS & CO. Non-corrosive, -extra nickle plated Safety Pins, o sizes 2 papers for 5c Trouble Kxiiected. Ciiicaoo, Feb. 7 A Bpecial to the Kecord from Arkansas City, Kan., says: The prohibitionists of Winfleld have for mulated an address to the mayor and city council which eays : "We, the citizens who love law and or der, know that our town is being af flicted by open saloons and other vice shops, which are running daily in open violation of our prohibition laws. We beg you to laxe measures at once to sup press this violation of law. This is our ultimatum. We do it with a full Bense of what we are saying, solemnly pledged if we are not heard in this way v.e will be lu auother." The document is signed by the "Com mittee for Law and Order." No action was taken by the officers of Winfleld, and it is believed the prohibi tionists will take the law in their own hands, The trouble began in Arkansas City, Kan., yesterday when a ommit mittee of three from the ministry called upon Mayor Hess and presented a written request asking tiltu to use his power to close up the joints and relieve the necessity of a saloon riot by the citizens. Narrow Keuie From Injury. Vancouvku, Wash,, Feb. 7. From reports received here loduy the heavy wind which prevailed along the Columbia river valley for several days the fore part of this week caused considerable damage to timber and pioperty iu the eastern part of Clark county, In the foothills back of Wasbaugal and iu the vicinity of Cape Horn, forest and fruit trees were uprooted and in several Instances farm buildings were blown down or crushed by falling timber. One report describes a narrow escape by falling timber of the McKenzie family, who live in the foot hills at Sunnyside. A giant 11 r crashed into their cabin, smashing it to the ground. The husband escaped from the building but the wife and two children were imprisoned in the rums of the de molished house for several hours. They were finally liberated by the combined efforts of Mr. McKenzie and several neighbors. Their escape from death is Bald to be miraculous, none being serious ly injured except Mrs. McKenzie, who sustained a fractured arm. A Tliouuauit roiiBtiea Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil adelphia, Pa,, when she found that Dr. King's New Dlecovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Koyal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my cheat and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before, I feel like ecuT,"g H? praises throughout the univp,s " 0 will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free ut Dlakeley's drug store ; every bottle guaranteed, 5 There is always danger in using counterfeits of DeWilt'a Witch Hazel Sal ye, The original is a safe and certain cure for piles. It is a soothing and heal ing salve for sores and all skin diseases, Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy, Subscribe for Tiik Oiiuoniclb. Want IiurstiKlioflni; I.lceimeil, S.w.km, Or., Feb. 7. Horeeshoers from Portland, The Dalles, McMinnville, Al bany, and other points are pushing the passage of the bill to regulate and license the business of horseshoeing in Oregon, and requiring horseshoe'rs to pass an examination, and providing for u hoard ot examiners. An apprentice ship of four years is required, and every person now engaged in the buslnes either as master or journeyman shall not be required to pass an examination; pro vided, that within 00 days after the passage ot this act lie files with the secretary of the board an affidavit setting forth hie name, residence and where en gaged iu business, und pay the treasurer a fee of $5. Thereupon a certificate of examination shall be issued to h:m. The board shall consist of a veterinary surgeon, two master and two journey man horseshuers, to receive $3 per day during the actual performance of duties, to be paid from the fees received by the treasurer. The latter is required to file a bond, The t xainination fee is $10, ' The horeeshoers' committee is armed with a letter favoring their bill, written by W. T. Sliauahan, of the Oregon Hu mane Society. , There are eaid to be laws of this kind in force in u number of states. The bill has been read trice und referred to the labor committee. Warning lu Mrs. Nation. Ciiiuaoo, Feb, 7. Iu its current issue the Northwestern Advocate, the leading publication of the Methodist Episcopal church west of New York, comments on Mra, Carrie Nation's crusade of force against saloon in Kansas. It says, iu part ; "We do not know how wise the lady is, but we hope she is aware that she has no more legal right to 'smash' saloon win dows iu Chicago than she has to hurl a stone through Bishop Morley's front door or window. At the same time we agree with the lady that all liquor-selling is illegal! according to higher law, in whose name Mrs. Nation is likely to be arrested if shf makes trouble in the Chicago streets. "When people prove that they can make speeches and take a basket of well assorted stoneB and throw all of them accurately do alt this after reaching middle life, yet having had the grace of quiet in previous years we respect them, and therefore must refrain from giving advice to them. Some innocent people may see that which the wise in this world's wisdom see not. We do uot know. We Bhall want to find out, and to rejoice if the lady from Kansas confounds the wisdom of every city official In Chicago, The Meat Planter. 1 A piece of flannel dampened with Chamburlain'a Pa 111 Balm ami bound to the afl'ected parts is superior to any plaster, When troubled witli lame back or pains iu the side orjfchest, give it trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it atlbrds, Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One application gives re lief, For eale by Blakeley, the druggist. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn, Manufactured by O'arxtt & Falk.