WHEN MADAME WAS AWAY. A Woman Orrrhpnm the Plaint of Man Whose Wlfr Whs In the Country. Two miii snt lieliiiifl tln villi's of il M- 1iw1ui1 Vniinl7n til kill nl:n tlii-ir nfti-r- dinner dp, the other ciclnp. M mey MiioKeci uie irrew eontiCcnmi ; mid told eaeh other j-ome M'orets that . were burdensome to their comfort. A j .. ... .. i.i.i.. ,i. i L .,,,' milium s.ii ititiiii im- m'u-i. iium j window Unit opened on i lit vcrnnmi. u wns a warm nifjlit and the window was open. Hut the woman wus supposed to be rending, and the men forgot her ex istence. Snatehes of the conversation floated lit to her. and as the theme was particularly interesting to femininity the woman listener'. It eonlt'ti't he wrong, she argued, because ore man was her husband and the other was her tk-arest friend's husband. Their talk amused and interested her so much she 1old it to a friend, and that person re peated it in a newspaper office, and s'o it was n secret no longer, says the l!uf- falo Express. The theme of the men's conversation is not an unuMial one in isulralo tins mouth. Doens of other men could take, part in it if they chose. Tlie (Unrest friend's husband was trying to keep house while his' wife and the children were in the country for a few wieeks. "You know. Clifford. 1 can make a cup of coffee and broil a steak as well as the next person, but when it comes Jo washing ditlhes., 1 Hunk, that's nil. How the women keep the dishes in shape is more than 1 know. Then it heats all how untidy the bridegroom gets. 1 can't understand it. for 1 never had any difficulty in keeping my shoes, ties, collars and those kind of things in their place before. I suppose I forget to put them away now, that 1 have tlie breakfast to cook." The woman listening laiigfied. for she knew all about certain hairs and boxes j which her dearest friend had in which j she stowed awav her husband's soiled linen and handkerchiefs and kept hi.s neckties straight. She remembered, too, her friend telling her slie had left, -everything iu upple pie order for Her bert. "He'll get along nicely." the lit tle woman had said, "for the flat is in perfect order; there isn't a soiled ar ticle anywhere, and I ve left a supply of cooked things and have told the milkman and ba'ker to call every morn ing in time for breakfast." "It wasn't so bad until I had made my first breakfast," the voice on the veran . da went on, "that was not a success, for after 1 had made the coffee and put tin the eggs 1 sat down to read the pa per a minute. What's a minute when you want to find out about ttie situa tion in China'.' Hut it was long enough for the coffee to boil all over the range and ,the eggs to get as hard as bricks. What coffee was left tasted queer, and 3 hadn't time to wnsh the diwhes. I was sure I had used only one plate and a cup and saucer, but there was enough for lialf a dozen persons. After I tidied up the kitchen I thought 1 would look over the evening paper, when 1 remem bered I hadn't mnde my bed yet. I could have sworn burglars had been in the room, for there were more shoes and neckties and things- lying around than 1 could wear in a week. I couldn't hegin to put them away! .Marion has one of those long, narrow boxes for my neckties, and 1 tried to straighten the things' out and put them away as I usually keep them, but it took too long." Again the woman on the other.side -of the window laughed softly, for she remembered her friend telling how Her bert nhvuys tried every pair of shoes he owned before he could decide which . fines to wear and how his necktie box find to be tied every morning as regu larly as the bed was made. "It is two week's now since Marion urrt nway," the man continued, "nnd though J have written her that every thing is rtH right and that I enjoy L(.!!5e):e?ping, I tihall be mighty glad 1o if:- her beck. Every dish in the house iv-as used nearly a week ago, and I have given up trying to wash more than the. piate nnd cup I need for breakfast. After this I am going downtown for breakfiiRt and I am going to send for the washerwoman toconieand elean up ilie house. I told Marion it wasn't nec. rssary to have anyone come in; that I could keep things going for a month all right. Our Hat is s-o small there never seemed much to do, but either I am too bury at the office or I haven't felt so well as usual, for this house keeping beats me." "S'ou'Jl be glad when U is time for your wife to come home, eh'."' mild the friei.d, n he knocked th'' ti b - uf!' tlie flirt of his c'gar, and the wr'ian who listened made up her mind she woiilll write her friend that very night and tell her how glad Herbert would be to ice her and tlie children. Where I r lull Huskm Are I.ulil. A case of great Interest to those en gaged In the Irish egg trade wus lu-urd at the Liverpool county court recently. A witness said it win: well known In tiw trade thut millions of egg.s were sent from the Buttle to llul'uM, and those were afterward fonwirded to England and hu Timet, Population of the Noulh. If our southern slates nlone were ns densely settled us Germany they would liove u population of over 100,000,000. Chicago Chronicle. 6u-Hcrlb for Tun Ohroniomc. From a G. A. R. Man "My nttnek of miller's Asthma wns very hnd. I wns nfraid to Ho down tit nieht for fearofsniotlierine;. lcouldn'tgct my breath. No mutter if nil the ' Ke 'we?c onpl, seemcii ns if there was 110 nir mid that J must surely smother to (((.jjjli 31r. AY. lit Lone, of this ci called my attention to Acker's English Remedy for Throat and Lung Trou bles. 1 thought lit tle: of it but bought nbottlciiithelioncs that it might help me a little. It cave mo wonderful re lief, nndthesecond bottlo cured me comnlctclv. Mr re covery is nermnnent. too. for ever sinco have not had the slightest return of my old enemy. I consider Acker's English Remedy ny loiigouus tne ocst medicine in the world for backing coughs, asthma and bronchitis it completely mnstcrs tlioao stmiuoru tils cases that many people wrongly suppose to be incurable. If suflerers will just try n sin gle bottle, it will prove every word I have said, and more too, " (Signed.) I John I). Em.iott. Commander John Mcgarak Tost, No. inn. roruanu, Mien Sold at 25c.. 50c. and 51 a bottlo. thromrhotit. I the United States and Canada: mid in Eng land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you arc not satis'.icu atter tniying, return the bottle to your druggist, anu get your money back. II V mttfwrizc the abnve nnaranlcr. IV. if. UOOKVll i CO., 1'ropricton, Xciu York, For oale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice ie htrebv civeti that the county superintendent of Wasco county will hold the regulnr examination of appli cants for state puperu at The Bailee, Ore gon as follows : Commencing Wednesday, February 13th, e.t U o'clock, a. m., and continuing until Saturday, February 10th, at A n. m. W edneiday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, composition , Thursday Written arithmetic, theory i of leaching, grammar, book-keeping, English literature, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, phv- l pical Geography, mental arithmetic, school law. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, physics, psychology. The Dalles, Or., Feb. 2. 1901. C. L. GlI.lSKKT, fbo-lSd&w County Supt. Araone the tens of thousands who have ued Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and la crippe during the ''past few years, to our knowledge, not a Bingle case has resulted in pheumonia. Thos. Whitfield & Co., 1M0 Wabash avenue, Chicago, one of the most prominent re ail druggists in that city, in speaking of this, says: "We recommend Obumber lain e Cough Hemeuy tor la grippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeley, the druggist. GOING EAST If you intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to routo you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-dute railroad in every particular Through trains from Chicago, Kinsns City, Omahu or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains ruu via Niagara Fulls and every through train has free reclining chair curs, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Ross C. Ci.ine, Pacific Coast Pass. Airt., Los Angeles, Calif. C. S. Crake, G. P. A., St. Louis. xMo Cutitrrli Uuunut lltt Cured. with local applications, as they cannct reach the eeat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the heft physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonial), free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Bold by drruggists, price 7fic. Hall's Family Pills are the bent. 12 Mouey tn Limn. $1000 to loan for a term of years on city or country real estate. No commis sion. Apply at this office. 7-I&w!it You will not have boils if vou - Clarke & Fulk's sure cure toi hoile. NOTICE FINAL SETTI.KM KN !'. Notice is hereby given th it the undersigned has duly II led with the County Clerk of W as County, Oregon, his llual account ai.d report as adinlnlatrator uf theeslaU) of Ad.ilnh Auldins. decvaned, and that (ho llonoruhle Couiii Court lias lixed Mondnj , tluiSth day ol November, I WO, at 10 o'clock a. in. uf said day as thu time, and uiu uouiuy uouri rixmi oi mu county t.ourt house in Dalles city, Wasco Coiinly, Oregon, as tin) place (or bearing said Una) account and re port. All iK-rtons InliTiStt'd in said eslule arc hereby notlllcd to antiear at said time and ulacu and khotv cause, 11 any there be, why said report should not be approved and wild administrator dlschatgwl, Uu ted thli m 5th day of October, 1000. j, r. auiujuh, Admlniatrator of the estate of Adolpli Aglt Ins, dtceaaeU, etc I mm.. Oregon Shot Line and union Pacific WSI'AUT FOI! Chlcujro I'ortlniKl Sieclnl. I'-':'-!.") n. in. via Hunt- lllRtOll, Atlantic Express, V2:o0 h. in. vih Hunt In Eton. TJXIK SCHKDL'I.KS vr.oM THE DAI.I.KS. Aunivi: FROM Suit IjiVc, Denver, Kt. Worth, Oimiliii, ICnti-MisClty.St.Ixinls-, Chi til go mid the Dust. 1 :0.'i p. 111, .Suit bike. Denver. Ft. I Worth, UniHhn. Khii. 1: 13 a. in. I Hasuuy.ai. i.niiis,uiii i cngn nnd the Knst. St. ran! last Mull, !):'ii p. m. via Skv knnu. Wullii Wat la, tawiiton, biKikiilicWul luce. I 'lilt man, Mlnneajxills, Kt. Paul, Duluth, Milwau kee, Chicago mid Kant. ::::;0a. in. OCEAN AND EIVEE SCHEDULE Prom I'ortlmiil. (All Milling datcH sub ject to cbuiige ) Fur Sim I'ranclbco, Sail every o ilnys. S-.00 p. ni. I -.00 p. in. Daily except Sunday, h:rtii. in. Siiturtlav, 10:00 p. in. Culumlila Itlver. I To Astoria and Wny ljuullngs. 1:00 p. m. except Hiimlay. Dally except Sunday, 0:011 n. in. Willuiiiittte Klver. ( i Oregon City, Newborn, ; halcm, Independence, j and v ny-I jmnltiRs. p. in. except Sunday. Tuei-flay, 1 1mrMiav, Satuiday, 1:150 p. m. Monday, .Wednesday I Friday. Corvallis anil Way Ijinilings. 6:00 a. m. TucMlny, Thursday, lVllliiineUe nnd 1 ":S()p. m. Vanillin KlvMrx. i Monday, Oregon City, Dayton and , Wednesday Wuv-IJiiidiiigs. ! Friday. Riiuiruay, 7:oo a. in. Leave . IMparia Snake Itlrer. Itlparla to l.eu istiin. Leave tawintnn dally, 8:CU a, in. itlnani hilly, :10 a. m. I'artie.H aeslrinc to co to Ilcnnner or points on Columbia .Southern via Illggs, should take No. 2, leaving Hie Dalles ut 12:23 p. m. making direct connections at Hcppner Junction mid Biggs. Ilctumlng niakiugilirvctcoiinuctinn at Hcppucr Junction and lliggs with No, 1. ar riving at The Dalles at 1:03 p. m. For further particulars, call on or address JAS. MtELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING (JAK KOI.'TE FKOM PORTLAND TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW fil ONE I'AUK. 'Union Depot, Firthandistsi AIIBIVE. No. 2. Fast mall for Tacoma, ! No. i Pcuttlu, Olynipln, Ciray's 1 Harbor and Kouth Hend 1 points, Sp.ikam;, lioss-' ; laud, II. C, Pullman, Moscow. Ielston. Huf-1 11:15 A. il.' falollumpmlnlugcnuu- fl;&0 1. M. try, Helena, Jiiiiiicai.o 11k, Ht. Paul, Omaha,' , Kansas City, St. Louis, i Chicago and all points' No. 1. i east and southeast. No. 3. l'nect Hound Exnress 11;30 1'. M.. for Tacoma and Kcattle 7:00 A.M. i and Intermediate points I'ullmau first-class and tourist kIwmmts tn -Mtiineapollh, Ht. Paul and Missouri river polntH without change. Vestibuled trains. Illilrm dimnt rniini-ntlnnu In all principal cities. iinggago cnecKeu to destination n tickets, h'fir handsomelv numerated iliw-rlntiviimuHnr. tickets, alceiiiuc-car reservations, etc.. call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 235 Morrl sou Direct, corner Tinru, rortiana Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and urn. stations ut l:2o a. m. and 3 p, m. U-nvc Portland 8:30 um 7:00 pm 10:50 pm U:TOam liHSiin 8:15am Albany I'JjaOam Arrive Ashland 12:SI u m ' tiacramciito 5:00 p in ' Ban Francisco 7;4S p m Arrive Ogdou ft: 15 am " Henver OiOO a m " Kansas city 7:25 u in " Chicago 7:15 um 11:1.'. am 0:00am 7:25 a m l:S0um Arrive Los Angeles 1;V0 p m " El Paso r,:oo p m " Fort Worth Ciaoam " City of Mexico U.-G5 u m " Houston 4:00 u in " New Orleans liiffiem " Waslilngtoii n;l2 a in " New York 12:13 pm 7:00 am G:00 pm 0;: u m 0:55 H in 1:00 n in (i:ffl p m li'Wam 1243 p m Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, nnd tourist cars to Chicago, tit Louis, Now Or leans and Wushlngton. Connectliur ut Ban Krunclseo with siivnrnl steumshlp lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, llillltit,lli.U f',.,irul ui.rl Uf,i,h A......1..U ' Bto agent at Tbo Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, Gcueral Poasinger Agent, Poitlaud, Or iritafaii! Soiiihein Pacific Co Spring Suitings The time will soon be huro when every stylish dressed man will want an up-to-date Spring Suit. Those are the kind of patrons 1 am tailoring for. Come in and look over my Spring line'of Suitings. All the latest novelties for 1001. Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANSACTA KNEKAL BANKING liUfc'INKS Letters of Credit issuod available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers eold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, nnd variouB points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on lav h i m rnn. me coiamBia PacKing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANTJFACTUKKK8 OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIF.D BEEF. ETC. .Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, allocs. Hats, Cups. Notions. lor . i Douglas alloc. i Telephone No. fiS. i:n Second St., Tne Dalles, L. Lane, GENERAL Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. & Third and Jcffern. Trace Marks JC8IQN8 Copyrights 4c. Anvnnosnndlng nnliclrh and dencrlntlnn ma nulclclr uncertain our niiiiilmi frco nlictlicr a . hiv-iiiitlon Is lirnlinbly putiiiilablR. Coinnianlrr t Imia mrlctly coiuiilciitliil. Ilaudliookon I'atonu lout fro. Oldest ni-'uiiny for securing piitentR. I'atai.ta takon tlirouuli .Milan & Co. rcculw iptcuu nonet. Turnout cuarito, in luo Scientific Jftttericam A liandaomelr HIintratBd wnsltly. J.arueat dr. eulutlou of anr w'lonMOtt jnurtiul. Turius, t:i a rear: lour montlia, L Sold bjr all nowidcalors. MllNN&Co.30115 New York HnncP Ofllco. S1 V Ht. Vahlpaton. II. 7 Db.GUNN'S 1 ONE FOR A OOtl. PILLS HemoTO P(mpp, Prnvsnt I IHoajiicB, Purify tlmUloud. Cure Hodchoaudlyi,popiVa. cHoidbdrainutu. or. R(,s4hk. or? oViu " NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT' In the mutter of the csti-.'.eof John Gottlieb Wagon blast, deceased,. Notlco is heroby given that the undersigned, the executor of thu last will and testament of John Gatt!cb Wageiihbist, deceased, iiiih Hied the matter ol bald estute, and the County Court ol the Htate of Oregon for Wasco County has set Monday, the 7th day of January, l'jol, ut the hour of 10 u. m. of said day as the datufor the hearing of the said secouut uud any objections thereto. ... JOHN WAOENUI.A8T, Executor of the last will of John Gottlieb nagunolast, deceased n2l-5 NOTICE OF FINAL &ETTLEMENT. Notice li hereby given that thu undersigned has tiled with tbo clerk uf the county court of the stale of Oregon, for Wasco county, his llual account as administrator of llm estate of Helen II r ad ford, deceased, uod that by nu order duly made on tbo lltb day of December, I'joo, by mid court, Monday, the llth day of January, loot, has been llxed us the time, uud the county court room of said court an tlio place for the heurtug of objeotlous to said llual account. J . 1 T. HKADKOBD, decl5ll AdmiuUtrutor Hp J i ui. BWlllfl A ND Horsesnoer Pboiic 159 1 l tJkkhMAd 60 YEARS' (mm J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors G0mm6pcial Sample IJooms. Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivcrcfl to any part of tlio City. rhoiiisB: 51 Local, 85S Lonj; DiHtatice. BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S., Bay Stallion, 4 years old; height 15.? hands, weight 1050 pounds. Sired by Zoinbro, 2:11, the best son of McKin ney, 2:11 L First iliim, UridoBiimul, by Hoxwowl, pom of Nutwood. Second dam, I.Hke lund Qiioen. diuu of Ad Alenu L' " :L'(i. by Likciand' Alidulluli, boii of Hainbletoti ian 10. Third diuu, Prunella, by Alliumbrii, hoii of Mntiibrlno Chief 11. EDMUND S. will innko the huiihou of l'.lOl ut L. A. Porter's livery etuble, Tlie Dulles, Oregon. Terms for tho Season, $20. For further piirticmlurs h-u jmio-dw4ino FRED FISHER, Proprietor. IprAArakfAM. IJ.1ATA1ATATATA1 TTX C. J. STUBhlfiG, j WUOI.KSAI.i: Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to i Phone 234, 'WT pens fssasasarfflfftwwi m 'i! 'i i i i Subscribe for The 173 Second Street. IAIAIAIAIaUIAIAIA rA'I'A 1 AVAt A 1 A"! A'l AT ATI AND lli:iA'L Firet Kutionnl Hunk. THE DALLES. OREGON. . . . 1 m to The Chronicle, Tht Dollae, Of. Job Printers. Chronicle. Advertise in The Chronicle.